Isaiah 17:12
Isaiah 17:12
Woe to the many nations that rage-- they rage like the raging sea! Woe to the peoples who roar-- they roar like the roaring of great waters!

Listen! The armies of many nations roar like the roaring of the sea. Hear the thunder of the mighty forces as they rush forward like thundering waves.

Ah, the thunder of many peoples; they thunder like the thundering of the sea! Ah, the roar of nations; they roar like the roaring of mighty waters!

Alas, the uproar of many peoples Who roar like the roaring of the seas, And the rumbling of nations Who rush on like the rumbling of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

Ah! The roar of many peoples-- they roar like the roaring of the seas. The raging of the nations-- they rage like the raging of mighty waters.

"How terrible it will be for many peoples, who rage like the roaring sea! Oh, how the uproar of nations is like the sound of rushing, mighty water— How they roar!

The many nations massing together are as good as dead, those who make a commotion as loud as the roaring of the sea's waves. The people making such an uproar are as good as dead, those who make an uproar as loud as the roaring of powerful waves.

How horrible it will be for many people! They will roar like the roaring sea. The noise that the people make will be like the noise from rushing water.

Woe to the multitude of many peoples, which shall make a noise like the noise of the sea; and the rushing of nations, that make an uprising like the rushing of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many people, who make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many people, which make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

Ah, the uproar of many peoples, that roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing of nations, that rush like the rushing of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many people, like the multitude of the roaring sea: and the tumult of crowds, like the noise of many waters.

Ha! a tumult of many peoples! they make a noise as the noise of the seas; and the rushing of nations! they rush as the rushing of mighty waters.

Ah, the uproar of many peoples, which roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing of nations, that rush like the rushing of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many people, who make a noise like the noise of the seas; and to the rushing of nations, that make a rushing like the rushing of mighty waters!

Ah, the uproar of many peoples, who roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing of nations, that rush like the rushing of mighty waters!

Woe to the multitude of many peoples, As the sounding of seas they sound; And to the wasting of nations, As the wasting of mighty waters they are wasted.

Isaia 17:12
Ah, zhurma e një numri të madh popujsh, që zhurmojnë si gjëmimi i detit dhe si buçima e kombeve, zhurmojnë si buçima e ujërave të fuqishme!

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 17:12
آه ضجيج شعوب كثيرة تضج كضجيج البحر وهدير قبائل تهدر كهدير مياه غزيرة.

Dyr Ieseien 17:12
Wee über die Volkshäuft, wo so umgstüem seind wie s Mör; tobn tuend s non wie gwaltige Fluettn. Ja, +wie s tobnd, de Dietn! Aber dyr Trechtein

Исая 17:12
Ах! шуменето на многото племена, Които бучат като бученето на моретата,- И смутът на народите, Които напират като напора на големи води!

以 賽 亞 書 17:12
唉 ! 多 民 鬨 嚷 , 好 像 海 浪 匉 訇 ; 列 邦 奔 騰 , 好 像 猛 水 滔 滔 ;

唉 ! 多 民 哄 嚷 , 好 像 海 浪 ? 訇 ; 列 邦 奔 腾 , 好 像 猛 水 滔 滔 ;



Isaiah 17:12
Jao, buka naroda mnogobrojnih; buče kao što buči more; šum naroda koji šume k'o što šumore silne vode.

Izaiáše 17:12
Běda množství lidí mnohých, kteříž jako zvuk mořský ječí, a hlučícím národům, kteříž jako zvuk vod násilných hlučí,

Esajas 17:12
Hør Bulder af mange Folkeslag! De buldrer som Havets Bulder. Drøn af Folkefærd! De drøner som vældige Vandes Drøn.

Jesaja 17:12
Wee der veelheid der grote volken, die daar bruisen, gelijk de zeeen bruisen; en wee het geruis der natien, die daar ruisen, gelijk de geweldige wateren ruisen!

ישעה 17:12
הֹ֗וי הֲמֹון֙ עַמִּ֣ים רַבִּ֔ים כַּהֲמֹ֥ות יַמִּ֖ים יֶהֱמָי֑וּן וּשְׁאֹ֣ון לְאֻמִּ֔ים כִּשְׁאֹ֛ון מַ֥יִם כַּבִּירִ֖ים יִשָּׁאֽוּן׃

יב הוי המון עמים רבים כהמות ימים יהמיון ושאון לאמים כשאון מים כבירים ישאון

הוי המון עמים רבים כהמות ימים יהמיון ושאון לאמים כשאון מים כבירים ישאון׃

Ézsaiás 17:12
Jaj a sok nép zúgásának, a kik úgy zúgnak, mint a tenger zúgása, és a népségek háborgásának, a kik háborognak, mint erõs vizek!

Jesaja 17:12
Ho ve! bruo de multe da popoloj; ili bruas simile al la bruo de maroj; kaj tumulto de gentoj, kiel tumulto de grandaj akvoj.

JESAJA 17:12
Voi sitä peräti paljoa kansaa, se on pauhaava niinkuin meri; ja kansan hyminä on kohiseva, niinkuin iso vesi pauhaa.

