Isaiah 48:7
Isaiah 48:7
They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew of them.'

They are brand new, not things from the past. So you cannot say, 'We knew that all the time!'

They are created now, not long ago; before today you have never heard of them, lest you should say, ‘Behold, I knew them.’

"They are created now and not long ago; And before today you have not heard them, So that you will not say, 'Behold, I knew them.'

They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

They have been created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today, so you could not claim, 'I already knew them!'

They are created now, and not long ago; you didn't hear them before today, so you cannot say, 'Yes, I knew them.'

Now they come into being, not in the past; before today you did not hear about them, so you could not say, 'Yes, I know about them.'

They are created now, not in the past. You haven't heard about them before today, so you can't say that you already knew about them.

They are created now, and not in days past; nor before this day hast thou heard them lest thou should say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when you heard them not; lest you should say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when you heard them not; lest you should say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from of old; and before this day thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not of old: and before the day, when thou heardest them not, lest thou shouldst say: Behold I knew them.

they are created now, and not long ago; and before this day thou hast not heard them, lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from of old; and before this day thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardst them not; lest thou shouldst say, Behold, I knew them.

They are created now, and not from of old; and before this day you didn't hear them; lest you should say, 'Behold, I knew them.'

Now they have been produced and not from that time, Yea, before the day, and thou hast not heard them, Lest thou say, 'Lo, I have known them.'

Isaia 48:7
Ato janë krijuar tashti dhe jo që në fillim; para ditës së sotme nuk i kishe dëgjuar dhe kështu nuk mund të thuash: "Ja, unë i dija".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 48:7
الآن خلقت وليس منذ زمان وقبل اليوم لم تسمع بها لئلا تقول هانذا قد عرفتها.

Dyr Ieseien 48:7
Dös ist aau ietz eerst zstandkemmen, nit öbbs, was s schoon lang geit. Vorher hietst nix erfarn dyrvon, nit däßst saist, dös habebst ee schoon gwisst.

Исая 48:7
Те сега станаха, а не отдавна, И преди този ден нито си слушал за тях, Да не би да речеш: Ето, аз знаех това.

以 賽 亞 書 48:7
這 事 是 現 今 造 的 , 並 非 從 古 就 有 ; 在 今 日 以 先 , 你 也 未 曾 聽 見 , 免 得 你 說 : 這 事 我 早 已 知 道 了 。

这 事 是 现 今 造 的 , 并 非 从 古 就 有 ; 在 今 日 以 先 , 你 也 未 曾 听 见 , 免 得 你 说 : 这 事 我 早 已 知 道 了 。



Isaiah 48:7
ovog je trena stvoreno, a ne odavna, o tome dosad nisi ništa čuo, da ne bi rekao: Znao sam.

Izaiáše 48:7
Nyní stvořeny jsou, a ne předešlého času, o nichž jsi před tímto dnem nic neslyšel, abys neřekl: Aj, věděl jsem o tom.

Esajas 48:7
nu skabes det, ikke før, før i Dag har I ikke hørt det, at du ikke skulde sige: »Jeg vidste det.«

Jesaja 48:7
Nu zijn zij geschapen, en niet van toen af, en voor dezen dag hebt gij ze ook niet gehoord; opdat gij niet misschien zeggen zoudt: Ziet, ik heb ze geweten.

ישעה 48:7
עַתָּ֤ה נִבְרְאוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א מֵאָ֔ז וְלִפְנֵי־יֹ֖ום וְלֹ֣א שְׁמַעְתָּ֑ם פֶּן־תֹּאמַ֖ר הִנֵּ֥ה יְדַעְתִּֽין׃

ז עתה נבראו ולא מאז ולפני יום ולא שמעתם--פן תאמר הנה ידעתין

עתה נבראו ולא מאז ולפני־יום ולא שמעתם פן־תאמר הנה ידעתין׃

Ézsaiás 48:7
Mostan rendeltettek el és nem régen, és ezelõtt nem hallottál felõlök, hogy ezt ne mondd: Ímé, tudtam én azokat.

Jesaja 48:7
Nun ili estas kreitaj, ne antauxlonge; ecx unu tagon antauxe vi ne auxdis pri tio, por ke vi ne diru:Jen, mi sciis pri ili.

Mutta nyt on se luotu, ja ei siihen aikaan; ja et sinä ole kuullut päivääkään ennen, ettei sinun pitäisi sanoman: katso, sen minä hyvin tiesin;

Ésaïe 48:7
Elles sont créées maintenant, et non dès longtemps; et avant ce jour tu ne les as pas entendues, de peur que ne disses: Voici, je les savais!

Elles se produisent à présent, et n'appartiennent point au passé; Jusqu'à leur avènement tu n'en avais aucune connaissance, Afin que tu ne dises pas: Voici, je le savais.

