Ezra 7:16
Ezra 7:16
together with all the silver and gold you may obtain from the province of Babylon, as well as the freewill offerings of the people and priests for the temple of their God in Jerusalem.

"Furthermore, you are to take any silver and gold that you may obtain from the province of Babylon, as well as the voluntary offerings of the people and the priests that are presented for the Temple of their God in Jerusalem.

with all the silver and gold that you shall find in the whole province of Babylonia, and with the freewill offerings of the people and the priests, vowed willingly for the house of their God that is in Jerusalem.

with all the silver and gold which you find in the whole province of Babylon, along with the freewill offering of the people and of the priests, who offered willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem;

And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem:

and all the silver and gold you receive throughout the province of Babylon, together with the freewill offerings given by the people and the priests to the house of their God in Jerusalem.

together with all of the silver and gold that you can raise in the province of Babylon, plus the freewill offerings given by the people and the priests, contributed for the Temple of their God, which is in Jerusalem.

along with all the silver and gold that you may collect throughout all the province of Babylon and the contributions of the people and the priests for the temple of their God which is in Jerusalem.

Take any silver and gold that you find in the whole province of Babylon when you take the gifts contributed by the people and the priests. They willingly contributed these gifts for the temple of their God in Jerusalem.

and all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people and of the priests, who offer willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem;

And all the silver and gold that you can find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offered willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem:

And all the silver and gold that you can find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem:

and all the silver and gold that thou shalt find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill-offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem;

And all the silver and gold that thou shalt find in all the province of Babylon, and that the people is willing to offer, and that the priests shall offer of their own accord to the house of their God, which is in Jerusalem,

and all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, besides the voluntary offering of the people, and of the priests, who offer willingly for the house of their God which is at Jerusalem.

and all the silver and gold that thou shalt find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem;

And all the silver and gold that thou canst find in all the province of Babylon, with the free-will-offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem:

and all the silver and gold that you shall find in all the province of Babylon, with the freewill offering of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly for the house of their God which is in Jerusalem;

and all the silver and gold that thou findest in all the province of Babylon, with the free-will offerings of the people, and of the priests, offering willingly, for the house of their God that is in Jerusalem,

Esdra 7:16
dhe tërë argjendin dhe arin që mund të gjesh në tërë krahinën e Babilonisë, së bashku me ofertën vullnetare, që bëhen në mënyrë spontane nga populli dhe nga priftërinjtë për shtëpinë e Perëndisë të tyre në Jeruzalem.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 7:16
وكل الفضة والذهب التي تجد في كل بلاد بابل مع تبرعات الشعب والكهنة المتبرعين لبيت الههم الذي في اورشليم

Dyr Esren 7:16
Nimm aau dös gantze Gold und Silber mit, dös wost in dyr Pfintz Bäbl sämltst, zamt de Spenddnen, wo s Volk Isryheel und de Priester für n Templ von ienern Got in Ruslham hergöbnd!

Ездра 7:16
както и всичкото сребро и злато, което ти би събрал от цялата Вавилонска област, заедно с доброволните приноси на людете и на свещениците, които биха принасяли доброволно за дома на своя Бог в Ерусалим,

以 斯 拉 記 7:16
並 帶 你 在 巴 比 倫 全 省 所 得 的 金 銀 , 和 百 姓 、 祭 司 樂 意 獻 給 耶 路 撒 冷 ─ 他 們 神 殿 的 禮 物 。

并 带 你 在 巴 比 伦 全 省 所 得 的 金 银 , 和 百 姓 、 祭 司 乐 意 献 给 耶 路 撒 冷 ─ 他 们 神 殿 的 礼 物 。



Ezra 7:16
i sve srebro i zlato koje skupiš po svoj pokrajini babilonskoj s dragovoljnim prinosima koje narod i svećenici prinesu za Dom svoga Boga u Jeruzalemu.

Ezdrášova 7:16
A všecko stříbro a zlato, kteréhož bys dostal ve vší krajině Babylonské u těch, kteříž by z lidu dobrovolně co obětovati chtěli, i s kněžími, kteříž by dobrovolně obětovali k domu Boha svého, kterýž jest v Jeruzalémě,

Ezra 7:16
og alt det Sølv og Guld, som du faar rundt om i Landsdelen Babel, tillige med de frivillige Gaver fra Folket og Præsterne, der giver frivillige Gaver til deres Guds Hus i Jerusalem.

