Ezra 9:6
Ezra 9:6
and prayed: "I am too ashamed and disgraced, my God, to lift up my face to you, because our sins are higher than our heads and our guilt has reached to the heavens.

I prayed, "O my God, I am utterly ashamed; I blush to lift up my face to you. For our sins are piled higher than our heads, and our guilt has reached to the heavens.

saying: “O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift my face to you, my God, for our iniquities have risen higher than our heads, and our guilt has mounted up to the heavens.

and I said, "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift up my face to You, my God, for our iniquities have risen above our heads and our guilt has grown even to the heavens.

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up unto the heavens.

And I said: My God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face toward You, my God, because our iniquities are higher than our heads and our guilt is as high as the heavens.

and said, "My God, I am too ashamed and hurt to turn to you, because we're in our iniquities over our heads. Furthermore, my God, our sins have grown as high as the heavens.

I prayed, "O my God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face to you, my God! For our iniquities have climbed higher than our heads, and our guilt extends to the heavens.

and said, "I am ashamed, my God. I am embarrassed to look at you. Our sins have piled up over our heads, and our guilt is so overwhelming that it reaches heaven.

and said, O my God, I am confused and ashamed to lift up my face to thee, my God, for our iniquities have multiplied over our head, and our guiltiness is grown up unto heaven.

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to you, my God: for our iniquities have risen higher than our head, and our trespass has grown up unto the heavens.

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to you, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up to the heavens.

and I said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God; for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our guiltiness is grown up unto the heavens.

And said: My God I am confounded and ashamed to lift up my face to thee: for our iniquities are multiplied over our heads, and our sins are grown up even unto heaven,

and said: O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God; for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up to the heavens.

and I said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our guiltiness is grown up unto the heavens.

And said, O my God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my God: for our iniquities are increased over our head, and our trespass is grown up to the heavens.

and I said, "My God, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to you, my God; for our iniquities have increased over our head, and our guiltiness has grown up to the heavens.

and say, 'O my God, I have been ashamed, and have blushed to lift up, O my God, my face unto Thee, for our iniquities have increased over the head, and our guilt hath become great unto the heavens.

Esdra 9:6
dhe thashë: "O Perëndia im, unë jam i pështjelluar dhe më vjen turp të ngre fytyrën time ndaj teje, o Perëndia im, sepse paudhësitë tona janë shumëzuar deri mbi kokën tonë, dhe faji ynë ka arritur deri në qiell.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 9:6
وقلت. اللهم اني اخجل واخزى من ان ارفع يا الهي وجهي نحوك لان ذنوبنا قد كثرت فوق رؤوسنا وآثامنا تعاظمت الى السماء.

Dyr Esren 9:6
"Mein Got, yso schamen tue i mi, däß i mi nit aynmaal zo dir aufschaugn trau. Ünserne Sünddn habnd si aufghäufft, und ünserne Misstaatn glangend weilete eyn n Himml aufhin.

Ездра 9:6
Боже мой, срамувам се и червя се да подигна лицето си към Тебе, Боже мой; защото нашите беззакония превишиха главите ни, и престъпленията ни пораснаха до небесата.

以 斯 拉 記 9:6
說 : 我 的   神 啊 , 我 抱 愧 蒙 羞 , 不 敢 向 我   神 仰 面 ; 因 為 我 們 的 罪 孽 滅 頂 , 我 們 的 罪 惡 滔 天 。

说 : 我 的   神 啊 , 我 抱 愧 蒙 羞 , 不 敢 向 我   神 仰 面 ; 因 为 我 们 的 罪 孽 灭 顶 , 我 们 的 罪 恶 滔 天 。



Ezra 9:6
i rekoh: "Bože moj! Stid me i bojim se podići svoje lice k tebi, Bože moj! Jer su se umnožila zlodjela naša preko glave i grijesi su se naši nagomilali do neba.

Ezdrášova 9:6
A řekl jsem: Bože můj, stydím se a hanbím pozdvihnouti, Bože můj, tváři své k tobě; nebo nepravosti naše rozmnožily se nad hlavou, a provinění naše vzrostlo až k nebi.

Ezra 9:6
og sagde: »Min Gud, jeg skammer mig og blues ved at løfte mit Ansigt til dig, min Gud, thi vore Misgerninger er vokset os over Hovedet, og vor Skyld er saa stor, at den rækker til Himmelen!

Ezra 9:6
En ik zeide: Mijn God, ik ben beschaamd en schaamrood, om mijn aangezicht tot U op te heffen, mijn God; want onze ongerechtigheden zijn vermenigvuldigd tot boven ons hoofd, en onze schuld is groot geworden tot aan den hemel.

