Isaiah 49:6
Isaiah 49:6
he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth."

He says, "You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth."

he says: “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you as a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”

He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth."

And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

He says," It is not enough for you to be My Servant raising up the tribes of Jacob and restoring the protected ones of Israel. I will also make you a light for the nations, to be My salvation to the ends of the earth."

he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant, to raise up the tribes of Israel and bring back those of Jacob I have preserved. I'll also make you as a light to the nations, to be my salvation to the ends of the earth.

he says, "Is it too insignificant a task for you to be my servant, to reestablish the tribes of Jacob, and restore the remnant of Israel? I will make you a light to the nations, so you can bring my deliverance to the remote regions of the earth."

Now, the Lord says, "You are not just my servant who restores the tribes of Jacob and brings back those in Israel whom I have preserved. I have also made you a light for the nations so that you would save people all over the world."

And he said, It is a light thing that thou should be my slave to wake up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the desolations of Israel; I have also given thee for a light to the Gentiles that thou may be my saving health unto the end of the earth.

And he said, It is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel: I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation unto the ends of the earth.

And he said, It is a light thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth.

yea, he saith, It is too light a thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

And he said: It is a small thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to convert the dregs of Israel. Behold, I have given thee to be the light of the Gentiles, that thou mayst be my salvation even to the farthest part of the earth.

and he saith, It is a small thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel; I have even given thee for a light of the nations, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

yea, he saith, It is too light a thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldst be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation to the end of the earth.

yes, he says, "It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give you for a light to the nations, that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth."

And He saith, 'It hath been a light thing That thou art to Me for a servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob, And the preserved of Israel to bring back, And I have given thee for a light of nations, To be My salvation unto the end of the earth.'

Isaia 49:6
Ai thotë: "Éshtë tepër pak që ti të jesh shërbëtori im për të lartuar përsëri fiset e Jakobit dhe për të kthyer ata që kanë shpëtuar nga Izraeli. Të kam vendosur si dritën e kombeve, me qëllim që të jesh Shpëtimi im deri në skajet e tokës".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 49:6
فقال قليل ان تكون لي عبدا لاقامة اسباط يعقوب ورد محفوظي اسرائيل. فقد جعلتك نورا للامم لتكون خلاصي الى اقصى الارض.

Dyr Ieseien 49:6
Er haat gsait: Dös glangt non nit, däßst grad mein Knecht bist, nur däßst d Jaaggnerstämm wider eyn d Hoeh bringst und de gröttn Isryheeler wider zruggfüerst. I mach di zo aynn Liecht für d Völker, yso däß mein Heil hinst eyn s End der Welt kimmt.

Исая 49:6
Да! Той казва: Малко нещо е да Ми бъдеш служител, За да възстановиш племената на Якова; И за да възвърнеш опазените на Израиля; Ще те дам още за светлина на народите, За да бъдеш Мое спасение до земния край.

以 賽 亞 書 49:6
現 在 他 說 : 你 作 我 的 僕 人 , 使 雅 各 眾 支 派 復 興 , 使 以 色 列 中 得 保 全 的 歸 回 尚 為 小 事 , 我 還 要 使 你 作 外 邦 人 的 光 , 叫 你 施 行 我 的 救 恩 , 直 到 地 極 。

现 在 他 说 : 你 作 我 的 仆 人 , 使 雅 各 众 支 派 复 兴 , 使 以 色 列 中 得 保 全 的 归 回 尚 为 小 事 , 我 还 要 使 你 作 外 邦 人 的 光 , 叫 你 施 行 我 的 救 恩 , 直 到 地 极 。



Isaiah 49:6
I reče mi: Premalo je da mi budeš Sluga, da podigneš plemena Jakovljeva i vratiš Ostatak Izraelov, nego ću te postaviti za svjetlost narodima, da spas moj do nakraj zemlje doneseš.

Izaiáše 49:6
I to řekl Hospodin: Máloť by to bylo, abys mi byl služebníkem ku pozdvižení pokolení Jákobových, a k navrácení ostatků Izraelských; protož dal jsem tě za světlo pohanům, abys byl spasení mé až do končin země.

Esajas 49:6
han siger: »For lidt for dig som min Tjener at rejse Jakobs Stammer og hjemføre Israels frelste! Jeg gør dig til Hedningers Lys, at min Frelse maa naa til Jordens Ende.«

Jesaja 49:6
Verder zeide Hij: Het is te gering, dat Gij Mij een Knecht zoudt zijn, om op te richten de stammen van Jakob, en om weder te brengen de bewaarden in Israel; Ik heb U ook gegeven tot een Licht der heidenen, om Mijn heil te zijn tot aan het einde der aarde.

