Isaiah 10:13
Isaiah 10:13
For he says: "'By the strength of my hand I have done this, and by my wisdom, because I have understanding. I removed the boundaries of nations, I plundered their treasures; like a mighty one I subdued their kings.

He boasts, "By my own powerful arm I have done this. With my own shrewd wisdom I planned it. I have broken down the defenses of nations and carried off their treasures. I have knocked down their kings like a bull.

For he says: “By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I have understanding; I remove the boundaries of peoples, and plunder their treasures; like a bull I bring down those who sit on thrones.

For he has said, "By the power of my hand and by my wisdom I did this, For I have understanding; And I removed the boundaries of the peoples And plundered their treasures, And like a mighty man I brought down their inhabitants,

For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

For he said: I have done this by my own strength and wisdom, for I am clever. I abolished the borders of nations and plundered their treasures; like a mighty warrior, I subjugated the inhabitants.

He keeps bragging: 'I've done it by the strength of my hand, and by my wisdom, because I'm so clever. I removed the boundaries of peoples, and plundered their treasures; like a bull I brought down those who sat on thrones.

For he says: "By my strong hand I have accomplished this, by my strategy that I devised. I invaded the territory of nations, and looted their storehouses. Like a mighty conqueror, I brought down rulers.

The king will say, "I did this with my own two powerful hands. I did this with my wisdom, because I am so clever. I've eliminated the boundaries of nations. I've looted treasuries. I've brought down people like a mighty man.

For he said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I have been prudent: and I have removed the boundaries of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures, and I have cast down as valiant ones those who were seated:

For he says, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the boundaries of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

For he said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

For he hath said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I have understanding: and I have removed the bounds of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures, and like a valiant man I have brought down them that sit on thrones :

For he hath said: By the strength of my own hand I have done it, and by my own wisdom I have understood: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have taken the spoils of the princes, and as a mighty man hath pulled down them that sat on high.

For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom, for I am intelligent; and I have removed the bounds of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures, and, like a valiant man, I have brought down them that sit on thrones;

For he hath said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures, and I have brought down as a valiant man them that sit on thrones:

For he saith, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I am prudent: and I have removed the bounds of the people, and have robbed their treasures, and I have put down the inhabitants like a valiant man:

For he has said, "By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I have understanding: and I have removed the boundaries of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures. Like a valiant man I have brought down their rulers.

For he hath said, 'By the power of my hand I have wrought, And by my wisdom, for I have been intelligent, And I remove borders of the peoples, And their chief ones I have spoiled, And I put down as a mighty one the inhabitants,

Isaia 10:13
Në fakt ai thotë: "E bëra me forcën e dorës sime dhe me diturinë time, sepse jam i zgjuar; lëviza kufijtë e popujve, plaçkita thesaret e tyre dhe si një njeri i fuqishëm shfuqizova ata që rrinin mbi fron.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 10:13
لانه قال بقدرة يدي صنعت وبحكمتي. لاني فهيم. ونقلت تخوم شعوب ونهبت ذخائرهم وحططت الملوك كبطل.

Dyr Ieseien 10:13
denn der Künig haat gmaint: "Dös allss haan ganz yllain +i glaistt, weil i so mächtig und gscheid bin. Völker haan i über und z über gschobn, ienerne Schätz plündert und wie ayn Röck de Dietn bodigt.

