Ezra 1:4
Ezra 1:4
And in any locality where survivors may now be living, the people are to provide them with silver and gold, with goods and livestock, and with freewill offerings for the temple of God in Jerusalem.'"

Wherever this Jewish remnant is found, let their neighbors contribute toward their expenses by giving them silver and gold, supplies for the journey, and livestock, as well as a voluntary offering for the Temple of God in Jerusalem."

And let each survivor, in whatever place he sojourns, be assisted by the men of his place with silver and gold, with goods and with beasts, besides freewill offerings for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.”

'Every survivor, at whatever place he may live, let the men of that place support him with silver and gold, with goods and cattle, together with a freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.'"

And whosoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, beside the freewill offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.

Let every survivor, wherever he lives, be assisted by the men of that region with silver, gold, goods, and livestock, along with a freewill offering for the house of God in Jerusalem."

Furthermore, everyone who wishes to repatriate from any territory where he now resides is to receive assistance from his fellow residents in the form of silver, gold, equipment, and pack animals, in addition to voluntary offerings for the Temple of the God of Jerusalem.

Anyone who survives in any of those places where he is a resident foreigner must be helped by his neighbors with silver, gold, equipment, and animals, along with voluntary offerings for the temple of God which is in Jerusalem.'"

All who [choose to] remain behind, wherever they may be living, should provide the people who are leaving with silver, gold, supplies, livestock, and freewill offerings to be used in God's temple in Jerusalem.

And whoever may remain of all the places where they remained a stranger, let the men of his place help him with silver and with gold and with goods and with beasts, with freewill gifts for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.

And whosoever remains in any place where he sojourns, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with animals, besides the freewill offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.

And whoever remains in any place where he sojournes, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, beside the freewill offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.

And whosoever is left, in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, besides the freewill-offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.

And let all the restin all places wheresoever they dwell, help him every man from his place. with silver and gold, and goods, and cattle, besides that which they offer freely to the temple of God, which is in Jerusalem.

And whosoever remains in any place where he sojourns, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, besides the voluntary offering for the house of God which is at Jerusalem.

And whosoever is left, in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, beside the freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.

And whoever remaineth in any place where he sojourneth, let the men of his place help him with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, besides the free-will-offering for the house of God that is in Jerusalem.

Whoever is left, in any place where he lives, let the men of his place help him with silver, with gold, with goods, and with animals, besides the freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.'"

And every one who is left, of any of the places where he is a sojourner, assist him do the men of his place with silver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, along with a free-will offering for the house of God, that is in Jerusalem.'

Esdra 1:4
Njerëzia e çdo vendi, ku ndonjë jude që ka shpëtuar banon ende, ta furnizojë atë me argjend, me ar, me të mira dhe me bagëti përveç ofertave vullnetare për shtëpinë e Perëndisë që është në Jeruzalem".

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 1:4
وكل من بقي في احد الاماكن حيث هو متغرب فلينجده اهل مكانه بفضة وبذهب وبامتعة وببهائم مع التبرع لبيت الرب الذي في اورشليم

Dyr Esren 1:4
Ayn Ieds, wo von dönn Volk non überblibn ist, ganz gleich, wo s inzwischn gwont haat, sollt von seine Naachbyrn so vil Geld, Sachenn und Vih kriegn, wie s braucht. Daa kännt aau ayn Ieds non öbbs drauflögn für s Gotshaus z Ruslham."

Ездра 1:4
На всеки, който е оцелял, в каквото и да било място, гдето пришелствува, нека му помогнат мъжете на онова място със сребро и със злато, с имот и с добитък, освен това, което доброволно би се принесло за Божия дом, който е в Ерусалим.

以 斯 拉 記 1:4
凡 剩 下 的 人 , 無 論 寄 居 何 處 , 那 地 的 人 要 用 金 銀 、 財 物 、 牲 畜 幫 助 他 , 另 外 也 要 為 耶 路 撒 冷   神 的 殿 甘 心 獻 上 禮 物 。 』 」

凡 剩 下 的 人 , 无 论 寄 居 何 处 , 那 地 的 人 要 用 金 银 、 财 物 、 牲 畜 帮 助 他 , 另 外 也 要 为 耶 路 撒 冷   神 的 殿 甘 心 献 上 礼 物 。 』 」



Ezra 1:4
I gdje god se još zadržao ostatak toga naroda, neka ga stanovništvo mjesta u kojima boravi podupre srebrom i zlatom, imanjem i stokom i dragovoljnim prinosima za Dom Božji u Jeruzalemu.'"

Ezdrášova 1:4
Kdož by pak zůstal na kterémkoli místě, kdež jest pohostinu, lidé místa toho ať mu pomohou stříbrem a zlatem, statkem i hovady, mimo oběti dobrovolné k domu Božímu, kterýž jest v Jeruzalémě.

Ezra 1:4
og alle Steder, hvor de tiloversblevne bor som fremmede, skal Beboerne støtte dem med Sølv, Guld, Heste og Kvæg, bortset fra de frivillige Gaver til Guds Hus i Jerusalem.

