Ezekiel 17:12
Ezekiel 17:12
"Say to this rebellious people, 'Do you not know what these things mean?' Say to them: 'The king of Babylon went to Jerusalem and carried off her king and her nobles, bringing them back with him to Babylon.

"Say to these rebels of Israel: Don't you understand the meaning of this riddle of the eagles? The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, took away her king and princes, and brought them to Babylon.

“Say now to the rebellious house, Do you not know what these things mean? Tell them, behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took her king and her princes and brought them to him to Babylon.

"Say now to the rebellious house, 'Do you not know what these things mean?' Say, 'Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, took its king and princes and brought them to him in Babylon.

Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and hath taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;

Now say to that rebellious house: Don't you know what these things mean? Tell them: The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, took its king and officials, and brought them back with him to Babylon.

"Tell my rebellious house, 'Don't you know what these things mean? Look! The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, captured her king and princes, and took them with him to Babylon.

"Say to the rebellious house of Israel: 'Don't you know what these things mean?' Say: 'See here, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and took her king and her officials prisoner and brought them to himself in Babylon.

"Ask these rebellious people, 'Don't you know what this means?' Tell them, 'The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and captured its king and its leaders. He brought them home with him to Babylon.

Say now to the rebellious house: Do ye not know what these things mean? Tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem and has taken its king and its princes and led them with him to Babylon;

Say now to the rebellious house, Know you not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon has come to Jerusalem, and has taken its king, and its princes, and led them with him to Babylon;

Say now to the rebellious house, Know you not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon is come to Jerusalem, and has taken the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and led them with him to Babylon;

Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and brought them to him to Babylon:

Say to the provoking house: Know you not what these things mean? Tell them: Behold the king of Babylon cometh to Jerusalem: and he shall take away the king and the princes thereof, and carry them with him to Babylon.

Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things are? Say, Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took its king and its princes, and led them with him to Babylon.

Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took the king thereof, and the princes thereof, and brought them to him to Babylon;

Say now to the rebellious house, Know ye not what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon hath come to Jerusalem, and hath taken its king, and its princes, and led them with him to Babylon;

Say now to the rebellious house, Don't you know what these things mean? tell them, Behold, the king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, and took its king, and its princes, and brought them to him to Babylon:

Say, I pray thee, to the rebellious house, Have ye not known what these are? Say, Lo, come hath the king of Babylon to Jerusalem, And he taketh its king, and its princes, And bringeth them to himself to Babylon.

Ezekieli 17:12
I thuaj, pra, kësaj shtëpie rebele: Nuk e merrni vesh çfarë kuptimi kanë këto gjëra? U thuaj atyre: Ja mbreti i Babilonisë erdhi në Jeruzalem, zuri mbretin dhe krerët dhe i çoi me vete në Babiloni.

ﺣﺰﻗﻴﺎﻝ 17:12
قل للبيت المتمرد أما علمتم ما هذه. قل هوذا ملك بابل قد جاء الى اورشليم واخذ ملكها ورؤساءها وجاء بهم اليه الى بابل.

Dyr Heskiheel 17:12
Also, sag yn dönn widerspenignen Volk daa: Gspanntß n nit, auf was i aushin will dyrmit? Also, naacherd mueß i deuttlicher werdn: Dyr Bäbler Künig kaam auf Ruslham, naam önn Künig und d Amptner von dyr Stat gfangen und naam s auf Bäbl abhin mit.

Езекил 17:12
Кажи сега на бунтовния дом: Не проумявате ли що значи това? Поясни им- Ето, вавилонският цар дойде в Ерусалим Та взе царя му и първенците му, И ги заведе със себе си във Вавилон;

以 西 結 書 17:12
你 對 那 悖 逆 之 家 說 : 你 們 不 知 道 這 些 事 是 甚 麼 意 思 麼 ? 你 要 告 訴 他 們 說 , 巴 比 倫 王 曾 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 將 其 中 的 君 王 和 首 領 帶 到 巴 比 倫 自 己 那 裡 去 。

你 对 那 悖 逆 之 家 说 : 你 们 不 知 道 这 些 事 是 甚 麽 意 思 麽 ? 你 要 告 诉 他 们 说 , 巴 比 伦 王 曾 到 耶 路 撒 冷 , 将 其 中 的 君 王 和 首 领 带 到 巴 比 伦 自 己 那 里 去 。



Ezekiel 17:12
Reci domu odmetničkome: 'Zar ne znate što ovo znači?' Reci im: 'Eto, dođe kralj babilonski u Jeruzalem, zarobi mu kralja i sve knezove, odvede ih k sebi u Babilon.

Ezechiele 17:12
Rci nyní domu zpurnému: Nevíte-liž, co je toto? Rci: Aj, přitáhl král Babylonský do Jeruzaléma, a vzal krále jeho i knížata jeho, a zavedl je s sebou do Babylona.

Ezekiel 17:12
Sig til den genstridige Slægt: Ved I ikke, hvad dette betyder? Sig: Babels Konge kom til Jerusalem, tog Kongen og Fyrsterne og førte dem med hjem til Babel.

