Esther 9:1
Esther 9:1
On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar, the edict commanded by the king was to be carried out. On this day the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but now the tables were turned and the Jews got the upper hand over those who hated them.

So on March 7 the two decrees of the king were put into effect. On that day, the enemies of the Jews had hoped to overpower them, but quite the opposite happened. It was the Jews who overpowered their enemies.

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s command and edict were about to be carried out, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them.

Now in the twelfth month (that is, the month Adar), on the thirteenth day when the king's command and edict were about to be executed, on the day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, it was turned to the contrary so that the Jews themselves gained the mastery over those who hated them.

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

The king's command and law went into effect on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month Adar. On the day when the Jews' enemies had hoped to overpower them, just the opposite happened. The Jews overpowered those who hated them.

On the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, when the king's order and edict was about to be carried out, on the day when the enemies of the Jewish people expected to prevail over them, things were turned around so that the Jewish people themselves prevailed over those who hated them.

In the twelfth month (that is, the month of Adar), on its thirteenth day, the edict of the king and his law were to be executed. It was on this day that the enemies of the Jews had supposed that they would gain power over them. But contrary to expectations, the Jews gained power over their enemies.

On the thirteenth day of Adar, the twelfth month, the king's command and decree were to be carried out. On that very day, when the enemies of the Jews expected to overpower them, the exact opposite happened: The Jews overpowered those who hated them.

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his law drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, it was turned to the contrary; for the Jews took dominion over those that hated them.

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's command and his decree drew near to be executed, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have rule over them, (whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them,)

So on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which as we have said above is called Adar, when all the Jews were designed to be massacred, and their enemies were greedy after their blood, the case being altered, the Jews began to have the upper hand, and to revenge themselves of their adversaries.

And in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day thereof, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them (but it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had power over them that hated them),

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have rule over them; whereas it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;

Now in the twelfth month, that is, the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, in the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to have power over them, (though it was turned to the contrary, that the Jews had rule over them that hated them;)

Now in the twelfth month, which is the month Adar, on the thirteenth day of the month, when the king's commandment and his decree drew near to be put in execution, on the day that the enemies of the Jews hoped to conquer them, (but it was turned out the opposite happened, that the Jews conquered those who hated them),

And in the twelfth month -- it is the month of Adar -- on the thirteenth day of it, in which the word of the king, even his law, hath come to be done, in the day that the enemies of the Jews had hoped to rule over them, and it is turned that the Jews rule over those hating them --

Ester 9:1
Muajin e dymbëdhjetë, që është muaji i Adarit, ditën e trembëdhjetë të muajit, kur duhet të zbatoheshin urdhri dhe dekreti i mbretit, dita në të cilën armiqtë e Judejve shpresonin të sundonin mbi

ﺃﺳﺘﻴﺮ 9:1
وفي الشهر الثاني عشر اي شهر اذار في اليوم الثالث عشر منه حين قرب كلام الملك وأمره من الاجراء في اليوم الذي انتظر فيه اعداء اليهود ان يتسلطوا عليهم فتحول ذلك حتى ان اليهود تسلطوا على مبغضيهم

D Öster 9:1
Eyn n Dreuzöntn Zwölftn, in n Ädär, gsollt yn n Künig sein Erlaaß umgsötzt werdn, eyn n nömlichnen Tag, daa wo de Gögner d Judn ausgrott haetnd. Aber ietz gadraend d Judn önn Spieß um.

Естир 9:1
А в дванадесетия месец, който е месец Адар, на тринадесетия ден от същия, когато наближаваше [времето] да се изпълни царската заповед и указ, в деня когато неприятелите на юдеите се надяваха да им станат господари, (но напротив се обърна, че юдеите станаха господари, на ония, които ги мразеха),

以 斯 帖 記 9:1
十 二 月 , 乃 亞 達 月 十 三 日 , 王 的 諭 旨 將 要 舉 行 , 就 是 猶 大 人 的 仇 敵 盼 望 轄 制 他 們 的 日 子 , 猶 大 人 反 倒 轄 制 恨 他 們 的 人 。

十 二 月 , 乃 亚 达 月 十 三 日 , 王 的 谕 旨 将 要 举 行 , 就 是 犹 大 人 的 仇 敌 盼 望 辖 制 他 们 的 日 子 , 犹 大 人 反 倒 辖 制 恨 他 们 的 人 。



Esther 9:1
Trinaestoga dana dvanaestog mjeseca, mjeseca Adara, kad je morala biti izvršena odredba kraljevog ukaza, istoga dana u koji su se neprijatelji Židova nadali zavladati nad njima dogodi se obrnuto: Židovi zavladaše nad neprijateljima svojim.

