Isaiah 51:6
Isaiah 51:6
Lift up your eyes to the heavens, look at the earth beneath; the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, my righteousness will never fail.

Look up to the skies above, and gaze down on the earth below. For the skies will disappear like smoke, and the earth will wear out like a piece of clothing. The people of the earth will die like flies, but my salvation lasts forever. My righteous rule will never end!

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and they who dwell in it will die in like manner; but my salvation will be forever, and my righteousness will never be dismayed.

"Lift up your eyes to the sky, Then look to the earth beneath; For the sky will vanish like smoke, And the earth will wear out like a garment And its inhabitants will die in like manner; But My salvation will be forever, And My righteousness will not wane.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Look up to the heavens, and look at the earth beneath; for the heavens will vanish like smoke, the earth will wear out like a garment, and its inhabitants will die like gnats. But My salvation will last forever, and My righteousness will never be shattered.

"Lift up your eyes, you heavens and look to the earth beneath; and see who created these. Its inhabitants will die just like this; but my salvation will be forever, and my deliverance will never fail.

Look up at the sky! Look at the earth below! For the sky will dissipate like smoke, and the earth will wear out like clothes; its residents will die like gnats. But the deliverance I give is permanent; the vindication I provide will not disappear.

Look at the sky. Look at the earth below. The sky will vanish like smoke. The earth will wear out like clothing, and those who live there will die like flies. But my salvation will last forever, and my righteousness will never fail.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and those that dwell therein shall perish in like manner; but my saving health shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall never perish.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall grow old like a garment, and they that dwell in it shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be forever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment; and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to heaven, and look down to the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish like smoke, and the earth shall be worn away like a garment, and the inhabitants thereof shall perish in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my justice shall not fail.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall grow old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look upon the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall become old like a garment, and its inhabitants shall die in like manner: but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath; for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall wax old like a garment; and those who dwell therein shall die in the same way: but my salvation shall be forever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

Lift ye up to the heavens your eyes, And look attentively unto the earth beneath, For the heavens as smoke have vanished, And the earth as a garment weareth out, And its inhabitants as gnats do die, And My salvation is to the age, And My righteousness is not broken.

Isaia 51:6
Çoni sytë tuaj drejt qiellit dhe shikoni tokën që ndodhet poshtë, sepse qiejtë do të davariten si tym, toka do të konsumohet si një rrobe dhe po kështu banorët e saj do të vdesin; por shpëtimi im do të vazhdojë përjetë dhe drejtësia ime nuk do të mungojë kurrë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 51:6
ارفعوا الى السموات عيونكم وانظروا الى الارض من تحت. فان السموات كالدخان تضمحلّ والارض كثوب تبلى وسكانها كالبعوض يموتون. اما خلاصي فالى الابد يكون وبري لا ينقض.

Dyr Ieseien 51:6
Blicktß eyn n Himml aufhin; schaugtß enk aber aau herunt um: Dyr Himml gaat verraauchen und d Erdn zfalln wie ayn Trumm Gwand. D Leut drauf sterbnd wie d Fleugn. Aber mein Erloesung bleibt eebiglich; dö Röttung, wo i bring, erlischt nie.

Исая 51:6
Подигнете очите си на небето, И погледнете на земята долу, Защото небето ще изчезне като дим, И земята ще овехтее като дреха, И ония, които живеят на нея, подобно ще измрат; Но Моето спасение ще трае до века, И правдата Ми няма да се отмени.

以 賽 亞 書 51:6
你 們 要 向 天 舉 目 , 觀 看 下 地 ; 因 為 天 必 像 煙 雲 消 散 , 地 必 如 衣 服 漸 漸 舊 了 ; 其 上 的 居 民 也 要 如 此 死 亡 ( 如 此 死 亡 : 或 譯 像 蠓 蟲 死 亡 ) 。 惟 有 我 的 救 恩 永 遠 長 存 ; 我 的 公 義 也 不 廢 掉 。

你 们 要 向 天 举 目 , 观 看 下 地 ; 因 为 天 必 像 烟 云 消 散 , 地 必 如 衣 服 渐 渐 旧 了 ; 其 上 的 居 民 也 要 如 此 死 亡 ( 如 此 死 亡 : 或 译 像 蠓 虫 死 亡 ) 。 惟 有 我 的 救 恩 永 远 长 存 ; 我 的 公 义 也 不 废 掉 。



Isaiah 51:6
K nebu oči podignite, na zemlju dolje pogledajte. K'o dim će se rasplinut' nebesa, zemlja će se k'o haljina istrošit', kao komarci nestat će joj žitelji. Ali će spasenje moje trajati dovijeka, i pravdi mojoj neće biti kraja.

