Isaiah 25:3
Isaiah 25:3
Therefore strong peoples will honor you; cities of ruthless nations will revere you.

Therefore, strong nations will declare your glory; ruthless nations will fear you.

Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will fear you.

Therefore a strong people will glorify You; Cities of ruthless nations will revere You.

Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee.

Therefore, a strong people will honor You. The cities of violent nations will fear You.

Therefore strong peoples will glorify you; cities of ruthless nations will revere you.

So a strong nation will extol you; the towns of powerful nations will fear you.

That is why strong people will honor you, and cities ruled by the world's tyrants will fear you.

Therefore the strong people shall glorify thee; the city of the strong Gentiles shall fear thee.

Therefore shall the strong people glorify you, the city of the terrible nations shall fear you.

Therefore shall the strong people glorify you, the city of the terrible nations shall fear you.

Therefore shall a strong people glorify thee; a city of terrible nations shall fear thee.

Therefore shall a strong people praise thee, the city of mighty nations shall fear thee.

Therefore shall the mighty people glorify thee, the city of terrible nations shall fear thee.

Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee.

Therefore shall the strong people glorify thee, the city of the terrible nations shall fear thee.

Therefore a strong people will glorify you. A city of awesome nations will fear you.

Therefore honour Thee do a strong people, A city of the terrible nations feareth Thee.

Isaia 25:3
Prandaj populli i fuqishëm të lëvdon, qyteti i kombeve të fuqishëm ka frikë nga ti,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 25:3
لذلك يكرمك شعب قوي وتخاف منك قرية امم عتاة.

Dyr Ieseien 25:3
Drum eernd di mächtige Völker, und vor dir ferchtnd si stoltze Haidnstötn.

Исая 25:3
Затова силните люде ще Те славят, Градът на страшните народи ще се бои от Тебе.

以 賽 亞 書 25:3
所 以 , 剛 強 的 民 必 榮 耀 你 ; 強 暴 之 國 的 城 必 敬 畏 你 。

所 以 , 刚 强 的 民 必 荣 耀 你 ; 强 暴 之 国 的 城 必 敬 畏 你 。



Isaiah 25:3
Zato te slavi narod snažan, grad moćnih plemena tebe se boji;

Izaiáše 25:3
Protož ctíti tě budou lid silný, města národů hrozných báti se tebe budou.

Esajas 25:3
Derfor ærer dig et mægtigt Folk, frygter dig grumme Hedningers Stad.

Jesaja 25:3
Daarom zal U een machtig volk eren, de stad der tirannische volken zal U vrezen.

ישעה 25:3
עַל־כֵּ֖ן יְכַבְּד֣וּךָ עַם־עָ֑ז קִרְיַ֛ת גֹּויִ֥ם עָרִיצִ֖ים יִירָאֽוּךָ׃

ג על כן יכבדוך עם עז קרית גוים עריצים ייראוך

על־כן יכבדוך עם־עז קרית גוים עריצים ייראוך׃

Ézsaiás 25:3
Ezért dicsõítnek téged erõs népek, erõszakos pogányok városai félnek téged!

Jesaja 25:3
Pro tio gloros Vin popolo potenca, urbo de fortaj gentoj Vin timos.

Sentähden kunnioittaa sinua väkevä kansa, urhoolliset pakanain kaupungit pelkäävät sinua.

Ésaïe 25:3
C'est pourquoi le peuple fort te glorifiera; la cité des nations terribles te craindra.

C'est pourquoi les peuples puissants te glorifient, Les villes des nations puissantes te craignent.

Et à cause de cela le peuple fort te glorifiera, la ville des nations redoutables te révérera.

Jesaja 25:3
Darum ehret dich ein mächtig Volk, die Städte gewaltiger Heiden fürchten dich.

Darum ehrt dich ein mächtiges Volk: die Städte gewaltiger Heiden fürchten dich.

Deshalb werden dich starke Völker ehren, die Städte gewaltthätiger Völker dich fürchten.

Isaia 25:3
Perciò il popolo forte ti glorifica, le città delle nazioni possenti ti temono,

Perciò, popoli possenti ti glorificheranno; città di nazioni forti ti temeranno.

Maka sebab itu bangsa yang kuat itu mempermuliakan Dikau dan negeri bangsa-bangsa yang gagah itu takut akan Dikau!

이사야 25:3
강한 민족이 주를 영화롭게 하며 포학한 나라들의 성읍이 주를 경외하리이다

Isaias 25:3
super hoc laudabit te populus fortis civitas gentium robustarum timebit te

Izaijo knyga 25:3
Stipri tauta šlovins Tave; galingų tautų miestai bijos Tavęs.

Isaiah 25:3
Na ka whakakororiatia koe e te iwi kaha, ka wehi te pa o nga iwi nanakia i a koe.

Esaias 25:3
Derfor skal et sterkt folk ære dig, de ville hedningers stad skal frykte dig;

Isaías 25:3
Por eso te glorificará un pueblo fuerte, ciudades de crueles naciones te reverenciarán.

Por eso Te glorificará un pueblo fuerte, Ciudades de crueles naciones Te reverenciarán.

Por esto te glorificará el pueblo fuerte, te temerá la ciudad de gentes robustas.

Por esto te dará gloria el pueblo fuerte, te temerá la ciudad de gentes robustas.

Por esto te dará gloria el pueblo fuerte; te temerá la ciudad de gentiles robustos.

Isaías 25:3
Eis por que um povo forte te glorificará e te honrará; e até a cidade das nações ímpias temerá a ti.

Pelo que te glorificará um povo poderoso; e a cidade das nações formidáveis te temerá:   

Isaia 25:3
De aceea Te slăvesc popoarele puternice, şi cetăţile neamurilor puternice se tem de Tine.

Исаия 25:3
Посему будут прославлять Тебя народы сильные; города страшных племен будут бояться Тебя,

Посему будут прославлять Тебя народы сильные; города страшных племен будут бояться Тебя,[]

Jesaja 25:3
Därför måste nu det vilda folket ära dig, den grymma hednastaden frukta dig.

Isaiah 25:3
Kaya't luluwalhatiin ka ng matibay na bayan, ang bayan ng kakilakilabot na mga bansa ay matatakot sa iyo.

อิสยาห์ 25:3
เพราะฉะนั้นประชาชาติที่แข็งแรงจะถวายสง่าราศีแด่พระองค์ หัวเมืองของบรรดาประชาชาติที่ทารุณจะเกรงกลัวพระองค์

Yeşaya 25:3
Bundan ötürü güçlü uluslar seni onurlandıracak,
Acımasız ulusların kentleri senden korkacak.[]

EÂ-sai 25:3
Vậy nên một dân cường thạnh sẽ tôn vinh Ngài; thành của các dân tộc đáng kinh hãi sẽ kính sợ Ngài.

Isaiah 25:2
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