Deuteronomy 26:14
Deuteronomy 26:14
I have not eaten any of the sacred portion while I was in mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean, nor have I offered any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the LORD my God; I have done everything you commanded me.

I have not eaten any of it while in mourning; I have not handled it while I was ceremonially unclean; and I have not offered any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the LORD my God and have done everything you commanded me.

I have not eaten of the tithe while I was mourning, or removed any of it while I was unclean, or offered any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the voice of the LORD my God. I have done according to all that you have commanded me.

'I have not eaten of it while mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean, nor offered any of it to the dead. I have listened to the voice of the LORD my God; I have done according to all that You have commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken away ought thereof for any unclean use, nor given ought thereof for the dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten any of it while in mourning, or removed any of it while unclean, or offered any of it for the dead. I have obeyed the LORD my God; I have done all You commanded me.

I haven't eaten any part of it while mourning, nor removed any part of it while unclean, nor offered any of it to the dead. I've obeyed the voice of the LORD my God and did all that he commanded me.

I have not eaten anything when I was in mourning, or removed any of it while ceremonially unclean, or offered any of it to the dead; I have obeyed you and have done everything you have commanded me.

I didn't eat any of this holy offering while I was in mourning. I didn't distribute any of it while I was unclean. I didn't offer any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the LORD my God. I have done everything you commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken out any of it being unclean, nor have I given any of it for the dead; but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God and have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten of it in my mourning, neither have I taken away any of it for any unclean use, nor given any of it for the dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that you have commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I taken away ought thereof for any unclean use, nor given ought thereof for the dead: but I have listened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that you have commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I put away thereof, being unclean, nor given thereof for the dead: I have hearkened to the voice of Jehovah my God; I have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten of them is my mourning, nor separated them for any uncleanness, nor spent any thing of them in funerals. I have obeyed the voice of the Lord my God, and have done all things as thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I brought away thereof in uncleanness, nor given thereof for a dead person; I have hearkened to the voice of Jehovah my God; I have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten thereof in my mourning, neither have I put away thereof, being unclean, nor given thereof for the dead: I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, I have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten of it in my mourning, neither have I taken away aught of it for any unclean use, nor given aught of it for the dead: but I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God, and have done according to all that thou hast commanded me.

I have not eaten of it in my mourning, neither have I put away of it, being unclean, nor given of it for the dead: I have listened to the voice of Yahweh my God; I have done according to all that you have commanded me.

I have not eaten in mine affliction of it, nor have I put away of it for uncleanness, nor have I given of it for the dead; I have hearkened to the voice of Jehovah my God; I have done according to all that Thou hast commanded me;

Ligji i Përtërirë 26:14
Nuk i hëngra gjatë zisë sime, nuk mora prej tyre kur isha i papastër dhe nuk ua ofrova të vdekurve; iu binda zërit të Zotit, Perëndisë tim, dhe veprova në bazë të të gjitha gjërave që më ke urdhërar.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 26:14
لم آكل منه في حزني ولا اخذت منه في نجاسة ولا اعطيت منه لاجل ميت بل سمعت لصوت الرب الهي وعملت حسب كل ما اوصيتني.

De Ander Ee 26:14
I haan nix von n Zehet in dyr +Trauerzeit gössn. I haan nix dyrvon aus n Haus brungen, wie i unrain war. I haan nix bei ayner Leicht verwenddt. I bin yn dyr Stimm von n Herrn, meinn Got, glos gwösn und haan allss yso erfüllt, wiest myr s auftragn haast.

Второзаконие 26:14
не съм ял от [десетъците] във време на жалейката си, нито съм ги иждивил за нечисто нещо, нито съм дал от тях за мъртвец; послушах гласа на Господа моя Бог; сторих според всичко, което си ми заповядал.

