Daniel 8:4
Daniel 8:4
I watched the ram as it charged toward the west and the north and the south. No animal could stand against it, and none could rescue from its power. It did as it pleased and became great.

The ram butted everything out of his way to the west, to the north, and to the south, and no one could stand against him or help his victims. He did as he pleased and became very great.

I saw the ram charging westward and northward and southward. No beast could stand before him, and there was no one who could rescue from his power. He did as he pleased and became great.

I saw the ram butting westward, northward, and southward, and no other beasts could stand before him nor was there anyone to rescue from his power, but he did as he pleased and magnified himself.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great.

I saw the ram charging to the west, the north, and the south. No animal could stand against him, and there was no rescue from his power. He did whatever he wanted and became great.

I watched the ram charging westward, northward, and southward. No animal could stand before him, nor was there anyone who could deliver from his control. He did as he pleased and exalted himself.

I saw that the ram was butting westward, northward, and southward. No animal was able to stand before it, and there was none who could deliver from its power. It did as it pleased and acted arrogantly.

I saw the ram charging west, north, and south. No other animal could stand in front of it, and no one could escape from its power. It did anything it pleased and continued to grow.

I saw that the ram smote with the horns to the west, to the north, and to the south and that no beast could stand before him, nor could anyone escape from his hand; but he did according to his will and made himself great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; and no beasts could stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and magnified himself.

I saw the ram pushing with his horns against the west, and against the north, and against the south: and no beasts could withstand him, nor be delivered out of his hand: and he did according to his own will, and became great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward, and no beast could stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; and he did according to his will, and became great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; and no beasts could stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and magnified himself.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; so that no beasts might stand before him, neither was there any that could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and became great.

I saw the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward; and no animals could stand before him, neither was there any who could deliver out of his hand; but he did according to his will, and magnified himself.

I have seen the ram pushing westward, and northward, and southward, and no living creatures do stand before it, and there is none delivering out of its hand, and it hath done according to its pleasure, and hath exerted itself.

Danieli 8:4
Pashë dashin që godiste kundrejt perëndimit, drejt veriut dhe drejt jugut; asnjë kafshë nuk mund t'i rezistonte, askush nuk mund të çlirohej nga pushteti i tij; kështu ai bëri atë që desh dhe u bë i madh.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 8:4
رأيت الكبش ينطح غربا وشمالا وجنوبا فلم يقف حيوان قدامه ولا منقذ من يده وفعل كمرضاته وعظم.

Dyr Däniheel 8:4
I saah, wie dyr Wider gan Wöstn, Nordn und Sundn stieß; und kain Vich wär iem Mair wordn. Er gmacht, was yr grad will, und gsötzt si gögn allsand durch.

Данаил 8:4
Видях, че овенът бодеше към запад, към север и към юг; и никой звяр не можеше да устои пред него, и нямаше кой да избави от силата му; но постъпваше по волята си и се носеше горделиво.

但 以 理 書 8:4
我 見 那 公 綿 羊 往 西 、 往 北 、 往 南 牴 觸 。 獸 在 他 面 前 都 站 立 不 住 , 也 沒 有 能 救 護 脫 離 他 手 的 ; 但 他 任 意 而 行 , 自 高 自 大 。

我 见 那 公 绵 羊 往 西 、 往 北 、 往 南 ? 触 。 兽 在 他 面 前 都 站 立 不 住 , 也 没 有 能 救 护 脱 离 他 手 的 ; 但 他 任 意 而 行 , 自 高 自 大 。



Daniel 8:4
Gledah kako ovan bode na zapad, na sjever i jug. Nijedna mu se životinja ne mogaše oprijeti, ništa mu ne mogaše izbjeći. Činio je što je htio, osilio se.

Daniele 8:4
Viděl jsem skopce toho, an trkal k západu, půlnoci a poledni, jemuž žádná šelma odolati nemohla, aniž kdo co mohl vytrhnouti z moci jeho; pročež činil podlé vůle své, a to věci veliké.

Daniel 8:4
Jeg saa Væderen stange mod Vest, Nord og Syd; intet Dyr kunde modstaa den, ingen kunde redde af dens Vold, og den gjorde, hvad den vilde, og blev mægtig.

Daniël 8:4
Ik zag, dat de ram met de hoornen tegen het westen stiet, en tegen het noorden, en tegen het zuiden, en geen dieren konden voor zijn aangezicht bestaan, en er was niemand, die uit zijn hand verloste; maar hij deed naar zijn welgevallen, en hij maakte zich groot.