עזרא 9:6
וָאֹמְרָ֗ה אֱלֹהַי֙ בֹּ֣שְׁתִּי וְנִכְלַ֔מְתִּי לְהָרִ֧ים אֱלֹהַ֛י פָּנַ֖י אֵלֶ֑יךָ כִּ֣י עֲוֹנֹתֵ֤ינוּ רָבוּ֙ לְמַ֣עְלָה רֹּ֔אשׁ וְאַשְׁמָתֵ֥נוּ גָדְלָ֖ה עַ֥ד לַשָּׁמָֽיִם׃

ו ואמרה אלהי בשתי ונכלמתי--להרים אלהי פני אליך  כי עונתינו רבו למעלה ראש ואשמתנו גדלה עד לשמים

ואמרה אלהי בשתי ונכלמתי להרים אלהי פני אליך כי עונתינו רבו למעלה ראש ואשמתנו גדלה עד לשמים׃

Ezsdrás 9:6
És mondék: Én Istenem, szégyenlem és átallom felemelni, én Istenem, az én orczámat te hozzád, mert a mi álnokságaink felülhaladtak fejünk fölött és a mi vétkeink mind az égig nevekedtek!

Ezra 9:6
kaj mi diris:Ho mia Dio, mi hontas, kaj gxenas min levi mian vizagxon al Vi, ho mia Dio; cxar niaj malbonagoj kreskis pli alten ol nia kapo, kaj nia kulpo farigxis granda gxis la cxielo.

ESRA 9:6
Ja sanoin: minun Jumalani! minä häpeen ja en kehtaa silmiäni nostaa sinun tykös, minun Jumalani; sillä meidän syntimme ovat enentyneet päämme ylitse ja meidän pahat tekomme ovat kasvaneet hamaan taivaaseen asti.

Esdras 9:6
et je dis: Mon Dieu, je suis confus, et j'ai honte de lever ma face vers toi, ô mon Dieu; car nos iniquités se sont multipliées par-dessus nos têtes, et notre coulpe a grandi jusqu'aux cieux.

et je dis: Mon Dieu, je suis dans la confusion, et j'ai honte, ô mon Dieu, de lever ma face vers toi; car nos iniquités se sont multipliées par-dessus nos têtes, et nos fautes ont atteint jusqu'aux cieux.

Et je dis : Mon Dieu! j'ai honte, et je suis trop confus pour [oser] élever, ô mon Dieu! ma face vers toi; car nos iniquités sont multipliées au dessus de nos têtes, et notre crime s'est élevé jusques aux cieux.

Esra 9:6
und sprach: Mein Gott, ich schäme mich und scheue mich, meine Augen aufzuheben zu dir, mein Gott; denn unsere Missetat ist über unser Haupt gewachsen, und unsere Schuld ist groß bis in den Himmel.

und sprach: Mein Gott, ich schäme mich und scheue mich, meine Augen aufzuheben zu dir, mein Gott; denn unsre Missetat ist über unser Haupt gewachsen und unsre Schuld ist groß bis in den Himmel.

und betete: Mein Gott, ich bin zu tief beschämt, als daß ich mein Angesicht zu dir, mein Gott erheben könnte. Denn unsere Verschuldungen sind uns über das Haupt gewachsen, und unsere Schuld ist groß geworden bis an den Himmel hinan.

Esdra 9:6
O mio Dio, io son confuso; e mi vergogno, o mio Dio, d’alzare a te la mia faccia; poiché le nostre iniquità si son moltiplicate fino al disopra del nostro capo, e la nostra colpa è sì grande che arriva al cielo.

O Dio mio, io mi vergogno, e son confuso di alzare, o Dio mio, la faccia a te; perciocchè le nostre iniquità sono fin disopra al nostro capo, e le nostre colpe son così grandi che arrivano fino al cielo.

EZRA 9:6
sambil sembahku: Ya Allahku! amat sangat malu dan bera muka hamba, tiada berani hamba menengadah kepadamu, ya Allahku! karena segala kejahatan kami sudah meliputi kepala kami dan segala salah kami sudah bertimbun-timbun sampai ke langit.

에스라 9:6
말하기를 `나의 하나님이여 ! 내가 부끄러워 낯이 뜨뜻하여 감히 나의 하나님을 향하여 얼굴을 들지 못하오니 이는 우리 죄악이 많아 정수리에 넘치고 우리 허물이 커서 하늘에 미침이니이다

Esdrae 9:6
et dixi Deus meus confundor et erubesco levare Deus meus faciem meam ad te quoniam iniquitates nostrae multiplicatae sunt super caput et delicta nostra creverunt usque in caelum

Ezdro knyga 9:6
tariau: “Mano Dieve, man gėda pakelti akis į Tave, nes mūsų nusikaltimai peraugo mus, o mūsų kaltė siekia dangų.

