Isaiah 18:5
Isaiah 18:5
For, before the harvest, when the blossom is gone and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the shoots with pruning knives, and cut down and take away the spreading branches.

Even before you begin your attack, while your plans are ripening like grapes, the LORD will cut off your new growth with pruning shears. He will snip off and discard your spreading branches.

For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he cuts off the shoots with pruning hooks, and the spreading branches he lops off and clears away.

For before the harvest, as soon as the bud blossoms And the flower becomes a ripening grape, Then He will cut off the sprigs with pruning knives And remove and cut away the spreading branches.

For afore the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.

For before the harvest, when the blossoming is over and the blossom becomes a ripening grape, He will cut off the shoots with a pruning knife, and tear away and remove the branches.

For before the harvest, when the season of budding is over, and sour grapes ripen into mature grapes, he cuts off the shoots with pruning knives, clearing away the spreading branches as he lops them off.

For before the harvest, when the bud has sprouted, and the ripening fruit appears, he will cut off the unproductive shoots with pruning knives; he will prune the tendrils.

Before the harvest, when blossoms are gone and grapes are ripening from blossoms, he will cut off the shoots with pruning shears and chop off the spreading branches.

For before the harvest, when the fruit is perfect, and after the flower is past and the fruit is mature, then he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks and take away and cut down the branches.

For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.

For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.

For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becometh a ripening grape, he will cut off the sprigs with pruning-hooks, and the spreading branches will he take away and cut down.

For before the harvest it was all flourishing, and it shall bud without perfect ripeness, and the sprigs thereof shall be cut off with pruning hooks: and what is left shall be cut away and shaken out.

For before the harvest, when the blossoming is over, and the flower becometh a ripening grape, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning-knives, and take away and cut down the branches.

For afore the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becometh a ripening grape, he shall cut off the sprigs with pruning-hooks, and the spreading branches shall he take away and cut down.

For before the harvest, when the bud is perfect, and the sour grape is ripening in the flower, he shall both cut off the sprigs with pruning-hooks, and take away and cut down the branches.

For before the harvest, when the blossom is over, and the flower becomes a ripening grape, he will cut off the sprigs with pruning hooks, and he will cut down and take away the spreading branches.

For before harvest, when the flower is perfect, And the blossom is producing unripe fruit, Then hath one cut the sprigs with pruning hooks, And the branches he hath turned aside, cut down.

Isaia 18:5
Sepse para korrjes, kur lulëzimi ka marrë fund dhe lulja është bërë një vile në fazën e pjekurisë, ai do t'i presë degëzat me kmesë dhe do të shkulë e do t'i presë shermendët.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 18:5
فانه قبل الحصاد عند تمام الزهر وعند ما يصير الزهر حصرما نضيجا يقطع القضبان بالمناجل وينزع الافنان ويطرحها.

Dyr Ieseien 18:5
Ja, non vor dyr Ärn, wenn de Blüe umhin ist und draufer de Traubn kemmend, schneidt yr d Rebn mit n Mösser ab und ropft de gantzn Trib abher.

Исая 18:5
Защото преди беритбата, когато пъпката стане съвършена, И от цвета незрялото грозде, узрее, Той ще изреже клончетата с косери, И като отсече клоновете ще ги махне,

以 賽 亞 書 18:5
收 割 之 先 , 花 開 已 謝 , 花 也 成 了 將 熟 的 葡 萄 ; 他 必 用 鐮 刀 削 去 嫩 枝 , 又 砍 掉 蔓 延 的 枝 條 ,

收 割 之 先 , 花 开 已 谢 , 花 也 成 了 将 熟 的 葡 萄 ; 他 必 用 镰 刀 削 去 嫩 枝 , 又 砍 掉 蔓 延 的 枝 条 ,



Isaiah 18:5
Prije berbe, kad loza ocvate i cvijet u grozdove dozri, nožima će posjeći mladice, povezati, ukloniti grane.

Izaiáše 18:5
Před vinobraním zajisté, když se vypučí pupenec, a květ vydá hrozen trpký, ještě rostoucí, tedy podřeže révíčko noži, a rozvody odejme a zpodtíná.

