Isaiah 47:13
Isaiah 47:13
All the counsel you have received has only worn you out! Let your astrologers come forward, those stargazers who make predictions month by month, let them save you from what is coming upon you.

All the advice you receive has made you tired. Where are all your astrologers, those stargazers who make predictions each month? Let them stand up and save you from what the future holds.

You are wearied with your many counsels; let them stand forth and save you, those who divide the heavens, who gaze at the stars, who at the new moons make known what shall come upon you.

"You are wearied with your many counsels; Let now the astrologers, Those who prophesy by the stars, Those who predict by the new moons, Stand up and save you from what will come upon you.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

You are worn out with your many consultations. So let them stand and save you-- the astrologers, who observe the stars, who predict monthly what will happen to you.

according to your multiple schemes. Let them stand up now— those who conjure the heavens and gaze at the stars, predicting at the new moons— and save you from what is about to happen to them.

You are tired out from listening to so much advice. Let them take their stand--the ones who see omens in the sky, who gaze at the stars, who make monthly predictions--let them rescue you from the disaster that is about to overtake you!

You are worn out by your many plans. Let your astrologers and your stargazers, who foretell the future month by month, come to you, rise up, and save you.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now those that contemplate the heavens, those that speculate regarding the stars, those that teach the courses of the moon, stand up and defend thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come upon you.

You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels. Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things that shall come on you.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee.

Thou hast failed in the multitude or thy counsels: let now the astrologers stand and save thee, they that gazed at the stars, and counted the months, that from them they might tell the things that shall come to thee.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the interpreters of the heavens, the observers of the stars, who predict according to the new moons what shall come upon thee, stand up, and save thee.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels: let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from the things that shall come upon thee.

Thou art wearied in the multitude of thy counsels. Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee from these things that shall come upon thee.

You are wearied in the multitude of your counsels: let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from the things that shall come on you.

Thou hast been wearied in the multitude of thy counsels, Stand up, I pray thee, and save thee, Let the charmers of the heavens, Those looking on the stars, Those teaching concerning the months, From those things that come on thee!

Isaia 47:13
Je lodhur me turmën e këshilltarëve të tu; le të ngrihen, pra, astrologët, ata që studiojnë yjet dhe bëjnë parashikime çdo muaj dhe le të të shpëtojnë nga gjërat që do të bien në kurriz.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 47:13
قد ضعفت من كثرة مشوراتك. ليقف قاسمو السماء الراصدون النجوم المعرفون عند رؤوس الشهور ويخلصوك مما ياتي عليك.

Dyr Ieseien 47:13
Daa haast di yso abhintaan mit deine viln Raatmösser; sollnd s decht kemmen und di röttn, die, wo önn Himml deuttnd, d Stern betrachtnd und eyn aynn iedn Neumaand verkünddnd, was kemmen gaat!

Исая 47:13
Уморила си се в многото си съвещания. Нека приближат сега астролозите, звездобройците, И предвещателите по новолунията, И нека те избавят от това, което ще дойде върху тебе!

以 賽 亞 書 47:13
你 籌 劃 太 多 , 以 致 疲 倦 。 讓 那 些 觀 天 象 的 , 看 星 宿 的 , 在 月 朔 說 預 言 的 , 都 站 起 來 , 救 你 脫 離 所 要 臨 到 你 的 事 。

你 筹 划 太 多 , 以 致 疲 倦 。 让 那 些 观 天 象 的 , 看 星 宿 的 , 在 月 朔 说 预 言 的 , 都 站 起 来 , 救 你 脱 离 所 要 临 到 你 的 事 。



Isaiah 47:13
Izmoriše te mnogi tvoji savjetnici! Nek' ustanu samo da te spase oni koji premjeravaju nebesa, koji promatraju zvijezde i koji svakog mjeseca proriču ono što će te snaći.

Izaiáše 47:13
Ustáváš s množstvím rad svých. Nechať se nyní postaví hvězdáři, kteříž spatřují hvězdy, a oznamují na každý měsíc, a vysvobodí tě z toho, což přijíti má na tě.

Esajas 47:13
Med Raadgiverhoben sled du dig træt, lad dem møde, lad Himmelgranskerne frelse dig, Stjernekigerne, som Maaned for Maaned kundgør, hvad dig skal ske!

Jesaja 47:13
Gij zijt moede geworden in de veelheid uwer raadslagen; laat nu opstaan, die den hemel waarnemen, die in de sterren kijken, die naar de nieuwe manen voorzeggen; en laat ze u verlossen van die dingen, die over u komen zullen.