Ezechiël 17:12
Zeg nu tot dat wederspannig huis: Weet gij niet, wat deze dingen zijn? Zeg: Ziet, de koning van Babel is tot Jeruzalem gekomen, en heeft haar koning genomen, en haar vorsten, en heeft ze tot zich gevoerd naar Babel.

יחזקאל 17:12
אֱמָר־נָא֙ לְבֵ֣ית הַמֶּ֔רִי הֲלֹ֥א יְדַעְתֶּ֖ם מָה־אֵ֑לֶּה אֱמֹ֗ר הִנֵּה־בָ֨א מֶֽלֶךְ־בָּבֶ֤ל יְרוּשָׁלִַ֙ם֙ וַיִּקַּ֤ח אֶת־מַלְכָּהּ֙ וְאֶת־שָׂרֶ֔יהָ וַיָּבֵ֥א אֹותָ֛ם אֵלָ֖יו בָּבֶֽלָה׃

יב אמר נא לבית המרי הלא ידעתם מה אלה אמר הנה בא מלך בבל ירושלם ויקח את מלכה ואת שריה ויבא אותם אליו בבלה

אמר־נא לבית המרי הלא ידעתם מה־אלה אמר הנה־בא מלך־בבל ירושלם ויקח את־מלכה ואת־שריה ויבא אותם אליו בבלה׃

Ezékiel 17:12
No, mondjad a pártos háznak: Avagy nem értettétek-é mi ez? Mondjad: Ímé, eljött a babiloni király Jeruzsálembe, és fogá királyát és fejedelmeit és elvivé õket magához Babilonba.

Jeĥezkel 17:12
Diru do al la domo malobeema:CXu vi ne scias, kion tio signifas? Diru:Jen venis la regxo de Babel en Jerusalemon, kaj prenis gxian regxon kaj gxiajn eminentulojn kaj venigis ilin al si en Babelon;

Sanos tälle kovakorvaiselle huoneelle: ettekö te tiedä, mikä tämä on? ja sano: katso, Babelin kuningas tuli Jerusalemiin, ja otti hänen kuninkaansa ja päämiehensä, ja vei heidät tykönsä Babeliin.

Ézéchiel 17:12
Dis à la maison rebelle: Ne savez-vous pas ce que signifient ces choses? Dis: Voici, le roi de Babylone est venu à Jérusalem, et il a pris son roi et ses princes, et les a emmenés avec lui à Babylone.

Dis à la maison rebelle: Ne savez-vous pas ce que cela signifie? Dis: Voici, le roi de Babylone est allé à Jérusalem, il en a pris le roi et les chefs, et les a emmenés avec lui à Babylone.

Dis maintenant à la maison rebelle : ne savez-vous pas ce que veulent dire ces choses? Dis : voici, le Roi de Babylone est venu à Jérusalem, et en a pris le Roi, et les Princes, et les a emmenés avec lui à Babylone.

Hesekiel 17:12
Lieber, sprich zu dem ungehorsamen Hause: Wisset ihr nicht, was das ist? Und sprich: Siehe, es kam der König zu Babel gen Jerusalem und nahm ihren König und ihre Fürsten und führete sie weg zu sich gen Babel

Sprich doch zu diesem ungehorsamen Haus: Wißt ihr nicht, was das ist? Und sprich: Siehe, es kam ein König zu Babel gen Jerusalem und nahm ihren König und ihre Fürsten und führte sie weg zu sich gen Babel.

Sprich doch zum Hause der Widerspenstigkeit: Merkt ihr denn nicht, was dies soll? Sprich: Fürwahr, der König von Babel kam nach Jerusalem und nahm seinen König und seine obersten Beamten und brachte sie zu sich nach Babel.

Ezechiele 17:12
Di’ dunque a questa casa ribelle: Non sapete voi che cosa voglian dire queste cose? Di’ loro: Ecco, il re di Babilonia è venuto a Gerusalemme, ne ha preso il re ed i capi, e li ha menati con sé a Babilonia.

Di’ ora a questa casa ribelle: Non conoscete voi, che si voglion dir queste cose? Di’: Ecco, il re di Babilonia venne in Gerusalemme, e prese il re, e i principi d’essa; e li fece venire appresso di sè in Babilonia.

Katakanlah sekarang kepada bangsa bantahan itu: Tiadakah kamu mengerti apa maknanya? Katakanlah: Bahwasanya raja Babil sudah datang ke Yeruzalem, diambilnya akan rajanya dan akan segala penghulunya, lalu dibawanya akan mereka itu sertanya ke Babil.

에스겔 17:12
너는 패역한 족속에게 묻기를 너희가 이 비유를 깨닫지 못하겠느냐 하고 그들에게 고하기를 바벨론 왕이 예루살렘에 이르러 왕과 방백을 사로잡아 바벨론 자기에게로 끌어가고

Ezechiel 17:12
dic ad domum exasperantem nescitis quid ista significent dic ecce venit rex Babylonis Hierusalem et adsumet regem et principes eius et adducet eos ad semet ipsum in Babylonem

Ezechielio knyga 17:12
“Kalbėk maištingai tautai: ‘Ar nesuprantate, ką tai reiškia? Štai atėjo Babilono karalius į Jeruzalę, paėmė karalių su kunigaikščiais ir nusivedė juos į Babiloną.

