Ezra 9:4
Ezra 9:4
Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered around me because of this unfaithfulness of the exiles. And I sat there appalled until the evening sacrifice.

Then all who trembled at the words of the God of Israel came and sat with me because of this outrage committed by the returned exiles. And I sat there utterly appalled until the time of the evening sacrifice.

Then all who trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the faithlessness of the returned exiles, gathered around me while I sat appalled until the evening sacrifice.

Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel on account of the unfaithfulness of the exiles gathered to me, and I sat appalled until the evening offering.

Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that had been carried away; and I sat astonied until the evening sacrifice.

Everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered around me, because of the unfaithfulness of the exiles, while I sat devastated until the evening offering.

Then everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel gathered together as a group because of the sin committed by those who had been led astray. As for me, I remained seated, in shock, until the evening sacrifice.

Everyone who held the words of the God of Israel in awe gathered around me because of the unfaithful acts of the people of the exile. Devastated, I continued to sit there until the evening offering.

Since the former exiles had been unfaithful, everyone who gathered around me there trembled at the words of the God of Israel. I sat in shock until the evening sacrifice.

Then each one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel because of the transgression of those that had been carried away were assembled unto me; and I sat astonied until the evening sacrifice.

Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that had been carried away; and I sat appalled until the evening sacrifice.

Then were assembled to me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that had been carried away; and I sat astonished until the evening sacrifice.

Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of them of the captivity; and I sat confounded until the evening oblation.

And there were assembled to me all that feared the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that were come from the captivity, and I sat sorrowful, until the evening sacrifice.

Then were assembled to me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the unfaithfulness of those that had been carried away; and I sat overwhelmed until the evening oblation.

Then were assembled unto me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of them of the captivity; and I sat astonied until the evening oblation.

Then were assembled to me every one that trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the transgression of those that had been carried away; and I sat confounded until the evening sacrifice.

Then were assembled to me everyone who trembled at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of them of the captivity; and I sat confounded until the evening offering.

and unto me are gathered every one trembling at the words of the God of Israel, because of the trespass of the removal, and I am sitting astonished till the present of the evening.

Esdra 9:4
Atëherë tërë ata që dridheshin nga fjalët e Perëndisë të Izraelit u mblodhën rreth meje për shkak të mëkatit të atyre që ishin kthyer nga robëria; dhe unë mbeta i ulur dhe i shtangur deri në blatimin e mbrëmjes.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 9:4
فاجتمع اليّ كل من ارتعد من كلام اله اسرائيل من اجل خيانة المسبيين وانا جلست متحيّرا الى تقدمة المساء.

Dyr Esren 9:4
Daa kaamend allsand die zo mir, wo non ayn Gotsfarcht hietnd und über de Treuloosigkeit von de Haimkeerer grad yso gadenkend wie i. Hinst eyn s Aabndopfer gsitz i daadl wie ayn Häuffleyn Elend.

Ездра 9:4
Тогава се събраха при мене всички, които трепереха от думите на Израилевия Бог поради престъплението на ония, които са били в плена; и седях смутен до вечерната жертва.

以 斯 拉 記 9:4
凡 為 以 色 列   神 言 語 戰 兢 的 , 都 因 這 被 擄 歸 回 之 人 所 犯 的 罪 聚 集 到 我 這 裡 來 。 我 就 驚 懼 憂 悶 而 坐 , 直 到 獻 晚 祭 的 時 候 。

凡 为 以 色 列   神 言 语 战 兢 的 , 都 因 这 被 掳 归 回 之 人 所 犯 的 罪 聚 集 到 我 这 里 来 。 我 就 惊 惧 忧 闷 而 坐 , 直 到 献 晚 祭 的 时 候 。



Ezra 9:4
Svi koji su strahovali od riječi Božje sakupili se oko mene zbog nevjernosti onih povratnika. A ja sam sveudilj sjedio utučen, sve do večernje žrtve.

Ezdrášova 9:4
I shromáždili se ke mně všickni, třesoucí se před řečmi Boha Izraelského pro přestoupení lidu přestěhovaného, já pak seděl jsem zděšený, až do oběti večerní.

Ezra 9:4
Da samlede sig omkring mig alle de, der bævede for Israels Guds Ord mod Troløsheden hos dem, der havde været i Landflygtighed; og jeg sad i stum Smerte til Aftenafgrødeofferets Tid.

