Isaiah 10:15
Isaiah 10:15
Does the ax raise itself above the person who swings it, or the saw boast against the one who uses it? As if a rod were to wield the person who lifts it up, or a club brandish the one who is not wood!

But can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a rod strike unless a hand moves it? Can a wooden cane walk by itself?

Shall the axe boast over him who hews with it, or the saw magnify itself against him who wields it? As if a rod should wield him who lifts it, or as if a staff should lift him who is not wood!

Is the axe to boast itself over the one who chops with it? Is the saw to exalt itself over the one who wields it? That would be like a club wielding those who lift it, Or like a rod lifting him who is not wood.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.

Does an ax exalt itself above the one who chops with it? Does a saw magnify itself above the one who saws with it? It would be like a staff waving the one who lifts it! It would be like a rod lifting a man who isn't wood!

"Does the ax exalt itself over the one who swings it? Or does the saw magnify itself in opposition to the one who wields it? As if a rod were to wield those who lift it, or as if a club were to brandish the one who is not wood!

Does an ax exalt itself over the one who wields it, or a saw magnify itself over the one who cuts with it? As if a scepter should brandish the one who raises it, or a staff should lift up what is not made of wood!

Can an ax attack the person who cuts with it? Can a saw make itself greater than the person who saws with it? A rod cannot move the person who lifts it. A wooden stick cannot pick up a person.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that hews with it? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that moves it? as if the rod should rise up against those that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift itself up. Is it not wood?

Shall the ax boast itself against him that hews with it? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that uses it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were not wood.

Shall the ax boast itself against him that hews therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shakes it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up, or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? shall the saw magnify itself against him that wieldeth it? as if a rod should wield them that lift it up, or as if a staff should lift up him that is not wood.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that cutteth with it? or shall the saw exalt itself against him by whom it is drawn? as if a rod should lift itself up against him that lifteth it up, and a staff exalt itself, which is but wood.

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? shall the saw magnify itself against him that wieldeth it? As if the rod should wield them that lift it up; as if the staff should lift up him who is not wood!

Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if a rod should shake them that lift it up, or as if a staff should lift up him that is not wood.

Shall the ax boast itself against him that heweth with it? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that moveth it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it, or as if the staff should lift itself, as if it were no wood.

Should an axe brag against him who chops with it? Should a saw exalt itself above him who saws with it? As if a rod should lift those who lift it up, or as if a staff should lift up someone who is not wood.

-- Doth the axe glorify itself Against him who is hewing with it? Doth the saw magnify itself Against him who is shaking it? As a rod waving those lifting it up! As a staff lifting up that which is not wood!

Isaia 10:15
Mos vallë sëpata lëvdohet me atë që pret me të ose mburret sharra me atë që e përdor? Ashtu si shufra të duhej të drejtonte atë që e ngre, apo shkopi të mund të ngrihej a thua se nuk është prej druri!

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 10:15
هل تفتخر الفأس على القاطع بها او يتكبر المنشار على مردده. كأن القضيب يحرك رافعه. كأن العصا ترفع من ليس هو عودا

Dyr Ieseien 10:15
Reisst n d Hack gögnüber yn n Holzknecht s Mäul auf? Geudnt d Sag vor dönn, der wo sägt dyrmit? Daa schwäng ja dyr Stecken dönn Man, der wo n habt; older dyr Knüchtl hub dönn eyn d Hoeh, der wo n hernimmt!

Исая 10:15
Дали ще се похвали секирата против този, който сече с нея? Ще се големее ли трионът против този, който го движи?- Като че ли жезълът би поклатил тия, които го дигат. [Или] тоягата би подигнала [този, който] не е дърво!

以 賽 亞 書 10:15
斧 豈 可 向 用 斧 砍 木 的 自 誇 呢 ? 鋸 豈 可 向 用 鋸 的 自 大 呢 ? 好 比 棍 掄 起 那 舉 棍 的 , 好 比 杖 舉 起 那 非 木 的 人 。

斧 岂 可 向 用 斧 砍 木 的 自 夸 呢 ? 锯 岂 可 向 用 锯 的 自 大 呢 ? 好 比 棍 抡 起 那 举 棍 的 , 好 比 杖 举 起 那 非 木 的 人 。



Isaiah 10:15
Zar se hvali sjekira povrh onog koji njome siječe? Hoće li se oholit' pila povrh onog koji njome pili? K'o da šiba maše onim koji je podiže, il' štap diže onog koji drvo nije;

Izaiáše 10:15
Zdaliž se bude sekera velebiti nad toho, kdož ní seká? Zdaliž se honositi bude pila nad toho, kdož ní tře? Jako by se zpínala metla proti tomu, kdož by ji zdvihl; jako by se chlubila hůl, že není dřevem.

Esajas 10:15
Mon Øksen bryster sig mod den, som hugger, gør Saven sig til mod den, som saver? Som om Kæppen kan svinge den, der løfter den, Stokken løfte, hvad ikke er Træ!

