Ezra 9:14
Ezra 9:14
Shall we then break your commands again and intermarry with the peoples who commit such detestable practices? Would you not be angry enough with us to destroy us, leaving us no remnant or survivor?

But even so, we are again breaking your commands and intermarrying with people who do these detestable things. Won't your anger be enough to destroy us, so that even this little remnant no longer survives?

shall we break your commandments again and intermarry with the peoples who practice these abominations? Would you not be angry with us until you consumed us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape?

shall we again break Your commandments and intermarry with the peoples who commit these abominations? Would You not be angry with us to the point of destruction, until there is no remnant nor any who escape?

Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

should we break Your commands again and intermarry with the peoples who commit these detestable practices? Wouldn't You become so angry with us that You would destroy us, leaving no survivors?

should we violate your commandments by intermarrying with the peoples who practice these abominations? Would you not be angry with us until you had consumed us, with not even a remnant surviving to escape?

Shall we once again break your commandments and intermarry with these abominable peoples? Would you not be so angered by us that you would wipe us out, with no survivor or remnant?

If we break your commandments again and intermarry with people doing these disgusting things, you will become even more angry with us until you finally destroy us and no survivors are left.

should we again break thy commandments and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? Would thou not be angry with us until thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escape?

Should we again break your commandments, and join in marriage with the people of these abominations? would not you be angry with us till you had consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

Should we again break your commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? would not you be angry with us till you had consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

shall we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the peoples that do these abominations? wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape?

That we should not turn away, nor break thy commandments, nor join in marriage with the people of these abominations. Art thou angry with us unto utter destruction, not to leave us a remnant to be saved?

should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the peoples of these abominations? wouldest thou not be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor any to escape?

shall we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the peoples that do these abominations? wouldest not thou be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape?

Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations? wouldst thou not be angry with us till thou hadst consumed us, so that there should be no remnant nor escaping?

shall we again break your commandments, and join in affinity with the peoples that do these abominations? Wouldn't you be angry with us until you had consumed us, so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape?

do we turn back to break Thy commands, and to join ourselves in marriage with the people of these abominations? art not Thou angry against us -- even to consumption -- till there is no remnant and escaped part?

Esdra 9:14
a do të kthehemi përsëri të shkelim urdhërimet e tua dhe të bashkohemi me martesë me popujt që kryejnë këto gjëra të neveritshme? A nuk do të zemëroheshe kundër nesh deri sa të shkatërroje pa lënë asnjë të mbetur ose të shpëtuar?

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 9:14
افنعود ونتعدّى وصاياك ونصاهر شعوب هذه الرجاسات. اما تسخط علينا حتى تفنينا فلا تكون بقية ولا نجاة.

Dyr Esren 9:14
Und naach dönn alln, was über üns kemmen ist, kaemend mir dyrher und scheretnd üns +wider nix um deine Geboter! Mir verschwaegernd üns mit dene Haidndietn mit ienerne grausignen Sittn! Daa +muesst ja weilete fuchtig werdn und üns ganz vernichtn, yso däß wirklich niemdd übrigbleibt!

Ездра 9:14
трябва ли ние да нарушим пак Твоите заповеди и да се сродяваме с людете [предадени] на тия мерзости? Ти не би ли се разгневил на нас докле ни довършиш, та да не остане никакъв остатък и никой оцелял?

以 斯 拉 記 9:14
我 們 豈 可 再 違 背 你 的 命 令 , 與 這 行 可 憎 之 事 的 民 結 親 呢 ? 若 這 樣 行 , 你 豈 不 向 我 們 發 怒 , 將 我 們 滅 絕 , 以 致 沒 有 一 個 剩 下 逃 脫 的 人 嗎 ?

我 们 岂 可 再 违 背 你 的 命 令 , 与 这 行 可 憎 之 事 的 民 结 亲 呢 ? 若 这 样 行 , 你 岂 不 向 我 们 发 怒 , 将 我 们 灭 绝 , 以 致 没 有 一 个 剩 下 逃 脱 的 人 吗 ?



Ezra 9:14
Zar možemo i dalje kršiti naredbe tvoje i vezivati se s ovim gnusnim narodima? Ne bi li se ti razgnjevio i satro nas da ni Ostatka ni ikoga spašena više ne bi bilo?

Ezdrášova 9:14
Opět-liž bychom rušiti měli tvá přikázaní, a přízniti se s národy těmito ohavnými? Zdaliž bys se zůřivě nehněval na nás, až bys nás do konce vyhladil, tak že by žádný nezůstal a neušel?

Ezra 9:14
skal vi da paa ny krænke dine Bud ved at besvogre os med Folk, der øver slige Vederstyggeligheder? Vil du da ikke vredes saaledes paa os, at du ødelægger os aldeles, saa der ikke levnes nogen Rest, og ingen undslipper?

Ezra 9:14
Zullen wij nu wederkeren, om Uw geboden te vernietigen, en ons te verzwageren met de volken dezer gruwelen? Zoudt Gij niet tegen ons toornen tot verterens toe, dat er geen overblijfsel noch ontkoming zij?