Ezra 7:16
Mitsgaders al het zilver en goud, dat gij vinden zult in het ganse landschap van Babel, met de vrijwillige gave des volks en der priesteren, die vrijwilliglijk geven, ten huize huns Gods, dat te Jeruzalem is;

עזרא 7:16
וְכֹל֙ כְּסַ֣ף וּדְהַ֔ב דִּ֣י תְהַשְׁכַּ֔ח בְּכֹ֖ל מְדִינַ֣ת בָּבֶ֑ל עִם֩ הִתְנַדָּב֨וּת עַמָּ֤א וְכָֽהֲנַיָּא֙ מִֽתְנַדְּבִ֔ין לְבֵ֥ית אֱלָהֲהֹ֖ם דִּ֥י בִירוּשְׁלֶֽם׃

טז וכל כסף ודהב די תהשכח בכל מדינת בבל--עם התנדבות עמא וכהניא מתנדבין לבית אלההם די בירושלם

וכל כסף ודהב די תהשכח בכל מדינת בבל עם התנדבות עמא וכהניא מתנדבין לבית אלההם די בירושלם׃

Ezsdrás 7:16
És mindazt az ezüstöt és aranyat, melyet kapni fogsz Babilónia egész tartományában, együtt a nép és a papok önkénytes ajándékával, mit [ezek] önkénytesen ajándékoznak az õ Istenök házának, mely Jeruzsálemben van.

Ezra 7:16
kaj la tutan argxenton kaj oron, kiun vi akiros en la tuta provinco de Babel, kune kun la memvolaj donacoj de la popolo kaj de la pastroj, kiuj oferos por la domo de sia Dio, kiu estas en Jerusalem.

ESRA 7:16
Ja kaikkinaisen hopian ja kullan, minkä sinä saat koko Babelin maakunnasta, kuin kansa ja papit hyvällä mielellä antavat Jumalan huoneesen, joka on Jerusalemissa.

Esdras 7:16
ainsi que tout l'argent et l'or que tu trouveras dans toute la province de Babylone, avec l'offrande volontaire du peuple et des sacrificateurs qui offrent volontairement pour la maison de leur Dieu qui est à Jérusalem;

tout l'argent et l'or que tu trouveras dans toute la province de Babylone, et les dons volontaires faits par le peuple et les sacrificateurs pour la maison de leur Dieu à Jérusalem.

Et tout l'argent et l'or que tu trouveras en toute la province de Babylone, avec les offrandes volontaires du peuple et des Sacrificateurs, offrant volontairement à la maison de leur Dieu qui habite à Jérusalem.

Esra 7:16
und allerlei Silber und Gold, das du finden kannst in der ganzen Landschaft zu Babel, mit dem, das das Volk und die Priester freiwillig geben zum Hause Gottes zu Jerusalem.

und allerlei Silber und Gold, das du finden kannst in der ganzen Landschaft Babel, mit dem, was das Volk und die Priester freiwillig geben zum Hause ihres Gottes zu Jerusalem.

sowie alles Silber und Gold, das du in der ganzen Provinz Babel bekommen wirst, samt den freiwilligen Spenden des jüdischen Volks und der Priester, indem auch sie freiwillige Gaben für den Tempel ihres Gottes zu Jerusalem spenden.

Esdra 7:16
e tutto l’argento e l’oro che troverai in tutta la provincia di Babilonia, e i doni volontari fatti dal popolo e dai sacerdoti per la casa del loro Dio a Gerusalemme.

e tutto l’argento e l’oro che tu troverai in tutta la provincia di Babilonia, insieme con le offerte volontarie del popolo, e de’ sacerdoti, le quali faranno per la Casa dell’Iddio loro, che è in Gerusalemme.

EZRA 7:16
Dan lagi segala emas dan perak yang kauperoleh dalam seluruh Babil, serta dengan segala persembahan orang banyak dan imam, yang dipersembahkannya dengan keridlaan hatinya, kelak akan guna bait Allahnya, yang di Yeruzalem;

에스라 7:16
또 네가 바벨론 온 도에서 얻을 모든 은금과 및 백성과 제사장들이 예루살렘 그 하나님의 전을 위하여 즐거이 드릴 예물을 가져다가

Esdrae 7:16
et omne argentum et aurum quodcumque inveneris in universa provincia Babylonis et populus offerre voluerit et de sacerdotibus qui sponte obtulerint domui Dei sui quae est in Hierusalem

Ezdro knyga 7:16
taip pat sidabrą ir auksą, kurį tu gausi Babilono krašte, kartu su tautos ir kunigų dovanomis, kurias jie padovanos savo Dievo namams, esantiems Jeruzalėje.