申 命 記 26:14
我 守 喪 的 時 候 , 沒 有 吃 這 聖 物 ; 不 潔 淨 的 時 候 , 也 沒 有 拿 出 來 , 又 沒 有 為 死 人 送 去 。 我 聽 從 了 耶 和 華 ─ 我   神 的 話 , 都 照 你 所 吩 咐 的 行 了 。

我 守 丧 的 时 候 , 没 有 吃 这 圣 物 ; 不 洁 净 的 时 候 , 也 没 有 拿 出 来 , 又 没 有 为 死 人 送 去 。 我 听 从 了 耶 和 华 ─ 我   神 的 话 , 都 照 你 所 吩 咐 的 行 了 。



Deuteronomy 26:14
Od toga nisam ništa jeo u žalosti; od toga nisam ništa žrtvovao u nečistoći, niti sam od toga što dao mrtvacu; slušao sam glas Jahve, Boga svoga; u svemu sam učinio kako si mi naredio.

Deuteronomium 26:14
Nejedl jsem v zámutku svém z toho, a neujal jsem z toho k věci obecné, aniž jsem dal něco odtud ku pohřbu; poslechl jsem hlasu Hospodina Boha svého, učinil jsem podlé všeho, což jsi mi přikázal.

5 Mosebog 26:14
Jeg har ikke spist deraf, medens jeg havde Sorg, jeg har ikke været uren, da jeg afleverede det, og jeg har ikke givet en død noget deraf, jeg har adlydt HERREN min Guds Røst, jeg har handlet nøje efter dit Bud.

Deuteronomium 26:14
Ik heb daarvan niets gegeten in mijn leed, en heb daarvan niets weggenomen tot iets onreins, noch daarvan gegeven tot een dode; ik ben der stem des HEEREN, mijns Gods, gehoorzaam geweest, ik heb gedaan naar alles, wat Gij mij geboden hebt.

דברים 26:14
לֹא־אָכַ֨לְתִּי בְאֹנִ֜י מִמֶּ֗נּוּ וְלֹא־בִעַ֤רְתִּי מִמֶּ֙נּוּ֙ בְּטָמֵ֔א וְלֹא־נָתַ֥תִּי מִמֶּ֖נּוּ לְמֵ֑ת שָׁמַ֗עְתִּי בְּקֹול֙ יְהוָ֣ה אֱלֹהָ֔י עָשִׂ֕יתִי כְּכֹ֖ל אֲשֶׁ֥ר צִוִּיתָֽנִי׃

יד לא אכלתי באני ממנו ולא בערתי ממנו בטמא ולא נתתי ממנו למת שמעתי בקול יהוה אלהי--עשיתי ככל אשר צויתני

לא־אכלתי באני ממנו ולא־בערתי ממנו בטמא ולא־נתתי ממנו למת שמעתי בקול יהוה אלהי עשיתי ככל אשר צויתני׃

5 Mózes 26:14
Nem ettem belõle gyászomban, nem pusztítottam belõle tisztátalanul, és halottra sem adtam belõle. Hallgattam az Úrnak, az én Istenemnek szavára; a szerint cselekedtem, a mint parancsoltad nékem.

Moseo 5: Readmono 26:14
mi ne mangxis el gxi en la tagoj de mia malgxojo, kaj mi ne apartigis el gxi en stato de malpureco, kaj mi ne donis el gxi por mortinto; mi auxskultis la vocxon de la Eternulo, mia Dio; mi faris konforme al cxio, kion Vi ordonis al mi.

En minä siitä ole syönyt minun surussani, enkä ottanut siitä saastaisuudesta, en myös niistä mitään antanut kuolleille: minä olen ollut Herran minun Jumalani äänelle kuuliainen, ja tehnyt kaiken sen jälkeen, minkä sinä minulle käskenyt olet.

Deutéronome 26:14
Je n'ai pas mangé de ces choses dans mon affliction, et je n'en ai rien emporté quand j'étais impur, et n'en ai point donné pour un mort; j'ai écouté la voix de l'Éternel, mon Dieu: j'ai fait selon tout ce que tu m'as commandé.

