Deuteronomy 2:25
Deuteronomy 2:25
This very day I will begin to put the terror and fear of you on all the nations under heaven. They will hear reports of you and will tremble and be in anguish because of you."

Beginning today I will make people throughout the earth terrified because of you. When they hear reports about you, they will tremble with dread and fear.'"

This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you on the peoples who are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you.’

'This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you upon the peoples everywhere under the heavens, who, when they hear the report of you, will tremble and be in anguish because of you.'

This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.

Today I will begin to put the fear and dread of you on the peoples everywhere under heaven. They will hear the report about you, tremble, and be in anguish because of you.'"

Starting today I will begin to instill fear and terror of you on the part of every nation under heaven who hears reports about you. They'll tremble in anguish before you.'"

This very day I will begin to fill all the people of the earth with dread and to terrify them when they hear about you. They will shiver and shake in anticipation of your approach."

Today I will start to make all the people under heaven terrified of you. When they hear about you, they will tremble and shake because of you."

This day I will begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the peoples that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of thee, and shall tremble and be in anguish because of thee.

This day will I begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear reports of you, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of you.

This day will I begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you on the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of you, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of you.

This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the peoples that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.

This day will I begin to send the dread and fear of thee upon the nations that dwell under the whole heaven: that when they hear thy name they may fear and tremble, and be in pain like women in travail.

This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the peoples under the whole heaven; who will hear report of thee, and will tremble, and quake because of thee.

This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the peoples that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear the report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.

This day will I begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations that are under the whole heaven, who shall hear report of thee, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of thee.

This day will I begin to put the dread of you and the fear of you on the peoples who are under the whole sky, who shall hear the report of you, and shall tremble, and be in anguish because of you."

This day I begin to put thy dread and thy fear on the face of the peoples under the whole heavens, who hear thy fame, and have trembled and been pained because of thee.

Ligji i Përtërirë 2:25
Sot do të filloj t'u kall frikën dhe terrorin tënd popujve nën tërë qiejt, të cilët do të dëgjojnë të flitet për ty, do të dridhen dhe do t'i zërë ankthi nga shkaku yt.

ﺍﻟﺘﺜﻨﻴﺔ 2:25
في هذا اليوم أبتدئ اجعل خشيتك وخوفك امام وجوه الشعوب تحت كل السماء. الذين يسمعون خبرك يرتعدون ويجزعون امامك

De Ander Ee 2:25
Heint bring i Farcht und Schröckn vor enk über allsand Völker von dyr Erdn. Wenn s schoon grad öbbs hoernd von dir, ziternd s schoon aau. Sö winddnd si vor Angst, wenn s di grad seghnd.

Второзаконие 2:25
Днес ще почна да всявам трепет и страх от тебе върху [всичките] племена под цялото небе; като чуят за тебе те ще се разтреперят и ще се ужасяват от тебе.

申 命 記 2:25
從 今 日 起 , 我 要 使 天 下 萬 民 聽 見 你 的 名 聲 都 驚 恐 懼 怕 , 且 因 你 發 顫 傷 慟 。

从 今 日 起 , 我 要 使 天 下 万 民 听 见 你 的 名 声 都 惊 恐 惧 怕 , 且 因 你 发 颤 伤 恸 。



Deuteronomy 2:25
Od danas počinjem ugoniti strah i trepet pred tobom u narode koji su pod svim nebesima, tako da će strepiti i tresti se pred tobom kad god čuju glas o tebi.'

Deuteronomium 2:25
Dnes počnu pouštěti strach a lekání se tebe na lidi, kteříž jsou pode vším nebem, tak že kteřížkoli uslyší pověst o tobě, třásti a lekati se budou tváři tvé.

5 Mosebog 2:25
Fra i Dag af begynder jeg at vække Frygt og Rædsel for dig hos alle Folkeslag under Himmelen; blot de hører om dig, skal de ryste og bæve for dig!

Deuteronomium 2:25
Te dezen dage zal Ik beginnen uw schrik en uw vreze te geven over het aangezicht der volken, onder den gansen hemel; die uw gerucht zullen horen, die zullen sidderen, en bang zijn van uw aangezicht.

