Isaiah 19:3
Isaiah 19:3
The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will bring their plans to nothing; they will consult the idols and the spirits of the dead, the mediums and the spiritists.

The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will confuse their plans. They will plead with their idols for wisdom and call on spirits, mediums, and those who consult the spirits of the dead.

and the spirit of the Egyptians within them will be emptied out, and I will confound their counsel; and they will inquire of the idols and the sorcerers, and the mediums and the necromancers;

"Then the spirit of the Egyptians will be demoralized within them; And I will confound their strategy, So that they will resort to idols and ghosts of the dead And to mediums and spiritists.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

Egypt's spirit will be disturbed within it, and I will frustrate its plans. Then they will seek idols, ghosts, spirits of the dead, and spiritists.

The spirits of the Egyptians within them will be drained of courage, and I will bring their plans to nothing. They will consult idols and spirits of the dead, and mediums and spiritists.

The Egyptians will panic, and I will confuse their strategy. They will seek guidance from the idols and from the spirits of the dead, from the pits used to conjure up underworld spirits, and from the magicians.

The Egyptians will lose courage. I will unravel their plans. They will turn to idols, ghosts, mediums, and fortunetellers.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst thereof, and I will destroy the counsel thereof; and they shall seek to the idols and to the charmers and to the spiritists and to the wizards.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in its midst; and I will destroy its counsel: and they shall seek after the idols, and the charmers, and the mediums, and the wizards.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the middle thereof; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of it; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek unto the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

And the spirit of Egypt shall be broken in the bowels thereof, and I will cast down their counsel: and they shall consult their idols, and their diviners, and their wizards, and soothsayers.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of it, and I will destroy the counsel thereof; and they shall seek unto the idols and unto the conjurers, and unto the necromancers, and unto the soothsayers.

And the spirit of Egypt shall be made void in the midst of it; and I will destroy the counsel thereof: and they shall seek unto the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

And the spirit of Egypt shall fail in the midst of her, and I will destroy her counsel: and they shall seek to the idols, and to the charmers, and to them that have familiar spirits, and to the wizards.

The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst. I will destroy its counsel. They will seek the idols, the charmers, those who have familiar spirits, and the wizards.

And emptied out hath been in its midst the spirit of Egypt. And its counsel I swallow up, And they have sought unto the idols, And unto the charmers, And unto those having familiar spirits, And unto the wizards.

Isaia 19:3
Fryma e Egjiptit do të ligështohet në mes të tij dhe unë do të shkatërroj planet e tij; kështu ata do të konsultojnë idhujt dhe yshtësit, mediumet dhe magjistarët.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 19:3
وتهراق روح مصر داخلها وافني مشورتها فيسألون الاوثان والعازفين واصحاب التوابع والعرافين.

Dyr Ieseien 19:3
Was de Güptn eyn n Sin haetnd, draus werd nix; drum kümmert mi schoon +i. Dann pröblnd s is mit Götter und Zaauberer, de Tootngeister und Deutter.

Исая 19:3
И духът на Египет ще изчезне вътре в него; И ще осуетя намеренията му; И ще се допитат до идолите и чародеите До запитвачите на зли духове и врачовете

以 賽 亞 書 19:3
埃 及 人 的 心 神 必 在 裡 面 耗 盡 ; 我 必 敗 壞 他 們 的 謀 略 。 他 們 必 求 問 偶 像 和 念 咒 的 、 交 鬼 的 、 行 巫 術 的 。

埃 及 人 的 心 神 必 在 里 面 耗 尽 ; 我 必 败 坏 他 们 的 谋 略 。 他 们 必 求 问 偶 像 和 念 咒 的 、 交 鬼 的 、 行 巫 术 的 。



Isaiah 19:3
Egiptu se pamet muti, ja sprečavam njegove naume; oni traže idole i vrače, opsjenare i gatare.

Izaiáše 19:3
A na nic přijde duch Egyptských u prostřed něho, a radu jeho sehltím. I raditi se budou modl a kouzedlníků a zaklinačů a hadačů.

Esajas 19:3
Ægyptens Forstand staar stille, dets Raad gør jeg til intet, saa de søger Guder og Manere, Genfærd og Aander.