Esajas 18:5
Thi før Høst, naar Blomstring er endt, naar Blomst sætter modnende Drue, afskærer han Rankerne med Knive, og Skuddene kapper han bort.

Jesaja 18:5
Want voor den oogst, als de botte volkomen is, en de onrijpe druif rijp wordt na den bloesem, zo zal Hij de ranken met snoeimessen afsnijden, en de takken wegdoen, en afkappen.

ישעה 18:5
כִּֽי־לִפְנֵ֤י קָצִיר֙ כְּתָם־פֶּ֔רַח וּבֹ֥סֶר גֹּמֵ֖ל יִֽהְיֶ֣ה נִצָּ֑ה וְכָרַ֤ת הַזַּלְזַלִּים֙ בַּמַּזְמֵרֹ֔ות וְאֶת־הַנְּטִישֹׁ֖ות הֵסִ֥יר הֵתַֽז׃

ה כי לפני קציר כתם פרח ובסר גמל יהיה נצה וכרת הזלזלים במזמרות ואת הנטישות הסיר התז

כי־לפני קציר כתם־פרח ובסר גמל יהיה נצה וכרת הזלזלים במזמרות ואת־הנטישות הסיר התז׃

Ézsaiás 18:5
Mert aratás elõtt, ha a virágzás véget ér, és a virág érõ fürtté lészen, levágja a vesszõket metszõkésekkel, és a kacsokat eltávolítja és lemetszi.

Jesaja 18:5
CXar antaux la rikolto, kiam la florado finigxis kaj la floro farigxis matura bero, Li detrancxos la brancxojn per trancxiloj kaj deprenos la vinberbrancxojn.

Sillä ennen elonaikaa, kuin tulo valmiiksi tulee, ja rohkamarjat kypsentyvät, täytyy oksat leikata sirpillä, ja viinapuut hakata ja heittää pois:

Ésaïe 18:5
Car avant la moisson, lorsque la floraison est finie et que la fleur devient un raisin vert qui mûrit, il coupera les pousses avec des serpes, et il ôtera et retranchera les sarments.

Mais avant la moisson, quand la pousse est achevée, Quand la fleur devient un raisin qui mûrit, Il coupe les sarments avec des serpes, Il enlève, il tranche les ceps...

Car avant la moisson, sitôt que le bouton sera venu en sa perfection, et que la fleur sera devenue un raisin se mûrissant, il coupera les rameaux avec des serpes, et il ôtera les sarments, les ayant retranchés.

Jesaja 18:5
Denn vor der Ernte wird das Gewächs abnehmen, und die unreife Frucht in der Blüte verdorren, daß man die Stengel muß mit Sicheln abschneiden und die Reben wegtun und abhauen,

Denn vor der Ernte, wenn die Blüte vorüber ist und die Traube reift, wird man die Ranken mit Hippen abschneiden und die Reben wegnehmen und abhauen, {~}

Denn vor der Lese, wenn die Blüte vorüber ist, und die Knospe zur reifenden Traube wird, wird er die Reben mit Winzermessern abschneiden, entfernt, zerknickt er die Ranken.

Isaia 18:5
Ma prima della mèsse, quando la fioritura sarà passata e il fiore sarà divenuto grappolo formato, Egli taglierà i tralci con delle roncole, torrà via e reciderà i pampini.

Perciocchè, avanti la mietitura, dopo che la vite avrà finito di metter le gemme, e che il fiore sarà divenuto agresto, che si andrà maturando, Iddio taglierà i magliuoli con falci, e torrà via i tralci, e li riciderà.

Karena dahulu dari pada pupul besar, apabila sudah luruh bunganya dan buah anggur terang terus sengajakan masak, pada masa itu dikeratnya segala ranting-ranting dengan pisau perancung dan dipotongnya dan dibuangnya segala cabang.

