Exodus 16:34
Exodus 16:34
As the LORD commanded Moses, Aaron put the manna with the tablets of the covenant law, so that it might be preserved.

Aaron did just as the LORD had commanded Moses. He eventually placed it in the Ark of the Covenant--in front of the stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the testimony to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, Aaron placed it before the testimony to be preserved.

So Aaron placed it before the Testimony to be kept, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.

Just as the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the Testimony for safekeeping.

Aaron put the jar of manna in front of the words of God's promise to be kept there, as the LORD commanded Moses.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As Jehovah commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the Lord commanded Moses. And Aaron put it in the tabernacle to be kept.

As Jehovah had commanded Moses, so Aaron deposited it before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As the LORD commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

As Yahweh commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the Testimony, to be kept.

as Jehovah hath given commandment unto Moses, so doth Aaron let it rest before the Testimony, for a charge.

Eksodi 16:34
Ashtu si e kishte urdhëruar Zoti Moisiun, Aaroni e vendosi para Dëshmisë, që të ruhej.

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 16:34
كما امر الرب موسى وضعه هرون امام الشهادة للحفظ.

Dyr Auszug 16:34
Wie s dyr Herr yn n Mosenn angschafft hiet, gstöllt dyr Ären s Männen vor s Weistuem hin, däß s dort aufghöbt werd.

Изход 16:34
И така, Аарон я положи пред [плочите на] свидетелството, за да се пази, според както Господ заповяда на Моисея.

出 埃 及 記 16:34
耶 和 華 怎 麼 吩 咐 摩 西 , 亞 倫 就 怎 麼 行 , 把 嗎 哪 放 在 法 櫃 前 存 留 。

耶 和 华 怎 麽 吩 咐 摩 西 , 亚 伦 就 怎 麽 行 , 把 吗 哪 放 在 法 柜 前 存 留 。



Exodus 16:34
Kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju, Aron je stavi pred Svjedočanstvo na čuvanje.

Exodus 16:34
A protož jakž byl přikázal Hospodin Mojžíšovi, nechal jí Aron před svědectvím, aby tu chována byla.

2 Mosebog 16:34
Og Aron gjorde, som HERREN havde paalagt Moses, og han stillede den foran Vidnesbyrdet for at gemmes.

Exodus 16:34
Gelijk als de HEERE aan Mozes geboden had, alzo zette ze Aaron voor de getuigenis tot bewaring.

שמות 16:34
כַּאֲשֶׁ֛ר צִוָּ֥ה יְהוָ֖ה אֶל־מֹשֶׁ֑ה וַיַּנִּיחֵ֧הוּ אַהֲרֹ֛ן לִפְנֵ֥י הָעֵדֻ֖ת לְמִשְׁמָֽרֶת׃

לד כאשר צוה יהוה אל משה ויניחהו אהרן לפני העדת למשמרת

כאשר צוה יהוה אל־משה ויניחהו אהרן לפני העדת למשמרת׃

2 Mózes 16:34
A mint parancsolta vala az Úr Mózesnek, eltevé azt Áron a bizonyságtétel ládája elé, hogy megtartassék.

Moseo 2: Eliro 16:34
Kiel la Eternulo ordonis al Moseo, Aaron starigis gxin antaux la Atesto, por konservigxi.

Niinkuin Herra käskenyt oli Mosekselle, niin Aaron pani sen todistuksen eteen tallella pidettäväksi.

Exode 16:34
Comme l'Éternel l'avait commandé à Moïse, Aaron la posa devant le témoignage pour être gardée.

Suivant l'ordre donné par l'Eternel à Moïse, Aaron le déposa devant le témoignage, afin qu'il fût conservé.

Et Aaron le posa devant le Témoignage pour y être gardé, selon que le Seigneur l'avait commandé à Moïse.

2 Mose 16:34
Wie der HERR Mose geboten hat, also ließ es Aaron daselbst vor dem Zeugnis, zu behalten.

Wie der HERR dem Mose geboten hatte, also ließ es Aaron daselbst vor dem Zeugnis, daß es behalten werde.

wie Jahwe Mose geboten hatte. Und Aaron stellte es nieder vor der Lade mit dem Gesetz zur Aufbewahrung.

Esodo 16:34
Secondo l’ordine che l’Eterno avea dato a Mosè, Aaronne lo depose dinanzi alla Testimonianza, perché fosse conservato.

Come il Signore avea comandato a Mosè, Aaronne ripose quella manna davanti alla Testimonianza, per esser serbata.

Maka setuju dengan firman Tuhan yang kepada Musa, demikianlah diletakkan oleh Harun akan dia di hadapan assyahadat itu akan ditaruh.

출애굽기 16:34
아론이 여호와께서 모세에게 명하신대로 그것을 증거판 앞에 두어 간수하게 하였고

Exodus 16:34
sicut praecepit Dominus Mosi posuitque illud Aaron in tabernaculo reservandum

Iðëjimo knyga 16:34
Kaip Viešpats įsakė Mozei, taip Aaronas padėjo indą palapinės švenčiausioje vietoje.

Exodus 16:34
A whakatakotoria ana taua mea e Arona ki mua i te Whakaaturanga rongoa ai, pera tonu ia me ta Ihowa i ako ai ki a Mohi.

2 Mosebok 16:34
Som Herren hadde befalt Moses, således satte Aron den ned foran vidnesbyrdet* til å gjemmes.

Éxodo 16:34
Tal como el SEÑOR ordenó a Moisés, así lo colocó Aarón delante del Testimonio para que fuera guardado.

Tal como el SEÑOR ordenó a Moisés, así lo colocó Aarón delante del Testimonio para que fuera guardado.

Y Aarón lo puso delante del Testimonio para guardarlo, como Jehová lo mandó a Moisés.

Y Aarón lo puso delante del Testimonio para guardarlo, como Jehová lo mandó á Moisés.

Y Aarón lo puso delante del Testimonio para guardarlo, como el SEÑOR lo mandó a Moisés.

Éxodo 16:34
Como Yahweh havia ordenado a Moisés, Arão o depositou diante da Arca do Testemunho para preservá-lo.

Como o Senhor tinha ordenado a Moisés, assim Arão o pôs diante do testemunho, para ser guardado.   

Exod 16:34
După porunca dată de Domnul lui Moise, Aaron l'a pus înaintea chivotului mărturiei, ca să fie păstrat.

Исход 16:34
И поставил его Аарон пред ковчегом свидетельства для хранения, как повелел Господь Моисею.

И поставил его Аарон пред ковчегом свидетельства для хранения, как повелел Господь Моисею.[]

2 Mosebok 16:34
Då gjorde man såsom HERREN hade bjudit Mose, och Aron ställde det framför vittnesbördet till att förvaras.

Exodus 16:34
Kung paanong iniutos ng Panginoon kay Moises, ay gayon inilagay ni Aaron sa harap ng Patotoo upang ingatan.

อพยพ 16:34
อาโรนก็วางมานานั้นลงหน้าหีบพระโอวาท เพื่อรักษาไว้ตามพระดำรัสที่พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงบัญชาแก่โมเสส

Mısır'dan Çıkış 16:34
RABbin Musaya buyurduğu gibi Harun manı saklanmak üzere Antlaşma Levhalarının önüne koydu.[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 16:34
A-rôn bèn để bình đó trước sự chứng cớ, hầu cho được lưu truyền y như lời Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phán dặn Môi-se.

Exodus 16:33
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