Jesaja 19:3
En de geest der Egyptenaren zal uitgeledigd worden in het binnenste van hen, en hun raad zal Ik verslinden; dan zullen zij hun afgoden vragen, en den bezweerders, en den waarzeggers, en den duivelskunstenaars.

ישעה 19:3
וְנָבְקָ֤ה רֽוּחַ־מִצְרַ֙יִם֙ בְּקִרְבֹּ֔ו וַעֲצָתֹ֖ו אֲבַלֵּ֑עַ וְדָרְשׁ֤וּ אֶל־הָֽאֱלִילִים֙ וְאֶל־הָ֣אִטִּ֔ים וְאֶל־הָאֹבֹ֖ות וְאֶל־הַיִּדְּעֹנִֽים׃

ג ונבקה רוח מצרים בקרבו ועצתו אבלע ודרשו אל האלילים ואל האטים ואל האבות ואל הידענים

ונבקה רוח־מצרים בקרבו ועצתו אבלע ודרשו אל־האלילים ואל־האטים ואל־האבות ואל־הידענים׃

Ézsaiás 19:3
És elfogyatkozik az égyiptomiak lelke õ bennök, és az õ tanácsát elnyelem, és tudakoznak a bálványoktól, szemfényvesztõktõl, halottidézõktõl és jövendõmondóktól.

Jesaja 19:3
Kaj malaperos la kuragxo de la Egiptoj interne de ili, kaj Mi detruos iliajn intencojn; kaj ili demandos la idolojn kaj la sorcxistojn kaj la auxguristojn kaj la antauxdiristojn.

Ja ei Egyptiläisillä pidä oleman sydäntä, ja minä teen heidän neuvonsa tyhjäksi. Niin he siis kysyvät epäjumalilta, velhoilta, noidilta, taikureilta ja tietäjiltä.

Ésaïe 19:3
Et l'esprit de l'Égypte s'en ira, au milieu d'elle, et je détruirai son conseil; et ils s'enquerront auprès des idoles, et auprès des nécromanciens et des évocateurs d'esprits et des diseurs de bonne aventure.

L'esprit de l'Egypte disparaîtra du milieu d'elle, Et j'anéantirai son conseil; On consultera les idoles et les enchanteurs, Ceux qui évoquent les morts et ceux qui prédisent l'avenir.

L'esprit de l'Egypte s'évanouira au milieu d'elle, et je dissiperai son conseil, et ils interrogeront les idoles, et les enchanteurs, et les esprits de Python, et les diseurs de bonne aventure.

Jesaja 19:3
Und der Mut soll den Ägyptern unter ihnen vergehen, und will ihre Anschläge zunichte machen. Da werden sie dann fragen ihre Götzen und Pfaffen und Wahrsager und Zeichendeuter.

Und der Mut soll den Ägyptern in ihrem Herzen vergehen, und ich will ihre Anschläge zunichte machen. Da werden sie dann fragen ihre Götzen und Pfaffen und Wahrsager und Zeichendeuter.

Und der Verstand, der in den Ägyptern ist, soll ausgeleert werden, und ihre Überlegung will ich zu nichte machen, daß sie die Götzen der Beschwörer befragen sollen, die Totengeister und Wahrsagegeister.

Isaia 19:3
Lo spirito che anima l’Egitto svanirà, io frustrerò i suoi disegni; e quelli consulteranno gl’idoli, gl’incantatori, gli evocatori di spiriti e gl’indovini.

E lo spirito dell’Egitto verrà meno nel mezzo di esso; ed io dissiperò il lor consiglio; ed essi domanderanno gl’idoli, e i magi, e gli spiriti di Pitone, e gl’indovini.

Pada masa itu hikmat orang Mesir akan habis di dalam dadanya dan bicara mereka itu akan Kubatalkan; pada masa itu mereka akan bertanyakan berhalanya dan segala juru manteranya dan orang tenungannya dan yang tahu hikmat iblis.

이사야 19:3
애굽인의 정신이 그 속에서 쇠약할 것이요 그 도모는 그의 파하신 바가 되리니 그들이 우상과 마술사와 신접한 자와 요술객에게 물으리로다

Isaias 19:3
et disrumpetur spiritus Aegypti in visceribus eius et consilium eius praecipitabo et interrogabunt simulacra sua et divinos suos et pythones et ariolos

Izaijo knyga 19:3
Egiptiečiai gyvens sąmyšyje, ir Aš paversiu niekais jų planus. Jie klaus savo stabų ir burtininkų, mirusiųjų dvasių iššaukėjų ir žynių.

