Exodus 10:2
Exodus 10:2
that you may tell your children and grandchildren how I dealt harshly with the Egyptians and how I performed my signs among them, and that you may know that I am the LORD."

I've also done it so you can tell your children and grandchildren about how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and about the signs I displayed among them--and so you will know that I am the LORD."

and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your grandson how I have dealt harshly with the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them, that you may know that I am the LORD.”

and that you may tell in the hearing of your son, and of your grandson, how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and how I performed My signs among them, that you may know that I am the LORD."

And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD.

and so that you may tell your son and grandson how severely I dealt with the Egyptians and performed miraculous signs among them, and you will know that I am Yahweh."

so you may tell your children and your grandchildren how I toyed with the Egyptians and about my miraculous signs that I performed among them, so all of you may know that I am the LORD.

and in order that in the hearing of your son and your grandson you may tell how I made fools of the Egyptians and about my signs that I displayed among them, so that you may know that I am the LORD."

You will be able to tell your children and grandchildren exactly how I treated the Egyptians and what miraculous signs I did among them. This is how you will all know that I am the LORD."

and that thou may tell in the ears of thy sons and of thy son's sons the things I did in Egypt and my signs which I gave among them and that ye may know that I am the LORD.

And that you may tell in the ears of your son, and of your son's son, what things I have done in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that you may know that I am the LORD.

And that you may tell in the ears of your son, and of your son's son, what things I have worked in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that you may know how that I am the LORD.

and that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought upon Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know that I am Jehovah.

And thou mayest tell in the ears of thy sons, and of they grandsons, how often I have plagued the Egyptians, and wrought my signs amongst them: and you may know that I am the Lord:

and that thou mightest tell in the ears of thy son and thy son's son what I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; and ye shall know that I am Jehovah.

and that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought upon Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know that I am the LORD.

And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wrought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know how that I am the LORD.

and that you may tell in the hearing of your son, and of your son's son, what things I have done to Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that you may know that I am Yahweh."

and so that thou recountest in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's son, that which I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have set among them, and ye have known that I am Jehovah.'

Eksodi 10:2
dhe me qëllim që ti të mundësh t'u tregosh bijve të tu dhe bijve të bijve të tu gjërat e mëdha që kam bërë, duke vënë në lojë Egjiptasit, dhe shenjat e mia që kam bërë midis tyre, që të dini se unë jam Zoti".

ﺍﻟﺨﺮﻭﺝ 10:2
ولكي تخبر في مسامع ابنك وابن ابنك بما فعلته في مصر وبآياتي التي صنعتها بينهم. فتعلمون اني انا الرب

Dyr Auszug 10:2
Dös kanst non yn deine Kinder und Eniggln verzöln, was i mit de Güptn taan haan und was füre Wunder däß i unter ien gwirkt haan, um ien z zaign, däß i dyr Herr bin."

Изход 10:2
и за да разказваш в ушите на сина си и на внука си това що направих на египтяните, и знаменията, които показах между тях, та да познаете, че Аз съм Господ.

出 埃 及 記 10:2
並 要 叫 你 將 我 向 埃 及 人 所 做 的 事 , 和 在 他 們 中 間 所 行 的 神 蹟 , 傳 於 你 兒 子 和 你 孫 子 的 耳 中 , 好 叫 你 們 知 道 我 是 耶 和 華 。

并 要 叫 你 将 我 向 埃 及 人 所 做 的 事 , 和 在 他 们 中 间 所 行 的 神 迹 , 传 於 你 儿 子 和 你 孙 子 的 耳 中 , 好 叫 你 们 知 道 我 是 耶 和 华 。



Exodus 10:2
da možeš pripovjedati svome sinu i svome unuku što sam učinio Egipćanima i kakva sam znamenja izvodio među njima, kako biste znali da sam ja Jahve."

Exodus 10:2
A abys ty vypravoval v uši synů svých i vnuků svých, co jsem učinil v Egyptě, a znamení má, kteráž jsem prokázal na nich; abyste věděli, že já jsem Hospodin.

2 Mosebog 10:2
for at du maa kunne fortælle din Søn og din Sønnesøn, hvorledes jeg handlede med Ægypterne, og om de Tegn, jeg gjorde iblandt dem; saa skal I kende, at jeg er HERREN.«

Exodus 10:2
En opdat gij voor de oren uwer kinderen en uwer kindskinderen moogt vertellen, wat Ik in Egypte uitgericht heb, en Mijn tekenen, die Ik onder hen gesteld heb; opdat gijlieden weet, dat Ik de HEERE ben.