Исая 10:13
Защото той казва: Със силата на своята ръка извърших това, И с мъдростта си, понеже съм разумен; И преместих границите на народите, Разграбих съкровищата им, И като силен свалих седящите [на високо];

以 賽 亞 書 10:13
因 為 他 說 : 我 所 成 就 的 事 是 靠 我 手 的 能 力 和 我 的 智 慧 , 我 本 有 聰 明 。 我 挪 移 列 國 的 地 界 , 搶 奪 他 們 所 積 蓄 的 財 寶 ; 並 且 我 像 勇 士 , 使 坐 寶 座 的 降 為 卑 。

因 为 他 说 : 我 所 成 就 的 事 是 靠 我 手 的 能 力 和 我 的 智 慧 , 我 本 有 聪 明 。 我 挪 移 列 国 的 地 界 , 抢 夺 他 们 所 积 蓄 的 财 宝 ; 并 且 我 像 勇 士 , 使 坐 宝 座 的 降 为 卑 。



Isaiah 10:13
Jer reče: Učinih snagom svoje ruke i mudrošću svojom, jer sam uman; uklonih međe narodima i blaga njihova opljačkah, kao junak oborih one što sjede na prijestoljima.

Izaiáše 10:13
Nebo řekne: V síle ruky své to jsem vykonal, a v moudrosti své; nebo jsem rozumný byl, a odjal jsem meze národů, a poklady jejich jsem vzebral, a strhl jsem dolů, jako mocný, obyvatele.

Esajas 10:13
fordi han siger: »Med min stærke Haand greb jeg ind, med min Visdom, thi jeg er klog. Jeg flyttede Folkeslags Grænser og rev deres Skatte til mig, stødte Folk fra Tronen i Almagt;

Jesaja 10:13
Omdat hij gezegd heeft: Door de kracht mijner hand heb ik het gedaan, en door mijn wijsheid, want ik ben verstandig; en ik heb de landpalen der volken weggenomen, en heb hun voorraad geroofd, en heb als een geweldige de inwoners doen nederdalen;

ישעה 10:13
כִּ֣י אָמַ֗ר בְּכֹ֤חַ יָדִי֙ עָשִׂ֔יתִי וּבְחָכְמָתִ֖י כִּ֣י נְבֻנֹ֑ותִי וְאָסִ֣יר ׀ גְּבוּלֹ֣ת עַמִּ֗ים [וַעֲתִידֹתֵיהֶם כ] (וַעֲתוּדֹֽותֵיהֶם֙ ק) שֹׁושֵׂ֔תִי וְאֹורִ֥יד כַּאבִּ֖יר יֹושְׁבִֽים׃

יג כי אמר בכח ידי עשיתי ובחכמתי כי נבנותי ואסיר גבולת עמים ועתידתיהם (ועתודתיהם) שושתי ואוריד כאביר יושבים

כי אמר בכח ידי עשיתי ובחכמתי כי נבנותי ואסיר ׀ גבולת עמים [ועתידתיהם כ] (ועתודותיהם ק) שושתי ואוריד כאביר יושבים׃

Ézsaiás 10:13
Mert ezt mondá: Kezem erejével míveltem [ezt] és bölcseségemmel, mivel okos vagyok; elvetettem [sok] népeknek határit, és kincseikben zsákmányt vetettem, és leszállítám, mint erõs, a [magasan] ülõket;

Jesaja 10:13
cxar li diris:Mi tion faris per la forto de mia mano kaj per mia sagxeco, cxar mi estas sagxa; mi forigis la limojn de la popoloj, rabis iliajn provizojn, kaj mi dejxetis kiel potenculo la sidantojn;

JESAJA 10:13
Että hän sanoo: minä olen sen toimittanut minun käteni voimalla ja minun taitoni kautta; sillä minä olen taitava: minä olen kansain rajat siirtänyt, ja heidän tavaransa ryöstänyt, ja niinkuin voimallinen lyönyt heidän asujansa maahan.

Ésaïe 10:13
Car il a dit: Par la force de ma main je l'ai fait, et par ma sagesse, car je suis intelligent; et j'ai ôté les bornes des peuples, et j'ai pillé leurs trésors, et comme un homme puissant j'ai fait descendre ceux qui étaient assis sur des trônes.