Je n'ai rien mangé de ces choses pendant mon deuil, je n'en ai rien fait disparaître pour un usage impur, et je n'en ai rien donné à l'occasion d'un mort; j'ai obéi à la voix de l'Eternel, mon Dieu, j'ai agi selon tous les ordres que tu m'as prescrits.

Je n'en ai point mangé dans mon affliction, et je n'en ai rien ôté pour l'appliquer à quelque usage souillé, et n'en ai point donné pour un mort; j'ai obéi à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu; j'ai fait selon tout ce que tu m'avais commandé.

5 Mose 26:14
Ich habe nicht davon gegessen in meinem Leide und habe nicht davon getan in Unreinigkeit; ich habe nicht zu den Toten davon gegeben; ich bin der Stimme des HERRN, meines Gottes, gehorsam gewesen und habe getan alles, wie du mir geboten hast.

ich habe nichts davon gegessen in meinem Leide und habe nichts davongetan in Unreinigkeit; ich habe nicht zu den Toten davon gegeben; ich bin der Stimme des HERRN, meines Gottes, gehorsam gewesen und habe getan alles, wie du mir geboten hast.

Ich habe nichts davon genossen, als ich in Trauer war, nichts davon fortgeschafft als ich unrein war, und nichts davon für einen Toten hergegeben. Ich habe dem Gebote Jahwes, meines Gottes, gehorcht und alles befolgt, was du mir befohlen hast.

Deuteronomio 26:14
Non ho mangiato cose consacrate, durante il mio lutto; non ne ho tolto nulla quand’ero impuro, e non ne ho dato nulla in occasione di qualche morto; ho ubbidito alla voce dell’Eterno, dell’Iddio mio, ho fatto interamente come tu m’hai comandato.

Io non ne ho mangiato nel mio cordoglio, e non ne ho tolto nulla, per impiegarlo in uso immondo, e non ne ho dato nulla per alcun morto; io ho ubbidito alla voce del Signore Iddio mio; io ho fatto interamente come tu m’hai comandato.

Maka tiada hamba makan dari padanya pada masa kesukaran hamba, dan tiada hamba membuang sesuatu dari padanya akan dipakai kepada najis, dan tiada hamba memberi sesuatu dari padanya akan dipakai kepada arwah, melainkan hamba telah menurut bunyi suara Tuhan, Allahku, dan hamba telah berbuat setuju dengan segala firman-Mu yang kepada hamba.

신명기 26:14
내가 애곡하는 날에 이 성물을 먹지 아니하였고 부정한 몸으로 이를 떼어두지 아니하였고 죽은 자를 위하여 이를 쓰지 아니하였고 내 하나님 여호와의 말씀을 청종하여 주께서 내게 명령하신 대로 다 행하였사오니

Deuteronomium 26:14
non comedi ex eis in luctu meo nec separavi ea in qualibet inmunditia nec expendi ex his quicquam in re funebri oboedivi voci Domini Dei mei et feci omnia sicut praecepisti mihi

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 26:14
Nevalgiau nieko pažadėto gedėdamas, nepaliečiau susitepęs ir nieko neatidaviau už mirusius. Klausiau, Viešpatie, Tavęs ir visa dariau, kaip man įsakei.

Deuteronomy 26:14
Kihai i kainga e ahau tetahi wahi i ahau e noho taua ana; kihai i tangohia e ahau tetahi wahi mo te poke, kihai ano hoki i hoatu hei mea tupapaku: i whakarongo ahau ki te reo o Ihowa, o toku Atua, rite tonu aku mahi ki nga mea katoa i whakahaua e koe ki ahau.

5 Mosebok 26:14
Jeg har ikke ett noget av tienden mens jeg hadde sorg, og ikke båret bort noget av den mens jeg var uren, og jeg har ikke brukt noget av den for en død; jeg har vært Herrens, min Guds røst lydig, jeg har i ett og alt gjort således som du har befalt mig.

Deuteronomio 26:14
``No he comido de ella estando de luto, ni he tomado de ella mientras estaba inmundo, ni he ofrecido de ella a los muertos. He escuchado la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios; he hecho conforme a todo lo que me has mandado.