Isaiah 19:3
Na ka meinga te wairua o Ihipa kia kahore noa iho i waenganui i a ia; ka whakangaromia hoki e ahau ona whakaaro: a ka rapua e ratou he tikanga i nga whakapakoko, i nga tohunga whakawai, i te hunga he atua maori nei o ratou, i nga matakite.

Esaias 19:3
Og egypternes ånd skal svikte i deres indre, og deres råd vil jeg gjøre til intet; de skal søke til sine avguder og trollmenn og dødningemanere og sannsigere.

Isaías 19:3
Entonces el espíritu de los egipcios se apocará dentro de ellos; confundiré sus planes, y ellos acudirán a los ídolos, a los espíritus de los muertos, a los médium y a los espiritistas.

Entonces el espíritu de los Egipcios se apocará dentro de ellos. Confundiré sus planes, Y ellos acudirán a los ídolos, a los espíritus de los muertos, A los adivinos y a los espiritistas.

Y el espíritu de Egipto se desvanecerá en medio de él, y destruiré su consejo; y preguntarán a las imágenes, a los encantadores, a los evocadores y a los adivinos.

Y el espíritu de Egipto se desvanecerá en medio de él, y destruiré su consejo; y preguntarán á sus imágenes, á sus mágicos, á sus pythones y á sus adivinos.

Y el espíritu de Egipto se desvanecerá en medio de él, y destruiré su consejo; y preguntarán a sus imágenes, a sus mágicos, a sus pitones y a sus adivinos.

Isaías 19:3
O espírito dos egípcios será aniquilado no seu íntimo, confundirei o seu conselho e reduzirei seus planos a nada. Em desespero sairão em busca dos seus deuses vãos; consultarão seus ídolos, necromantes, médiuns, adivinhos e até ilusionistas.

E o espírito dos egípcios se esvaecerá dentro deles; eu destruirei o seu conselho; e eles consultarão os seus ídolos, e encantadores, e necromantes e feiticeiros.   

Isaia 19:3
Duhul Egiptenilor va pieri din ei, şi le voi nimici sfatul; atunci vor întreba pe idoli şi pe vrăjitori, pe ceice cheamă morţii şi pe ghicitori.

Исаия 19:3
И дух Египта изнеможет в нем, и разрушу совет его, и прибегнут они к идолам и к чародеям, и к вызывающим мертвых и к гадателям.

И дух Египта изнеможет в нем, и разрушу совет его, и прибегнут они к идолам и к чародеям, и к вызывающим мертвых и к гадателям.[]

Jesaja 19:3
Och egyptiernas förstånd skall försvinna ur deras hjärtan, och deras råd skall jag göra om intet; de skola då fråga sina avgudar och signare, sina andebesvärjare och spåmän.

Isaiah 19:3
At ang diwa ng Egipto ay mauupos sa gitna niyaon; at aking sisirain ang payo niyaon: at sasangguni sila sa mga diosdiosan, at sa mga enkantador, at sa mga nakikipagsanggunian sa masamang espiritu, at sa mga manghuhula.

อิสยาห์ 19:3
และในสมัยนั้นคนอียิปต์ก็จะจนใจ และเราจะกระทำให้แผนงานของเขายุ่งเหยิง และเขาจะปรึกษารูปเคารพและพวกหมอดู และคนทรง และพ่อมดแม่มด

Yeşaya 19:3
Mısırlıların cesareti tükenecek,
Tasarılarını boşa çıkaracağım.
Yardım için putlara, ölülerin ruhlarına,
Medyumlarla ruh çağıranlara danışacaklar.[]

EÂ-sai 19:3
Tâm thần Ê-díp-tô sẽ lụn bại giữa nó, ta sẽ phá tan mưu chước nó. Bấy giờ chúng nó sẽ cầu hỏi các thần tượng cùng thuật sĩ, kẻ kêu hồn cùng thầy bói.

Isaiah 19:2
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