Jesaja 10:15
Zal een bijl zich beroemen tegen dien, die daarmede houwt? Zal een zaag pochen tegen dien, die ze trekt? Alsof een staf bewoog degenen, die hem opheffen? Als men een stok opheft, is het geen hout?

ישעה 10:15
הֲיִתְפָּאֵר֙ הַגַּרְזֶ֔ן עַ֖ל הַחֹצֵ֣ב בֹּ֑ו אִם־יִתְגַּדֵּ֤ל הַמַּשֹּׂור֙ עַל־מְנִיפֹ֔ו כְּהָנִ֥יף שֵׁ֙בֶט֙ וְאֶת־מְרִימָ֔יו כְּהָרִ֥ים מַטֶּ֖ה לֹא־עֵֽץ׃

טו היתפאר הגרזן על החצב בו  אם יתגדל המשור על מניפו כהניף שבט ואת מרימיו כהרים מטה לא עץ  {פ}

היתפאר הגרזן על החצב בו אם־יתגדל המשור על־מניפו כהניף שבט ואת־מרימיו כהרים מטה לא־עץ׃

Ézsaiás 10:15
Avagy dicsekszik-é a fejsze azzal szemben, a ki vele vág? vagy a fûrész felemeli-é magát az ellen, a ki vonsza azt? Mintha a bot forgatná azt, a ki õt felemelé, és a pálcza felemelné [azt, a mi] nem fa!

Jesaja 10:15
CXu povas hakilo fanfaroni antaux tiu, kiu hakas per gxi? cxu povas segilo fieri antaux tiu, kiu gxin tiras? kvazaux vergo svingus tiun, kiu gxin levas! kvazaux bastono levus tiun, kiu ne estas el ligno!

JESAJA 10:15
Taitaako kirves kerskata sitä vastaan, joka hänellä hakkaa, eli saha taistella sen kanssa, joka häntä vetää? Se olis niinkuin sauva tahtois liikuttaa sitä, joka sen kantaa, ja sauva nostais itsensä niinkuin ei se puu oliskaan.

Ésaïe 10:15
-La cognée se glorifiera-t-elle contre celui qui s'en sert? La scie s'élèvera-t-elle contre celui qui la manie? Comme si la verge faisait mouvoir ceux qui la lèvent, comme si le bâton levait celui qui n'est pas du bois!

La hache se glorifie-t-elle envers celui qui s'en sert? Ou la scie est-elle arrogante envers celui qui la manie? Comme si la verge faisait mouvoir celui qui la lève, Comme si le bâton soulevait celui qui n'est pas du bois!

La cognée se glorifiera-t-elle contre celui qui en coupe? ou la scie se magnifiera-t-elle contre celui qui la remue? comme si la verge se remuait contre ceux qui la lèvent en haut, et que le bâton s'élevât, [comme] s'il n'était pas du bois.

Jesaja 10:15
Mag sich auch eine Axt rühmen wider den, so damit hauet, oder eine Säge trotzen wider den, so sie zeucht, wie der rühmen kann, der den Stecken führet und hebt und führet ihn so leicht, als wäre er kein Holz?

Mag sich auch eine Axt rühmen gegen den, der damit haut? oder eine Säge trotzen gegen den, der sie zieht? Als ob die Rute schwänge den der sie hebt; als ob der Stecken höbe den, der kein Holz ist!

Trotzt wohl die Axt dem, der damit haut? oder thut die Säge groß gegen den, der sie zieht? Wie wenn der Stock den schwänge, der ihn aufhebt, wie wenn die Rute den aufhöbe, der nicht Holz ist!

Isaia 10:15
La scure si gloria essa contro colui che la maneggia? la sega si magnifica essa contro colui che la mena? Come se la verga facesse muovere colui che l’alza, come se il bastone alzasse colui che non ne è di legno!

Glorierassi la scure contro a colui che taglia con essa? magnificherassi la sega contro a colui che la mena? come se la verga movesse quelli che l’alzano, e come se il bastone si elevasse da sè, quasi come non fosse legno.

YESAYA 10:15
Adakah kapak bermegah-megah kepada orang yang menetak dengan dia? adakah gergaji membesarkan dirinya kepada orang yang menarik dia? seolah-olah tongkat menggerakkan orang yang mengangkat dia, seolah-olah tongkat yang diangkat bukan lagi kayu adanya!

이사야 10:15
도끼가 어찌 찍는 자에게 스스로 자랑하겠으며 톱이 어찌 켜는 자에게 스스로 큰 체 하겠느냐 이는 막대기가 자기를 드는 자를 움직이려 하며 몽둥이가 나무 아닌 사람을 들려 함과 일반이로다

Isaias 10:15
numquid gloriabitur securis contra eum qui secat in ea aut exaltabitur serra contra eum a quo trahitur quomodo si elevetur virga contra levantem se et exaltetur baculus qui utique lignum est

Izaijo knyga 10:15
Ar kirvis giriasi prieš tą, kuris juo kerta? Ar pjūklas didžiuojasi prieš tą, kuris jį traukia? Ar lazda pakyla prieš tą, kas nėra medis? Ar rykštė plaka tą, kuris ją laiko?