Ezra 1:4
En al wie achterblijven zou in enige plaatsen, waar hij als vreemdeling verkeert, dien zullen de lieden zijner plaats bevorderlijk zijn met zilver, en met goud, en met have, en met beesten; benevens een vrijwillige gave, voor het huis Gods, Die te Jeruzalem woont.

עזרא 1:4
וְכָל־הַנִּשְׁאָ֗ר מִֽכָּל־הַמְּקֹמֹות֮ אֲשֶׁ֣ר ה֣וּא גָֽר־שָׁם֒ יְנַשְּׂא֙וּהוּ֙ אַנְשֵׁ֣י מְקֹמֹ֔ו בְּכֶ֥סֶף וּבְזָהָ֖ב וּבִרְכ֣וּשׁ וּבִבְהֵמָ֑ה עִם־הַ֨נְּדָבָ֔ה לְבֵ֥ית הָאֱלֹהִ֖ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר בִּירוּשָׁלִָֽם׃

ד וכל הנשאר מכל המקמות אשר הוא גר שם--ינשאוהו אנשי מקמו בכסף ובזהב וברכוש ובבהמה עם הנדבה--לבית האלהים אשר בירושלם

וכל־הנשאר מכל־המקמות אשר הוא גר־שם ינשאוהו אנשי מקמו בכסף ובזהב וברכוש ובבהמה עם־הנדבה לבית האלהים אשר בירושלם׃

Ezsdrás 1:4
És mindenkit, a ki még megmaradt, minden helyrõl, a hol lakik, segítsék azon helynek férfiai ezüsttel, aranynyal, jószággal és barommal, azzal együtt, a mit önkénytesen adnak az Isten házának, mely Jeruzsálemben van.

Ezra 1:4
Kaj al cxiu, kiu restis, en kiu ajn loko li logxas, la logxantoj de lia loko helpu al li per argxento, per oro, per alia havo, kaj per brutoj, kun memvola donaco por la domo de Dio, kiu estas en Jerusalem.

ESRA 1:4
Ja kaikkia jääneitä kaikissa paikoissa, kussa he muukalaisina ovat, pitää mielellänsä autettaman sen paikan kansalta hopialla ja kullalla, tavaralla ja juhdilla Jumalan huoneesen, joka on Jerusalemissa.

Esdras 1:4
Et celui qui est de reste, dans tous les lieux où chacun séjourne, que les hommes du lieu lui viennent en aide, avec de l'argent, et avec de l'or, et avec des biens, et avec du bétail, outre les offrandes volontaires pour la maison de Dieu qui est à Jérusalem.

Dans tout lieu où séjournent des restes du peuple de l'Eternel, les gens du lieu leur donneront de l'argent, de l'or, des effets, et du bétail, avec des offrandes volontaires pour la maison de Dieu qui est à Jérusalem.

Et quant à tous ceux qui demeureront en arrière, de quelque lieu que ce soit où ils fassent leur séjour, que les gens du lieu où ils demeurent, les soulagent d'argent, d'or, de biens, et de montures, outre ce qu'on offrira volontairement pour la maison du Dieu qui [habite] à Jérusalem.

Esra 1:4
Und wer noch übrig ist an allen Orten, da er Fremdling ist, dem helfen die Leute seines Orts mit Silber und Gold, Gut und Vieh aus freiem Willen zum Hause Gottes zu Jerusalem.

Und wer noch übrig ist an allen Orten, da der Fremdling ist, dem sollen helfen die Leute seines Orts mit Silber und Gold, Gut und Vieh, außer dem, was sie aus freiem Willen geben zum Hause Gottes zu Jerusalem. {~}

Und wer noch übrig ist, den sollen an allen Orten, wo er sich aufhält, die Bewohner seines Orts unterstützen mit Silber und mit Gold und mit Habe und mit Vieh, neben den freiwilligen Gaben für den Tempel Gottes zu Jerusalem.

Esdra 1:4
Tutti quelli che rimangono ancora del popolo dell’Eterno, in qualunque luogo dimorino, la gente del luogo li assista con argento, con oro, con doni in natura, bestiame, aggiungendovi offerte volontarie per la casa dell’Iddio ch’è a Gerusalemme".

E se vi è alcuno, in qualunque luogo egli dimori, che sia rimasto indietro, sovvengangli le genti del suo luogo, d’oro, e d’argento, e di facoltà, e di bestie da vettura, con qualche volontaria offerta per la Casa di Dio, che abita in Gerusalemme.

EZRA 1:4
Maka barangsiapa yang ketinggalan kelak pada salah suatu tempat, ia menumpang seperti orang dagang, hendaklah segala orang isi tempatnya itu membantu akan dia dengan emas perak dan harta benda dan dengan binatang, dan lagi disertainya dengan suatu hadiah dari keridlaan hati bagi bait-Ullah, yang di Yeruzalem itu.