דברים 2:25
הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֗ה אָחֵל֙ תֵּ֤ת פַּחְדְּךָ֙ וְיִרְאָ֣תְךָ֔ עַל־פְּנֵי֙ הָֽעַמִּ֔ים תַּ֖חַת כָּל־הַשָּׁמָ֑יִם אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִשְׁמְעוּן֙ שִׁמְעֲךָ֔ וְרָגְז֥וּ וְחָל֖וּ מִפָּנֶֽיךָ ׃

כה היום הזה אחל תת פחדך ויראתך על פני העמים תחת כל השמים--אשר ישמעון שמעך ורגזו וחלו מפניך

היום הזה אחל תת פחדך ויראתך על־פני העמים תחת כל־השמים אשר ישמעון שמעך ורגזו וחלו מפניך ׃

5 Mózes 2:25
E napon kezdem rábocsátani a népekre, hogy féljenek és rettegjenek tõled az egész ég alatt, és a kik híredet hallják, rendüljenek meg és reszkessenek te elõtted.

Moseo 5: Readmono 2:25
De la nuna tago Mi komencos jxetadi teruron kaj timon antaux vi sur la popolojn sub la tuta cxielo; tiuj, kiuj auxdos la famon pri vi, ektremos kaj ektimos antaux vi.

Tänäpänä minä alan tuottamaan kaiken kansan päälle koko taivaan alla pelvon ja vapisemisen sinun edessäs, niin että he, sanoman sinusta kuultuansa, pitää värisemän, ja surulliset oleman sinun edessäs.

Deutéronome 2:25
Aujourd'hui je commencerai à mettre la frayeur et la peur de toi sur les peuples, sous tous les cieux; car ils entendront le bruit de ce que tu fais, et ils trembleront, et seront en angoisse devant toi.

Je vais répandre dès aujourd'hui la frayeur et la crainte de toi sur tous les peuples qui sont sous le ciel; et, au bruit de ta renommée, ils trembleront et seront saisis d'angoisse à cause de toi.

Je commencerai aujourd'hui à jeter la frayeur et la peur de toi sur les peuples qui sont sous tous les cieux, car ayant ouï parler de toi ils trembleront, et seront en angoisse à cause de ta présence.

5 Mose 2:25
Heutigestages will ich anheben, daß sich von dir fürchten und erschrecken sollen alle Völker unter allen Himmeln, daß, wenn sie von dir hören, ihnen bange und wehe werden soll vor deiner Zukunft.

Heutigestages will ich anheben, daß sich vor dir fürchten und erschrecken sollen alle Völker unter dem ganzen Himmel, daß, wenn sie von dir hören, ihnen bange und wehe werden soll vor dir.

Von jetzt an lege ich Furcht und Schrecken vor dir auf die Völker überall unter dem Himmel: Sobald sie nur von dir hören, werden sie vor dir zittern und beben.

Deuteronomio 2:25
Oggi comincerò a ispirare paura e terrore di te ai popoli che sono sotto il cielo intero, sì che, all’udire la tua fama, tremeranno e saranno presi d’angoscia dinanzi a te".

Oggi comincerò a mettere spavento e paura di te sopra i popoli, sotto tutto il cielo, talchè udendo il grido di te, tremeranno, e saranno in angoscia per tema di te.

Maka dari pada hari ini juga Aku mulai mendatangkan gentar dan takut akan kamu atas segala bangsa yang di bawah langit, apabila kedengaranlah kabarmu kepadanya mereka itu akan gentar dan takut di hadapanmu.

신명기 2:25
너희는 일어나 진행하여 아르논 골짜기를 건너라 내가 헤스본 왕 아모리 사람 시혼과 그 땅을 네 손에 붙였은즉 비로소 더불어 싸워서 그 땅을 얻으라

Deuteronomium 2:25
hodie incipiam mittere terrorem atque formidinem tuam in populos qui habitant sub omni caelo ut audito nomine tuo paveant et in morem parturientium contremescant et dolore teneantur

Pakartotino Ástatymo knyga 2:25
Šiandien Aš pradėsiu daryti taip, kad visos tautos bijotų tavęs ir būtų apimtos siaubo prieš tave; kurios išgirs apie tave, išsigąs ir drebės dėl tavęs’.