Ezra 9:4
Toen verzamelden zich tot mij allen, die voor de woorden van den God Israels beefden, om de overtreding der weggevoerden; doch ik bleef verbaasd zitten tot aan het avondoffer.

עזרא 9:4
וְאֵלַ֣י יֵאָסְפ֗וּ כֹּ֤ל חָרֵד֙ בְּדִבְרֵ֣י אֱלֹהֵֽי־יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל עַ֖ל מַ֣עַל הַגֹּולָ֑ה וַאֲנִי֙ יֹשֵׁ֣ב מְשֹׁומֵ֔ם עַ֖ד לְמִנְחַ֥ת הָעָֽרֶב׃

ד ואלי יאספו כל חרד בדברי אלהי ישראל--על מעל הגולה ואני ישב משומם עד למנחת הערב

ואלי יאספו כל חרד בדברי אלהי־ישראל על מעל הגולה ואני ישב משומם עד למנחת הערב׃

Ezsdrás 9:4
És hozzám gyûlének mindnyájan, a kik reszketve [gondoltak] Izráel Istenének beszédeire azoknak vétke miatt, a kik a fogságból megjöttek vala; és én veszteg ülök vala mind az estvéli áldozatig.

Ezra 9:4
Kaj kolektigxis al mi cxiuj, kiuj timis la vortojn de Dio de Izrael, pro la krimo de la forkaptitoj; kaj mi sidis konsternite gxis la vesperofero.

ESRA 9:4
Ja kaikki, jotka pelkäsivät Herran Israelin Jumalan sanaa, tulivat kokoon minun tyköni, jälleen tulleiden synnin tähden; ja minä istuin hämmästyksissä hamaan ehtoouhriin asti.

Esdras 9:4
et vers moi s'assemblèrent tous ceux qui tremblaient aux paroles du Dieu d'Israël, à cause du péché de ceux qui avaient été transportés; et je restai assis, désolé, jusqu'à l'offrande du soir.

Auprès de moi s'assemblèrent tous ceux que faisaient trembler les paroles du Dieu d'Israël, à cause du péché des fils de la captivité; et moi, je restai assis et désolé, jusqu'à l'offrande du soir.

Et tous ceux qui tremblaient aux paroles du Dieu d'Israël, s'assemblèrent vers moi à cause du crime de ceux de la captivité, et je demeurai assis tout désolé jusqu'à l'oblation du soir.

Esra 9:4
Und es versammelten sich zu mir alle, die des HERRN Wort, des Gottes Israels, fürchteten um der großen Vergreifung willen; und ich saß einsam bis an das Abendopfer.

Und es versammelten sich zu mir alle, die des HERRN Wort, des Gottes Israels, fürchteten, um der Vergreifung willen derer, die gefangen gewesen waren; und ich saß bestürzt bis an das Abendopfer.

Da versammelten sich zu mir alle, die sich im Hinblick auf das Gebot des Gottes Israels wegen der Versündigung der Weggeführten ängstigten; ich aber blieb stumm und starr sitzen bis zum Abendopfer.

Esdra 9:4
Allora tutti quelli che tremavano alle parole dell’Iddio d’Israele si radunarono presso di me a motivo della infedeltà di quelli ch’eran tornati dalla cattività; e io rimasi così seduto e costernato, fino al tempo dell’oblazione della sera.

Allora tutti quelli che tremavano alle parole dell’Iddio d’Israele si adunarono appresso di me, per lo misfatto di coloro ch’erano stati in cattività; ed io me ne stetti così a sedere tutto sconsolato, infino al tempo dell’offerta della sera.

EZRA 9:4
Maka berhimpunlah kepadaku segala orang yang gentar akan firman Allah orang Israel sebab salah orang yang dipindahkan itu, tetapi duduklah juga aku termangu-mangu sampai kepada waktu persembahan pada petang hari.

에스라 9:4
이에 이스라엘 하나님의 말씀을 인하여 떠는 자가 이 사로잡혔던 자의 죄를 인하여 다 내게로 모여 오더라 내가 저녁 제사 드릴 때까지 기가 막혀 앉았더니

Esdrae 9:4
convenerunt autem ad me omnes qui timebant verbum Dei Israhel pro transgressione eorum qui de captivitate venerant et ego sedebam tristis usque ad sacrificium vespertinum

Ezdro knyga 9:4
Tuomet susirinko prie manęs visi, kurie drebėjo prieš Izraelio Dievo žodžius dėl tremtinių neištikimybės. O aš sėdėjau sukrėstas iki vakarinės aukos.

