Ezra 7:24
Ezra 7:24
You are also to know that you have no authority to impose taxes, tribute or duty on any of the priests, Levites, musicians, gatekeepers, temple servants or other workers at this house of God.

I also decree that no priest, Levite, singer, gatekeeper, Temple servant, or other worker in this Temple of God will be required to pay tribute, customs, or tolls of any kind.'

We also notify you that it shall not be lawful to impose tribute, custom, or toll on anyone of the priests, the Levites, the singers, the doorkeepers, the temple servants, or other servants of this house of God.

"We also inform you that it is not allowed to impose tax, tribute or toll on any of the priests, Levites, singers, doorkeepers, Nethinim or servants of this house of God.

Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.

Be advised that tribute, duty, and land tax must not be imposed on any priests, Levites, singers, doorkeepers, temple servants, or other servants of this house of God.

Furthermore, we decree that with respect to any of the priests, descendants of Levi, singers, gatekeepers, Temple Servants, or other servants of this Temple of God, it is not to be lawful to impose any tribute, tax, or toll on them.

Furthermore, be aware of the fact that you have no authority to impose tax, tribute, or toll on any of the priests, the Levites, the musicians, the doorkeepers, the temple servants, or the attendants at the temple of this God.

Furthermore, we are notifying you that you are forbidden to make any priest, Levite, singer, gatekeeper, servant, or worker in the temple of this God pay any taxes, fees, or tolls.

Also unto you we cause it to be known, that regarding all of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, and ministers of the house of this God, no one shall be able to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.

Also we inform you, that concerning any of the priests and Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, upon them.

Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom, on them.

Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, the singers, porters, Nethinim, or servants of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose tribute, custom, or toll, upon them.

We give you also to understand concerning all the priests, and the Levites, and the singers, and the porters, and the Nathinites, and ministers of the house of this God, that you have no authority to impose toll or tribute, or custom upon them.

Also we inform you, as regards all the priests and Levites, singers, doorkeepers, Nethinim, and ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose tribute, tax, and toll upon them.

Also we certify you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, the singers, porters, Nethinim, or servants of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose tribute, custom, or toll, upon them.

Also we certify you, that concerning any of the priests and Levites, singers, porters, Nethinims, or ministers of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose toll, tribute, or custom upon them.

Also we inform you, that touching any of the priests and Levites, the singers, porters, Nethinim, or servants of this house of God, it shall not be lawful to impose tribute, custom, or toll, on them.

'And to you we are making known, that upon any of the priests and Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, and servants of the house of God, tribute and custom there is no authority to lift up.

Esdra 7:24
Përveç kësaj ju njoftojmë se nuk është e lejueshme të merren haraçe, tatime ose taksa kalimi nga asnjë prej priftërinjve, Levitëve, këngëtarëve, derëtarëve, Nethinejve dhe shërbëtorëve të kësaj shtëpie të Perëndisë.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 7:24
ونعلمكم ان جميع الكهنة واللاويين والمغنين والبوابين والنثينيم وخدام بيت الله هذا لا يؤذن ان يلقى عليهم جزية او خراج او خفارة.

Dyr Esren 7:24
Wisstß aau, däß niemdd von de Priester, Brender, Sönger, Toorwächter, Templdiener older sünst aynn Knecht daadl Steuern, Höb older Zoll verlangen derf!

Ездра 7:24
При това ви известяваме относно свещениците, левитите, певците, вратарите, нетинимите и слугите на тоя Божий дом, че на никого от тях не ще бъде законно да се наложи данък, мито, или пътна повинност.

以 斯 拉 記 7:24
我 又 曉 諭 你 們 , 至 於 祭 司 、 利 未 人 、 歌 唱 的 、 守 門 的 , 和 尼 提 寧 , 並 在 神 殿 當 差 的 人 , 不 可 叫 他 們 進 貢 , 交 課 , 納 稅 。 』

我 又 晓 谕 你 们 , 至 於 祭 司 、 利 未 人 、 歌 唱 的 、 守 门 的 , 和 尼 提 宁 , 并 在 神 殿 当 差 的 人 , 不 可 叫 他 们 进 贡 , 交 课 , 纳 税 。 』



Ezra 7:24
I još vam javljamo da se ne smije udariti danak, ni porez, ni carina ni na jednoga od svećenika, levita, pjevača, netinaca i drugih službenika toga Doma Božjega.

Ezdrášova 7:24
Také vám oznamujeme, aby na žádného z kněží a Levítů, zpěváků, vrátných, Netinejských a služebníků v domě Boha toho, platu, cla a úroku žádný úředník nevzkládal.

Ezra 7:24
Og det være eder kundgjort, at ingen har Ret til at paalægge nogen af Præsterne, Leviterne, Tempelsangerne, Dørvogterne, Tempeltrællene eller overhovedet nogen, der er sysselsat ved dette Guds Hus, Skat, Afgift eller Skyld!