ישעה 49:6
וַיֹּ֗אמֶר נָקֵ֨ל מִֽהְיֹותְךָ֥ לִי֙ עֶ֔בֶד לְהָקִים֙ אֶת־שִׁבְטֵ֣י יַעֲקֹ֔ב [וּנְצִירֵי כ] (וּנְצוּרֵ֥י ק) יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל לְהָשִׁ֑יב וּנְתַתִּ֙יךָ֙ לְאֹ֣ור גֹּויִ֔ם לִֽהְיֹ֥ות יְשׁוּעָתִ֖י עַד־קְצֵ֥ה הָאָֽרֶץ׃ ס

ו ויאמר נקל מהיותך לי עבד להקים את שבטי יעקב ונצירי (ונצורי) ישראל להשיב ונתתיך לאור גוים להיות ישועתי עד קצה הארץ  {ס}

ויאמר נקל מהיותך לי עבד להקים את־שבטי יעקב [ונצירי כ] (ונצורי ק) ישראל להשיב ונתתיך לאור גוים להיות ישועתי עד־קצה הארץ׃ ס

Ézsaiás 49:6
Így szól: Kevés az, hoggy nékem szolgám légy, a Jákób nemzetséginek megépítésére és Izráel megszabadultjainak visszahozására: sõt a népeknek is világosságul adtalak, hogy üdvöm a föld végéig terjedjen!

Jesaja 49:6
Li diris:Ne suficxas, ke vi estas Mia servanto, por restarigi la tribojn de Jakob kaj revenigi la konservitojn de Izrael; sed Mi faros vin lumo por la nacioj, por ke Mia savo etendigxu gxis la fino de la tero.

Ja hän sanoi: vähä se on, ettäs olet minun palveliani, korjaamassa Jakobin sukukuntia, ja tuomassa jälleen Israelin hajoitettuja; mutta minä panin sinun myös pakanain valkeudeksi, olemaan minun autuuteni hamaan maailman ääriin.

Ésaïe 49:6
Et il me dit: C'est peu de chose que tu me sois serviteur pour rétablir les tribus de Jacob et pour ramener les préservés d'Israël; je te donnerai aussi pour être une lumière des nations, pour être mon salut jusqu'au bout de la terre.

Il dit: C'est peu que tu sois mon serviteur Pour relever les tribus de Jacob Et pour ramener les restes d'Israël: Je t'établis pour être la lumière des nations, Pour porter mon salut jusqu'aux extrémités de la terre.

Et il m'a dit; c'est peu de chose que tu me sois serviteur pour rétablir les Tribus de Jacob, et pour délivrer les captifs d'Israël; c'est pourquoi je t'ai donné pour lumière aux nations, afin que tu sois mon salut jusques au bout de la terre.

Jesaja 49:6
und spricht: Es ist ein Geringes, daß du mein Knecht bist, die Stämme Jakobs aufzurichten und das Verwahrlosete in Israel wiederzubringen, sondern ich habe dich auch zum Licht der Heiden gemacht, daß du seiest mein Heil bis an der Welt Ende.

und spricht: Es ist ein Geringes, daß du mein Knecht bist, die Stämme Jakobs aufzurichten und die Bewahrten Israels wiederzubringen; sondern ich habe dich auch zum Licht der Heiden gemacht, daß du seist mein Heil bis an der Welt Ende.

und er sprach: dafür, daß du mir als Knecht dienst, ist's zu gering, daß du nur die Stämme Jakobs aufrichten und die aus Israel Bewahrten zurückbringen solltst; und so mache ich dich denn zum Lichte der Heiden, daß mein Heil bis ans Ende der Welt reiche!

Isaia 49:6
Egli dice: "E’ troppo poco che tu sia mio servo per rialzare le tribù di Giacobbe e per ricondurre gli scampati d’Israele; voglio far di te la luce delle nazioni, lo strumento della mia salvezza fino alle estremità della terra".

Ed egli mi ha detto: Egli è leggier cosa che tu mi sii servitore, per ridirizzare le tribù di Giacobbe, e per ricondurre i riserbati d’Israele; perciò, io ti ho dato per luce delle genti; per esser la mia salute infino alle estremità della terra.

Dan lagi firman-Nya: Kepalang sahaja engkau ini hamba bagi-Ku akan menegakkan pula segala suku Yakub dan membaiki pula segala pucuk Israel; tambahan lagi Kuberikan dikau akan suatu terang bagi segala orang kafir dan akan selamat dari padaku sampai kepada ujung bumi.

이사야 49:6
그가 가라사대 네가 나의 종이 되어 야곱의 지파들을 일으키며 이스라엘 중에 보전된 자를 돌아오게 할 것은 오히려 경한 일이라 내가 또 너로 이방의 빛을 삼아 나의 구원을 베풀어서 땅 끝까지 이르게 하리라

Isaias 49:6
et dixit parum est ut sis mihi servus ad suscitandas tribus Iacob et feces Israhel convertendas dedi te in lucem gentium ut sis salus mea usque ad extremum terrae

Izaijo knyga 49:6
Jis sako: “Negana to, kad tu būsi mano tarnu Jokūbo giminėms sugrąžinti ir Izraelio likučiui surinkti. Aš tave padarysiu šviesa pagonims, kad tu būtum mano išgelbėjimas iki žemės pakraščių”.