Ezra 9:4
Katahi ka huihui mai ki ahau te hunga katoa i wehi i nga kupu a te Atua o Iharaira, he mea mo te he o te hunga i whakaraua: a ko ahau i noho me te miharo, a taea noatia te whakahere o te ahiahi.

Esras 9:4
Da samlet de sig hos mig alle de som på grunn av Israels Guds ord var forferdet over de hjemkomnes utroskap, mens jeg satt der i stum sorg like til aftenofferet skulde frembæres.

Esdras 9:4
Entonces se reunieron conmigo todos los que temblaban ante las palabras del Dios de Israel por causa de la infidelidad de los desterrados, y estuve sentado atónito hasta la ofrenda de la tarde.

Entonces se reunieron conmigo todos los que temblaban ante las palabras del Dios de Israel por causa de la infidelidad de los desterrados, y estuve sentado atónito hasta la ofrenda de la tarde.

Y se reunieron delante mí todos los que temblaban ante las palabras del Dios de Israel, a causa de la prevaricación de los del cautiverio; y yo quedé atónito hasta el sacrificio de la tarde.

Y juntáronse á mí todos los temerosos de las palabras del Dios de Israel, á causa de la prevaricación de los de la transmigración; mas yo estuve sentado atónito hasta el sacrificio de la tarde.

Y se juntaron a mí todos los temerosos de las palabras del Dios de Israel, a causa de la prevaricación de los de la transmigración; mas yo estuve sentado atónito hasta el sacrificio de la tarde.

Esdras 9:4
Então, se ajuntaram ao meu redor todos os que amavam e temiam a Palavra do Deus de Israel, por causa do erro abominável cometido por grande parte dos exilados que haviam retornado. Contudo, eu permaneci sentado, horrorizado e atônito, até chegar a hora do sacrifício, ao pôr-do-sol.

Então se ajuntaram a mim todos os que tremiam das palavras do Deus de Israel por causa da transgressão dos do cativeiro; porém eu permaneci sentado atônito até a oblação da tarde.   

Ezra 9:4
Atunci s'au strîns la mine toţi ceice se temeau de cuvintele Dumnezeului lui Israel, din pricina păcatului fiilor robiei. Şi eu, am stat jos mîhnit, pînă la jertfa de seară.

Ездра 9:4
Тогда собрались ко мне все, убоявшиеся слов Бога Израилева по причине преступленияпереселенцев, и я сидел в печали до вечерней жертвы.

Тогда собрались ко мне все, убоявшиеся слов Бога Израилева по причине преступления переселенцев, и я сидел в печали до вечерней жертвы.[]

Esra 9:4
Och alla de som fruktade för vad Israels Gud hade talat mot sådan otrohet som den de återkomna fångarna hade begått, de församlade sig till mig, under det att jag förblev sittande i min djupa sorg ända till tiden för aftonoffret.

Ezra 9:4
Nang magkagayo'y nagpipisan sa akin ang lahat na nanginginig sa mga salita ng Dios ng Israel, dahil sa pagsalangsang nila na sa pagkabihag; at ako'y naupong natitigilan hanggang sa pagaalay sa hapon.

เอสรา 9:4
แล้วบรรดาคนที่สั่นสะท้านไปด้วยพระวจนะของพระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอล เหตุด้วยการละเมิดของพวกที่ถูกกวาดไปเป็นเชลยนั้น ได้มาประชุมต่อหน้าข้าพเจ้าเมื่อข้าพเจ้านั่งตะลึงอยู่จนถึงเวลาถวายเครื่องสักการบูชาตอนเย็น

Ezra 9:4
Sürgünden dönenlerin bu hainliğinden ötürü İsrailin Tanrısının sözlerinden titreyenlerin hepsi çevremde toplandı. Bense akşam sunusu sunulana dek dehşet içinde kaldım.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 9:4
Những người vâng kỉnh các lời phán Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên đều hiệp lại chung quanh ta, sợ hãi về tội trọng của các người đã bị bắt làm phu tù được về có phạm; còn ta ngồi kinh-hoảng cho đến khi dâng của lễ buổi chiều.

Ezra 9:3
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