ישעה 47:13
נִלְאֵ֖ית בְּרֹ֣ב עֲצָתָ֑יִךְ יַעַמְדוּ־נָ֨א וְיֹושִׁיעֻ֜ךְ [הָבְרוּ כ] (הֹבְרֵ֣י ק) שָׁמַ֗יִם הַֽחֹזִים֙ בַּכֹּ֣וכָבִ֔ים מֹֽודִיעִם֙ לֶחֳדָשִׁ֔ים מֵאֲשֶׁ֥ר יָבֹ֖אוּ עָלָֽיִךְ׃

יג נלאית ברב עצתיך יעמדו נא ויושיעך הברו (הברי) שמים החזים בכוכבים מודעים לחדשים מאשר יבאו עליך

נלאית ברב עצתיך יעמדו־נא ויושיעך [הברו כ] (הברי ק) שמים החזים בכוכבים מודיעם לחדשים מאשר יבאו עליך׃

Ézsaiás 47:13
Tanácsaid sokaságában megfáradtál; no álljanak elõ és tartsanak meg az égnek vizsgálói, a kik a csillagokat nézik, a kik megjelentik az újholdak napján, hogy mi jövend reád.

Jesaja 47:13
Vi lacigxis de la multo de viaj konsiligxoj; nun ili starigxu, la mezurantoj de la cxielo, la esplorantoj de la steloj, la antauxdiristoj laux la luno, kaj ili savu vin kontraux tio, kio trafos vin.

JESAJA 47:13
Sinä olet väsyksissä monen koettelemukses tähden. Tulkaan nyt edes ja auttakoon sinua ne taivaan juoksun tietäjät ja tähtein kurkisteliat, jotka kuukausien jälkeen lukevat, mitä sinulle pitää tapahtuman.

Ésaïe 47:13
Tu es devenue lasse par la multitude de tes conseils. Qu'ils se tiennent là et te sauvent, les interprétateurs des cieux, les observateurs des étoiles, ceux qui, d'après les nouvelles lunes, donnent la connaissance des choses qui viendront sur toi!

Tu t'es fatiguée à force de consulter: Qu'ils se lèvent donc et qu'ils te sauvent, Ceux qui connaissent le ciel, Qui observent les astres, Qui annoncent, d'après les nouvelles lunes, Ce qui doit t'arriver!

Tu t'es lassée à force de demander des conseils. Que les spectateurs des cieux qui contemplent les étoiles, et qui font [leurs] prédictions selon les lunes, comparaissent maintenant, et qu'ils te délivrent des choses qui viendront sur toi.

Jesaja 47:13
Denn du bist müde vor der Menge deiner Anschläge. Laß hertreten und dir helfen die Meister des Himmelslaufs und die Sterngucker, die nach den Monden rechnen, was über dich kommen werde.

Denn du bist müde von der Menge deiner Anschläge. Laß hertreten und dir helfen die Meister des Himmelslaufs und die Sterngucker, die nach den Monaten rechnen, was über dich kommen werde.

Du hast dich abgearbeitet durch dein vieles Plänemachen: so mögen doch hintreten und dich erretten, die des Himmels kundig sind, die nach den Sternen schauen, die alle Neumonde Kunde geben von dem, was dich betreffen wird!

Isaia 47:13
Tu sei stanca di tutte le tue consultazioni; si levino dunque quelli che misurano il cielo, che osservano le stelle, che fanno pronostici ad ogni novilunio, e ti salvino dalle cose che ti piomberanno addosso!

Tu ti sei stancata nella moltitudine de’ tuoi consigli; ora dunque presentinsi gli astrologhi, che contemplano le stelle, e di mese in mese fanno de’ pronostichi; e salvinti da’ mali che ti sopraggiungeranno.

YESAYA 47:13
Jikalau engkau sudah penat dari pada kebanyakan bicaramu, baiklah sekarang bangkit berdiri segala orang yang mengamat-amati peridaran langit, yang melihat dalam nujum dan yang membilang pada bulan baharu barang yang akan jadi; baiklah mereka itu melepaskan dikau dari pada barang yang akan berlaku atasmu kelak.

이사야 47:13
네가 많은 모략을 인하여 피곤케 되었도다 하늘을 살피는 자와 별을 보는 자와 월삭에 예고하는 자들로 일어나 네게 임할 그 일에서 너를 구원케 하여 보라

Isaias 47:13
defecisti in multitudine consiliorum tuorum stent et salvent te augures caeli qui contemplabantur sidera et supputabant menses ut ex eis adnuntiarent ventura tibi

Izaijo knyga 47:13
Tu esi bejėgė dėl savo daugybės patarėjų. Tegu astrologai, žvaigždžių stebėtojai, dangaus ženklų tyrinėtojai atsistoja ir išgelbsti tave nuo to, kas tave užgrius.

