Deuteronomy 5:23
Deuteronomy 5:23
When you heard the voice out of the darkness, while the mountain was ablaze with fire, all the leaders of your tribes and your elders came to me.

"But when you heard the voice from the heart of the darkness, while the mountain was blazing with fire, all your tribal leaders and elders came to me.

And as soon as you heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, you came near to me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders.

"And when you heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, you came near to me, all the heads of your tribes and your elders.

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

All of you approached me with your tribal leaders and elders when you heard the voice from the darkness and while the mountain was blazing with fire.

When you heard the voice from the darkness while the mountain was blazing, all the leaders and elders of your tribes came to me and said:

Then, when you heard the voice from the midst of the darkness while the mountain was ablaze, all your tribal leaders and elders approached me.

But when you heard the voice coming from the darkness and saw the mountain blazing with fire, all the leaders and heads of your tribes came to me.

And it came to pass when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness and saw the mountain that burned with fire that ye came near unto me, even all the princes of your tribes and your elders;

And it came to pass, when you heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that you came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

And it came to pass, when you heard the voice out of the middle of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that you came near to me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

But you, after you heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, and saw the mountain burn, came to me, all the princes of the tribes and the elders, and you said:

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, and the mountain burned with fire, that ye came near to me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, while the mountain did burn with fire, that ye came near unto me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

And it came to pass, when ye heard the voice from the midst of the darkness, (for the mountain did burn with fire,) that ye came near to me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

It happened, when you heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness, while the mountain was burning with fire, that you came near to me, even all the heads of your tribes, and your elders;

'And it cometh to pass as ye hear the voice out of the midst of the darkness, and of the mountain burning with fire, that ye come near unto me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders,

Ligji i Përtërirë 5:23
Kur ju dëgjuat zërin në mes të errësirës, ndërsa mali ishte tërë flakë, ju m'u afruat, gjithë prijësit e fiseve dhe pleqtë tuaj,

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 5:23
فلما سمعتم الصوت من وسط الظلام والجبل يشتعل بالنار تقدمتم اليّ جميع رؤساء اسباطكم وشيوخكم

De Ander Ee 5:23
Wieß önn Dunder mittn aus dyr Finster ghoert hiettß und dyr Berg weilete brann, kaamend enkerne Haeupter und Dietwärt zo mir

Второзаконие 5:23
А като чухте гласа изсред тъмнината, когато планината гореше в огън, тогава вие, всичките началници на племената ви и старейшините ви, дойдохте при мене и думахте:

申 命 記 5:23
那 時 , 火 焰 燒 山 , 你 們 聽 見 從 黑 暗 中 出 來 的 聲 音 ; 你 們 支 派 中 所 有 的 首 領 和 長 老 都 來 就 近 我 ,

那 时 , 火 焰 烧 山 , 你 们 听 见 从 黑 暗 中 出 来 的 声 音 ; 你 们 支 派 中 所 有 的 首 领 和 长 老 都 来 就 近 我 ,



Deuteronomy 5:23
A onda, kad čuste glas iz tmine, dok je brdo plamtjelo u ognju, k meni pristupiše svi vaši plemenski glavari i vaše starješine

Deuteronomium 5:23
Vy pak když jste uslyšeli hlas z prostředku tmy, (nebo hora ohněm hořela), přistoupili jste ke mně všickni vůdcové pokolení vašich a starší vaši,

5 Mosebog 5:23
Men da I hørte Røsten, der lød ud fra Mørket, medens Bjerget stod i lys Lue, kom I, alle Overhovederne for eders Stammer og eders Ældste, hen til mig

Deuteronomium 5:23
En het geschiedde, als gij die stem uit het midden der duisternis hoordet, en de berg van vuur brandde, zo naderdet gij tot mij, alle hoofden uwer stammen, en uw oudsten,