Deuteronomy 2:25
Kei tenei ra ahau timata ai te whakapa i tou pawera, i tou wehi ki nga iwi i raro i te rangi, puta noa, puta noa, ina rongo ki tou rongo, a ka wiri ratou, ka aue i a koe.

5 Mosebok 2:25
Fra denne dag vil jeg la redsel for dig og frykt for dig komme over alle folk under himmelen; alle som får høre om dig, skal skjelve og beve for dig.

Deuteronomio 2:25
``Hoy comenzaré a infundir el espanto y temor tuyo entre los pueblos debajo del cielo, quienes, al oír tu fama, temblarán y se angustiarán a causa de ti.

'Hoy comenzaré a infundir el espanto y terror tuyo sobre los pueblos debajo del cielo, quienes, al oír tu fama, temblarán y se angustiarán a causa de ti.'

Hoy comenzaré a poner tu miedo y tu espanto sobre los pueblos que están debajo de todo el cielo, los cuales oirán tu fama, y temblarán, y se angustiarán delante de ti.

Hoy comenzaré á poner tu miedo y tu espanto sobre los pueblos debajo de todo el cielo, los cuales oirán tu fama, y temblarán, y angustiarse han delante de ti.

Hoy comenzaré a poner tu miedo y tu espanto sobre los pueblos debajo de todo el cielo, los cuales oirán tu fama, y temblarán, y se angustiarán delante de ti.

Deuteronômio 2:25
A partir de hoje começo a espalhar o terror e o medo de ti em meio aos povos que existem sob o céu! Eles ouvirão a tua fama, tremerão de medo diante de ti e desfalecerão.’

Neste dia começarei a meter terror e medo de ti aos povos que estão debaixo de todo o céu; os quais, ao ouvirem a tua fama, tremerão e se angustiarão por causa de ti.   

Deuteronom 2:25
De azi încolo voi băga groaza şi frica de tine în toate popoarele de subt cer; şi, la auzul faimei tale, vor tremura şi se vor îngrozi de tine.``

Второзаконие 2:25
с сего дня Я начну распространять страх и ужас пред тобою на народы под всем небом; те, которые услышат о тебе, вострепещут и ужаснутся тебя.

с сего дня Я начну распространять страх и ужас пред тобою на народы под всем небом; те, которые услышат о тебе, вострепещут и ужаснутся тебя.[]

5 Mosebok 2:25
Redan i dag vill jag begynna att låta förskräckelse och fruktan för dig komma över alla folk under himmelen, så att de skola darra och bäva för dig, när de höra berättas om dig.»

Deuteronomy 2:25
Sa araw na ito ay pasisimulan kong ilagay sa mga bayang nangasa silong ng buong langit, ang sindak sa iyo at ang takot sa iyo, na maririnig nila ang iyong kabantugan, at magsisipanginig, at mangahahapis, dahil sa iyo.

พระราชบัญญัติ 2:25
ตั้งแต่วันนี้ไปเราจะให้ชนชาติทั้งหลายทั่วใต้ฟ้าครั่นคร้ามต่อพวกเจ้าและกลัวเจ้า คนประเทศผู้จะได้ยินข่าวเรื่องเจ้าจะกลัวตัวสั่นและมีความระทมเพราะเจ้า'

Yasa'nın Tekrarı 2:25
Bugünden başlayarak göğün altındaki uluslara korkunuzu, dehşetinizi salacağım. Haberinizi duyunca korkuyla titreyecekler.› ››[]

Phuïc-truyeàn Luaät-leä Kyù 2:25
Ngày nay, ta khởi rải trên các dân tộc trong thiên hạ sự sợ hãi và kinh khủng về danh ngươi, đến nỗi khi nghe nói về ngươi, các dân tộc đó sẽ run rẩy và bị sự kinh khủng áp hãm trước mặt ngươi.

Deuteronomy 2:24
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