Isaiah 47:9
Isaiah 47:9
Both of these will overtake you in a moment, on a single day: loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and all your potent spells.

Well, both these things will come upon you in a moment: widowhood and the loss of your children. Yes, these calamities will come upon you, despite all your witchcraft and magic.

These two things shall come to you in a moment, in one day; the loss of children and widowhood shall come upon you in full measure, in spite of your many sorceries and the great power of your enchantments.

"But these two things will come on you suddenly in one day: Loss of children and widowhood. They will come on you in full measure In spite of your many sorceries, In spite of the great power of your spells.

But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

These two things will happen to you suddenly, in one day: loss of children and widowhood. They will happen to you in their entirety, in spite of your many sorceries and the potency of your spells.

Both of these things will overtake you suddenly on a single day: loss of children and widowhood. They will come upon you in full measure, despite the multitude of your incantations and the great power of your spells."

Both of these will come upon you suddenly, in one day! You will lose your children and be widowed. You will be overwhelmed by these tragedies, despite your many incantations and your numerous amulets.

In one day both of these will happen to you instantly: the loss of your children and your husband. All this will happen to you in spite of your evil magic and your many spells.

But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day; the loss of thy fathers and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection for the multitude of thy sorceries and for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon you in their fullness for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments.

But these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come on you in their perfection for the multitude of your sorceries, and for the great abundance of your enchantments.

but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come upon thee, in the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments.

These two things shall come upon thee suddenly in one day, barrenness and widowhood. All things are come upon thee, because of the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great hardness of thy enchanters.

yet these two things shall come upon thee in a moment, in one day, loss of children and widowhood; they shall come upon thee in full measure for the multitude of thy sorceries, for the great abundance of thine enchantments.

but these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: in their full measure shall they come upon thee, despite of the multitude of thy sorceries, and the great abundance of thine enchantments.

But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thy enchantments.

but these two things shall come to you in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood; in their full measure shall they come on you, in the multitude of your sorceries, and the great abundance of your enchantments.

And come in to thee do these two things, In a moment, in one day, childlessness and widowhood, According to their perfection they have come upon thee, In the multitude of thy sorceries, In the exceeding might of thy charms.

Isaia 47:9
Por këto dy gjëra do të të ndodhin në një çast, në po atë ditë: humbja e fëmijëve dhe vejëria; do të të bien plotësisht mbi kurriz, për shkak të numrit të madh të magjive të tua dhe për morinë e yshtjeve të tua.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 47:9
فيأتي عليك هذان الاثنان بغتة في يوم واحد الثكل والترمل. بالتمام قد اتيا عليك مع كثرة سحورك مع وفور رقاك جدا.

Dyr Ieseien 47:9
Aber baids kimmt, und zwaar plitzlich, eyn n nömlichnen Tag. De Kinder, d Einwoner, verliest, und kain alte Sau kümmert si meer um di. Di dyrwischt s voll, und daa hilfft dyr dein gantzs Gezaauber und allss nix meer.

Исая 47:9
И двете тия неща ще дойдат върху тебе Внезапно, в един ден, Обезчадване и вдовство; В пълна мяра ще те постигнат Въпреки многото ти чародейства И голямото изобилие на обаянията ти.

以 賽 亞 書 47:9
哪 知 , 喪 子 、 寡 居 這 兩 件 事 在 一 日 轉 眼 之 間 必 臨 到 你 ; 正 在 你 多 行 邪 術 、 廣 施 符 咒 的 時 候 , 這 兩 件 事 必 全 然 臨 到 你 身 上 。

哪 知 , 丧 子 、 寡 居 这 两 件 事 在 一 日 转 眼 之 间 必 临 到 你 ; 正 在 你 多 行 邪 术 、 广 施 符 咒 的 时 候 , 这 两 件 事 必 全 然 临 到 你 身 上 。



Isaiah 47:9
Stići će te oboje, za tren, u isti dan! Izgubit ćeš djecu, obudovjet ćeš! Punom će te mjerom snaći oboje, pokraj svega tvojeg vračanja i množine tvojih zaklinjanja!

Izaiáše 47:9
Že obé to přijde na tě pojednou dne jednoho, i siroba i vdovství. Všecko zúplna přijde na tě, i na množství kouzlů tvých, a na velikou moc čárů tvých.

Esajas 47:9
Begge Dele skal ramme dig brat samme Dag, Barnløshed og Enkestand ramme dig i fuldeste Maal, dine mange Trylleord, din megen Trolddom til Trods,

Jesaja 47:9
Doch deze beide dingen zullen u in een ogenblik overkomen, op een dag, de beroving van kinderen en weduwschap; volkomenlijk zullen zij u overkomen, vanwege de veelheid uwer toverijen, vanwege de menigte uwer bezweringen.