Ésaïe 17:12
Malheur à la multitude de peuples nombreux! ils bruient comme le bruit des mers, -et au tumulte des peuplades! ils s'émeuvent en tumulte comme le tumulte de grosses eaux.

Oh! quelle rumeur de peuples nombreux! Ils mugissent comme mugit la mer. Quel tumulte de nations! Elles grondent comme grondent les eaux puissantes.

Malheur à la multitude de plusieurs peuples qui bruient comme bruient les mers; et à la tempête éclatante des nations, qui font du bruit comme une tempête éclatante d'eaux impétueuses.

Jesaja 17:12
O wehe der Menge so großen Volks! Wie das Meer wird es brausen, und das Getümmel der Leute wird wüten, wie große Wasser wüten.

O weh der Menge so großen Volks! Wie das Meer wird es brausen; und das Getümmel der Leute wird wüten, wie groß Wasser wüten. {~}

Wehe! ein Tosen vieler Völker - wie Meerestosen tosen sie! und ein Brausen der Nationen - wie das Brausen gewaltiger Wasser brausen sie!

Isaia 17:12
Oh che rumore di popoli numerosi! muggono, come muggono i mari.

GUAI alla turba de’ gran popoli i quali romoreggiano come i mari; ed alla turba risonante delle nazioni, che risuonano a guisa di acque grosse!

YESAYA 17:12
Wai, ada gelora kebanyakan bangsa besar-besar, yang bergelora seperti gelora laut, dan dengung segala bangsa, yang berdengung seperti air banyak menderu!

이사야 17:12
슬프다 많은 민족이 소동하였으되 바다 파도의 뛰노는 소리 같이 그들이 소동하였고 열방이 충돌하였으되 큰 물의 몰려옴 같이 그들도 충돌하였도다

Isaias 17:12
vae multitudo populorum multorum ut multitudo maris sonantis et tumultus turbarum sicut sonitus aquarum multarum

Izaijo knyga 17:12
Vargas daugeliui tautų, kurios šėlsta lyg jūrų bangos ir ūžia kaip putojantys vandenys.

Isaiah 17:12
Anana, te ngangau o nga iwi maha, e nge ana ano he haruru no nga moana! me te rere o nga iwi, e wawa ana koia ano kei te turituri o nga wai nunui!

Esaias 17:12
Ve! Det bruser av mange folk! Det bruser som havet. Det larmer av folkeslag! Det larmer som mektige vann larmer.

Isaías 17:12
¡Ay!, bramar de muchos pueblos que braman como el bramido de los mares; rugir de naciones que rugen como el rugido de violentas aguas.

¡Ay!, bramar de muchos pueblos Que braman como el bramido de los mares; Rugir de naciones Que rugen como el rugido de violentas aguas.

¡Ay de la multitud de muchos pueblos, que hacen ruido como el estruendo de los mares; y del rugido de naciones que hacen alboroto como el bramido de muchas aguas!

Ay! multitud de muchos pueblos que harán ruido como estruendo de la mar: y murmullo de naciones hará alboroto como murmurio de muchas aguas.

¡Ay! multitud de muchos pueblos, que sonarán como sonido del mar; y murmullo de naciones harán alboroto como murmullo de muchas aguas.

Isaías 17:12
Ai! Eis que se ouve o alvoroço de uma multidão de povos, como o rugir dos mares enfurecidos, de povos em tumulto como o agitar tempestuoso de grandes águas!

Ai do bramido de muitos povos que bramam como o bramido dos mares; e do rugido das nações que rugem como o rugido de impetuosas águas.   

Isaia 17:12
Vai! ce vuiet de popoare multe, cari urlă cum urlă marea! Ce zarvă de neamuri, cari mugesc cum mugesc nişte ape puternice.

Исаия 17:12
Увы! шум народов многих! шумят они, как шумит море. Рев племен! они ревут, как ревут сильные воды.

Увы! шум народов многих! шумят они, как шумит море. Рев племен! они ревут, как ревут сильные воды.[]

Jesaja 17:12
Hör, det brusar av många folk, det brusar, såsom havet brusar. Det dånar av folkslag, det dånar, såsom väldiga vatten dåna.

Isaiah 17:12
Ah, ang kaingay ng maraming bayan, na nagsisiugong na gaya ng ugong ng mga dagat; at ang daluhong ng mga bansa, na nagsisiugong na parang ugong ng bugso ng tubig!

อิสยาห์ 17:12
วิบัติแก่ชนชาติทั้งหลายเป็นอันมาก ซึ่งทำเสียงกึกก้องเหมือนทะเลก้องกึก และแก่เสียงครืนๆของชนชาติทั้งหลาย ซึ่งครืนๆเหมือนเสียงครืนๆของน้ำที่มีกำลังมาก

Yeşaya 17:12
Eyvah, çok sayıda ulus kükrüyor,
Azgın deniz gibi gürlüyorlar.
Halklar güçlü sular gibi çağlıyor.[]

EÂ-sai 17:12
Ôi! các dân đông đảo làm xôn xao là dường nào, khác nào như biển gầm! Các dân tộc chạy xông tới như nhiều nước đổ mạnh!

Isaiah 17:11
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