Deuteronomy 2:30
Deuteronomy 2:30
But Sihon king of Heshbon refused to let us pass through. For the LORD your God had made his spirit stubborn and his heart obstinate in order to give him into your hands, as he has now done.

"But King Sihon of Heshbon refused to allow us to pass through, because the LORD your God made Sihon stubborn and defiant so he could help you defeat him, as he has now done.

But Sihon the king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him, for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, that he might give him into your hand, as he is this day.

"But Sihon king of Heshbon was not willing for us to pass through his land; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, in order to deliver him into your hand, as he is today.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us travel through his land, for the LORD your God had made his spirit stubborn and his heart obstinate in order to hand him over to you, as has now taken place."

But King Sihon of Heshbon did not allow us to pass through, because the LORD your God had hardened his spirit and made him arrogant, in order to deliver him into your control today.

But King Sihon of Heshbon was unwilling to allow us to pass near him because the LORD our God had made him obstinate and stubborn so that he might deliver him over to you this very day.

But King Sihon of Heshbon wouldn't allow us to pass through. The LORD your God made him stubborn and overconfident in order to hand him over to you, as he has now done.

But Sihon, king of Heshbon, would not let us pass by him, for the LORD thy God had hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate that he might deliver him into thy hand as until this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as it is this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as appears this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as at this day.

And Sehon the king of Hesebon would not let us pass: because the Lord thy God had hardened his spirit, and fixed his heart, that he might be delivered into thy hands, as now thou seest.

But Sihon the king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Jehovah thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obdurate, that he might give him into thy hand, as it is this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as at this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him: for the LORD thy God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth this day.

But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him; for Yahweh your God hardened his spirit, and made his heart obstinate, that he might deliver him into your hand, as at this day.

'And Sihon king of Heshbon hath not been willing to let us pass over by him, for Jehovah thy God hath hardened his spirit, and strengthened his heart, so as to give him into thy hand as at this day.

Ligji i Përtërirë 2:30
Por Sihoni, mbret i Heshbonit, nuk deshi të na linte të kalonim nëpër territorin e tij, sepse Zoti, Perëndia yt, i kishte ngurtësuar frymën dhe e kishte bërë kryeneç, për të ta dhënë në duart e tua, siç është pikërisht sot.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 2:30
لكن لم يشأ سيحون ملك حشبون ان يدعنا نمر به. لان الرب الهك قسّى روحه وقوّى قلبه لكي يدفعه الى يدك كما في هذا اليوم.

De Ander Ee 2:30
Aber dyr Heschboner Künig Sihon gwaigert si, üns durchherzieghn z laassn. Dyr Herr, dein Got, hiet n non bsunders widerbräuchtig gmacht, dyrmit yr n in dein Gwalt gibt, wie s inzwischn gscheghn ist.

Второзаконие 2:30
Обаче есевонският цар Сион не склони да заминем през [земята] му; понеже Господ твоят Бог закорави духа му и вкамени сърцето му, за да го предаде в ръцете ти, както [е и до] днес.

申 命 記 2:30
但 希 實 本 王 西 宏 不 容 我 們 從 他 那 裡 經 過 ; 因 為 耶 和 華 ─ 你 的   神 使 他 心 中 剛 硬 , 性 情 頑 梗 , 為 要 將 他 交 在 你 手 中 , 像 今 日 一 樣 。

但 希 实 本 王 西 宏 不 容 我 们 从 他 那 里 经 过 ; 因 为 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的   神 使 他 心 中 刚 硬 , 性 情 顽 梗 , 为 要 将 他 交 在 你 手 中 , 像 今 日 一 样 。



Deuteronomy 2:30
Ali hešbonski kralj Sihon ne htjede nas pustiti preko svoga; jer Jahve, Bog tvoj, duh mu zaslijepi a srce otvrdnu, da ga preda u tvoje šake, gdje je i danas.

Deuteronomium 2:30
Ale nechtěl dopustiti Seon, král Ezebon, abychom prošli zemi jeho; nebo byl zatvrdil Hospodin Bůh tvůj ducha jeho, a ztužil srdce jeho, aby dal jej v ruce tvé, jakož se vidí podnes.

5 Mosebog 2:30
Men Kong Sihon i Hesjbon vilde ikke tillade os at drage igennem; thi HERREN din Gud forhærdede hans Aand og gjorde hans Hjerte haardt for at give ham i din Haand, som det nu er sket.

Deuteronomium 2:30
Maar Sihon, de koning van Hesbon, wilde ons door hetzelve niet laten doortrekken; want de HEERE,, uw God, verhardde zijn geest, en verstokte zijn hart, opdat Hij hem in uw hand gave, gelijk het is te dezen dage.