דניאל 8:4
רָאִ֣יתִי אֶת־הָאַ֡יִל מְנַגֵּחַ֩ יָ֨מָּה וְצָפֹ֜ונָה וָנֶ֗גְבָּה וְכָל־חַיֹּות֙ לֹֽא־יַֽעַמְד֣וּ לְפָנָ֔יו וְאֵ֥ין מַצִּ֖יל מִיָּדֹ֑ו וְעָשָׂ֥ה כִרְצֹנֹ֖ו וְהִגְדִּֽיל׃

ד ראיתי את האיל מנגח ימה וצפונה ונגבה וכל חיות לא יעמדו לפניו ואין מציל מידו ועשה כרצנו והגדיל

ראיתי את־האיל מנגח ימה וצפונה ונגבה וכל־חיות לא־יעמדו לפניו ואין מציל מידו ועשה כרצנו והגדיל׃

Dániel 8:4
Látám azt a kost [szarvaival] öklelkezni napnyugot, észak és dél felé; és semmi állat sem állhata meg elõtte, és senki sem szabadíthata meg kezébõl, és tetszése szerint cselekedék, és nagygyá lõn.

Daniel 8:4
Mi vidis, ke tiu virsxafo kornopusxas okcidenten, norden, kaj suden, kaj nenia besto povas kontrauxstari al gxi, kaj neniu povas savi kontraux gxia forto; kaj gxi faras cxion, kion gxi volas, kaj gxi estas granda.

Sitte minä näin oinaan puskevan sarvillansa länteen päin, pohjaan päin ja etelään päin, ja ei yksikään peto taitanut seisoa hänen edessänsä, eikä hänen käsistänsä pelastettaa, vaan hän teki, mitä hän tahtoi ja tuli suureksi.

Daniel 8:4
Je vis le bélier heurtant vers l'occident, et vers le nord, et vers le midi; et aucune bête ne pouvait tenir devant lui, et il n'y avait personne qui pût délivrer de sa main; et il fit selon son gré, et devint grand.

Je vis le bélier qui frappait de ses cornes à l'occident, au septentrion et au midi; aucun animal ne pouvait lui résister, et il n'y avait personne pour délivrer ses victimes; il faisait ce qu'il voulait, et il devint puissant.

Je vis ce bélier heurtant des cornes contre l'Occident, et contre l'Aquilon, et contre le Midi, et pas une bête ne pouvait subsister devant lui, et il n'y avait personne qui lui pût rien ôter, mais il agissait selon sa volonté, et devenait grand.

Daniel 8:4
Ich sah, daß der Widder mit den Hörnern stieß gegen Abend, gegen Mitternacht und gegen Mittag, und kein Tier konnte vor ihm bestehen noch von seiner Hand errettet werden, sondern er tat, was er wollte, und ward groß.

Ich sah, daß der Widder mit den Hörnern stieß gegen Abend, gegen Mitternacht und gegen Mittag; und kein Tier konnte vor ihm bestehen noch von seiner Hand errettet werden, sondern er tat, was er wollte, und ward groß.

Ich sah den Widder nach Westen, Norden und Süden stoßen, und kein einziges Tier vermochte ihm standzuhalten. Niemand errettete aus seiner Gewalt; er that, was er wollte, und wurde überaus mächtig.

Daniele 8:4
Vidi il montone che cozzava a occidente, a settentrione e a mezzogiorno; nessuna bestia gli poteva tener fronte, e non c’era nessuno che la potesse liberare dalla sua potenza; esso faceva quel che voleva, e diventò grande.

Io vidi che quel montone cozzava verso l’Occidente, verso il Settentrione, e verso il Mezzodì; e niuna bestia poteva durar davanti a lui; e non vi era alcuno che riscotesse di man sua, e faceva ciò che gli piaceva, e divenne grande.

Maka kulihat domba jantan itu menanduk ke barat dan ke utara dan ke selatan, maka seekor binatangpun tiada dapat melawan dia dan seorangpun tiada dapat melepaskan dari kuasanya, dan dibuatnya barang kehendaknya dan diadakannya perkara besar-besar.

다니엘 8:4
내가 본즉 그 수양이 서와 북과 남을 향하여 받으나 그것을 당할 짐승이 하나도 없고 그 손에서 능히 구할 이가 절대로 없으므로 그것이 임의로 행하고 스스로 강대하더라

Daniel 8:4
vidi arietem cornibus ventilantem contra occidentem et contra aquilonem et contra meridiem et omnes bestiae non poterant resistere ei neque liberari de manu eius fecitque secundum voluntatem suam et magnificatus est

Danieliaus knyga 8:4
Aš mačiau tą aviną, badantį ragais į vakarus, šiaurę ir pietus. Joks žvėris negalėjo atsilaikyti prieš jį ir nė vienas negalėjo išsigelbėti iš jo. Jis darė, kas jam patiko, ir tapo galingas.