ישעה 47:9
וְתָבֹאנָה֩ לָּ֨ךְ שְׁתֵּי־אֵ֥לֶּה רֶ֛גַע בְּיֹ֥ום אֶחָ֖ד שְׁכֹ֣ול וְאַלְמֹ֑ן כְּתֻמָּם֙ בָּ֣אוּ עָלַ֔יִךְ בְּרֹ֣ב כְּשָׁפַ֔יִךְ בְּעָצְמַ֥ת חֲבָרַ֖יִךְ מְאֹֽד׃

ט ותבאנה לך שתי אלה רגע ביום אחד שכול ואלמן כתמם באו עליך ברב כשפיך בעצמת חבריך מאד

ותבאנה לך שתי־אלה רגע ביום אחד שכול ואלמן כתמם באו עליך ברב כשפיך בעצמת חבריך מאד׃

Ézsaiás 47:9
És mind e kettõ eljõ reád nagy hamar egy napon: gyermektelenség és özvegység, teljességökben jõnek el reád, noha gazdag vagy a varázslásban, és sok nagyon igézõ szózatod.

Jesaja 47:9
Venos do sur vin tiuj du aferoj subite, en unu tago; seninfaneco kaj vidvineco en plena mezuro trafos vin, malgraux viaj multaj sorcxoj, malgraux la granda forto de viaj magiajxoj.

Molemmat nämät pitää sinua äkisti kohtaaman yhtenä päivänä, ettäs tulet hedelmättömäksi ja leskeksi; ja ne pitää sinuun täydellisesti sattuman, sinun monen velhos tähden, ja sinun noitais tähden, joista suuri paljous on sinun tykönäs.

Ésaïe 47:9
Ces deux choses t'arriveront en un instant, en un seul jour, la privation d'enfants et le veuvage; elles viendront sur toi en plein, malgré la multitude de tes sorcelleries, malgré le grand nombre de tes sortilèges.

Ces deux choses t'arriveront subitement, au même jour, La privation d'enfants et le veuvage; Elles fondront en plein sur toi, Malgré la multitude de tes sortilèges, Malgré le grand nombre de tes enchantements.

C'est que ces deux choses t'arriveront en un moment, en un même jour, la privation d'enfants et le veuvage; elles sont venues sur toi dans tout leur entier, pour le grand nombre de tes sortilèges, et pour la grande abondance de tes enchantements.

Jesaja 47:9
Aber es werden dir solche alle beide kommen plötzlich auf einen Tag, daß du Witwe und unfruchtbar seiest; ja, vollkömmlich werden sie über dich kommen um der Menge willen deiner Zauberer und um deiner Beschwörer willen, deren ein großer Haufe bei dir ist.

Aber es wird dir solches beides kommen plötzlich auf einen Tag, daß du Witwe und ohne Kinder seist; ja, vollkommen wird es über dich kommen um der Menge willen deiner Zauberer und um deiner Beschwörer willen, deren ein großer Haufe bei dir ist.

So soll dich denn dieses beides betreffen plötzlich, an einem Tage: Kinderlosigkeit und Witwenschaft; urplötzlich kommen sie über dich, trotz der Menge deiner Zaubereien, trotz der gar großen Zahl deiner Bannsprüche,

Isaia 47:9
ma queste due cose t’avverranno in un attimo, in uno stesso giorno: privazione di figliuoli e vedovanza; ti piomberanno addosso tutte assieme, nonostante la moltitudine de’ tuoi sortilegi e la grande abbondanza de’ tuoi incantesimi.

Queste due cose ti avverranno in un momento, in un medesimo giorno; orbezza di figliuoli, e vedovità; ti verranno appieno addosso, con tutta la moltitudine delle tue malie, con tutta la gran forza delle tue incantagioni.

Sebab itu kedua perkara ini kelak akan berlaku atasmu pada sesaat, pada sehari jua, yaitu ketiadaan anak-anak dan hal janda, maka ia itu akan berlaku atasmu dengan segenap-genapnya, kendatilah segala hobatanmu yang banyak itu dan kebanyakan ramalmu.

이사야 47:9
한 날에 홀연히 자녀를 잃으며 과부가 되는 이 두 일이 네게 임할것이라 네가 무수한 사술과 많은 진언을 베풀지라도 이 일이 온전히 네게 임하리라

Isaias 47:9
venient tibi duo haec subito in die una sterilitas et viduitas universa venerunt super te propter multitudinem maleficiorum tuorum et propter duritiam incantatorum tuorum vehementem

Izaijo knyga 47:9
Ūmai, vieną dieną, tau šie du dalykai atsitiks: tapsi našlė ir bevaikė. Taip įvyks, nepaisant tavo burtų ir daugybės kerų.