Ester 9:1
Potom dvanáctého měsíce, (jenž jest měsíc Adar), třináctého dne téhož měsíce, když přišel čas poručení královského a výpovědi jeho, aby se vyplnila, v ten den, v kterýž se nadáli nepřátelé Židovští, že budou panovati nad nimi, stalo se na odpor, že panovali Židé nad těmi, kteříž je v nenávisti měli.

Ester 9:1
Paa den trettende Dag i den tolvte Maaned, det er Adar Maaned, det er den Dag, da Kongens Befaling og Forordning skulde udføres, den Dag, da Jødernes Fjender havde haabet at kunne overvælde dem, medens det nu omvendt blev Jøderne, der paa den Dag skulde overvælde deres Avindsmænd,

Esther 9:1
In de twaalfde maand nu (dezelve is de maand Adar), op den dertienden dag derzelve, toen des konings woord en zijn wet nabij gekomen was, dat men het doen zou, ten dage, als de vijanden der Joden hoopten over hen te heersen, zo is het omgekeerd, want de Joden heersten over hun haters.

אסתר 9:1
וּבִשְׁנֵים֩ עָשָׂ֨ר חֹ֜דֶשׁ הוּא־חֹ֣דֶשׁ אֲדָ֗ר בִּשְׁלֹושָׁ֨ה עָשָׂ֥ר יֹום֙ בֹּ֔ו אֲשֶׁ֨ר הִגִּ֧יעַ דְּבַר־הַמֶּ֛לֶךְ וְדָתֹ֖ו לְהֵעָשֹׂ֑ות בַּיֹּ֗ום אֲשֶׁ֨ר שִׂבְּר֜וּ אֹיְבֵ֤י הַיְּהוּדִים֙ לִשְׁלֹ֣וט בָּהֶ֔ם וְנַהֲפֹ֣וךְ ה֔וּא אֲשֶׁ֨ר יִשְׁלְט֧וּ הַיְּהוּדִ֛ים הֵ֖מָּה בְּשֹׂנְאֵיהֶֽם׃

א ובשנים עשר חדש הוא חדש אדר בשלושה עשר יום בו אשר הגיע דבר המלך ודתו להעשות  ביום אשר שברו איבי היהודים לשלוט בהם ונהפוך הוא אשר ישלטו היהודים המה בשנאיהם

ובשנים עשר חדש הוא־חדש אדר בשלושה עשר יום בו אשר הגיע דבר־המלך ודתו להעשות ביום אשר שברו איבי היהודים לשלוט בהם ונהפוך הוא אשר ישלטו היהודים המה בשנאיהם׃

Eszter 9:1
A tizenkettedik hónapban azért (ez az Adár hónap), annak tizenharmadik napján, a mikor eljött [az ideje] a király szavának és végzésének, hogy akkor teljesíttessék, azon a napon, a melyen a zsidók ellenségei remélték, hogy hatalmat vesznek rajtok, ellenkezõleg fordult; mert magok a zsidók võnek hatalmat azokon, a kik õket gyûlölék.

Ester 9:1
En la dek-dua monato, tio estas en la monato Adar, en gxia dek-tria tago, kiam venis la tempo de plenumo de la regxa ordono kaj dekreto-en la tago, kiam la malamikoj de la Judoj esperis superforti ilin-la afero turnigxis, kaj la Judoj superfortis siajn malamikojn.

Ja toisena kuukautena toistakymmentä, Adarin kuulla, kolmantena päivänä toistakymmentä, jona kuninkaan sana ja käsky oli tullut, että toimitus piti tapahtuman, juuri sinä päivänä jona Juudalaisten viholliset toivoivat vallitsevansa heitä, kääntyi niin, että Juudalaiset vallitsivat vihollisiansa:

Esther 9:1
Et au douzième mois, qui est le mois d'Adar, le treizième jour du mois, où la parole du roi et son édit allaient être exécutés, au jour où les ennemis des Juifs espéraient se rendre maîtres d'eux (mais la chose fut changée en ce que ces mêmes Juifs se rendirent maîtres de ceux qui les haïssaient),

Au douzième mois, qui est le mois d'Adar, le treizième jour du mois, jour où devaient s'exécuter l'ordre et l'édit du roi, et où les ennemis des Juifs avaient espéré dominer sur eux, ce fut le contraire qui arriva, et les Juifs dominèrent sur leurs ennemis.

