Isaiah 49:20
Isaiah 49:20
The children born during your bereavement will yet say in your hearing, 'This place is too small for us; give us more space to live in.'

The generations born in exile will return and say, 'We need more room! It's crowded here!'

The children of your bereavement will yet say in your ears: ‘The place is too narrow for me; make room for me to dwell in.’

"The children of whom you were bereaved will yet say in your ears, 'The place is too cramped for me; Make room for me that I may live here.'

The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.

Yet as you listen, the children that you have been deprived of will say, This place is too small for me; make room for me so that I may settle.'

"The children who are grieving at present will yet say in your hearing, 'This place is too crowded for me; make room for me, so I may have a place to live.'

Yet the children born during your time of bereavement will say within your hearing, 'This place is too cramped for us, make room for us so we can live here.'

The children taken from you will say to you, "This place is too crowded for me. Make room for me to live here."

Even thy sons which were fatherless, shall say in thine ears, The place is too strait for me; give place to me that I may dwell.

The children which you shall have, after you have lost the other, shall say again in your ears, The place is too narrow for me: give a place to me that I may dwell.

The children which you shall have, after you have lost the other, shall say again in your ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.

The children of thy bereavement shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too strait for me; give place to me that I may dwell.

The children of thy barrenness shall still say in thy ears: The place is too strait for me, make me room to dwell in.

The children of thy bereavement shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too narrow for me: make room for me, that I may dwell.

The children of thy bereavement shall yet say in thine ears, The place is too strait for me: give place to me that I may dwell.

The children which thou shalt have, after thou hast lost the other, shall say again in thy ears, The place is too narrow for me: give place to me that I may dwell.

The children of your bereavement shall yet say in your ears, The place is too small for me; give place to me that I may dwell.

Again do the sons of thy bereavement say in thine ears: 'The place is too strait for me, Come nigh to me -- and I dwell.'

Isaia 49:20
Fëmijët që do të kesh pas atyre që ke humbur, do të të thonë në vesh: "Ky vend është tepër i ngushtë për mua; bëmë më tepër vend që të mund të vendosem".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 49:20
يقول ايضا في اذنيك بنو ثكلك. ضيق عليّ المكان وسعي لي لاسكن

Dyr Ieseien 49:20
Die Kinder, wost ietz non gar nit haast, gaand dyr iewet in de Oorn lign: "Dös Ort ist vil z klain für üns! Mir brauchend meerer Löbnsraum."

Исая 49:20
Чадата, които ще добиеш след обезчадването си, Ще рекат още в ушите ти: Тясно е мястото за мене; Стори ми място, за да се населя.

以 賽 亞 書 49:20
你 必 聽 見 喪 子 之 後 所 生 的 兒 女 說 : 這 地 方 我 居 住 太 窄 , 求 你 給 我 地 方 居 住 。

你 必 听 见 丧 子 之 後 所 生 的 儿 女 说 : 这 地 方 我 居 住 太 窄 , 求 你 给 我 地 方 居 住 。



Isaiah 49:20
Opet će na tvoje uši reći sinovi kojih si bila lišena: 'Pretijesno mi je mjesto ovo, makni se da se mogu smjestiti.'

Izaiáše 49:20
Tak že řeknou před tebou synové siroby tvé: Těsné mi jest toto místo, ustup mi, abych bydliti mohl.

Esajas 49:20
end skal du høre dem sige, din Barnløsheds Børn: »Her er for trangt, saa flyt dig, at jeg kan sidde!«

Jesaja 49:20
Nog zullen de kinderen, waarvan gij beroofd waart, zeggen voor uw oren: De plaats is mij te nauw, wijk van mij, dat ik wonen moge.

ישעה 49:20
עֹ֚וד יֹאמְר֣וּ בְאָזְנַ֔יִךְ בְּנֵ֖י שִׁכֻּלָ֑יִךְ צַר־לִ֥י הַמָּקֹ֖ום גְּשָׁה־לִּ֥י וְאֵשֵֽׁבָה׃

כ עוד יאמרו באזניך בני שכליך  צר לי המקום גשה לי ואשבה

עוד יאמרו באזניך בני שכליך צר־לי המקום גשה־לי ואשבה׃

Ézsaiás 49:20
Gyermektelenségednek fiai még ezt mondják majd füled hallatára: Szoros e hely nékem, menj el, hogy itt lakhassam!

Jesaja 49:20
Viaj malaperintaj infanoj ankoraux diros en viajn orelojn:Tro malvasta estas por mi la loko; cedu al mi, ke mi povu logxi.

JESAJA 49:20
Niin että sinun hedelmättömyytes lapset pitää vielä korviis sanoman: ahdas on minulla sia, istu puolees, että minäkin asuisin sinun tykönäs.

Ésaïe 49:20
Les fils que tu as eus quand tu étais privée d'enfants diront encore à tes oreilles: Le lieu est trop étroit pour moi; fais-moi place, afin que j'y habite.

Ils répéteront à tes oreilles, Ces fils dont tu fus privée: L'espace est trop étroit pour moi; Fais-moi de la place, pour que je puisse m'établir.