Isaiah 10:15
E whakahihi ranei te titaha ki te tangata nana nei ia i whakamahi ki te hahau? e whakakake ranei te kani ki te tangata nana nei ia i kani ai? me te mea nei ko te patupatu hei whakakorikori i tona kaihapai, ko te tokotoko ranei hei hapai i te tan gata ehara nei i te rakau.

Esaias 10:15
Roser vel øksen sig mot den som hugger med den, eller gjør sagen sig stor mot den som drar den? Rett som om staven svinget den som løfter den, som om kjeppen løftet den som ikke er av tre*!

Isaías 10:15
¿Ha de enaltecerse el hacha sobre el que corta con ella? ¿Ha de engrandecerse la sierra sobre el que la maneja? ¡Como si un báculo manejara a los que lo levantan, como si una vara levantara al que no es madera!

¿Ha de enaltecerse el hacha sobre el que corta con ella? ¿Ha de engrandecerse la sierra sobre el que la maneja? ¡Como si un báculo manejara a los que lo levantan, Como si una vara levantara al que no es madera!

¿Se gloriará el hacha contra el que con ella corta? ¿Se ensoberbecerá la sierra contra el que la mueve? ¡Como si el bordón se levantase contra el que lo levanta! ¡Como si se levantase la vara como si no fuese leño!

¿Gloriaráse el hacha contra el que con ella corta? ¿se ensoberbecerá la sierra contra el que la mueve? como si el bordón se levantase contra los que lo levantan; como si se levantase la vara: ¿no es leño?

¿Se gloriará el hacha contra el que con ella corta? ¿Se ensoberbecerá la sierra contra el que la mueve? Como si el bordón se levantase contra los que lo levantan; como si se levantase la vara, ¿no es leño?

Isaías 10:15
Por acaso se exalta o machado contra aquele que o empunha? Porventura se vangloria a serra contra aquele que a maneja? Como se o bastão pudesse manejar aquele que o empunha e usa, como se uma vara pudesse erguer algo muito maior, que não é semelhante a si.

Porventura gloriar-se-á o machado contra o que corta com ele? ou se engrandecerá a serra contra o que a maneja? como se a vara movesse o que a levanta, ou o bordão levantasse aquele que não é pau!   

Isaia 10:15
,Se făleşte oare securea împotriva celui ce se slujeşte de ea?` ,Sau se mîndreşte ferestrăul faţă de cel ce -l mînuieşte?` ,Ca şi cum nuiaua ar mişca pe cel ce o ridică, parcă toiagul ar ridica pe cel ce nu este de lemn!``

Исаия 10:15
Величается ли секира пред тем, кто рубит ею? Пила гордится ли предтем, кто двигает ее? Как будто жезл восстает против того, кто поднимает его; как будто палка поднимается на того, кто не дерево!

Величается ли секира пред тем, кто рубит ею? Пила гордится ли пред тем, кто двигает ее? Как будто жезл восстает против того, кто поднимает его; как будто палка поднимается на того, кто не дерево![]

Jesaja 10:15
Skall då yxan berömma sig mot honom som hugger med den, eller sågen förhäva sig mot honom som sätter den i rörelse? Som om käppen satte i rörelse honom som lyfter den, eller staven lyfte en som dock är förmer än ett stycke trä!

Isaiah 10:15
Magmamapuri ba ang palakol laban sa nagpuputol niyaon? Nakapagmamalaki ba ang lagari laban sa humahawak niyaon? gaya ng kung ang pamalo ay makapagpapanginig sa kanila na nagtataas niyaon, o gaya ng kung ang tungkod ay magtataas sa tao na hindi kahoy.

อิสยาห์ 10:15
ขวานจะคุยข่มคนที่ใช้มันสกัดนั้นหรือ หรือเลื่อยจะทะนงตัวเหนือผู้ที่ใช้มันเลื่อยนั้นหรือ เหมือนกับว่าตะบองจะยกผู้ซึ่งถือมันขึ้นตี หรืออย่างไม้พลองจะยกตัวขึ้นเหมือนกับว่ามันไม่ทำด้วยไม้

Yeşaya 10:15
Balta kendisini kullanana karşı övünür mü?
Testere kendisini kullanana karşı büyüklenir mi?
Sanki değnek kendisini kaldıranı sallayabilir,
Sopa sahibini kaldırabilirmiş gibi...[]

EÂ-sai 10:15
Cái rìu há lại khoe mình cùng người cầm rìu ư? Cái cưa há lại dấy lên nghịch cùng kẻ cầm cưa ư? Thế cũng như cái roi vận động kẻ giơ roi, cái gậy nâng đỡ cánh tay cầm gậy!

Isaiah 10:14
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