Le douzième mois donc, qui est le mois d'Adar, le treizième jour de ce mois, auquel la parole du Roi et son ordonnance devait être exécutée, au jour que les ennemis des Juifs espéraient en être les maîtres, au lieu que le contraire devait arriver, [savoir] que les Juifs seraient maîtres de ceux qui les haïssaient;

Ester 9:1
Im zwölften Monden, das ist der Mond Adar, am dreizehnten Tage, den des Königs Wort und Gebot bestimmt hatte, daß man's tun sollte, eben desselben Tages, da die Feinde der Juden hofften, sie zu überwältigen, wandte sich's, daß die Juden ihre Feinde überwältigen sollten.

Im zwölften Monat, das ist der Monat Adar, am dreizehnten Tag, den des Königs Wort und Gebot bestimmt hatte, daß man's tun sollte, ebendesselben Tages, da die Feinde der Juden hofften, sie zu überwältigen, wandte sich's, daß die Juden ihre Feinde überwältigen sollten.

Und am dreizehnten Tage des zwölften Monats - das ist der Monat Adar -, wo der Erlaß des Königs und sein Gesetz zur Ausführung kommen sollte, an demselben Tag, an dem die Feinde der Juden gehofft hatten, sie zu überwältigen, und an dem nun umgekehrt die Juden selbst ihre Hasser überwältigen sollten:

Ester 9:1
Il dodicesimo mese, ch’è il mese d’Adar, il tredicesimo giorno del mese, quando l’ordine del re e il suo decreto doveano esser mandati ad effetto, il giorno che i nemici de’ Giudei speravano d’averli in loro potere, avvenne invece tutto il contrario; poiché furono i Giudei ch’ebbero in loro potere i loro nemici.

NEL duodecimo mese adunque, che è il mese di Adar, nel tredicesimo giorno del mese, nel quale scadeva l’esecuzione della parola del re e del suo decreto; nel medesimo giorno che i nemici de’ Giudei speravano di averli in lor potere ma la cosa si rivolse in contrario; conciossiachè i Giudei avessero in lor potere i lor nemici,

Hata, maka pada bulan yang kedua belas, yaitu bulan Adar, pada tiga belas hari bulan itu, serta sampailah ketika dilakukan titah dan perintah raja itu, yaitu pada hari yang diharap seteru orang Yahudi akan mengalahkan mereka itu, maka berubahlah hal itu, karena orang Yahudi juga yang mengalahkan segala pembencinya.

에스더 9:1
아달월 곧 십이월 십 삼일은 왕의 조명을 행하게 된 날이라 유다인의 대적이 저희를 제어하기를 바랐더니 유다인이 도리어 자기를 미워하는 자를 제어하게 된 그 날에

Esther 9:1
igitur duodecimi mensis quem adar vocari ante iam diximus tertiadecima die quando cunctis Iudaeis interfectio parabatur et hostes eorum inhiabant sanguini versa vice Iudaei superiores esse coeperunt et se de adversariis vindicare

Esteros knyga 9:1
Dvylikto mėnesio, vadinamo adaru, tryliktą dieną, kai atėjo laikas įvykdyti karaliaus įsakymą, tą dieną, kai žydų priešai tikėjosi juos nugalėti, įvyko priešingai­žydai nugalėjo savo priešus.

Esther 9:1
Na i te tekau ma rua o nga marama, ara i te marama Arara, i te tekau ma toru o nga ra, i te mea ka tata te mahia te kupu a te kingi, me tana ture, i te ra ano i hua ai nga hoariri o nga Hurai ka taea e ratou; otiia i puta ke ano, no te mea i taea e nga Hurai te hunga i kino ki a ratou;

Esters 9:1
På den trettende dag i den tolvte måned, det er måneden adar, den dag da kongens ord og bud skulde settes i verk, og jødenes fiender hadde håpet å få dem i sin makt - nu hadde det vendt sig så at jødene fikk sine fiender i sin makt -

Ester 9:1
En el mes doce (es decir, el mes de Adar), el día trece cuando estaban para ejecutarse el mandato y edicto del rey, el mismo día que los enemigos de los judíos esperaban obtener dominio sobre ellos, sucedió lo contrario, porque fueron los judíos los que obtuvieron dominio sobre los que los odiaban.

En el mes doce (es decir, el mes de Adar), el día trece cuando estaban para ejecutarse el mandato y edicto del rey, el mismo día que los enemigos de los Judíos esperaban obtener dominio sobre ellos, sucedió lo contrario, porque fueron los Judíos los que obtuvieron dominio sobre los que los odiaban.