Izaiáše 51:6
Pozdvihněte k nebi očí svých, a popatřte na zem dolů. Nebesa zajisté jako dým zmizejí, a země jako roucho zvetší, a obyvatelé její též podobně zemrou: ale spasení mé na věky zůstane, a spravedlnost má nezahyne.

Esajas 51:6
Løft eders Øjne mod Himlen og se paa Jorden hernede! Thi Himlen skal svinde som Røg, Jorden som en opslidt Klædning, dens Beboere skal dø som Myg. Men min Frelse varer evigt, min Retfærd ophører aldrig.

Jesaja 51:6
Heft ulieder ogen op naar den hemel, en aanschouwt de aarde beneden; want de hemel zal als een rook verdwijnen, en de aarde zal als een kleed verouden, en haar inwoners zullen van gelijken sterven; maar Mijn heil zal in eeuwigheid zijn, Mijn gerechtigheid zal niet verbroken worden.

ישעה 51:6
שְׂאוּ֩ לַשָּׁמַ֨יִם עֵֽינֵיכֶ֜ם וְֽהַבִּ֧יטוּ אֶל־הָאָ֣רֶץ מִתַּ֗חַת כִּֽי־שָׁמַ֜יִם כֶּעָשָׁ֤ן נִמְלָ֙חוּ֙ וְהָאָ֙רֶץ֙ כַּבֶּ֣גֶד תִּבְלֶ֔ה וְיֹשְׁבֶ֖יהָ כְּמֹו־כֵ֣ן יְמוּת֑וּן וִישֽׁוּעָתִי֙ לְעֹולָ֣ם תִּֽהְיֶ֔ה וְצִדְקָתִ֖י לֹ֥א תֵחָֽת׃ ס

ו שאו לשמים עיניכם והביטו אל הארץ מתחת כי שמים כעשן נמלחו והארץ כבגד תבלה--וישביה כמו כן ימותון וישועתי לעולם תהיה וצדקתי לא תחת  {פ}

שאו לשמים עיניכם והביטו אל־הארץ מתחת כי־שמים כעשן נמלחו והארץ כבגד תבלה וישביה כמו־כן ימותון וישועתי לעולם תהיה וצדקתי לא תחת׃ ס

Ézsaiás 51:6
Emeljétek az égre szemeiteket, és nézzetek a földre ide alá, mert az egek mint a füst elfogynak, és a föld, mint a ruha megavul, és lakosai hasonlókép elvesznek; de szabadításom örökre megmarad, és igazságom meg nem romol.

Jesaja 51:6
Levu al la cxielo viajn okulojn, kaj rigardu la teron malsupre; cxar la cxielo disneniigxos kiel fumo, kaj la tero elfrotigxos kiel vesto, kaj gxiaj logxantoj mortos kiel kuloj; sed Mia savo restos eterne, kaj Mia vero ne difektigxos.

Nostakaat teidän silmänne taivaasen, ja katsokaat alas maan päälle; sillä taivas on katoova niinkuin savu, ja maa vanhenee niinkuin vaate, niin myös sen asuvaiset kuolevat; mutta minun autuuteni pysyy ijankaikkisesti, ja minun vanhurskauteni ei ole puuttuva.

Ésaïe 51:6
Élevez vos yeux vers les cieux, et regardez vers la terre, en bas; car les cieux s'évanouiront comme la fumée, et la terre vieillira comme un vêtement, et ceux qui y habitent mourront également; mais mon salut sera à toujours, et ma justice ne défaudra pas.

Levez les yeux vers le ciel, et regardez en bas sur la terre! Car les cieux s'évanouiront comme une fumée, La terre tombera en lambeaux comme un vêtement, Et ses habitants périront comme des mouches; Mais mon salut durera éternellement, Et ma justice n'aura point de fin.

Elevez vos yeux vers les cieux, et regardez en bas vers la terre; car les cieux s'évanouiront comme la fumée, et la terre sera usée comme un vêtement, et ses habitants mourront pareillement; mais mon salut demeurera à toujours, et ma justice ne sera point anéantie.