Ezra 7:24
Ook laten wij ulieden weten, aangaande alle priesteren en Levieten, zangers, poortiers, Nethinim en dienaars van het huis dezes Gods, dat men den cijns, ouden impost en tol hun niet zal vermogen op te leggen.

עזרא 7:24
וּלְכֹ֣ם מְהֹודְעִ֗ין דִּ֣י כָל־כָּהֲנַיָּ֣א וְ֠לֵוָיֵא זַמָּ֨רַיָּ֤א תָרָֽעַיָּא֙ נְתִ֣ינַיָּ֔א וּפָ֣לְחֵ֔י בֵּ֖ית אֱלָהָ֣א דְנָ֑ה מִנְדָּ֤ה בְלֹו֙ וַהֲלָ֔ךְ לָ֥א שַׁלִּ֖יט לְמִרְמֵ֥א עֲלֵיהֹֽם׃

כד ולכם מהודעין די כל כהניא ולויא זמריא תרעיא נתיניא ופלחי בית אלהא דנה--מנדה בלו והלך לא שליט למרמא עליהם

ולכם מהודעין די כל־כהניא ולויא זמריא תרעיא נתיניא ופלחי בית אלהא דנה מנדה בלו והלך לא שליט למרמא עליהם׃

Ezsdrás 7:24
Veletek pedig tudatjuk, hogy sem a papokra, sem a Lévitákra, sem az énekesekre, sem a kapunállókra, sem a Léviták szolgáira, sem Isten e háza szolgáira, adót, rovást és úti vámot [senkinek] vetni nem szabad.

Ezra 7:24
Kaj ni sciigas al vi, ke sur neniun el la pastroj, Levidoj, kantistoj, pordegistoj, Netinoj, aux servantoj cxe tiu domo de Dio vi devas meti tributon, imposton, aux depagojn.

ESRA 7:24
Ja se pitää oleman teille kaikille tiettävä, ettei teillä ole valtaa panna jotakin veroa, tullia eli ajastaikaista ulostekoa yhdenkään papin päälle, Leviläisen, veisaajan, ovenvartijan, Netinimin, tämän Jumalan huoneen palveliain päälle,

Esdras 7:24
Et nous vous faisons savoir que sur tous les sacrificateurs et les lévites, chantres, portiers, Nethiniens, et serviteurs de cette maison de Dieu, il ne peut être levé aucun tribut, ni impôt, ni péage.

Nous vous faisons savoir qu'il ne peut être levé ni tribut, ni impôt, ni droit de passage, sur aucun des sacrificateurs, des Lévites, des chantres, des portiers, des Néthiniens, et des serviteurs de cette maison de Dieu.

De plus, nous vous faisons savoir qu'on ne pourra imposer ni taille, ni gabelle, ni péage sur aucun Sacrificateur, ou Lévite, ou chantre, ou portier, ou Néthinien, ou ministre de cette maison de Dieu.

Esra 7:24
Und euch sei kund, daß ihr nicht Macht habt, Zins, Zoll und jährliche Rente zu legen auf irgend einen Priester, Leviten, Sänger, Torhüter, Nethinim und Diener im Hause dieses Gottes.

Und euch sei kund, daß ihr nicht Macht habt, Zins, Zoll und jährliche Rente zu legen auf irgend einen Priester, Leviten, Sänger, Torhüter, Tempelknecht und Diener im Hause dieses Gottes.

Euch aber wird kund gethan, daß niemand berechtigt sein soll, irgend einem Priester oder Leviten, Sänger, Thürhüter, Tempeldiener oder Arbeiter an diesem Tempel Gottes Steuer, Abgabe und Wegegeld aufzuerlegen.

Esdra 7:24
Vi facciamo inoltre sapere che non è lecito a nessuno esigere alcun tributo o imposta o pedaggio da alcuno de’ sacerdoti, de’ Leviti, de’ cantori, dei portinai, de’ Nethinei e de’ servi di questa casa di Dio.

Vi facciamo, oltre a ciò assapere che niuno abbia podestà d’imporre tributo, taglia, o gabella, ad alcun sacerdote, o Levita, o cantore, o portinaio, o Netineo, od altro ministro di cotesta Casa di Dio.

EZRA 7:24
Dan lagi kita memberitahu kepada kamu akan hal segala imam dan orang Lewi dan biduan dan penunggu pintu dan Netinim dan segala khadim bait-Ullah itu, tak boleh ditanggungkan atas mereka itu barang upeti atau cukai atau bea.

에스라 7:24
내가 너희에게 이르노니 제사장들이나 레위 사람들이나 노래하는 자들이나 문지기들이나 느디님 사람들이나 혹 하나님의 전에서 일하는 자들에게 조공과 잡세와 부세를 받는 것이 불가하니라 하였노라

Esdrae 7:24
vobisque notum facimus de universis sacerdotibus et Levitis cantoribus ianitoribus Nathinneis et ministris domus Dei huius ut vectigal et tributum et annonas non habeatis potestatem inponendi super eos

Ezdro knyga 7:24
Taip pat pranešu jums, kad neleidžiu apdėti jokiais mokesčiais kunigų, levitų, giedotojų, vartininkų ir šventyklos tarnų’.

