Exodus 34:27
Exodus 34:27
Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down all these instructions, for they represent the terms of the covenant I am making with you and with Israel."

And the LORD said to Moses, “Write these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.”

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

The LORD also said to Moses, "Write down these words, for I have made a covenant with you and with Israel based on these words."

Then the LORD told Moses, "Write down these words, because I'm making a covenant with you and with Israel according to these words."

The LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

Then the LORD said to Moses, "Write down these words, because on the basis of these words I'm making a promise to Israel and to you."

And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words; for according to these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Write these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.

And the LORD said to Moses, Write you these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.

And Jehovah said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

And the Lord said to Moses: Write these words by which I have made a covenant both with thee and with Israel.

And Jehovah said to Moses, Write thee these words; for after the tenor of these words have I made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

And the LORD said unto Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee and with Israel.

And the LORD said to Moses, Write thou these words: for after the tenor of these words I have made a covenant with thee, and with Israel.

Yahweh said to Moses, "Write you these words: for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel."

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Write for thyself these words, for, according to the tenor of these words I have made with thee a covenant, and with Israel.'

Eksodi 34:27
Pastaj Zoti i tha Moisiut: "Shkruaji këto fjalë, sepse mbi bazën e këtyre fjalëve kam përfunduar një aleancë me ty dhe me Izraelin".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 34:27
وقال الرب لموسى اكتب لنفسك هذه الكلمات. لانني بحسب هذه الكلمات قطعت عهدا معك ومع اسرائيل.

Dyr Auszug 34:27
Dann spraach dyr Herr zo n Mosenn: "Schreib die Worter allsand auf, denn daa drauf gründdt mein Bund mit dir und Isryheel!"

Изход 34:27
Тогава Господ рече на Моисея: Напиши си тия думи; защото според тия думи направих Аз завет с тебе и с Израиля.

出 埃 及 記 34:27
耶 和 華 吩 咐 摩 西 說 : 你 要 將 這 些 話 寫 上 , 因 為 我 是 按 這 話 與 你 和 以 色 列 人 立 約 。

耶 和 华 吩 咐 摩 西 说 : 你 要 将 这 些 话 写 上 , 因 为 我 是 按 这 话 与 你 和 以 色 列 人 立 约 。



Exodus 34:27
Zapiši ove riječi", reče Jahve Mojsiju, "jer su one temelji na kojima sam s tobom i s Izraelom sklopio Savez."

Exodus 34:27
I řekl Hospodin Mojžíšovi: Napiš sobě slova tato; nebo podlé slov těch učinil jsem smlouvu s tebou a s Izraelem.

2 Mosebog 34:27
Og HERREN sagde til Moses: »Skriv disse Ord op, thi paa Grundlag af disse Ord slutter jeg Pagt med dig og Israel.«

Exodus 34:27
Verder zeide de HEERE tot Mozes: Schrijf u deze woorden; want naar luid dezer woorden heb Ik een verbond met u en met Israel gemaakt.

שמות 34:27
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר יְהוָה֙ אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֔ה כְּתָב־לְךָ֖ אֶת־הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֑לֶּה כִּ֞י עַל־פִּ֣י ׀ הַדְּבָרִ֣ים הָאֵ֗לֶּה כָּרַ֧תִּי אִתְּךָ֛ בְּרִ֖ית וְאֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

כז ויאמר יהוה אל משה כתב לך את הדברים האלה  כי על פי הדברים האלה כרתי אתך ברית--ואת ישראל

ויאמר יהוה אל־משה כתב־לך את־הדברים האלה כי על־פי ׀ הדברים האלה כרתי אתך ברית ואת־ישראל׃

2 Mózes 34:27
És monda az Úr Mózesnek: Írd fel ezeket a szavakat; mert ezeknek a szavaknak értelme szerint kötöttem szövetséget veled és Izráellel.

Moseo 2: Eliro 34:27
Kaj la Eternulo diris al Moseo:Skribu al vi cxi tiujn vortojn, cxar laux cxi tiuj vortoj Mi faris interligon kun vi kaj kun Izrael.

Ja Herra sanoi Mosekselle: kirjoita sinulles nämät sanat: sillä näiden sanain jälkeen olen minä liiton tehnyt sinun ja Israelin kanssa.

Exode 34:27
Et l'Éternel dit à Moïse: Écris ces paroles; car, selon la teneur de ces paroles, j'ai fait alliance avec toi et avec Israël.

L'Eternel dit à Moïse: Ecris ces paroles; car c'est conformément à ces paroles que je traite alliance avec toi et avec Israël.