Ezra 9:6
Na ka mea ahau, E toku Atua, he whakama ahau, numinumi kau ana ahau, te ara ai toku mata ki a koe, e toku Atua. Kua tetere rawa hoki o matou he ki runga ake i o matou mahunga; nui atu to matou poka ke, a tutuki noa ki te rangi.

Esras 9:6
og sa: Min Gud! Jeg skammer mig og blues for å løfte mitt ansikt op mot dig, min Gud! For våre misgjerninger er vokset oss over hodet, og vår skyld er blitt så stor at den når til himmelen.

Esdras 9:6
y dije: Dios mío, estoy avergonzado y confuso para poder levantar mi rostro a ti, mi Dios, porque nuestras iniquidades se han multiplicado por encima de nuestras cabezas, y nuestra culpa ha crecido hasta los cielos.

y dije: "Dios mío, estoy avergonzado y confuso para poder levantar mi rostro a Ti, mi Dios, porque nuestras iniquidades se han multiplicado por encima de nuestras cabezas, y nuestra culpa ha crecido hasta los cielos.

y dije: Dios mío, confuso y avergonzado estoy para levantar, oh Dios mío, mi rostro a ti; porque nuestras iniquidades se han multiplicado sobre nuestra cabeza, y nuestros delitos han crecido hasta el cielo.

Y dije: Dios mío, confuso y avergonzado estoy para levantar, oh Dios mío, mi rostro á ti: porque nuestras iniquidades se han multiplicado sobre nuestra cabeza, y nuestros delitos han crecido hasta el cielo.

y dije: Dios mío, confuso y avergonzado estoy para levantar, oh Dios mío, mi rostro a ti; porque nuestras iniquidades se han multiplicado sobre nuestra cabeza, y nuestros delitos han crecido hasta el cielo.

Esdras 9:6
e orei: Ó meu Deus! Estou por demais aterrado, indignado e envergonhado para erguer meu rosto em tua direção, meu Deus, porquanto os nossos pecados cobrem a nossa cabeça e a nossa culpa sobe até os céus.

e disse: Ó meu Deus! Estou confuso e envergonhado, para levantar o meu rosto a ti, meu Deus; porque as nossas iniqüidades se multiplicaram sobre a nossa cabeça, e a nossa culpa tem crescido até o céu.   

Ezra 9:6
,,Dumnezeule, sînt uluit, şi mi -e ruşine, Dumnezeule, să-mi ridic faţa spre Tine. Căci fărădelegile noastre s'au înmulţit deasupra capetelor noastre, şi greşelile noastre au ajuns pînă la ceruri.

Ездра 9:6
и сказал: Боже мой! стыжусь и боюсь поднять лице мое к Тебе, Боже мой, потому что беззакония наши стали выше головы, и вина наша возросла до небес.

и сказал: Боже мой! стыжусь и боюсь поднять лице мое к Тебе, Боже мой, потому что беззакония наши стали выше головы, и вина наша возросла до небес.[]

Esra 9:6
och sade: »Min Gud, jag skämmes och blyges för att upplyfta mitt ansikte till dig, min Gud, ty våra missgärningar hava växt oss över huvudet, och vår skuld är stor allt upp till himmelen.

Ezra 9:6
At aking sinabi, Oh aking Dios; ako'y napahiya at namula na itaas ang aking mukha sa iyo, na aking Dios: sapagka't ang aming mga kasamaan ay nagsilala sa aming ulo, at ang aming sala ay umabot hanggang sa langit.

เอสรา 9:6
และข้าพเจ้าทูลว่า "ข้าแต่พระเจ้าของข้าพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์ละอายขวยเขินที่จะเงยหน้าหาพระองค์ พระเจ้าของข้าพระองค์ เพราะว่าความชั่วช้าของข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายขึ้นสูงกว่าศีรษะของข้าพระองค์ และการละเมิดของข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายกองขึ้นไปถึงฟ้าสวรรค์

Ezra 9:6
Şöyle dua ettim: ‹‹Ey Tanrım, yüzümü sana çevirmeye utanıyorum, sıkılıyorum. Ey Tanrım, günahlarımız başımızdan aşkın. Suçlarımız göklere ulaştı.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 9:6
mà thưa với Ngài rằng: Ồ, Ðức Chúa Trời tôi! tôi hổ thẹn mặt, chẳng dám ngước mặt lên Ngài, là Ðức Chúa Trời tôi; vì gian ác chúng tôi đã thêm nhiều quá đầu chúng tôi, và tội chúng tôi cao lớn tận trời.

Ezra 9:5
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