שמות 10:2
וּלְמַ֡עַן תְּסַפֵּר֩ בְּאָזְנֵ֨י בִנְךָ֜ וּבֶן־בִּנְךָ֗ אֵ֣ת אֲשֶׁ֤ר הִתְעַלַּ֙לְתִּי֙ בְּמִצְרַ֔יִם וְאֶת־אֹתֹתַ֖י אֲשֶׁר־שַׂ֣מְתִּי בָ֑ם וִֽידַעְתֶּ֖ם כִּי־אֲנִ֥י יְהוָֽה׃

ב ולמען תספר באזני בנך ובן בנך את אשר התעללתי במצרים ואת אתתי אשר שמתי בם וידעתם כי אני יהוה

ולמען תספר באזני בנך ובן־בנך את אשר התעללתי במצרים ואת־אתתי אשר־שמתי בם וידעתם כי־אני יהוה׃

2 Mózes 10:2
És azért, hogy elbeszéljed azt a te fiadnak és fiad fiának hallatára, a mit Égyiptomban cselekedtem, és jeleimet, a melyeket rajtok tettem, hogy megtudjátok, hogy én vagyok az Úr.

Moseo 2: Eliro 10:2
kaj por ke vi rakontu al via filo kaj al via nepo, kion Mi plenumis sur la Egiptoj, kaj pri Miaj signoj, kiujn Mi faris inter ili; kaj por ke vi sciu, ke Mi estas la Eternulo.

Ja että sinä ilmoittaisit sinun lastes, ja sinun lastes lasten korviin, mitä minä tehnyt olen Egyptissä, ja minun ihmeeni, jotka minä tein heidän seassansa, että te tietäisitte, että minä olen Herra.

Exode 10:2
et afin que tu racontes aux oreilles de ton fils et du fils de ton fils, ce que j'ai accompli en Égypte, et mes signes que j'ai opérés au milieu d'eux; et vous saurez que moi je suis l'Éternel.

C'est aussi pour que tu racontes à ton fils et au fils de ton fils comment j'ai traité les Egyptiens, et quels signes j'ai fait éclater au milieu d'eux. Et vous saurez que je suis l'Eternel.

Et afin que tu racontes, ton fils et le fils de ton fils l'entendant, ce que j'aurai fait en Egypte, et mes signes que j'aurai faits entre eux; et vous saurez que je [suis] l'Eternel.

2 Mose 10:2
und daß du verkündigest vor den Ohren deiner Kinder und deiner Kindeskinder, was ich in Ägypten ausgerichtet habe und wie ich meine Zeichen unter ihnen beweiset habe, daß ihr wisset; ich bin der HERR.

und daß du verkündigest vor den Ohren deiner Kinder und deiner Kindeskinder, was ich in Ägypten ausgerichtet habe und wie ich meine Zeichen unter ihnen getan habe, daß ihr wisset: Ich bin der HERR.

und damit du deinem Sohne und Enkel erzählst, was ich den Ägyptern angethan habe, und meine Wunderthaten, die ich an ihnen verrichtet habe, damit ihr erkennet, daß ich Jahwe bin.

Esodo 10:2
e perché tu narri ai tuoi figliuoli e ai figliuoli dei tuoi figliuoli quello che ho operato in Egitto e i segni che ho fatto in mezzo a loro, onde sappiate che io sono l’Eterno".

e acciocchè tu racconti al tuo figliuolo, e al figliuolo del tuo figliuolo, ciò che io avrò operato in Egitto, e i segni che avrò fatti fra loro; e che voi conosciate che io sono il Signore.

dan supaya boleh diceriterakan olehmu kepada anak cucu cicitmu segala perkara yang telah Kuadakan dalam Mesir, dan segala ajaib-Ku yang telah Kujadikan di antaranya, supaya diketahui olehmu bahwa Akulah Tuhan.

출애굽기 10:2
너로 내가 애굽에서 행한 일들 곧 내가 그 가운데서 행한 표징을 네 아들과 네 자손의 귀에 전하게 하려 함이라 너희가 나를 여호와인줄 알리라

Exodus 10:2
et narres in auribus filii tui et nepotum tuorum quotiens contriverim Aegyptios et signa mea fecerim in eis et sciatis quia ego Dominus

Iðëjimo knyga 10:2
ir kad galėtum papasakoti savo vaikams ir vaikų vaikams, ką Aš padariau Egipte ir kokius ženklus parodžiau jų tarpe, kad žinotumėte, jog Aš esu Viešpats”.