에스라 1:4
무릇 그 남아있는 백성이 어느 곳에 우거하였든지 그곳 사람들이 마땅히 은과 금과 기타 물건과 짐승으로 도와주고 그 외에도 예루살렘 하나님의 전을 위하여 예물을 즐거이 드릴지니라' 하였더라

Esdrae 1:4
et omnes reliqui in cunctis locis ubicumque habitant adiuvent eum viri de loco suo argento et auro et substantia et pecoribus excepto quod voluntarie offerunt templo Dei quod est in Hierusalem

Ezdro knyga 1:4
Visose vietose, kur jis begyventų, pasilikusieji žmonės tepadeda jam sidabru ir auksu, manta ir gyvuliais bei laisvos valios auka Dievo namams Jeruzalėje’ ”.

Ezra 1:4
Na, ko te tangata ka mahue ki te wahi e noho ai ia, ma nga tangata o tona wahi ia e awhina ki te hiriwa, ki te koura, ki te taonga, ki te kararehe, hei tapiri mo nga mea hoatu noa mo te whare o te Atua i Hiruharama.

Esras 1:4
Og alle som ennu er i live, skal folkene på hvert sted hvor de opholder sig som fremmede, understøtte med sølv og gull, med gods og buskap, foruten de frivillige gaver til Guds hus i Jerusalem.

Esdras 1:4
``Y a todo sobreviviente, en cualquier lugar que habite, que los hombres de aquel lugar lo ayuden con plata y oro, con bienes y ganado, junto con una ofrenda voluntaria para la casa de Dios que está en Jerusalén.

'Y a todo sobreviviente, en cualquier lugar que habite, que los hombres de aquel lugar lo ayuden con plata y oro, con bienes y ganado, junto con una ofrenda voluntaria para la casa de Dios que está en Jerusalén.'"

Y a cualquiera que hubiere quedado de todos los lugares donde peregrinare, los hombres de su lugar ayúdenle con plata y oro, bienes y ganado; además de ofrendas voluntarias para la casa de Dios, la cuál está en Jerusalén.

Y á cualquiera que hubiere quedado de todos los lugares donde peregrinare, los hombres de su lugar le ayuden con plata, y oro, y hacienda, y con bestias; con dones voluntarios para la casa de Dios, la cuál está en Jerusalem.

Y a cualquiera que hubiere quedado de todos los lugares donde fuere extranjero, los varones de su lugar le ayuden con plata, y oro, y hacienda, y con bestias; con dones voluntarios para la Casa de Dios, la cuál está en Jerusalén.

Esdras 1:4
E que todo sobrevivente, qualquer que seja o lugar em que esteja morando, seja ajudado pelos homens de sua vizinhança com prata, ouro, bens e animais, além das ofertas voluntárias para a reedificação da Casa de Deus em Jerusalém!”

E todo remanescente, seja qual for o lugar em que é peregrino, seja ajudado pelos homens desse lugar com prata, com ouro, com bens e com animais, afora a oferta voluntária para a casa de Deus, que está em Jerusalém.   

Ezra 1:4
Ori unde locuiesc rămăşiţe din poporul Domnului, oamenii din locul acela să le dea argint, aur, avere, şi vite, pe lîngă daruri de bunăvoie pentru Casa lui Dumnezeu, care este la Ierusalim!``

Ездра 1:4
А все оставшиеся во всех местах, где бы тот ни жил, пусть помогут ему жители места того серебром и золотом и иным имуществом, и скотом, с доброхотным даянием для дома Божия, что в Иерусалиме.

А все оставшиеся во всех местах, где бы тот ни жил, пусть помогут ему жители места того серебром и золотом и [иным] имуществом, и скотом, с доброхотным даянием для дома Божия, что в Иерусалиме.[]

Esra 1:4
Och varhelst någon ännu finnes kvar, må han av folket på den ort där han bor såsom främling få hjälp med silver och guld, med gods och boskap, detta jämte vad som frivilligt gives till Guds hus i Jerusalem.»

Ezra 1:4
At sinomang naiwan sa alinmang dako na kaniyang pinakikipamayanan, tulungan siya ng mga lalake sa kaniyang kinaroroonan ng pilak, at ng ginto, at ng mga pag-aari, at ng mga hayop, bukod sa kusang handog sa bahay ng Dios na nasa Jerusalem.

เอสรา 1:4
และขอให้คนทั้งปวงที่เหลืออยู่ ไม่ว่าเขาจะอาศัยอยู่ ณ ที่ใด ให้คนซึ่งอยู่ในที่ของเขาช่วยเขาด้วยเงินและด้วยทองคำ ด้วยข้าวของและสัตว์ นอกเหนือจากเครื่องบูชาตามใจสมัครสำหรับพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าซึ่งอยู่ในเยรูซาเล็ม'"

Ezra 1:4
Krallığımda yaşayan yerliler, sürgün oldukları yerlerde sağ kalmış olanlara altın, gümüş, mal ve hayvanlar sağlamakla birlikte Yeruşalimdeki Tanrının Tapınağına gönülden sunular sunsun.› ››[]

EÂ-xô-ra 1:4
Hễ dân Giu-đa còn sót lại, mặc dầu ở đâu, thì bổn dân của nơi họ ở, phải tiếp trợ họ bằng bạc, vàng, của cải, súc vật, không kể những của lễ lạc hiến về đền của Ðức Chúa Trời ở tại Giê-ru-sa-lem.

Ezra 1:3
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