Y en el mes duodécimo que es el mes de Adar, al día trece del mismo, en el que tocaba se ejecutase el mandamiento del rey y su ley, el mismo día en que esperaban los enemigos de los judíos enseñorearse de ellos, fue lo contrario; porque los judíos se enseñorearon de sus enemigos.

Y EN el mes duodécimo y que es el mes de Adar, á trece del mismo, en el que tocaba se ejecutase el mandamiento del rey y su ley, el mismo día en que esperaban los enemigos de los Judíos enseñorearse de ellos, fué lo contrario; porque los Judíos se enseñor

Y en el mes duodécimo, que es el mes de Adar, a los trece del mismo, donde llegó el mandamiento del rey y su ley, para que se pusiera por obra, el mismo día en que esperaban los enemigos de los judíos enseñorearse de ellos, fue lo contrario; porque los judíos se enseñorearon de los que los aborrecían.

Ester 9:1
No décimo terceiro dia do décimo segundo mês, que é o mês de Adar, isto é, entre fevereiro e março, quando devia entrar em vigor o decreto do rei. Naquele exato dia os inimigos dos judeus aguardavam o momento de vencê-los no campo de batalha, entretanto aconteceu tudo aconteceu muito diferente dessa expectativa: os judeus dominaram aqueles que os odiavam.

Ora, no duodécimo mês que é o mês de adar, no dia treze do mês, em que a ordem do rei e o seu decreto estavam para se executar, no dia em que os inimigos dos judeus esperavam assenhorar-se deles, sucedeu o contrário, de modo que os judeus foram os que se assenhorearam do que os odiavam.    

Estera 9:1
În luna a douăsprezecea, adică luna Adar, în a treisprezecea zi a lunii, ziua în care avea să se aducă la îndeplinire porunca şi hotărîrea împăratului, şi cînd vrăjmaşii Iudeilor nădăjduiseră să stăpînească peste ei, s'a întîmplat tocmai dimpotrivă, că Iudeii au stăpînit asupra vrăjmaşilor lor.

Есфирь 9:1
В двенадцатый месяц, то есть в месяц Адар, в тринадцатый деньего, в который пришло время исполниться повелению царя и указу его, в тот день, когданадеялись неприятели Иудеев взять власть над ними, а вышло наоборот, что сами Иудеи взяли власть над врагами своими, –

В двенадцатый месяц, то есть в месяц Адар, в тринадцатый день его, в который пришло время исполниться повелению царя и указу его, в тот день, когда надеялись неприятели Иудеев взять власть над ними, а вышло наоборот, что сами Иудеи взяли власть над врагами своими, --[]

Ester 9:1
På trettonde dagen i tolfte månaden, det är månaden Adar, den dag då konungens befallning och påbud skulle verkställas, och då judarnas fiender hade hoppats att bliva dem övermäktiga -- fastän det vände sig så, att judarna i stället skulle bliva sina motståndare övermäktiga --

Esther 9:1
Sa ikalabing dalawang buwan nga, na siyang buwan ng Adar, nang ikalabing tatlong araw ng buwan ding yaon, nang ang utos ng hari at ang pasiya niya ay malapit nang gagawin, nang araw na inaasahan ng mga kaaway ng mga Judio na magpuno sa kanila; (yamang napabaligtad, na ang mga Judio ay siyang naghari sa kanila na nangapopoot sa kanila),

เอสเธอร์ 9:1
ในเดือนที่สิบสองซึ่งเป็นเดือนอาดาร์ วันที่สิบสามเดือนนั้น เมื่อจะปฏิบัติตามพระบัญชาของกษัตริย์และกฤษฎีกา ในวันนั้นเองที่ศัตรูของพวกยิวหวังจะเป็นใหญ่เหนือพวกยิว (แต่ซึ่งถูกเปลี่ยนไป เป็นวันที่พวกยิวได้ความเป็นใหญ่เหนือพวกที่เกลียดชังเขา)

Ester 9:1
Kralın buyruğu ve fermanı, on ikinci ay olan Adar ayının on üçüncü günü yerine getirilecekti. Yahudi düşmanları o gün Yahudileri alt etmeyi ummuşlardı, ama tam tersi oldu; Yahudiler kendilerinden nefret edenleri alt ettiler.[]

EÂ-xô-teâ 9:1
Tháng mười hai là tháng A-đa, ngày mười ba, khi hầu gần ngày giờ phải thi hành mạng lịnh và chiếu chỉ của vua, tức nhằm ngày ấy mà kẻ cừu địch dân Giu-đa ham hố lấn lướt họ (nhưng việc đã đổi trái đi, chánh các người Giu-đa đó lại lấn lướt những kẻ ghét mình),

Esther 8:17
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