דברים 5:23
וַיְהִ֗י כְּשָׁמְעֲכֶ֤ם אֶת־הַקֹּול֙ מִתֹּ֣וךְ הַחֹ֔שֶׁךְ וְהָהָ֖ר בֹּעֵ֣ר בָּאֵ֑שׁ וַתִּקְרְב֣וּן אֵלַ֔י כָּל־רָאשֵׁ֥י שִׁבְטֵיכֶ֖ם וְזִקְנֵיכֶֽם׃

כג קרב אתה ושמע את כל אשר יאמר יהוה אלהינו ואת תדבר אלינו את כל אשר ידבר יהוה אלהינו אליך--ושמענו ועשינו

ויהי כשמעכם את־הקול מתוך החשך וההר בער באש ותקרבון אלי כל־ראשי שבטיכם וזקניכם׃

5 Mózes 5:23
És lõn, mikor a szót a setétség közepébõl halljátok vala, és a hegy tûzzel ég [vala], hozzám jövétek a ti törzseiteknek minden fejedelmével és vénjével;

Moseo 5: Readmono 5:23
Kaj kiam vi auxdis la vocxon el la mallumo, dum la monto brulis per fajro, tiam vi aliris al mi, cxiuj viaj tribestroj kaj plejagxuloj;

Ja tapahtui, kuin te äänen kuulitte pimeyden keskeltä, ja vuori paloi tulesta, niin te tulitte minun tyköni, kaikki päämiehet ja vanhimmat teidän suvustanne,

Deutéronome 5:23
Et il arriva que lorsque vous entendîtes la voix du milieu des ténèbres, la montagne étant brûlante de feu, vous vous approchâtes de moi, tous les chefs de vos tribus et vos anciens, et vous dîtes:

Lorsque vous eûtes entendu la voix du milieu des ténèbres, et tandis que la montagne était toute en feu, vos chefs de tribus et vos anciens s'approchèrent tous de moi,

r il arriva qu'aussitôt que vous eûtes entendu cette voix du milieu de l'obscurité, parce que la montagne était toute en feu, vous vous approchâtes de moi, [savoir] tous les chefs de vos Tribus et vos anciens;

5 Mose 5:23
Da ihr aber die Stimme aus der Finsternis höretet und den Berg mit Feuer brennen tratet ihr zu mir; alle Obersten unter euren Stämmen und eure Ältesten,

5:20 Da ihr aber die Stimme aus der Finsternis hörtet und den Berg mit Feuer brennen saht, tratet ihr zu mir, alle Obersten unter euren Stämmen und eure Ältesten,

Als ihr nun die Stimme aus dem Dunkel heraus vernahmt, während der Berg in hellem Feuer stand, da tratet ihr zu mir heran, eure sämtlichen Stammhäupter und Vornehmsten,

Deuteronomio 5:23
Or come udiste la voce che usciva dalle tenebre mentre il monte era tutto in fiamme, i vostri capi tribù e i vostri anziani s’accostarono tutti a me, e diceste:

Ora, dopo che aveste udita quella voce di mezzo all’oscurità, ardendo il monte in fuoco, voi foste a me, cioè tutti i Capi delle vostre tribù, e i vostri Anziani; e diceste:

Maka sesungguhnya tatkala kedengaranlah bunyi suara itu kepadamu dari tengah kegelapan, dan gunung itupun bernyala-nyala apinya datanglah kamu mendapatkan aku, yaitu segala penghulu suku-suku bangsamu dan segala tua-tuamu

신명기 5:23
산이 불에 타며 캄캄한 가운데서 나오는 그 소리를 너희가 듣고 너희 지파의 두령과 장로들이 내게 나아와

Deuteronomium 5:23
vos autem postquam audistis vocem de medio tenebrarum et montem ardere vidistis accessistis ad me omnes principes tribuum et maiores natu atque dixistis

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 5:23
Išgirdę balsą iš tamsybės ir pamatę kalną degant, jūs ir visi jūsų giminių vadai bei vyresnieji priartėjote prie manęs ir tarėte:

Deuteronomy 5:23
A, no to koutou rongonga i te kupu i roto i te pouri, ko te maunga hoki e ka ana i te ahi, ka whakatata mai ki ahau, ara nga upoko katoa o o koutou iwi, me o koutou kaumatua;

5 Mosebok 5:23
Men da I hørte røsten midt ut av mørket, mens fjellet stod i brennende lue, da kom I til mig, alle overhodene for eders stammer og eders eldste,

Deuteronomio 5:23
Y aconteció que cuando oísteis la voz de en medio de las tinieblas, mientras el monte ardía con fuego, os acercasteis a mí, todos los jefes de vuestras tribus y vuestros ancianos,

"Y cuando ustedes oyeron la voz de en medio de las tinieblas, mientras el monte ardía con fuego, se acercaron a mí, todos los jefes de sus tribus y sus ancianos,

Y aconteció que cuando oísteis la voz de en medio de las tinieblas, y visteis al monte que ardía en fuego, os acercasteis a mí, todos los príncipes de vuestras tribus, y vuestros ancianos;

Y aconteció, que como vosotros oisteis la voz de en medio de las tinieblas, y visteis al monte que ardía en fuego, llegasteis á mí todos los príncipes de vuestras tribus, y vuestros ancianos;

Y aconteció, que cuando vosotros oísteis la voz de en medio de las tinieblas, y visteis al monte que ardía en fuego, llegasteis a mí todos los príncipes de vuestras tribus, y vuestros ancianos;

Deuteronômio 5:23
Contudo, quando ouvistes a voz que vinha do meio das trevas, enquanto a montanha ardia em chamas, vós vos aproximastes de mim com todos os chefes de vossas tribos e demais anciãos e autoridades.

Mas quando ouvistes a voz do meio das trevas, enquanto ardia o monte em fogo, viestes ter comigo, mesmo todos os cabeças das vossas tribos, e vossos anciãos,   

Deuteronom 5:23
Cînd aţi auzit glasul acela din mijlocul întunerecului, şi pe cînd tot muntele era aprins, căpeteniile seminţiilor voastre şi bătrînii voştri s'au apropiat toţi de mine,

Второзаконие 5:23
И когда вы услышали глас из среды мрака, и гора горела огнем, то вы подошли ко мне, все начальники колен ваших и старейшины ваши,

И когда вы услышали глас из среды мрака, и гора горела огнем, то вы подошли ко мне, все начальники колен ваших и старейшины ваши,[]

5 Mosebok 5:23
När I hörden rösten ur mörkret, medan berget brann i eld, trädden I fram till mig, alla I som voren huvudmän för edra stammar, så ock edra äldste.

Deuteronomy 5:23
At nangyari, nang inyong marinig ang tinig mula sa gitna ng kadiliman, samantalang ang bundok ay nagliliyab sa apoy, ay lumapit kayo sa akin, sa makatuwid baga'y ang lahat ng mga pangulo sa inyong mga lipi, at ang inyong mga matanda;

พระราชบัญญัติ 5:23
ต่อมาเมื่อท่านทั้งหลายได้ยินพระสุรเสียงออกมาจากท่ามกลางความมืดนั้น (ขณะเมื่อภูเขานั้นมีเพลิงลุกอยู่) ท่านทั้งหลายเข้ามาใกล้ข้าพเจ้า คือหัวหน้าตระกูลของท่านทั้งหมด และพวกผู้ใหญ่ของท่าน

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 5:23
‹‹Dağ alev alev yanarken karanlığın içinden sesi duyduğunuzda bütün oymak başlarınız ve ileri gelenlerinizle bana yaklaştınız.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 5:23
Vả, trong khi cả núi phát lửa, các ngươi vừa nghe tiếng từ giữa nơi tối tăm phán ra, thì những quan trưởng của các chi phái, và những trưởng lão các ngươi đến gần ta mà nói rằng:

Deuteronomy 5:22
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