Jesaja 51:6
Hebet eure Augen auf gen Himmel und schauet unten auf die Erde! Denn der Himmel wird wie ein Rauch vergehen und die Erde wie ein Kleid veralten, und die darauf wohnen, werden dahinsterben im Nu! Aber mein Heil bleibet ewiglich, und meine Gerechtigkeit wird nicht verzagen.

Hebet eure Augen auf gen Himmel und schauet unten auf die Erde. Denn der Himmel wird wie ein Rauch vergehen und die Erde wie ein Kleid veralten, und die darauf wohnen, werden im Nu dahinsterben. Aber mein Heil bleibt ewiglich, und meine Gerechtigkeit wird kein Ende haben.

Hebt eure Augen zum Himmel empor und blickt auf die Erde drunten: Denn der Himmel wird wie Rauch zerstieben, und die Erde wie ein Gewand zerfallen, und ihre Bewohner werden wie Mücken dahinsterben - mein Heil jedoch wird ewig dauern und meine Gerechtigkeit nicht aufhören!

Isaia 51:6
Alzate gli occhi vostri al cielo, e abbassateli sulla terra! Poiché i cieli si dilegueranno come fumo, la terra invecchierà come un vestito, e i suoi abitanti parimente morranno; ma la mia salvezza durerà in eterno, e la mia giustizia non verrà mai meno.

Alzate gli occhi vostri al cielo, e riguardate in terra abbasso; perciocchè i cieli si dissolveranno a guisa di fumo, e la terra sarà logorata come un vestimento, ed i suoi abitanti similmente morranno; ma la mia salute sarà in eterno, e la mia giustizia non iscaderà.

Hendaklah kamu menengadah ke langit atau tunduk ke bumi, bahwasanya segala langit itu akan lenyap seperti uap dan bumipun akan menjadi buruk seperti sehelai kain, dan segala orang isinyapun akan mati seperti ulat; tetapi selamat yang dari pada-Ku itu akan kekal sampai selama-lamanya dan kebenaran-Kupun tiada akan diputuskan.

이사야 51:6
너희는 하늘로 눈을 들며 그 아래의 땅을 살피라 하늘이 연기 같이 사라지고 땅이 옷 같이 해어지며 거기 거한 자들이 하루살이 같이 죽으려니와 나의 구원은 영원히 있고 나의 의는 폐하여지지 아니하리라

Isaias 51:6
levate in caelum oculos vestros et videte sub terra deorsum quia caeli sicut fumus liquescent et terra sicut vestimentum adteretur et habitatores eius sicut haec interibunt salus autem mea in sempiternum erit et iustitia mea non deficiet

Izaijo knyga 51:6
Pakelkite savo akis į dangų, pažvelkite į žemę! Dangūs praeis kaip dūmai, žemė susidėvės kaip drabužis, jos gyventojai taip pat išmirs. Bet mano išgelbėjimas liks amžinai, mano teisumas nesibaigs.

Isaiah 51:6
Anga ake o koutou kanohi ki nga rangi, tirohia iho te whenua i raro; ka memeha atu hoki nga rangi, ano he paowa, ka tawhitotia te whenua, me he kakahu, ko te hunga hoki e noho ana i reira ka apena te mate: ko taku whakaoranga ia ka mau tonu: e ko re ano toku tika e heke.

Esaias 51:6
Løft eders øine til himmelen, og se på jorden her nede! For himmelen skal blåses bort som røk, og jorden skal eldes som et klædebon, og de som bor på den, skal dø som mygg; men min frelse skal vare til evig tid, og min rettferdighet skal ikke brytes.

Isaías 51:6
Alzad vuestros ojos a los cielos, y mirad la tierra abajo; porque los cielos como humo se desvanecerán, y la tierra como un vestido se gastará. Sus habitantes como mosquitos morirán, pero mi salvación será para siempre, y mi justicia no menguará.

Alcen los ojos a los cielos, Y miren la tierra abajo. Porque los cielos como humo se desvanecerán, Y la tierra como un vestido se gastará. Sus habitantes como mosquitos morirán, Pero Mi salvación será para siempre, Y Mi justicia no disminuirá.