Ezekiel 17:12
Tena, mea atu ki te whare whakakeke, Kahore ranei koutou e mohio ki te tikanga o enei mea? mea atu, Nana, i tae mai te kingi o Papurona ki Hiruharama, a tangohia ana e ia to reira kingi, o reira rangatira, kawea ana ki Papurona;

Esekiel 17:12
Si til den gjenstridige ætt: Vet I ikke hvad dette er? Si: Se, Babels konge kom til Jerusalem og tok dets konge* og dets høvdinger og førte dem til sig i Babel.

Ezequiel 17:12
Di ahora a la casa rebelde: ``¿No sabéis lo que significan estas cosas? Di: ``He aquí, el rey de Babilonia vino a Jerusalén, tomó a su rey y a sus príncipes y los llevó consigo a Babilonia.

"Dile ahora a la casa rebelde: '¿No saben lo que significan estas cosas?' Di: 'El rey de Babilonia vino a Jerusalén, tomó a su rey y a sus príncipes y los llevó consigo a Babilonia.

Di ahora a la casa rebelde: ¿No habéis entendido qué significan estas cosas? Diles: He aquí que el rey de Babilonia vino a Jerusalén, y tomó tu rey y sus príncipes, y los llevó consigo a Babilonia.

Di ahora á la casa rebelde: ¿No habéis entendido qué significan estas cosas? Diles: He aquí que el rey de Babilonia vino á Jerusalem, y tomó tu rey y sus príncipes, y llevólos consigo á Babilonia.

Di ahora a la casa rebelde: ¿No habéis entendido qué significan estas cosas? Diles: He aquí que el rey de Babilonia vino a Jerusalén, y tomó tu rey y sus príncipes, y los llevó consigo a Babilonia.

Ezequiel 17:12
“Diz, pois, à esta Casa rebelde: Como não sabeis o que estas alegorias significam? Ora, explica-lhes assim: O rei da Babilônia veio a Jerusalém, capturou o seu rei e os seus príncipes e os levou cativos para a Babilônia.

Dize, pois, à casa rebelde: Não sabeis o que significam estas coisas? Dize-lhes: Eis que veio o rei de Babilônia a Jerusalém, e tomou o seu rei e os seus príncipes, e os levou consigo para Babilônia;   

Ezechiel 17:12
,,Spune casei acesteia răzvrătite: ,,Nu ştiţi ce înseamnă aceasta?`` Şi spune: ,,Iată, împăratul Babilonului a venit la Ierusalim, a luat pe împăratul şi pe căpetenile lui, şi i -a dus cu el în Babilon.

Иезекииль 17:12
скажи мятежному дому: разве не знаете, что это значит? – Скажи: вот,пришел царь Вавилонский в Иерусалим, и взял царя его и князей его, ипривел их к себе в Вавилон.

скажи мятежному дому: разве не знаете, что это значит? --Скажи: вот, пришел царь Вавилонский в Иерусалим, и взял царя его и князей его, и привел их к себе в Вавилон.[]

Hesekiel 17:12
Säg till det gensträviga släktet Förstån I icke vad detta betyder? Så säg då: Se, konungen i Babel kom till Jerusalem och tog dess konung och dess furstar och hämtade dem till sig i Babel.

Ezekiel 17:12
Sabihin mo nga sa mapanghimagsik na sangbahayan, Hindi baga ninyo nalalaman ang kahulugan ng mga bagay na ito? saysayin mo sa kanila, Narito, ang hari sa Babilonia ay dumating sa Jerusalem, at kinuha ang hari niyaon, at ang mga prinsipe niyaon, at dinala niya sa Babilonia.

เอเสเคียล 17:12
บัดนี้จงกล่าวแก่วงศ์วานที่มักกบฏนั้นว่า ท่านทั้งหลายไม่ทราบหรือว่า สิ่งเหล่านี้มีความหมายว่ากระไร จงบอกเขาว่า ดูเถิด กษัตริย์กรุงบาบิโลนได้มายังกรุงเยรูซาเล็ม และกวาดเอากษัตริย์และเจ้านายทั้งหลายพามายังกษัตริย์ที่กรุงบาบิโลน

Hezekiel 17:12
‹‹O asi halka de ki, ‹Bunların ne anlama geldiğini bilmiyor musunuz?› Onlara de ki, ‹Babil Kralı Yeruşalime gitti; kralını, önderlerini tutsak alıp kendisiyle birlikte Babile götürdü.[]

EÂ-xeâ-chi-eân 17:12
Hãy nói cùng nhà bạn nghịch ấy rằng: Các ngươi không biết điều đó có ý nghĩa thế nào sao? Lại khá nói rằng: Nầy, vua Ba-by-lôn đã di đến Giê-ru-sa-lem; đã bắt vua và các quan trưởng đem đi với mình về Ba-by-lôn.

Ezekiel 17:11
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