Les enfants que tu auras, après avoir perdu les autres, diront encore, toi l'entendant; ce lieu est trop étroit pour moi, fais-moi place afin que j'y puisse demeurer.

Jesaja 49:20
daß die Kinder deiner Unfruchtbarkeit werden weiter sagen vor deinen Ohren: Der Raum ist mir zu enge; rücke hin, daß ich bei dir wohnen möge!

daß die Kinder deiner Unfruchtbarkeit werden noch sagen vor deinen Ohren: Der Raum ist mir zu eng; rücke hin, daß ich bei dir wohnen möge.

Noch werden vor deinen Ohren sagen die Söhne aus der Zeit deiner Kinderlosigkeit: Der Raum ist mir zu eng, mache mir Platz, daß ich wohnen kann!

Isaia 49:20
I figliuoli di cui fosti orbata ti diranno ancora all’orecchio: "Questo posto è troppo stretto per me; fammi largo, perch’io possa stanziarmi".

Ancora ti diranno i figliuoli che tu avrai, dopo che sarai stata orbata degli altri: Questo luogo è troppo stretto per me; fattimi in là, che io possa abitare.

YESAYA 49:20
Tambahlah pula, hai engkau yang sunyi dahulu, engkau akan mendengar anak-anakmu berkata demikian: Bahwa tempat ini terlalu sempit bagiku, berikanlah aku tempat, supaya akupun boleh duduk.

이사야 49:20
고난 중에 낳은 자녀가 후일에 네 귀에 말하기를 이곳이 우리에게 좁으니 넓혀서 우리로 거처하게 하라 하리니

Isaias 49:20
adhuc dicent in auribus tuis filii sterilitatis tuae angustus mihi est locus fac spatium mihi ut habitem

Izaijo knyga 49:20
Tavo vaikai, gimę priespaudoje, sakys: ‘Mums ankšta, padaryk daugiau vietos gyventi’.

Isaiah 49:20
Ko nga tamariki i whakapania ai koe, tera ano ratou e mea ki ou taringa, E kiki ana te wahi nei moku: whakawateatia atu, kia noho ai ahau.

Esaias 49:20
Ennu skal du få høre barna fra din barnløshets dager si: Plassen er for trang for mig; flytt dig, så jeg kan få bo her!

Isaías 49:20
Todavía te dirán al oído los hijos de los que fuiste privada: ``El lugar es muy estrecho para mí; hazme sitio para que yo more aquí .

Todavía te dirán al oído los hijos de los que fuiste privada: 'El lugar es muy estrecho para mí; Hazme sitio para que yo more aquí .'

Aun los hijos de tu orfandad dirán a tus oídos: Angosto es para mí este lugar; apártate por amor de mí, para que yo more.

Aun los hijos de tu orfandad dirán á tus oídos: Angosto es para mí este lugar; apártate por amor de mí, para que yo more.

Aun los hijos de tu orfandad dirán a tus oídos: Angosto es para mí este lugar; apártate por amor de mí, a otra parte para que yo more.

Isaías 49:20
Os filhos que te nasceram durante o teu tempo de luto ainda reclamarão aos teus ouvidos: ‘Este lugar é pequeno demais para todos nós; concedei-nos espaço para nele fazermos a nossa vida!’

Os filhos de que foste privada ainda dirão aos teus ouvidos: Muito estreito é para mim este lugar; dá-me espaço em que eu habite.   

Isaia 49:20
Fiii aceştia, de cari ai fost lipsit, vor spune mereu la urechile tale: ,Locul este prea strîmt pentru mine; fă-mi loc, ca să pot să mă aşez.`

Исаия 49:20
Дети, которые будут у тебя после потери прежних, будут говорить вслух тебе: „тесно для меня место; уступи мне, чтобы я мог жить".

Дети, которые будут у тебя после потери прежних, будут говорить вслух тебе: `тесно для меня место; уступи мне, чтобы я мог жить`.[]

Jesaja 49:20
Den tid stundar, då du skall få höra sägas av barnen som föddes under din barnlöshet: »Platsen är mig för trång, giv rum, så att jag kan bo här.»

Isaiah 49:20
Ang mga anak ng inyong kapanglawan ay mangagsasabi pa sa iyong mga pakinig, Ang dako ay totoong makipot sa ganang akin: bigyan mo ako ng dako upang aking matahanan.

อิสยาห์ 49:20
เด็กที่เกิดแก่เจ้าหลังจากลูกเสียไปแล้ว จะพูดที่หูของเจ้าอีกว่า `ที่นี้แคบเกินสำหรับฉันแล้ว จงหาที่ให้ฉันอยู่'

Yeşaya 49:20
Yitirdiğini sandığın çocuklarının sesini yine duyacaksın:
‹Burası bize dar geliyor,
Yaşayacak bir yer ver bize› diyecekler.[]

EÂ-sai 49:20
Con cái mà ngươi sẽ có, sau khi bị mất những đứa khác, sẽ nói vào tai ngươi rằng: Ðất đai chật hẹp quá cho tôi; hãy sắm chỗ cho tôi, đặng tôi ở đây.

Isaiah 49:19
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