Daniel 8:4
I kite ano ahau i te hipi toa e aki ana whaka te hauauru, whaka te raki, whaka te tonga; a kore noa iho tetahi kararehe i tu ki tona aroaro, kahore hoki he tangata hei whakaora i roto i tona ringa; heoi mahia ana e ia tana i pai ai, a nui haere a na ia.

Daniel 8:4
Jeg så væren stange mot vest og mot nord og mot syd, og intet dyr kunde stå sig for den, og det var ingen som kunde frelse av dens vold; den gjorde som den vilde, og tedde sig overmodig.

Daniel 8:4
Vi al carnero dando cornadas al oeste, al norte y al sur, y ninguna bestia podía mantenerse en pie delante de él, y nadie podía librarse de su poder. Hacía lo que quería, y se engrandeció.

Vi al carnero dando cornadas al oeste, al norte y al sur, y ninguna bestia podía mantenerse en pie delante de él, y nadie podía librarse de su poder. Hacía lo que quería, y se engrandeció.

Vi que el carnero hería con los cuernos al poniente, al norte, y al sur, y que ninguna bestia podía mantenerse de pie delante de él, ni había quien librara de su mano; y hacía conforme a su voluntad, y se engrandecía.

Vi que el carnero hería con los cuernos al poniente, al norte, y al mediodía, y que ninguna bestia podía parar delante de él, ni había quien escapase de su mano: y hacía conforme á su voluntad, y engrandecíase.

Vi que el carnero hería con los cuernos al poniente, al norte, y al mediodía, y que ninguna bestia podía parar delante de él, ni había quien escapase de su mano; y hacía conforme a su voluntad, y se engrandecía.

Daniel 8:4
Fiquei observando o carneiro enquanto ele avançava para o Ocidente, a Oeste; depois para o Norte e para o Sul. Notei que nenhum outro animal conseguia resistir-lhe, e ninguém era capaz de se livrar do seu poder; ele, no entanto, podia fazer tudo o que desejava e a cada dia ficava maior e mais forte.

Vi que o carneiro dava marradas para o ocidente, e para o norte e para o sul; e nenhum dos animais lhe podia resistir, nem havia quem pudesse livrar-se do seu poder; ele, porém, fazia conforme a sua vontade, e se engrandecia.   

Daniel 8:4
Am văzut cum berbecele împungea cu coarnele spre apus, spre miazănoapte şi spre miazăzi; nici o fiară nu putea să -i stea împotrivă şi nimeni nu putea să scape pe cine -i cădea în mînă; ci el făcea ce voia, şi a ajuns puternic.

Даниил 8:4
Видел я, как этот овен бодал к западу и к северу и к югу, и никакойзверь не мог устоять против него, и никто не мог спасти от него; он делал, что хотел, и величался.

Видел я, как этот овен бодал к западу и к северу и к югу, и никакой зверь не мог устоять против него, и никто не мог спасти от него; он делал, что хотел, и величался.[]

Daniel 8:4
Jag såg väduren stöta med hornen västerut och norrut och söderut, och intet djur kunde stå honom emot, och ingen kunde rädda ur hans våld; han for fram såsom han ville och företog sig stora ting.

Daniel 8:4
Aking nakita ang lalaking tupa na nanunudlong sa dakong kalunuran, at sa dakong hilagaan, at sa dakong timugan; at walang hayop na makatayo sa harap niya, ni wala sinoman na makapagligtas mula sa kaniyang kamay; kundi kaniyang ginawa ang ayon sa kaniyang kalooban, at nagmalaking mainam.

ดาเนียล 8:4
ข้าพเจ้าเห็นแกะผู้นั้นขวิดไปทางตะวันตก และทางเหนือและทางใต้ ไม่มีสัตว์ตัวใดต้านทานมันได้ และไม่มีใครที่จะช่วยให้พ้นจากมือของมันได้ มันทำตามชอบใจของมันและก็พองตัวขึ้น

Daniel 8:4
Koçun batıya, kuzeye, güneye doğru boynuz attığını gördüm. Hiçbir hayvan ona karşı koyamıyor, kimse onun elinden kurtaramıyordu. Koç dilediği gibi davrandı ve gitgide güçlendi.[]

Ña-ni-eân 8:4
Bấy giờ ta thấy con chiên đực ấy húc sừng mình vào phía tây, phía bắc, và phía nam. Không có thú vật nào chống cự cùng nó được, và chẳng ai có thể cứu được khỏi tay nó. Nó muốn làm chi tùy ý, và nó càng lớn lên.

Daniel 8:3
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