Isaiah 19:17
Isaiah 19:17
And the land of Judah will bring terror to the Egyptians; everyone to whom Judah is mentioned will be terrified, because of what the LORD Almighty is planning against them.

Just to speak the name of Israel will terrorize them, for the LORD of Heaven's Armies has laid out his plans against them.

And the land of Judah will become a terror to the Egyptians. Everyone to whom it is mentioned will fear because of the purpose that the LORD of hosts has purposed against them.

The land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt; everyone to whom it is mentioned will be in dread of it, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts which He is purposing against them.

And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, every one that maketh mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.

The land of Judah will terrify Egypt; whenever Judah is mentioned, Egypt will tremble because of what the LORD of Hosts has planned against it.

And the land of Judah will become a terror to the Egyptians. Everyone to whom it is mentioned will be afraid, because of the uplifted hand of the LORD of the Heavenly Armies that is turning in their direction.

The land of Judah will humiliate Egypt. Everyone who hears about Judah will be afraid because of what the LORD who commands armies is planning to do to them.

The land of Judah will terrify the Egyptians. Whenever they are reminded of Judah, they will be terrified of it because of what the LORD of Armies is planning against it.

And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt; every one that makes mention of it shall be afraid in himself because of the counsel of the LORD of the hosts which he has determined against it.

And the land of Judah shall be a terror unto Egypt, everyone that makes mention of it shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he has determined against it.

And the land of Judah shall be a terror to Egypt, every one that makes mention thereof shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he has determined against it.

And the land of Judah shall become a terror unto Egypt; every one to whom mention is made thereof shall be afraid, because of the purpose of Jehovah of hosts, which he purposeth against it.

And the land of Juda shall be a terror to Egypt: every one that shall remember it shall tremble because of the counsel of the Lord of hosts, which he hath determined concerning it.

And the land of Judah shall be a dismay unto Egypt: every one that thinketh of it shall be afraid for himself, because of the counsel of Jehovah of hosts, which he hath purposed against it.

And the land of Judah shall become a terror unto Egypt, every one to whom mention is made thereof shall be afraid, because of the purpose of the LORD of hosts, which he purposeth against it.

And the land of Judah shall be a terror to Egypt, every one that maketh mention of it shall be afraid in himself, because of the counsel of the LORD of hosts, which he hath determined against it.

The land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt. Everyone to whom mention is made of it will be afraid, because of the plans of Yahweh of Armies, which he determines against it.

And the land of Judah hath been to Egypt for a cause of staggering, Every one who doth mention it, for himself feareth, Because of the counsel of Jehovah of Hosts, That He is counselling against it.

Isaia 19:17
Vendi i Judës do të jetë tmerri i Egjiptit; sa herë që do të përmendet, ka për të qenë një tmerr i vërtetë për shkak të vendimit të marrë nga Zoti i ushtrive kundër tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 19:17
وتكون ارض يهوذا رعبا لمصر. كل من تذكرها يرتعب من امام قضاء رب الجنود الذي يقضي به عليها

Dyr Ieseien 19:17
Judau werd für Güptn öbbs Erschrocklichs. Bal myn grad öbbs sait von Judau, dyrschrickt Güptn vor dönn, was dyr Hörerherr gögn Güptn blicht haat.

Исая 19:17
И Юдовата земя ще стане ужас за Египет; Всеки, който си припомнюва за нея, ще се ужасява Поради решението на Господа на Силите, Което взе против него.

以 賽 亞 書 19:17
猶 大 地 必 使 埃 及 驚 恐 , 向 誰 提 起 猶 大 地 , 誰 就 懼 怕 。 這 是 因 萬 軍 之 耶 和 華 向 埃 及 所 定 的 旨 意 。

犹 大 地 必 使 埃 及 惊 恐 , 向 谁 提 起 犹 大 地 , 谁 就 惧 怕 。 这 是 因 万 军 之 耶 和 华 向 埃 及 所 定 的 旨 意 。



Isaiah 19:17
Zemlja će Judina biti na užas Egiptu; kad god je se sjeti, strah će ga obuzeti zbog onoga što je Jahve nad Vojskama protiv njega naumio.

Izaiáše 19:17
A budeť země Judská Egyptu k hrůzi; každý, kdož zpomene na ni, strašiti se bude, pro radu Hospodina zástupů, kterouž zavřel o něm.