L'Eternel dit aussi à Moïse : écris ces paroles; car suivant la teneur de ces paroles j'ai traité alliance avec toi et avec Israël.

2 Mose 34:27
Und der HERR sprach zu Mose: Schreibe diese Worte; denn nach diesen Worten habe ich mit dir und mit Israel einen Bund gemacht.

Und der HERR sprach zu Mose: Schreib diese Worte: denn nach diesen Worten habe ich mit dir und mit Israel einen Bund gemacht.

Und Jahwe befahl Mose: Schreibe dir diese Gebote auf; denn auf Grund dieser Gebote schließe ich mit dir und mit Israel einen Bund.

Esodo 34:27
Poi l’Eterno disse a Mosè: "Scrivi queste parole; perché sul fondamento di queste parole io ho contratto alleanza con te e con Israele".

Poi il Signore disse a Mosè: Scrivi queste parole, perciocchè su queste parole io ho fatto patto teco e con Israele.

Dan lagi firman Tuhan kepada Musa: Suratkanlah segala firman ini, karena seperti bunyi firman ini Aku telah berjanji dengan dikau serta dengan Israel.

출애굽기 34:27
여호와께서 모세에게 이르시되 너는 이 말들을 기록하라 내가 이 말들의 뜻대로 너와 이스라엘과 언약을 세웠음이니라 하시니라

Exodus 34:27
dixitque Dominus ad Mosen scribe tibi verba haec quibus et tecum et cum Israhel pepigi foedus

Iðëjimo knyga 34:27
Viešpats tarė Mozei: “Užrašyk žodžius, kuriais padariau sandorą su tavimi ir Izraeliu”.

Exodus 34:27
Na ka mea a Ihowa ki a Mohi, Tuhituhia enei kupu: kei enei kupu hoki te tikanga o te kawenata e whakaritea nei e ahau ki a koe, ki a Iharaira.

2 Mosebok 34:27
Og Herren sa til Moses: Skriv nu du op disse ord! For efter disse ord har jeg gjort en pakt med dig og med Israel.

Éxodo 34:27
Entonces el SEÑOR dijo a Moisés: Escríbete estas palabras; porque conforme a estas palabras he hecho un pacto contigo y con Israel.

Entonces el SEÑOR dijo a Moisés: "Escribe estas palabras. Porque conforme a estas palabras he hecho un pacto contigo y con Israel."

Y Jehová dijo a Moisés: Escribe tú estas palabras; porque conforme a estas palabras he hecho pacto contigo y con Israel.

Y Jehová dijo á Moisés: Escribe tú estas palabras; porque conforme á estas palabras he hecho la alianza contigo y con Israel.

Y el SEÑOR dijo a Moisés: Escribe tú estas palabras; porque conforme a estas palabras he hecho el pacto contigo y con Israel.

Éxodo 34:27
Disse ainda Yahweh a Moisés: “Escreve essas palavras; porquanto é de acordo com o teor dessas palavras que estabeleço aliança contigo e com Israel!”

Disse mais o Senhor a Moisés: Escreve estas palavras; porque conforme o teor destas palavras tenho feito pacto contigo e com Israel.   

Exod 34:27
Domnul a zis lui Moise: ,,Scrie-ţi cuvintele acestea, căci pe temeiul acestor cuvinte închei legămînt cu tine şi cu Israel!``

Исход 34:27
И сказал Господь Моисею: напиши себе слова сии, ибо в сих словах Я заключаю завет с тобою и с Израилем.

И сказал Господь Моисею: напиши себе слова сии, ибо в сих словах Я заключаю завет с тобою и с Израилем.[]

2 Mosebok 34:27
Och HERREN sade till Mose: »Teckna upp åt dig dessa ord; ty i enlighet med dessa ord har jag slutit ett förbund med dig och med Israel.»

Exodus 34:27
At sinabi ng Panginoon kay Moises, Isulat mo ang mga salitang ito: sapagka't ayon sa tunog ng mga salitang ito, ay nakipagtipan ako sa iyo at sa Israel.

อพยพ 34:27
พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสกับโมเสสว่า "คำเหล่านี้จงเขียนไว้ เพราะเราทำพันธสัญญาไว้กับเจ้าและพวกอิสราเอลตามข้อความเหล่านี้แล้ว"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 34:27
RAB Musaya, ‹‹Bunları yaz›› dedi, ‹‹Çünkü seninle ve İsraillilerle bu sözlere dayanarak antlaşma yaptım.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 34:27
Ðức Giê-hô-va cũng phán cùng Môi-se rằng: Hãy chép các lời nầy; vì theo các lời nầy mà ta lập giao ước cùng ngươi và cùng Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Exodus 34:26
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