עזרא 9:14
הֲנָשׁוּב֙ לְהָפֵ֣ר מִצְוֹתֶ֔יךָ וּ֨לְהִתְחַתֵּ֔ן בְּעַמֵּ֥י הַתֹּעֵבֹ֖ות הָאֵ֑לֶּה הֲלֹ֤וא תֶֽאֱנַף־בָּ֙נוּ֙ עַד־כַּלֵּ֔ה לְאֵ֥ין שְׁאֵרִ֖ית וּפְלֵיטָֽה׃ פ

יד הנשוב להפר מצותיך ולהתחתן בעמי התעבות האלה  הלוא תאנף בנו עד כלה לאין שארית ופליטה  {פ}

הנשוב להפר מצותיך ולהתחתן בעמי התעבות האלה הלוא תאנף־בנו עד־כלה לאין שארית ופליטה׃ פ

Ezsdrás 9:14
Hát megrontjuk-é ismét parancsolataidat s összeházasodunk-é ez útálatos népekkel? Nem fogsz-é haragudni reánk mindaddig, míg megemésztetünk, hogy sem maradékunk, sem hírmondónk ne legyen?

Ezra 9:14
cxu ni nun denove malobeu Viajn ordonojn, kaj boparencigxu kun la popoloj de tiuj abomenindajxoj? CXu Vi ne koleros kontraux ni gxis plena ekstermo sen restigo de ia restajxo kaj savitajxo?

ESRA 9:14
Pitäiskö meidän taas sinun käskys käymän ylitse ja tekemän lankoutta tämän ilkiän kansan kanssa? Etkös mahda vihastua meidän päällemme, siihenasti että peräti hukutat, ettei ketään jää, eikä ole pääsemystä?

Esdras 9:14
-est-ce que nous retournerions à enfreindre tes commandements et à nous allier par mariage avec les peuples qui font ces abominations? Ne serais-tu pas courroucé contre nous jusqu'à nous consumer, en sorte qu'il n'y aurait ni reste ni réchappés?

recommencerions-nous à violer tes commandements et à nous allier avec ces peuples abominables? Ta colère n'éclaterait-elle pas encore contre nous jusqu'à nous détruire, sans laisser ni reste ni réchappés?

Retournerions-nous à enfreindre tes commandements, et à faire alliance avec ces peuples abominables ? Ne serais-tu pas irrité contre nous, jusqu'à nous consumer, en sorte qu'il n'y aurait plus aucun résidu, ni aucune ressource?

Esra 9:14
Wir aber haben uns umgekehret und deine Gebote lassen fahren, daß wir uns mit den Völkern dieser Greuel befreundet haben. Willst du denn über uns zürnen, bis daß es gar aus sei, daß nichts Übriges noch keine Errettung sei?

Sollten wir wiederum deine Gebote lassen fahren, daß wir uns mit den Völkern dieser Greuel befreundeten? Wirst du nicht über uns zürnen, bis daß es ganz aus sei, daß nichts Übriges noch keine Errettung sei? {~}

könnten wir da wohl aufs neue deine Gebote brechen, indem wir uns mit den Völkern verschwägern, bei denen diese Greuel im Schwange gehen? Würdest du nicht mit Recht bis zur Vertilgung auf uns zürnen, so daß alsdann kein Überrest und keine Entronnenen mehr vorhanden sein würden?

Esdra 9:14
torneremmo noi di nuovo a violare i tuoi comandamenti e ad imparentarci coi popoli che commettono queste abominazioni? L’ira tua non s’infiammerebbe essa contro di noi sino a consumarci e a non lasciar più né residuo né superstite?

torneremmo noi a rompere i tuoi comandamenti, e ad imparentarci co’ popoli dati a queste abbominazioni? non ti adireresti tu contro a noi fino all’estremo, talchè non vi sarebbe più nè rimanente, nè scampo alcuno?

EZRA 9:14
patutkah kami kembali pula meniadakan firman-Mu oleh bersanak saudara dengan segala bangsa kebencian itu? Masakan tiada Engkau murka akan kami sampai kebinasaan kami, sehingga seorang juapun tiada tinggal atau luput lagi?

에스라 9:14
우리가 어찌 다시 주의 계명을 거역하고 이 가증한 일을 행하는 족속들과 연혼하오리이까 그리하오면 주께서 어찌 진노하사 우리를 멸하시고 남아 피할 자가 없도록 하시지 아니하시리이까

Esdrae 9:14
ut non converteremur et irrita faceremus mandata tua neque matrimonia iungeremus cum populis abominationum istarum numquid iratus es nobis usque ad consummationem ne dimitteres nobis reliquias et salutem

Ezdro knyga 9:14
Argi mes vėl galėtume laužyti Tavo įsakymus ir susigiminiuoti vedybomis su šiomis bjauriomis tautomis? Argi Tu, užsirūstinęs ant mūsų, nesunaikinsi mūsų iki galo, nepalikdamas nė vieno, kuris išsigelbėtų?