Alzad a los cielos vuestros ojos, y mirad abajo a la tierra; porque los cielos serán deshechos como humo, y la tierra se envejecerá como ropa de vestir, y de la misma manera perecerán sus moradores; pero mi salvación será para siempre, mi justicia no perecerá.

Alzad á los cielos vuestros ojos, y mirad abajo á la tierra: porque los cielos serán deshechos como humo, y la tierra se envejecerá como ropa de vestir, y de la misma manera perecerán sus moradores: mas mi salud será para siempre, mi justicia no perecerá.

Alzad a los cielos vuestros ojos, y mirad abajo a la tierra; porque los cielos serán deshechos, como humo; y la tierra se envejecerá, como ropa de vestir; y de la misma manera perecerán sus moradores; pero mi salud será para siempre, y mi justicia no perecerá.

Isaías 51:6
Erguei, pois, aos céus os vossos olhos, e voltai vosso olhar para baixo, para a terra; os céus desaparecerão como fumaça, a terra se gastará como as vestes, e seus habitantes morrerão como moscas. Mas a minha salvação permanecerá para sempre, a minha justiça jamais falhará.

Levantai os vossos olhos para os céus e olhai para a terra em baixo; porque os céus desaparecerão como a fumaça, e a terra se envelhecerá como um vestido; e os seus moradores morrerão semelhantemente; a minha salvação, porém, durará para sempre, e a minha justiça não será abolida.   

Isaia 51:6
Ridicaţi ochii spre cer, şi priviţi în jos pe pămînt! Căci cerurile vor pieri ca un fum, pămîntul se va preface în zdrenţe ca o haină, şi locuitorii lui vor muri ca nişte muşte; dar mîntuirea Mea va dăinui în veci, şi neprihănirea Mea nu va avea sfîrşit.

Исаия 51:6
Поднимите глаза ваши к небесам, и посмотрите на землю вниз: ибо небеса исчезнут, как дым, и земля обветшает, как одежда, и жители ее также вымрут; а Мое спасение пребудет вечным, и правда Моя не престанет.

Поднимите глаза ваши к небесам, и посмотрите на землю вниз: ибо небеса исчезнут, как дым, и земля обветшает, как одежда, ижители ее также вымрут; а Мое спасение пребудет вечным, и Правдамоя не престанет.[]

Jesaja 51:6
Lyften upp edra ögon till himmelen, skåden ock på jorden härnere: se, himmelen skall upplösa sig såsom rök och jorden nötas ut såsom en klädnad, och dess inbyggare skola dö såsom mygg; men min frälsning förbliver evinnerligen, och min rättfärdighet varder icke om intet.

Isaiah 51:6
Itingin ninyo ang inyong mga mata sa mga langit, at magsitungo kayo sa lupa sa ibaba; sapagka't ang mga langit ay mapapawing parang usok, at ang lupa ay malulumang parang bihisan; at silang nagsisitahan doon ay mangamamatay ng gayon ding paraan: nguni't ang pagliligtas ko ay magpakailan man, at ang aking katuwiran ay hindi mawawakasan.

อิสยาห์ 51:6
จงแหงนตาดูฟ้าสวรรค์ และมองดูโลกเบื้องล่าง เพราะว่าฟ้าสวรรค์จะศูนย์สิ้นไปเหมือนควัน และแผ่นดินโลกจะร่อยหรอไปเหมือนอย่างเสื้อผ้า และเขาทั้งหลายผู้อาศัยอยู่ในนั้นจะตายไปเหมือนกัน แต่ความรอดของเราจะอยู่เป็นนิตย์ และความชอบธรรมของเราจะไม่สิ้นสุดเลย

Yeşaya 51:6
Başınızı kaldırıp göklere bakın,
Aşağıya, yeryüzüne bakın.
Çünkü bu gökler duman gibi dağılacak,
Giysi gibi eskiyecek yeryüzü;
Üzerinde yaşayanlar sinek gibi ölecek.
Ama benim kurtarışım sonsuz olacak,
Ardı kesilmeyecek zaferimin.[]

EÂ-sai 51:6
Hãy ngước mắt lên các từng trời và cúi xem dưới đất; vì các từng trời sẽ tan ra như khói, đất sẽ cũ như áo, dân cư trên đất sẽ chết như ruồi: nhưng sự cứu rỗi của ta còn đời đời, sự công bình của ta chẳng hề bị bỏ đi.

Isaiah 51:5
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