Esajas 19:17
Judas Land bliver Ægypten en Rædsel; hver Gang nogen minder dem derom, gribes de af Angst for, hvad Hærskarers HERRE har for imod det.

Jesaja 19:17
En het land van Juda zal den Egyptenaren tot een schrik zijn; zo wie het vermelden zal, die zal in zichzelven bevreesd wezen vanwege den raad des HEEREN der heirscharen, dien Hij tegen hen beraadslaagd heeft.

ישעה 19:17
וְ֠הָיְתָה אַדְמַ֨ת יְהוּדָ֤ה לְמִצְרַ֙יִם֙ לְחָגָּ֔א כֹּל֩ אֲשֶׁ֨ר יַזְכִּ֥יר אֹתָ֛הּ אֵלָ֖יו יִפְחָ֑ד מִפְּנֵ֗י עֲצַת֙ יְהוָ֣ה צְבָאֹ֔ות אֲשֶׁר־ה֖וּא יֹועֵ֥ץ עָלָֽיו׃ ס

יז והיתה אדמת יהודה למצרים לחגא כל אשר יזכיר אתה אליו יפחד--מפני עצת יהוה צבאות אשר הוא יועץ עליו  {ס}

והיתה אדמת יהודה למצרים לחגא כל אשר יזכיר אתה אליו יפחד מפני עצת יהוה צבאות אשר־הוא יועץ עליו׃ ס

Ézsaiás 19:17
És Júda földe félelmére lesz Égyiptomnak, valaki csak említi azt elõtte, már fél, a seregek Urának tanácsáért, a melyet Õ végzett felõle.

Jesaja 19:17
Kaj la lando de Jehuda farigxos terurajxo por la Egiptoj; cxiu, kiu rememoros gxin, ektimos, pro la decido de la Eternulo Cebaot, kiun Li decidis pri ili.

JESAJA 19:17
Ja Egyptin pitää pelkäämän Juudan maata, niin että sen, joka sitä ajattelee, pitää peljästymän Herran Zebaotin neuvoa, jonka hän siitä on pitänyt.

Ésaïe 19:17
Et la terre de Juda sera pour l'Égypte une terreur: quiconque se la rappellera aura peur, à cause du conseil de l'Éternel des armées que, lui, il a pris contre elle.

Et le pays de Juda sera pour l'Egypte un objet d'effroi: Dès qu'on lui en parlera, elle sera dans l'épouvante, A cause de la résolution prise contre elle par l'Eternel des armées.

Et la terre de Juda sera en effroi à l'Egypte ; quiconque fera mention d'elle, en sera épouvanté en soi-même, à cause du conseil de l'Eternel des armées, lequel il s'en va décréter contr'elle.

Jesaja 19:17
Und Ägypten wird sich fürchten vor dem Lande Juda, daß, wer desselbigen gedenkt, wird davor erschrecken, über dem Rat des HERRN Zebaoth, den er über sie beschlossen hat.

Und Ägypten wird sich fürchten vor dem Lande Juda, daß, wer desselben gedenkt, wird davor erschrecken über den Rat des HERRN Zebaoth, den er über sie beschlossen hat.

Und das Land Juda wird für die Ägypter ein Gegenstand des Schreckens sein. So oft man es gegen sie erwähnt, werden sie in Furcht geraten wegen der Absicht Jahwes der Heerscharen, die er gegen die Ägypter hegt.

Isaia 19:17
E il paese di Giuda sarà il terrore dell’Egitto; tutte le volte che gli se ne farà menzione, l’Egitto sarà spaventato a motivo della decisione presa contro di lui dall’Eterno degli eserciti.

E la terra di Giuda sarà in ispavento all’Egitto; chiunque si ricorderà di essa si spaventerà in sè stesso, per lo consiglio del Signor degli eserciti, il quale egli ha preso contro a quello.

YESAYA 19:17
Maka tanah Yehuda kelak bagi orang Mesir akan perkara hebat, barangsiapa yang menyebut namanya itu akan gentar dalam dirinya dari karena takdir Tuhan serwa sekalian alam, yang telah ditentukannya atas mereka itu.