דברים 2:30
וְלֹ֣א אָבָ֗ה סִיחֹן֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ חֶשְׁבֹּ֔ון הַעֲבִרֵ֖נוּ בֹּ֑ו כִּֽי־הִקְשָׁה֩ יְהוָ֨ה אֱלֹהֶ֜יךָ אֶת־רוּחֹ֗ו וְאִמֵּץ֙ אֶת־לְבָבֹ֔ו לְמַ֛עַן תִּתֹּ֥ו בְיָדְךָ֖ כַּיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃ ס

ל ולא אבה סיחן מלך חשבון העברנו בו  כי הקשה יהוה אלהיך את רוחו ואמץ את לבבו למען תתו בידך כיום הזה  {ס}

ולא אבה סיחן מלך חשבון העברנו בו כי־הקשה יהוה אלהיך את־רוחו ואמץ את־לבבו למען תתו בידך כיום הזה׃ ס

5 Mózes 2:30
De nem akarta Szihon, Hesbon királya, hogy átmenjünk õ rajta, mert megkeményítette volt az Úr, a te Istened az õ lelkét, és engedetlenné tette az Õ szívét, hogy a te kezedbe adja õt, a mint [nyilván van ]e mai napon.

Moseo 5: Readmono 2:30
Sed ne volis Sihxon, la regxo de HXesxbon, tralasi nin, cxar la Eternulo, via Dio, obstinigis lian spiriton kaj malcedemigis lian koron, por transdoni lin en vian manon, kiel nun.

Vaan ei Sihon Hesbonin kuningas tahtonut meidän antaa vaeltaa sen lävitse; sillä Herra sinun Jumalas kovetti hänen mielensä ja paadutti hänen sydämensä, että Herra tahtoi antaa hänen sinun käsiis, niinkuin tänäpäivänä on.

Deutéronome 2:30
Et Sihon, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut pas nous laisser passer par son pays; car l'Éternel, ton Dieu, avait endurci son esprit et roidi son coeur, afin de le livrer en ta main, comme il paraît aujourd'hui.

Mais Sihon, roi de Hesbon, ne voulut point nous laisser passer chez lui; car l'Eternel, ton Dieu, rendit son esprit inflexible et endurcit son coeur, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme tu le vois aujourd'hui.

Mais Sihon, Roi de Hesbon, ne voulut point nous laisser passer par son pays, car l'Eternel ton Dieu avait endurci son esprit, et roidi son cœur, afin de le livrer entre tes mains, comme [il paraît] aujourd'hui.

5 Mose 2:30
Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, wollte uns nicht durchziehen lassen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, verhärtete seinen Mut und verstockte ihm sein Herz, auf daß er ihn in deine Hände gäbe, wie es jetzt ist am Tage.

Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, wollte uns nicht durchziehen lassen; denn der HERR, dein Gott, verhärtete seinen Mut und verstockte ihm sein Herz, auf daß er ihn in deine Hände gäbe, wie es heutigestages ist.

Aber Sihon, der König zu Hesbon, weigerte sich, uns den Durchzug zu gestatten, weil Jahwe, dein Gott, seinen Sinn unbeugsam und sein Herz verstockt gemacht hatte, damit er ihn in deine Gewalt gebe, wie es jetzt gekommen ist.

Deuteronomio 2:30
Ma Sihon, re di Heshbon, non ci volle lasciar passare per il suo paese, perché l’Eterno, il tuo Dio, gli aveva indurato lo spirito e reso ostinato il cuore, per dartelo nelle mani, come difatti oggi si vede.

Ma Sihon, re di Hesbon, non volle lasciarci passar per lo suo paese; perciocchè il Signore Iddio tuo gli avea indurato lo spirito, e ostinato il cuore, per dartelo nelle mani, come oggi appare.

Tetapi oleh Sihon, raja Hezbon itu, tiada diberi kita berjalan terus dari negerinya, karena telah ditegarkan Tuhan, Allahmu, batinnya dan dikeraskannya hatinya, hendak diserahkannya ia ke tanganmu seperti halnya sekarang ini.

신명기 2:30
세일에 거하는 에서 자손과 아르에 거하는 모압 사람이 내게 행한 것 같이 하라 그리하면 내가 요단을 건너서 우리 하나님 여호와께서 우리에게 주시는 땅에 이르리라 하나

Deuteronomium 2:30
noluitque Seon rex Esebon dare nobis transitum quia induraverat Dominus Deus tuus spiritum eius et obfirmaverat cor illius ut traderetur in manus tuas sicut nunc vides

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 2:30
Bet Hešbono karalius Sihonas nenorėjo mums leisti eiti per jo kraštą, nes Viešpats, tavo Dievas, užkietino jo dvasią ir padarė jo širdį užsispyrusią, kad galėtų jį atiduoti į tavo rankas.