Isaiah 47:13
Kua hoha koe i te maha o nga whakaaro i whakatakotoria e koe. Tena ra, kia tu nga kaiwhakaaro ki nga rangi, nga kaititiro ki nga whetu, nga mea mohio ki nga marama, kia whakaorangia koe e ratou i nga mea meake tupono ki a koe.

Esaias 47:13
Du har trettet dig ut med dine mange råd; la dem stå frem og frelse dig, de som har inndelt himmelen, stjernekikkerne, de som hver måned kunngjør de ting som skal komme over dig!

Isaías 47:13
Estás fatigada por los muchos consejos; que se levanten ahora los que contemplan los cielos, los que profetizan por medio de las estrellas, los que pronostican cada luna nueva, y te salven de lo que vendrá sobre ti.

Estás fatigada por los muchos consejos. Que se levanten ahora los que contemplan los cielos (los astrólogos), Los que profetizan por medio de las estrellas, Los que pronostican cada luna nueva, Y te salven de lo que vendrá sobre ti.

Te has fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos. Comparezcan ahora y te defiendan los astrólogos, los contempladores de las estrellas, los que cuentan los meses, para pronosticar lo que vendrá sobre ti.

Haste fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos. Parezcan ahora y defiéndante los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que contaban los meses, para pronosticar lo que vendrá sobre ti.

Te has fatigado en la multitud de tus consejos: aparezcan ahora y te defiendan los contempladores de los cielos, los especuladores de las estrellas, los que enseñan los cursos de la luna, de lo que vendrá sobre ti.

Isaías 47:13
Ora, todos os conselhos que recebeste só serviram para te deixar exausta! Solicita a presença de teus astrólogos, aqueles contempladores de estrelas que costumam alardear seus presságios de mês a mês, que eles te salvem da sina que já se encaminha sobre ti;

Cansaste-te na multidão dos teus conselhos; levantem-se pois agora e te salvem os astrólogos, que contemplam os astros, e os que nas luas novas prognosticam o que há de vir sobre ti.   

Isaia 47:13
Te-ai obosit tot întrebînd: să se scoale dar şi să te scape cei ce împart cerul, cari pîndesc stelele, cari vestesc, după lunile noi, ce are să ţi se întîmple!

Исаия 47:13
Ты утомлена множеством советов твоих; пусть же выступят наблюдатели небес и звездочеты и предвещатели по новолуниям, и спасут тебя от того, что должноприключиться тебе.

Ты утомлена множеством советов твоих; пусть же выступят наблюдатели небес и звездочеты и предвещатели по новолуниям, и спасут тебя от того, что должно приключиться тебе.[]

Jesaja 47:13
Du har arbetat dig trött med dina många rådslag. Må de nu träda fram, må de frälsa dig, dessa som avmäta himmelen och spana i stjärnorna och var nymånad kungöra, varifrån ditt öde skall komma över dig.

Isaiah 47:13
Ikaw ay yamot sa karamihan ng iyong mga payo: magsitayo ngayon ang nanganghuhula sa pamamagitan ng langit, at ng mga bituin, ang mga mangingilala ng tungkol sa buwan, at siyang magligtas sa iyo sa mga bagay na mangyayari sa iyo.

อิสยาห์ 47:13
เจ้าเหน็ดเหนื่อยกับที่ปรึกษาเป็นอันมากของเจ้า ให้เขาลุกขึ้นออกมาและช่วยเจ้าให้รอด คือบรรดาผู้ที่แบ่งฟ้าสวรรค์และเพ่งดูดวงดาว ผู้ซึ่งทำนายให้เจ้าในวันขึ้นค่ำว่า จะเกิดอะไรขึ้นแก่เจ้า

Yeşaya 47:13
Aldığın öğütlerin çokluğu
Seni tüketti.
Yıldız falcıların, yıldızbilimcilerin,
Ay başlarında ne olacağını bildirenlerin,
Şimdi kalksınlar da
Başına geleceklerden seni kurtarsınlar.[]

EÂ-sai 47:13
Ngươi đã nhọc sức vì cớ nhiều mưu chước. Vậy những kẻ hỏi trời, xem sao, xem trăng mới mà đoán việc ngày sau, bây giờ hãy đứng lên và cứu ngươi cho khỏi những sự xảy đến trên ngươi.

Isaiah 47:12
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