이사야 19:17
유다의 땅은 애굽의 두려움이 되리니 이는 만군의 여호와께서 애굽에 대하여 정하신 모략을 인함이라 그 소문을 듣는 자마다 떨리라

Isaias 19:17
et erit terra Iuda Aegypto in festivitatem omnis qui illius fuerit recordatus pavebit a facie consilii Domini exercituum quod ipse cogitavit super eam

Izaijo knyga 19:17
Judo žemė bus siaubas Egiptui. Kiekvienas išsigąs, vos jį paminėjęs, dėl to, ką Viešpats nusprendė dėl Egipto.

Isaiah 19:17
A ka ai te whenua o Hura hei whakawehi mo Ihipa, a ko nga tangata katoa e whakahuatia atu ai ia, ka wehi, i te tikanga hoki kua takoto i a Ihowa o nga mano mo reira.

Esaias 19:17
Og Juda land skal være en redsel for Egypten; så ofte nogen nevner det for dem, skal de skjelve for det råd som Herren, hærskarenes Gud, tar mot det.

Isaías 19:17
Y la tierra de Judá será terror para Egipto; todo aquel a quien se la mencionen quedará aterrado de ella, a causa del propósito que el SEÑOR de los ejércitos ha determinado contra él.

Y la tierra de Judá será terror para Egipto, todo aquél a quien se la mencionen quedará aterrado de ella, a causa del propósito que el SEÑOR de los ejércitos ha determinado contra ellos.

Y la tierra de Judá será de espanto a Egipto; todo hombre que de ella se acordare temerá por causa del consejo que Jehová de los ejércitos acordó sobre aquél.

Y la tierra de Judá será de espanto á Egipto; todo hombre que de ella se acordare se asombrará, por causa del consejo que Jehová de los ejércitos acordó sobre aquél.

Y la tierra de Judá será de espanto a Egipto; todo hombre que de ella se acordare se asombrará de ella, por causa del consejo que el SEÑOR de los ejércitos acordó sobre él.

Isaías 19:17
A terra de Judá será motivo de pavor e vergonha para o Egito: toda vez que alguém mencionar o nome de Judá se sentirá aterrorizado à vista das ações que Yahweh, o SENHOR dos Exércitos executou contra os egípcios.

E a terra de Judá será um espanto para o Egito; todo aquele a quem isso se anunciar se assombrará, por causa do propósito que o Senhor dos exércitos determinou contra eles.   

Isaia 19:17
Chiar şi ţara lui Iuda va fi o groază pentru Egipt: cum i se va vorbi de ea, se va îngrozi, din pricina hotărîrii luate împotriva lui de Domnul oştirilor.

Исаия 19:17
Земля Иудина сделается ужасом для Египта; кто вспомнит о ней, тот затрепещет от определения Господа Саваофа, которое Он постановил о нем.

Земля Иудина сделается ужасом для Египта; кто вспомнит о ней, тот затрепещет от определения Господа Саваофа, которое Он постановил о нем.[]

Jesaja 19:17
Och Juda land skall bliva en skräck för egyptierna; så ofta man nämner det för dem, skola de förskräckas, för det besluts skull som HERREN Sebaot har fattat över dem.

Isaiah 19:17
At ang lupain ng Juda ay magiging kakilabutan sa Egipto; sa kanino man mabanggit yaon ay matatakot, dahil sa panukala ng Panginoon ng mga hukbo, na ipinanukala laban doon.

อิสยาห์ 19:17
และแผ่นดินยูดาห์จะเป็นที่หวาดกลัวแก่คนอียิปต์ เมื่อกล่าวชื่อให้คนหนึ่งคนใดเขาก็จะกลัว เพราะพระประสงค์ของพระเยโฮวาห์จอมโยธา ซึ่งทรงประสงค์ต่อเขาทั้งหลาย

Yeşaya 19:17
Yahuda Mısırı dehşete düşürecek. Yahuda dendi mi, Her Şeye Egemen RABbin Mısıra karşı tasarladıklarını anımsayan herkes dehşete kapılacak.[]

EÂ-sai 19:17
Bấy giờ đất Giu-đa sẽ nên sự kinh hoàng cho Ê-díp-tô; hễ khi người ta xưng tên ấy ra trước mặt ai thì nấy sợ khiếp, vì ý chỉ của Ðức Giê-hô-va vạn quân đã định nghịch cùng nó.

Isaiah 19:16
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