Deuteronomy 2:30
Heoi kihai a Hihona kingi o Hehepona i pai kia haere atu tatou na tona kainga: na Ihowa hoki, na tou Atua i whakapakeke tona wairua, i whakamaia hoki tona ngakau, kia homai ai ia ki tou ringa; koia ano tenei inaianei.

5 Mosebok 2:30
Men Sihon, kongen i Hesbon, vilde ikke la oss dra gjennem sitt land; for Herren din Gud hadde forherdet hans sinn og gjort hans hjerte hårdt for å gi ham i din hånd, som det kan sees på denne dag.

Deuteronomio 2:30
Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no quiso dejarnos pasar por su tierra porque el SEÑOR tu Dios endureció su espíritu e hizo obstinado su corazón, a fin de entregarlo en tus manos, como lo está hoy.

"Pero Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no quiso dejarnos pasar por su tierra porque el SEÑOR tu Dios endureció su espíritu e hizo obstinado su corazón, a fin de entregarlo en tus manos, como lo está hoy.

Mas Sehón, rey de Hesbón, no quiso que pasásemos por su territorio; porque Jehová tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, e hizo obstinado su corazón para entregarlo en tu mano, como hasta hoy.

Mas Sehón rey de Hesbón no quiso que pasásemos por el territorio suyo; porque Jehová tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, y obstinado su corazón para entregarlo en tu mano, como hoy.

Mas Sehón rey de Hesbón no quiso que pasásemos por él; porque el SEÑOR tu Dios había endurecido su espíritu, y obstinado su corazón para entregarlo en tu mano, como hasta hoy.

Deuteronômio 2:30
Contudo, Seom, rei de Hesbom, não nos permitiu passar por suas terras; pois o Eterno, teu Deus, lhe endureceu o espírito e lhe obstinou o coração, para o entregar na tua mão, como hoje ficou notório.

Mas Siom, rei de Hesbom, não nos quis deixar passar por sua terra, porquanto o Senhor teu Deus lhe endurecera o espírito, e lhe fizera obstinado o coração, para to entregar nas mãos, como hoje se vê.   

Deuteronom 2:30
Dar Sihon, împăratul Hesbonului, n'a vrut să ne lase să trecem pela el; căci Domnul, Dumnezeul tău, i -a făcut duhul neînduplecat, şi i -a împietrit inima, ca să -l dea în mîinile tale, cum vezi azi.

Второзаконие 2:30
Но Сигон, царь Есевонский, не согласился позволить пройти нам через свою землю , потому что Господь, Бог твой, ожесточил дух его и сердце его сделал упорным, чтобы предать его в руку твою, как этовидно ныне.

Но Сигон, царь Есевонский, не согласился позволить пройти нам через свою [землю], потому что Господь, Бог твой, ожесточил дух его и сердце его сделал упорным, чтобы предать его в руку твою, как [это видно] ныне.[]

5 Mosebok 2:30
Men Sihon, konungen i Hesbon, ville icke låta oss tåga genom sitt land, ty HERREN, din Gud, förhärdade hans sinne och förstockade hans hjärta, för att han skulle giva honom i din hand, såsom ock nu har skett.

Deuteronomy 2:30
Nguni't ayaw tayong paraanin ni Sehon na hari sa Hesbon sa lupa niya; sapagka't pinapagmatigas ng Panginoon mong Dios ang kaniyang diwa, at pinapagmatigas ang kaniyang puso, upang maibigay siya sa iyong kamay gaya sa araw na ito.

พระราชบัญญัติ 2:30
แต่สิโหนกษัตริย์เมืองเฮชโบน ไม่ยอมให้เราทั้งหลายข้ามประเทศของท่าน เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าของพวกท่านได้ทรงกระทำจิตใจของสิโหนให้กระด้าง กระทำใจของท่านให้แข็งไป เพื่อจะได้ทรงมอบเขาไว้ในมือของพวกท่าน ดังเป็นอยู่ทุกวันนี้

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 2:30
Ne var ki, Heşbon Kralı Sihon ülkesinden geçmemize izin vermek istemedi. Tanrınız RAB, şimdi olduğu gibi, Sihonu elinize teslim etmek için yüreğini duygusuzlaştırıp onu inatçı yaptı.[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 2:30
Nhưng Si-hôn, vua Hết-bôn, không khứng chúng ta đi ngang qua địa phận người; vì Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi đã khiến cho tánh người ngoan ngạch, lòng người cứng cỏi, để phó người vào tay ngươi, y như điều đã xảy đến ngày nay.

Deuteronomy 2:29
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