Ezra 7:16
I te hiriwa katoa ano, i te koura e kitea e koe i te kawanatanga katoa o Papurona, i nga mea homai noa ano a te iwi, a nga tohunga, a te hunga e homai noa ana mo te whare o to ratou Atua i Hiruharama.

Esras 7:16
og likeledes alt det sølv og gull som du kan få i hele Babels landskap, og de frivillige gaver som folket og prestene vil gi til sin Guds hus i Jerusalem.

Esdras 7:16
y toda la plata y el oro que halles en toda la provincia de Babilonia, con la ofrenda voluntaria que el pueblo y los sacerdotes hayan ofrecido voluntariamente para la casa de su Dios que está en Jerusalén.

también lleva toda la plata y el oro que halles en toda la provincia de Babilonia, con la ofrenda voluntaria que el pueblo y los sacerdotes hayan ofrecido voluntariamente para la casa de su Dios que está en Jerusalén.

y toda la plata y el oro que hallares en toda la provincia de Babilonia, con las ofrendas voluntarias del pueblo y de los sacerdotes, que de su voluntad ofrecieren para la casa de su Dios que está en Jerusalén.

Y toda la plata y el oro que hallares en toda la provincia de Babilonia, con las ofrendas voluntarias del pueblo y de los sacerdotes, que de su voluntad ofrecieren para la casa de su Dios que está en Jerusalem.

y toda la plata y el oro que hallares en toda la provincia de Babilonia, con las ofrendas voluntarias del pueblo y de los sacerdotes, que de su voluntad ofrecieren para la casa de su Dios que está en Jerusalén.

Esdras 7:16
além de toda a prata e o ouro que receberes em toda a província da Babilônia e também as contribuições que o povo e os sacerdotes derem voluntariamente para o templo do seu Deus em Jerusalém.

com toda a prata e o ouro que achares em toda a província de Babilônia, e com as ofertas voluntárias do povo e dos sacerdotes, que voluntariamente as oferecerem para a casa do seu Deus, que está em Jerusalem;   

Ezra 7:16
tot argintul şi aurul pe care -l vei găsi în tot ţinutul Babilonului, şi darurile de bunăvoie făcute de popor şi preoţi pentru Casa Dumnezeului lor la Ierusalim.

Ездра 7:16
и все серебро и золото, которое ты соберешь во всей области Вавилонской, вместе с доброхотными даяниями от народа и священников, которые пожертвуют они для дома Бога своего, что в Иерусалиме;

и все серебро и золото, которое ты соберешь во всей области Вавилонской, вместе с доброхотными даяниями от народа и священников, которые пожертвуют они для дома Бога своего, что в Иерусалиме;[]

Esra 7:16
så ock allt det silver och guld som du kan få i hela Babels hövdingdöme, tillika med de frivilliga gåvor som folket och prästerna giva till sin Guds hus i Jerusalem.

Ezra 7:16
At ang lahat na pilak at ginto na iyong masusumpungan sa buong lalawigan ng Babilonia, pati ng kusang handog ng bayan, at ng mga saserdote, na mga naghahandog na kusa sa bahay ng kanilang Dios na nasa Jerusalem;

เอสรา 7:16
พร้อมทั้งเงินและทองคำทั้งสิ้นซึ่งเจ้าจะหาได้ทั่วไปในมณฑลบาบิโลน พร้อมกับของถวายด้วยใจสมัครของประชาชนและปุโรหิต เต็มใจถวายแด่พระนิเวศของพระเจ้าของเขา ซึ่งอยู่ในเยรูซาเล็ม

Ezra 7:16
Babil İlinden elde edeceğin altının, gümüşün tümünü, halkın ve kâhinlerin Tanrılarının Yeruşalimdeki Tapınağına gönülden verdikleri armağanları da alıp götürmelisin.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 7:16
luôn các bạc và vàng mà ngươi có được trong tỉnh Ba-by-lôn, và những lễ vật lạc ý của dân sự cùng thầy tế lễ dâng cho đền của Ðức Chúa Trời mình tại Giê-ru-sa-lem.

Ezra 7:15
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