이사야 18:5
추수하기 전에 꽃이 떨어지고 포도가 맺혀 익어 갈 때에 내가 낫으로 그 연한 가지를 베며 퍼진 가지를 찍어버려서

Isaias 18:5
ante messem enim totus effloruit et inmatura perfectio germinabit et praecidentur ramusculi eius falcibus et quae derelicta fuerint abscidentur excutientur

Izaijo knyga 18:5
Prieš pjūtį, žydėjimui praėjus, vynuogėms pradėjus nokti, Jis išpjaustys visas atžalas ir iškapos šakeles.

Isaiah 18:5
Hei mua hoki i te kotinga, kia ngahoro te puawai, kia puta ki te puawai he karepe e maoa haere ana, na ka hatepea atu e ia nga peka ririki ki te tapahi peka, a ko nga manga ka tangohia, ka tapahia ki raro.

Esaias 18:5
For før høsten, når blomstringen er til ende, og blomsten blir til en modnende drue, da skjærer han rankene av med havekniver, og kvistene hugger han av og fører dem bort.

Isaías 18:5
Pues antes de la cosecha, tan pronto como el botón se abra y la flor se convierta en uva madura, El cortará los pámpanos con podaderas y podará y quitará los sarmientos.

Pues antes de la cosecha, tan pronto como el botón se abra Y la flor se convierta en uva madura, El cortará los pámpanos con podaderas Y podará y quitará los sarmientos.

Porque antes de la siega, cuando el fruto fuere perfecto, y pasada la flor fueren madurando los frutos, entonces podará con podaderas las ramitas, y cortará y quitará las ramas.

Porque antes de la siega, cuando el fruto fuere perfecto, y pasada la flor fueren madurando los frutos, entonces podará con podaderas los ramitos, y cortará y quitará las ramas.

Porque antes de la siega, cuando el fruto fuere perfecto, y pasada la flor, los frutos fuesen maduros, entonces podará con podaderas las ramitas; y cortará y quitará las ramas.

Isaías 18:5
Assim, antes da colheita, quando a floração der lugar ao fruto e as uvas amadurecerem, ele cortará os brotos com a podadeira e retirará os ramos mais longos.

Pois antes da sega, quando acaba a flor e o gomo se torna uva prestes a amadurecer, ele cortará com foices os sarmentos e tirará os ramos, e os lançará fora.   

Isaia 18:5
Dar înainte de seceriş, cînd cade floarea, şi rodul se face aguridă, el taie îndată mlădiţele cu cosoare, ba taie chiar lăstarii şi -i aruncă...``

Исаия 18:5
Ибо прежде собирания винограда, когда он отцветет, и грозд начнет созревать, Он отрежет ножом ветви и отнимет, и отрубит отрасли.

Ибо прежде собирания винограда, когда он отцветет, и грозд начнет созревать, Он отрежет ножом ветви и отнимет, и отрубит отрасли.[]

Jesaja 18:5
Ty förrän skördetiden är inne, just när blomningen är slut och blomman förbytes i mognad druva, skall han avskära rankorna med vingårdskniv och hugga av rotskotten och skaffa dem bort.

Isaiah 18:5
Sapagka't bago magani, pagka ang bulaklak ay nalagas, at ang bulaklak ay nagiging ubas na nahihinog, kaniyang puputulin ng karit na pangkapon ang mga usbong, at ang mga ladlad na sanga ay kaniyang aalisin at puputulin.

อิสยาห์ 18:5
เพราะก่อนถึงฤดูเกี่ยว ดอกตูมเบ่งบานเต็มที่แล้ว และผลองุ่นเปรี้ยวกำลังสุกอยู่ในช่อของมัน พระองค์จะทรงตัดแขนงออกด้วยขอลิดแขนงและนำออกไป และจะทรงตัดกิ่งก้านนั้นลงเสีย

Yeşaya 18:5
Bağbozumundan önce çiçekler düşüp
Üzümler olgunlaşmaya yüz tutunca,
Asmanın dalları bıçakla kesilecek,
Çubukları koparılıp atılacak.[]

EÂ-sai 18:5
Nhưng, trước ngày gặt, khi mùa hoa đã cuối, và hoa nho thành trái hầu chín, thì Ngài sẽ dùng liềm cắt những nhánh, tỉa bỏ những nhánh rậm lá.

Isaiah 18:4
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