Isaiah 47:9
Otira ka pa whakarere enei e rua ki a koe i te ra kotahi, te matenga o nga tamariki, te pouarutanga; ka pa enei ki a koe i tona tonuitanga, ahakoa te nui o au mahi makutu, te maha rawa o au whaiwhaia.

Esaias 47:9
Men begge disse ting skal komme over dig i et øieblikk, på en dag, både barnløshet og enkestand; i fullt mål kommer de over dig tross dine mangfoldige trolldomskunster, tross dine mange besvergelser.

Isaías 47:9
Pero estas dos cosas vendrán de repente sobre ti en un mismo día: pérdida de hijos y viudez. Vendrán sobre ti en toda su plenitud a pesar de tus muchas hechicerías, a pesar del gran poder de tus encantamientos.

Pero estas dos cosas vendrán de repente sobre ti en un mismo día: Pérdida de hijos y viudez. Vendrán sobre ti en toda su plenitud A pesar de tus muchas hechicerías, A pesar del gran poder de tus encantamientos.

Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez; en toda su fuerza vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus hechicerías y por tus muchos encantamientos.

Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez: en toda su perfección vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus adivinanzas, y por la copia de tus muchos agüeros.

Estas dos cosas te vendrán de repente en un mismo día, orfandad y viudez. En toda su perfección vendrán sobre ti, por la multitud de tus adivinanzas, y por la copia de tus muchos agüeros.

Isaías 47:9
Pois bem, justamente sofrerás estas duas perdas em um só momento, durante um único dia: a perda dos filhos e a viuvez se abaterão sobre ti com todo o seu peso de dor, a despeito de tuas muitas feitiçarias e todos os teus poderosos prognósticos, sortilégios e encantamentos.

Mas ambas estas coisas virão sobre ti num momento, no mesmo dia, perda de filhos e viuvez; em toda a sua plenitude virão sobre ti, apesar da multidão das tuas feitiçarias, e da grande abundância dos teus encantamentos.   

Isaia 47:9
Şi totuş aceste două lucruri ţi se vor întîmpla deodată, în aceeaş zi: şi perderea copiilor şi văduvia; vor cădea asupra ta cu putere mare, în ciuda tuturor vrăjitoriilor tale şi multelor tale descîntece.

Исаия 47:9
Но внезапно, в один день, придет к тебе то и другое,потеря детей и вдовство; в полной мере придут они на тебя, несмотря на множество чародейств твоих и на великую силу волшебств твоих.

Но внезапно, в один день, придет к тебе то и другое, потеря детей и вдовство; в полной мере придут они на тебя, несмотря на множество чародейств твоих и на великую силу волшебств твоих.[]

Jesaja 47:9
Se, båda dessa olyckor skola komma över dig med hast, på en och samma dag: både barnlöshet och änkestånd skola komma över dig i fullaste mått, trots myckenheten av dina trolldomskonster, trots dina besvärjelsers starka kraft.

Isaiah 47:9
Nguni't ang dalawang bagay na ito ay darating sa iyo sa isang sangdali, sa isang araw, ang pagkawala ng mga anak at pagkabao; sa kanilang karamihan ay darating sa iyo, sa karamihan ng iyong panggagaway, at sa totoong kasaganaan ng iyong mga enkanto.

อิสยาห์ 47:9
ทั้งสองเรื่องนี้จะมาถึงเจ้าในขณะเดียวกันในวันเดียว คือความที่ต้องพรากจากลูกและความที่เป็นแม่ม่าย จะมาถึงเจ้าอย่างเต็มขนาดทั้งที่มีวิทยาคมเป็นอันมาก และอานุภาพใหญ่ยิ่งในเวทมนตร์ของเจ้า

Yeşaya 47:9
Bir gün içinde ikisi birden başına gelecek:
Çok sayıda büyüye, etkili muskalarına karşın
Hem dul kalacak,
Hem evlat acısını alabildiğine yaşayacaksın.[]

EÂ-sai 47:9
Cùng trong một giây phút trong một ngày, hai nạn ấy, là sự mất con cái và sự góa bụa, sẽ xảy đến cho ngươi. Hai nạn ấy sẽ đến đầy đủ trên ngươi, khi ngươi làm tà thuật rất nhiều, và có lắm quyền của phù chú!

Isaiah 47:8
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