Ezra 9:14
Kia takahi ano ranei matou i au tikanga, kia marena ki nga iwi nana enei whakarihariha? e kore ianei koe e riri ki a matou a poto noa matou i a koe, kore noa he morehu, he oranga?

Esras 9:14
skulde vi da nu atter bryte dine bud og inngå svogerskap med folk som gjør sig skyldige i sådanne vederstyggeligheter? Vilde du ikke da vredes på oss, så det blev ute med oss, og det ikke var nogen som blev frelst eller slapp unda?

Esdras 9:14
¿hemos de quebrantar de nuevo tus mandamientos emparentándo nos con los pueblos que cometen estas abominaciones? ¿No te enojarías con nosotros hasta destruir nos , sin que quedara remanente ni quien escapara?

¿hemos de quebrantar de nuevo Tus mandamientos emparentándonos con los pueblos que cometen estas abominaciones? ¿No Te enojarías con nosotros hasta destruirnos , sin que quedara remanente ni quien escapara?

¿Hemos de volver a infringir tus mandamientos, y a emparentar con los pueblos de estas abominaciones? ¿No te ensañarías contra nosotros hasta consumirnos, sin que quedara remanente ni quien escape?

¿Hemos de volver á infringir tus mandamientos, y á emparentar con los pueblos de estas abominaciones? ¿No te ensañarías contra nosotros hasta consumirnos, sin que quedara resto ni escapatoria?

¿hemos de volver a disipar tus mandamientos, y a emparentar con los pueblos de estas abominaciones? ¿No te ensañarías contra nosotros hasta consumirnos, sin que quedara resto ni escapadura?

Esdras 9:14
Como então poderíamos desobedecer outra vez a tua Palavra e os teus mandamentos e celebrar alianças e matrimônios com pessoas que praticam todo o tipo de paganismo? Se fizéssemos isso, tu ficarias tão irado conosco, que nos destruirias completamente e não deixarias que ninguém escapasse.

tornaremos, pois, agora a violar os teus mandamentos, e a aparentar-nos com os povos que cometem estas abominações? Não estarias tu indignado contra nós até de todo nos consumires, de modo que não ficasse restante, nem quem escapasse?   

Ezra 9:14
să începem iarăş să călcăm poruncile Tale, şi să ne încuscrim cu aceste popoare urîcioase? N'ar izbucni atunci iarăş mînia Ta împotriva noastră, pînă acolo încît ne-ar nimici, fără să lase nici rămăşiţă nici robi izbăviţi?

Ездра 9:14
неужели мы опять будем нарушать заповеди Твои ивступать в родство с этими отвратительными народами? Не прогневаешься ли Ты на нас даже до истребления нас , так что не будет уцелевших и не будет спасения?

неужели мы опять будем нарушать заповеди Твои и вступать в родство с этими отвратительными народами? Не прогневаешься ли Ты на нас даже до истребления [нас], так что не будет уцелевших и не будет спасения?[]

Esra 9:14
skulle vi väl nu på nytt bryta mot dina bud och befrynda oss med folk som bedriva sådana styggelser? Skulle du då icke vredgas på oss, ända därhän att du förgjorde oss, så att intet mer vore kvar och ingen räddning funnes?

Ezra 9:14
Amin ba uling sisirain ang iyong mga utos, at makikipisan ng mahigpit sa mga bayan na nagsisigawa ng mga karumaldumal na ito? hindi ka ba magagalit sa amin hanggang sa inyong malipol kami, na anopa't huwag magkaroon ng nalabi, o ng sinomang nakatanan.

เอสรา 9:14
สมควรที่ข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายจะฝ่าฝืนพระบัญญัติของพระองค์อีก และเข้าเกี่ยวดองด้วยการแต่งงานกับชนชาติทั้งหลายที่กระทำสิ่งที่น่าสะอิดสะเอียนเหล่านี้หรือ พระองค์จะไม่ทรงกริ้วต่อข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายจนพระองค์ผลาญข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายเสีย จนไม่มีคนที่เหลืออยู่และไม่มีใครรอดได้เลยหรือ

Ezra 9:14
‹‹Yine buyruklarına karşı gelecek miyiz? Bu iğrençlikleri yapan halklarla evlilik bağıyla karışacak mıyız? Bunu yaparsak, tek kişi sağ kalmadan yok edinceye dek bize öfkelenmeyecek misin?[]

EÂ-xô-ra 9:14
vậy có lẽ nào chúng tôi lại phạm các điều răn của Chúa nữa, kết bạn với các dân tộc vẫn làm những sự gớm ghiếc nầy sao? Vậy thì cơn thạnh nộ Chúa há sẽ chẳng nổi lên cùng chúng tôi, tiêu diệt chúng tôi, đến đỗi chẳng còn phần sót lại, cũng không ai thoát khỏi hay sao?

Ezra 9:13
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