'No he comido de ella estando de luto, ni he tomado de ella mientras estaba inmundo, ni he ofrecido de ella a los muertos. He escuchado la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios; he hecho conforme a todo lo que Tú me has mandado.

No he comido de ello en mi luto, ni he sacado de ello en inmundicia, ni de ello he ofrecido para los muertos; he obedecido a la voz de Jehová mi Dios, he hecho conforme a todo lo que me has mandado.

No he comido de ello en mi luto, ni he sacado de ello en inmundicia, ni de ello he dado para mortuorio: he obedecido á la voz de Jehová mi Dios, he hecho conforme á todo lo que me has mandado.

No he comido de ello en mi luto, ni he sacado de ello estando en inmundicia, ni de ello he dado para mortuorio; he escuchado la voz del SEÑOR mi Dios, he hecho conforme a todo lo que me has mandado.

Deuteronômio 26:14
Da porção sagrada nada comi durante o meu luto e, estando eu cerimonialmente impuro, dele nada tirei e dele nada ofereci aos mortos. Obedeci à voz de Yahweh, meu Deus, e agi de acordo com tudo o que me ordenaste.

Delas não comi no meu luto, nem delas tirei coisa alguma estando eu imundo, nem delas dei para algum morto; ouvi a voz do senhor meu Deus; conforme tudo o que me ordenaste, tenho feito.   

Deuteronom 26:14
N'am mîncat nimic din aceste lucruri în timpul meu de jale, n'am îndepărtat nimic din ele pentru vre o întrebuinţare necurată, şi n'am dat nimic din ele cu prilejul unui mort; am ascultat de glasul Domnului, Dumnezeului meu, am lucrat după toate poruncile pe cari mi le-ai dat.

Второзаконие 26:14
я не ел от нее в печали моей, и не отделял ее в нечистоте, и не давал из нее для мертвого; я повиновался гласу Господа Бога моего, исполнилвсе, что Ты заповедал мне;

я не ел от нее в печали моей, и не отделял ее в нечистоте, и не давал из нее для мертвого; я повиновался гласу Господа Бога моего, исполнил все, что Ты заповедал мне;[]

5 Mosebok 26:14
Jag åt intet därav, när jag hade sorg, och jag förde icke bort något därav, när jag var oren, ej heller använde jag något därav för någon död. Jag har lyssnat till HERRENS, min Guds, röst; jag har i alla stycken gjort såsom du har bjudit mig.

Deuteronomy 26:14
Hindi ko kinain sa aking pagluluksa, ni inilabas ko nang ako'y marumi, ni ibinigay ko upang gamitin sa patay: aking dininig ang tinig ng Panginoon kong Dios; aking ginawa ayon sa buong iniutos mo sa akin.

พระราชบัญญัติ 26:14
ข้าพระองค์มิได้รับประทานสิบชักหนึ่งเมื่อข้าพระองค์ไว้ทุกข์หรือยกส่วนใดออกไปเมื่อข้าพระองค์เป็นมลทิน หรืออุทิศส่วนใดเพื่อผู้ตาย แต่ข้าพระองค์ได้เชื่อฟังพระสุรเสียงของพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของข้าพระองค์ ข้าพระองค์ได้กระทำตามทุกสิ่งที่พระองค์ทรงบัญชาไว้

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 26:14
Ne yas tutarken ayırdıklarımdan yedim, ne dinsel açıdan kirliyken onlara dokundum, ne de ölülere sundum. Tanrım RABbin sözüne kulak verdim. Bana bütün buyurduklarını yaptım.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 26:14
Trong lúc tang chế, tôi không ăn đến vật thánh nầy; khi bị ô uế, tôi không đụng đến đó, và cũng không vì một người chết mà dùng đến; tôi vâng theo tiếng Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời tôi, và làm y như mọi điều Ngài đã phán dặn tôi.

Deuteronomy 26:13
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