Car il dit: C'est par la force de ma main que j'ai agi, C'est par ma sagesse, car je suis intelligent; J'ai reculé les limites des peuples, et pillé leurs trésors, Et, comme un héros, j'ai renversé ceux qui siégeaient sur des trônes;

Parce qu'il aura dit; je l'ai fait par la force de ma main, et par ma sagesse, car je suis intelligent; j'ai ôté les bornes des peuples, et j'ai pillé ce qu'ils avaient de plus précieux, et comme puissant j'ai fait descendre ceux qui étaient assis.

Jesaja 10:13
darum daß er spricht: Ich habe es durch meiner Hände Kraft ausgerichtet und durch meine Weisheit, denn ich bin klug; ich habe die Länder anders geteilet und ihr Einkommen geraubt und wie ein Mächtiger die Einwohner zu Boden geworfen,

darum daß er spricht: Ich habe es durch meiner Hände Kraft ausgerichtet und durch meine Weisheit, denn ich bin klug; ich habe die Länder anders geteilt und ihr Einkommen geraubt und wie ein Mächtiger die Einwohner zu Boden geworfen, {~}

Denn er sprach: Durch die Kraft meiner Hand und durch meine Weisheit habe ich's vollführt; denn ich verstehe mich darauf! Ich ließ die Grenzen der Völker verschwinden und plünderte ihre Vorräte und wie ein Allmächtiger stieß ich die Thronenden herunter.

Isaia 10:13
Poich’egli dice: "Io l’ho fatto per la forza della mia mano, e per la mia sapienza, perché sono intelligente; ho rimosso i confini de’ popoli, ho predato i loro tesori; e, potente come sono, ho detronizzato dei re,

Perciocchè egli avrà detto: Io ho fatte queste cose per la forza delle mie mani, e per la mia sapienza; conciossiachè io sia intendente; ed ho rimossi i confini de’ popoli, ed ho predati i lor tesori; e, come possente, ho posti giù quelli ch’erano a seder sopra troni.

YESAYA 10:13
Karena katanya demikian: Dengan kuat tanganku sendiri dan dengan hikmatku sudah kubuat yang demikian. Setelah sudah tentu niatku maka aku meruntuhkan perhinggaan tanah beberapa bangsa dan harta benda mereka itu kurampas dan yang bersemayam di takhta itu kucampak ke bawah dengan gagahku.

이사야 10:13
그의 말에 나는 내 손의 힘과 내 지혜로 이 일을 행하였나니 나는 총명한 자라 열국의 경계를 옮겼고 그 재물을 약탈하였으며 또 용감한 자 같이 위에 거한 자를 낮추었으며

Isaias 10:13
dixit enim in fortitudine manus meae feci et in sapientia mea intellexi et abstuli terminos populorum et principes eorum depraedatus sum et detraxi quasi potens in sublime residentes

Izaijo knyga 10:13
Nes jis sako: “Aš tai padariau savo galia, savo išmintimi tai pasiekiau. Aš panaikinau tautų ribas, išplėšiau jų turtus, kaip karžygys pažeminau jų gyventojus.

Isaiah 10:13
Kua ki na hoki ia, Na te kaha o toku ringa i oti ai tenei i ahau, na toku whakaaro nui; he tangata whai mahara hoki ahau: kua whakanekehia hoki e ahau nga rohe o nga iwi, kua pahuatia ano e ahau o ratou taonga, a kua riro i ahau, i te marohirohi, ki raro te hunga noho o nga torona:

Esaias 10:13
For han sier: Ved min hånds kraft har jeg gjort det og ved min visdom, for jeg er forstandig; jeg flyttet folkeslags landemerker, og deres skatter har jeg plyndret, og i mitt velde støtte jeg ned dem som satt i høisetet,

Isaías 10:13
Porque ha dicho: Con el poder de mi mano lo hice, y con mi sabiduría, pues tengo entendimiento; quité las fronteras de los pueblos, saqueé sus tesoros, y como hombre fuerte abatí a sus habitantes.