Exodus 10:2
Kia korero ai hoki koe ki nga taringa o tau tama, o te tama hoki a tau tama, i taku i mahi ai ki Ihipa, i aku tohu hoki i meatia e ahau i roto i a ratou; kia mohio ai koutou ko Ihowa ahau.

2 Mosebok 10:2
og forat du skal fortelle din sønn og din sønnesønn hvad jeg har gjort mot egypterne, og hvad tegn jeg har gjort iblandt dem, så I skal kjenne at jeg er Herren.

Éxodo 10:2
y para que cuentes a tu hijo y a tu nieto, cómo me he burlado de los egipcios, y cómo he mostrado mis señales entre ellos, y para que sepáis que yo soy el SEÑOR.

y para que cuentes a tu hijo y a tu nieto, cómo Me he burlado de los Egipcios, y cómo he mostrado Mis señales entre ellos, y para que ustedes sepan que Yo soy el SEÑOR."

y para que cuentes a tus hijos y a tus nietos las cosas que yo hice en Egipto, y mis señales que hice entre ellos; y para que sepáis que yo soy Jehová.

Y para que cuentes á tus hijos y á tus nietos las cosas que yo hice en Egipto, y mis señales que dí entre ellos; y para que sepáis que yo soy Jehová.

y para que cuentes a tus hijos y a tus nietos las cosas que yo hice en Egipto, y mis señales que di entre ellos; y para que sepáis que yo soy el SEÑOR.

Éxodo 10:2
para que narres ao teu filho e aos filhos de teus filhos como zombei do poder que havia no Egito, e como fiz milagres e maravilhas entre os egípcios. Assim todos vós sabereis que Eu Sou Yahweh!”

e para que contes aos teus filhos, e aos filhos de teus filhos, as coisas que fiz no Egito, e os meus sinais que operei entre eles; para que vós saibais que eu sou o Senhor.   

Exod 10:2
şi ca să istoriseşti fiului tău şi fiului fiului tău cum M'am purtat cu Egiptenii, şi ce semne am făcut în mijlocul lor. Şi veţi cunoaşte că Eu sînt Domnul.``

Исход 10:2
и чтобы ты рассказывал сыну твоему и сыну сына твоего о том, что Я сделал в Египте, и о знамениях Моих, которые Я показал в нем, и чтобы вы знали, что Я Господь.

и чтобы ты рассказывал сыну твоему и сыну сына твоего о том, что Я сделал в Египте, и о знамениях Моих, которые Я показал в нем, и чтобы вы знали, что Я Господь.[]

2 Mosebok 10:2
och för att du sedan skulle kunna förtälja för din son och din sonson vilka stora gärningar jag har utfört bland egyptierna, och vilka tecken jag har gjort bland dem, så att I förnimmen att jag är HERREN.»

Exodus 10:2
At upang iyong maisaysay sa mga pakinig ng iyong anak, at sa anak ng iyong anak, kung anong mga bagay ang ginawa ko sa Egipto, at ang aking mga tandang ginawa sa gitna nila; upang inyong maalaman, na ako ang Panginoon.

อพยพ 10:2
เพื่อเจ้าจะได้เล่าเหตุการณ์ที่เราได้กระทำแก่ชาวอียิปต์ให้ลูกหลานฟัง รวมทั้งหมายสำคัญซึ่งเราได้กระทำท่ามกลางพวกเขา เพื่อพวกเจ้าจะได้รู้ว่าเราคือพระเยโฮวาห์"

Mısır'dan Çıkış 10:2
Mısırla nasıl alay ettiğimi, aralarında gösterdiğim belirtileri sen de çocuklarına, torunlarına anlat ki, benim RAB olduğumu bilesiniz.››[]

Xuaát EÂ-díp-toâ Kyù 10:2
hầu cho ngươi thuật cùng con và cháu mình những công việc to tát ta đã làm trên dân Ê-díp-tô, các dấu lạ ta đã làm giữa vòng họ, đặng các ngươi biết rằng ta là Ðức Giê-hô-va.

Exodus 10:1
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