Maintenant elles ont été créées, et non pas dès jadis, et avant ce jour-ci tu n'en avais rien entendu, afin que tu ne dises pas; voici, je les savais bien.

Jesaja 48:7
Nun aber ist's geschaffen, und nicht dazumal, und hast nicht einen Tag zuvor davon gehöret, auf daß du nicht sagen mögest: Siehe, das wußte ich wohl.

Nun ist's geschaffen, und nicht vorlängst, und hast nicht einen Tag zuvor davon gehört, auf daß du nicht sagen könntest: Siehe, das wußte ich wohl.

Jetzt ist es geschaffen und nicht vorlängst; und vor heute hattest du nicht davon gehört, damit du nicht sagen könntest: Ich wußte es ja!

Isaia 48:7
Esse stanno per prodursi adesso, non da tempo antico; e, prima d’oggi non ne avevi udito parlare, perché tu non abbia a dire: "Ecco, io le sapevo".

Ora sono state create, e non ab antico, nè avanti questo giorno; e tu non ne avevi udito nulla; che talora tu non dica: Ecco, io le sapeva.

Baharu sekarang ia itu diadakan, bukannya dahulu-dahulu, sebelum hari ini tiada pernah kamu mendengar dia, supaya jangan katamu: Bahwasanya ia itu sudah kuketahui.

이사야 48:7
이 일들은 이제 창조된 것이요 옛적 것이 아니라 오늘 이전에는 네가 듣지 못하였느니라 그렇지 않았더면 네가 말하기를 내가 이미 알았노라 하였으리라

Isaias 48:7
nunc creata sunt et non ex tunc et ante diem et non audisti ea ne forte dicas ecce cognovi ea

Izaijo knyga 48:7
Tai padaryta dabar, ne pradžioje. Pirmiau apie tai negirdėjai ir negali sakyti: ‘Aš žinojau’.

Isaiah 48:7
He mea hanga nonaianei, kahore hoki inamata: i mua i tenei ra kihai i rangona e koutou; kei ki koe, Nana, i mohiotia e ahau.

Esaias 48:7
Nu først er det skapt, og ikke for lenge siden, og før idag hadde du ikke hørt det, forat du ikke skulde si: Det visste jeg!

Isaías 48:7
Ahora han sido creadas, y no hace tiempo, y antes de hoy no las habías oído, para que no digas: ``He aquí, yo las conocía.

Ahora han sido creadas, y no hace tiempo, Y antes de hoy no las habías oído, Para que no digas: 'Yo las conocía.'

Ahora han sido creadas, no en días pasados; ni antes de este día las habías oído, para que no digas: He aquí que yo lo sabía.

Ahora han sido criadas, no en días pasados; ni antes de este día las habías oído, porque no digas: He aquí que yo lo sabía.

Ahora fueron creadas, no en días pasados, ni antes de este día las habías oído; para que no digas: He aquí que yo lo sabía.

Isaías 48:7
Tais revelações foram criadas agora e não em tempos passados. Até hoje nada ouviste sobre elas, para que não cogites: ‘Eu já tinha notícias delas!’

São criadas agora, e não de há muito, e antes deste dia não as ouviste, para que não digas: Eis que já eu as sabia.   

Isaia 48:7
Ele se fac în timpul de faţă, şi nu fac parte din trecut; pînă în ziua de azi n'aveai nicio cunoştinţă despre ele, ca să nu poţi zice: ,Iată, că le ştiam.`

Исаия 48:7
Оно произошло ныне, а не задолго и не за день, и ты не слыхал о том, чтобы ты не сказал: „вот! я знал это".

Оно произошло ныне, а не задолго и не за день, и ты не слыхал о том, чтобы ты не сказал: `вот! я знал это`.[]

Jesaja 48:7
Först nu hava de blivit skapade, icke tidigare, och förrän i dag fick du icke höra om dem, på det att du ej skulle kunna säga: »Det visste jag ju förut.»

Isaiah 48:7
Mga nalikha ngayon, at hindi mula nang una; at bago dumating ang araw na ito ay hindi mo nangarinig; baka iyong sabihin, Narito, aking nangaalaman.

อิสยาห์ 48:7
เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างขึ้นใหม่ ไม่ใช่ตั้งแต่เก่าก่อน ก่อนวันนี้เจ้าไม่เคยได้ยินถึง เกรงเจ้าจะพูดว่า `ดูเถิด เรารู้แล้ว'

Yeşaya 48:7
Bunlar şimdi yaratılıyor,
Geçmişte değil;
Bugüne kadar duymadınız,
Yoksa, ‹Bunları biliyorduk› derdiniz.[]

EÂ-sai 48:7
Bây giờ những sự đó mới dựng nên, không phải ngày xưa đã có; trước ngày nầy ngươi chưa nghe chi hết, kẻo ngươi nói rằng: Nầy, ta biết sự đó rồi!

Isaiah 48:6
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