Ezra 7:24
Kia mohio ano koutou; ko nga tohunga katoa, ko nga Riwaiti, ko nga kaiwaiata, ko nga kaitiaki keti, ko nga Netinimi, ko nga kaimahi o tenei whare o te Atua, e kore e tika kia tangohia he takoha taonga, he takoha tangata, he takoha huarahi i a ra tou.

Esras 7:24
Og eder lar vi vite at ingen skal ha makt til å pålegge nogen av prestene, levittene, sangerne, dørvokterne, tempeltjenerne eller nogen annen som har en tjeneste ved dette Guds hus, skatt, toll eller veipenger.

Esdras 7:24
También os hacemos saber que no se permite cobrar tributo, impuesto o peaje a ninguno de los sacerdotes, levitas, cantores, porteros, sirvientes, o ministros de esta casa de Dios.

"También les hacemos saber que no se permite cobrar tributo, impuesto o peaje a ninguno de los sacerdotes, Levitas, cantores, porteros, sirvientes, o ministros de esta casa de Dios.

Y a vosotros os hacemos saber que a todos los sacerdotes y levitas, cantores, porteros, servidores del templo y ministros de la casa de Dios, ninguno pueda imponerles tributo, impuesto, o renta.

Y á vosotros os hacemos saber, que á todos los sacerdotes y Levitas, cantores, porteros, Nethineos y ministros de la casa de Dios, ninguno pueda imponerles tributo, ó pecho, ó renta.

Y a vosotros os hacemos saber, que a todos los sacerdotes y levitas, cantores, porteros, netineos y ministros de la casa de éste Dios, ninguno pueda imponerles tributo, o pecho, o renta.

Esdras 7:24
Também vos notificamos que não é permitido cobrar impostos, tributos ou taxas de nenhum dos sacerdotes, levitas, cantores, porteiros, servidores do templo e de nenhum dos obreiros desta Casa de Deus.

Também vos notificamos acerca de todos os sacerdotes e levitas, cantores, porteiros, netinins, e outros servos desta casa de Deus, que não será lícito exigir-lhes nem tributo, nem imposto, nem pedágio.   

Ezra 7:24
Vă facem cunoscut că nu puteţi pune nici bir, nici dare, nici vamă de trecere, peste niciunul din preoţi, din Leviţi, din cîntăreţi, din uşieri, din slujitorii Templului şi din slujitorii acestei Case a lui Dumnezeu.

Ездра 7:24
И даем вам знать, чтобы ни на кого из священников или левитов, певцов, привратников, нефинеев и служащих при этом доме Божием, не налагать ни подати, ни налога, ни пошлины.

И даем вам знать, чтобы [ни] на кого [из] священников или левитов, певцов, привратников, нефинеев и служащих при этом доме Божием, не налагать [ни] подати, [ни] налога, ни пошлины.[]

Esra 7:24
Och vi göra eder veterligt att ingen skall hava makt att lägga skatt, tull eller vägpenningar på någon präst eller levit, sångare, dörrvaktare, tempelträl eller annan tjänare i detta Guds hus.

Ezra 7:24
Pinatototohanan din naman namin sa inyo, na tungkol sa sinoman sa mga saserdote at mga Levita, mga mangaawit, mga tagatanod-pinto, mga Nethineo, o mga lingkod sa bahay na ito ng Dios, ay hindi marapat na lapatan sila ng buwis, kabayaran, o upa.

เอสรา 7:24
เราขอแจ้งแก่ท่านทั้งหลายด้วยว่า ไม่เป็นการถูกต้องตามกฎหมายที่จะเอาบรรณาการ ค่าธรรมเนียม หรือส่วยจากคนหนึ่งคนใดในบรรดาปุโรหิต คนเลวี นักร้อง คนเฝ้าประตู คนใช้ประจำพระวิหาร หรือผู้รับใช้อื่นๆของพระนิเวศของพระเจ้านี้

Ezra 7:24
Şunu da bilesiniz ki, kâhinlerden, Levililerden, ezgicilerden, tapınak görevlilerinden ve kapı nöbetçilerinden, Tanrının Tapınağının öbür hizmetkârlarından vergi almaya yetkiniz yoktur.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 7:24
Lại, ta truyền cho các ngươi biết rằng chẳng được phép thâu thuế hay là tiền mãi lộ nơi thầy tế lễ, người Lê-vi, kẻ ca hát, người giữ cửa, người Nê-thi-nim, hay là nơi những tôi tớ đền thờ của Ðức Chúa Trời.

Ezra 7:23
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