Isaiah 49:6
Ae ra, i mea ia, He mea nohinohi kia waiho koe hei tangata maku, hei whakaara i nga iwi o Hakopa, hei whakahoki mai i nga oranga o Iharaira: ka hoatu ano koe e ahau hei marama ki nga tauiwi, kia ai koe hei whakaoranga maku, a te pito ra ano o te ao.

Esaias 49:6
han sier: Det er for lite at du er min tjener til å gjenreise Jakobs stammer og føre den frelste rest av Israel tilbake; så vil jeg da gjøre dig til hedningenes lys, forat min frelse må nå til jordens ende.

Isaías 49:6
dice El: Poca cosa es que tú seas mi siervo, para levantar las tribus de Jacob y para restaurar a los que quedaron de Israel; también te haré luz de las naciones, para que mi salvación alcance hasta los confines de la tierra.

Dice El: "Poca cosa es que Tú seas Mi siervo, Para levantar las tribus de Jacob y para restaurar a los que quedaron de Israel. También Te haré luz de las naciones, Para que Mi salvación alcance hasta los confines de la tierra."

Y dijo: Poco es que tú me seas siervo para levantar las tribus de Jacob, y para que restaures los asolamientos de Israel: también te di por luz de las naciones, para que seas mi salvación hasta lo postrero de la tierra.

Y dijo: Poco es que tú me seas siervo para levantar las tribus de Jacob, y para que restaures los asolamientos de Israel: también te dí por luz de las gentes, para que seas mi salud hasta lo postrero de la tierra.

Y dijo: Poco es que tú me seas siervo para despertar las tribus de Jacob, y para que restituyas los asolamientos de Israel; también te di por luz de los gentiles, para que seas mi salud hasta lo postrero de la tierra.

Isaías 49:6
Sim, ele declarou: “De fato, pouco é para ti ser meu servo a fim de restaurar as tribos de Jacó e trazer de volta os filhos de Israel que Eu guardei. Também farei de ti uma luz para os gentios, de modo que leves a minha salvação para todas as nações até os confins da terra!”

Sim, diz ele: Pouco é que sejas o meu servo, para restaurares as tribos de Jacó, e tornares a trazer os preservados de Israel; também te porei para luz das nações, para seres a minha salvação até a extremidade da terra.   

Isaia 49:6
El zice: ,Este prea puţin lucru să fii Robul Meu ca să ridici seminţiile lui Iacov şi să aduci înapoi rămăşiţele lui Israel. De aceea, te pun să fii Lumina neamurilor, ca să duci mîntuirea pînă la marginile pămîntului.

Исаия 49:6
И Он сказал: мало того, что Ты будешь рабом Моим для восстановления колен Иаковлевых и для возвращения остатков Израиля, но Я сделаю Тебя светом народов, чтобы спасение Мое простерлось до концов земли.

И Он сказал: мало того, что Ты будешь рабом Моим для восстановления колен Иаковлевых и для возвращения остатков Израиля, но Я сделаю Тебя светом народов, чтобы спасение Мое простерлось до концов земли.[]

Jesaja 49:6
han säger: Det är för litet för dig, då du är min tjänare, att allenast upprätta Jakobs stammar och föra tillbaka de bevarade av Israel; jag vill sätta dig till ett ljus för hednafolken, för att min frälsning må nå till jordens ända.

Isaiah 49:6
Oo, kaniyang sinasabi, Totoong magaan ang bagay na ikaw ay naging aking lingkod upang ibangon ang mga lipi ng Jacob, at isauli ang iningatan ng Israel, ikaw ay aking ibibigay na pinakailaw sa mga Gentil upang ikaw ay maging aking kaligtasan hanggang sa wakas ng lupa.

อิสยาห์ 49:6
พระองค์ตรัสว่า "ซึ่งเจ้าจะเป็นผู้รับใช้ของเรา เพื่อจะยกบรรดาตระกูลของยาโคบขึ้น เพื่อจะให้อิสราเอลที่เหลืออยู่กลับสู่สภาพดีนั้น ดูเป็นการเล็กน้อยเกินไป เราจะมอบให้เจ้าเป็นความสว่างแก่บรรดาประชาชาติ เพื่อความรอดของเราจะถึงที่สุดปลายแผ่นดินโลกทางเจ้า"

Yeşaya 49:6
‹‹Yakupun oymaklarını canlandırmak,
Sağ kalan İsraillileri geri getirmek için
Kulum olman yeterli değil.
Seni uluslara ışık yapacağım.
Öyle ki, kurtarışım yeryüzünün dört bucağına ulaşsın.››[]

EÂ-sai 49:6
Ngài có phán cùng ta rằng: Ngươi làm tôi tớ ta đặng lập lại các chi phái Gia-cốp, và làm cho những kẻ được gìn giữ của Y-sơ-ra-ên lại được trở về, còn là việc nhỏ; ta sẽ khiến ngươi làm sự sáng cho các dân ngoại, hầu cho ngươi làm sự cứu rỗi của ta đến nơi đầu cùng đất.

Isaiah 49:5
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