Porque ha dicho: "Con el poder de mi mano lo hice, Y con mi sabiduría, pues tengo entendimiento. Quité las fronteras de los pueblos, Saqueé sus tesoros, Y como hombre fuerte abatí a sus habitantes.

Porque dijo: Con el poder de mi mano lo he hecho, y con mi sabiduría; porque he sido prudente; y quité los términos de los pueblos, y saqué sus tesoros, y como hombre valiente derribé a sus habitantes:

Porque dijo: Con la fortaleza de mi mano lo he hecho, y con mi sabiduría; porque he sido prudente: y quité los términos de los pueblos, y saqué sus tesoros, y derribé como valientes los que estaban sentados:

Porque dijo: Con la fortaleza de mi mano lo he hecho, y con mi sabiduría; porque he sido prudente; y quité los términos de los pueblos, y saqueé sus tesoros, y derribé como valientes a los que estaban sentados;

Isaías 10:13
Porquanto ele diz com soberba: ‘Com o poder do meu braço eu o fiz e com a minha inteligência, porquanto tenho sabedoria. Removi os limites das nações, despojei as suas riquezas; como um invencível subjuguei seus poderosos.

Porquanto diz ele: Com a força da minha mão o fiz, e com a minha sabedoria, porque sou entendido; eu removi os limites dos povos, e roubei os seus tesouros, e como valente abati os que se sentavam sobre tronos.   

Isaia 10:13
căci el a zis: ,,Prin puterea mînei mele am făcut aceste lucruri, şi prin înţelepciunea mea, -căci sînt priceput; am împins înapoi hotarele popoarelor, şi le-am jăfuit vistieriile, şi, ca un viteaz, am dat jos pe cei ce şedeau pe scaunele lor de domnie;

Исаия 10:13
Он говорит: „силою руки моей и моею мудростью я сделал это, потому что я умен: и переставляю пределы народов, и расхищаю сокровища их, и низвергаю с престолов, как исполин;

Он говорит: `силою руки моей и моею мудростью я сделал это, потому что я умен: и переставляю пределы народов, и расхищаю сокровища их, и низвергаю с престолов, как исполин;[]

Jesaja 10:13
Ty han säger: »Med min hands kraft har jag utfört detta och genom min vishet, ty jag har förstånd. Jag flyttade folkens gränser, deras förråd utplundrade jag, och i min väldighet stötte jag härskarna från tronen.

Isaiah 10:13
Sapagka't kaniyang sinabi, Aking ginawa ito sa kalakasan ng aking kamay at sa aking karunungan; sapagka't ako'y mabait: at aking binago ang mga hangganan ng mga tao, at ninakaw ko ang kanilang mga kayamanan, at parang matapang na lalake na ibinaba ko silang nangakaupo sa mga luklukan:

อิสยาห์ 10:13
เพราะเขาว่า "ข้าได้กระทำการนี้ด้วยกำลังมือของข้า และด้วยสติปัญญาของข้า เพราะข้ามีความเข้าใจ ข้าได้รื้อเขตแดนของชนชาติทั้งหลาย และได้ปล้นทรัพย์สมบัติของเขา ข้าได้โยนบรรดาชาวเมืองลงมาอย่างคนกล้าหาญ

Yeşaya 10:13
Çünkü, ‹Her şeyi bileğimin gücüyle,
Bilgeliğimle yaptım› diyor,
‹Akıllıyım, ulusları ayıran sınırları yok ettim,
Hazinelerini yağmaladım,
Güçlü kralları tahtlarından indirdim.[]

EÂ-sai 10:13
Vì người nói rằng: Ta đã làm điều đó bởi sức mạnh của tay ta, bởi sự khôn ngoan ta, và ta là thông minh. Ta đã dời đổi giới hạn các dân; đã cướp của quí họ, như một người mạnh đã làm cho những kẻ đương ngồi phải xuống.

Isaiah 10:12
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