Daniel 6:4
Daniel 6:4
At this, the administrators and the satraps tried to find grounds for charges against Daniel in his conduct of government affairs, but they were unable to do so. They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.

Then the other administrators and high officers began searching for some fault in the way Daniel was handling government affairs, but they couldn't find anything to criticize or condemn. He was faithful, always responsible, and completely trustworthy.

Then the high officials and the satraps sought to find a ground for complaint against Daniel with regard to the kingdom, but they could find no ground for complaint or any fault, because he was faithful, and no error or fault was found in him.

Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel in regard to government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, inasmuch as he was faithful, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him.

Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

The administrators and satraps, therefore, kept trying to find a charge against Daniel regarding the kingdom. But they could find no charge or corruption, for he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was found in him.

Because of this, the administrators and regional authorities tried to bring allegations of dereliction of duty in government affairs against Daniel, but they were unable to find any charges of corruption. Daniel was trustworthy, and no evidence of negligence or corruption could be found against him.

Consequently the supervisors and satraps were trying to find some pretext against Daniel in connection with administrative matters. But they were unable to find any such damaging evidence, because he was trustworthy and guilty of no negligence or corruption.

So the other officials and satraps tried to find something to accuse Daniel of in his duties for the kingdom. But they couldn't find anything wrong because he was trustworthy. No error or fault could be found.

Then the presidents and governors looked for occasions against Daniel on behalf of the kingdom, but they could find no occasion or fault because he was faithful, and no vice nor fault was found in him.

Then the presidents and satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; because he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; for as much as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault, forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

And the king thought to set him over all the kingdom: whereupon the princes, and the governors sought to find occasion against Daniel with regard to the king: and they could find no cause, nor suspicion, because he was faithful, and no fault, nor suspicion was found in him

Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find a pretext against Daniel with respect to the kingdom; but they could not find any pretext or fault; inasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find none occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and princes sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault; forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find occasion against Daniel as touching the kingdom; but they could find no occasion nor fault, because he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

Then the presidents and satraps have been seeking to find a cause of complaint against Daniel concerning the kingdom, and any cause of complaint and corruption they are not able to find, because that he is faithful, and any error and corruption have not been found in him.

Danieli 6:4
Atëherë prefektët dhe satrapët kërkuan të gjenin një pretekst kundër Danielit lidhur me administrimin e mbretërisë, por nuk mundën të gjejnë asnjë pretekst apo korruptim, sepse ai ishte besnik dhe nuk mundën të gjejnë tek ai asnjë gabim apo korruptim.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 6:4
ثم ان الوزراء والمرازبة كانوا يطلبون علّة يجدونها على دانيال من جهة المملكة فلم يقدروا ان يجدوا علّة ولا ذنبا لانه كان امينا ولم يوجد فيه خطأ ولا ذنب.

Dyr Däniheel 6:4
Daa gsuechend de öbrigstn Amptner und d Vögt um iewign ayn Pflichtverlötzung, däß s önn Däniheel drob zeihen künnend. Es gieng aber nix her, weil yr so maeß war. Nit de mindeste Schuld older Läss wär iem anhinzhöngen gwösn.

Данаил 6:4
Тогава князете и сатрапите се стараеха да намерят причина против Даниила относно [делата] на царството; но не можаха да намерят никаква причина или вина, защото той бе верен, и в него не се намери никаква погрешка или вина.

但 以 理 書 6:4
那 時 , 總 長 和 總 督 尋 找 但 以 理 誤 國 的 把 柄 , 為 要 參 他 ; 只 是 找 不 著 他 的 錯 誤 過 失 , 因 他 忠 心 辦 事 , 毫 無 錯 誤 過 失 。

那 时 , 总 长 和 总 督 寻 找 但 以 理 误 国 的 把 柄 , 为 要 参 他 ; 只 是 找 不 着 他 的 错 误 过 失 , 因 他 忠 心 办 事 , 毫 无 错 误 过 失 。



Daniel 6:4
Tada pročelnici i satrapi stadoše tražiti povod, štogod oko državne uprave, zbog čega bi mogli optužiti Daniela; ali ne mogoše na njemu naći ništa takvo, ništa zbog čega bi ga prekorili, jer bijaše vjeran, na njemu ni nemara ni ogrešenja.

Daniele 6:4
Tedy hejtmané a úředníci hledali příčiny proti Danielovi s strany království, a však žádné příčiny ani vady nemohli najíti; nebo věrný byl, aniž jaký omyl neb vada nalézala se při něm.

Daniel 6:4
søgte Rigsraaderne og Satraperne at finde en eller anden Brøde i hans Embedsførelse; men de kunde ikke finde nogen Brøde eller Brist, da han var tro og der ingen Efterladenhed eller Brist var at finde hos ham.

Daniël 6:4
Toen overtrof deze Daniel die vorsten en die stadhouders, daarom dat een voortreffelijke geest in hem was; en de koning dacht hem te stellen over het gehele koninkrijk.

דניאל 6:4
אֱדַ֨יִן סָֽרְכַיָּ֜א וַאֲחַשְׁדַּרְפְּנַיָּ֗א הֲוֹ֨ו בָעַ֧יִן עִלָּ֛ה לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֥ה לְדָנִיֵּ֖אל מִצַּ֣ד מַלְכוּתָ֑א וְכָל־עִלָּ֨ה וּשְׁחִיתָ֜ה לָא־יָכְלִ֣ין לְהַשְׁכָּחָ֗ה כָּל־קֳבֵל֙ דִּֽי־מְהֵימַ֣ן ה֔וּא וְכָל־שָׁלוּ֙ וּשְׁחִיתָ֔ה לָ֥א הִשְׁתְּכַ֖חַת עֲלֹֽוהִי׃

ה אדין סרכיא ואחשדרפניא הוו בעין עלה להשכחה לדניאל--מצד מלכותא וכל עלה ושחיתה לא יכלין להשכחה כל קבל די מהימן הוא וכל שלו ושחיתה לא השתכחת עלוהי

אדין סרכיא ואחשדרפניא הוו בעין עלה להשכחה לדניאל מצד מלכותא וכל־עלה ושחיתה לא־יכלין להשכחה כל־קבל די־מהימן הוא וכל־שלו ושחיתה לא השתכחת עלוהי׃

Dániel 6:4
Akkor az igazgatók és tiszttartók igyekvének okot találni Dániel ellen a birodalom dolgai miatt; de semmi okot vagy vétket nem találhatának; mert hûséges volt, és semmi fogyatkozás, sem vétek nem találtaték benne.

Daniel 6:4
Tiam la cxefaj estroj kaj la satrapoj komencis sercxi pretekston, por akuzi Danielon koncerne la aferojn de la regno. Sed ili povis trovi nenian pretekston nek kulpon; cxar li estis fidela, kaj nenia kulpo nek krimo estis trovebla en li.

Jonka tähden päämiehet ja maanvanhimmat etsivät syytä Danielia vastaan valtakunnan puolesta, vaan ei he taitaneet yhtään syytä eikä rikosta löytää, sillä hän oli uskollinen, ettei hänessä mitään vikaa eikä rikosta löytää taidettu.

Daniel 6:4
Alors les présidents et les satrapes cherchèrent à trouver dans l'administration du royaume quelque sujet d'accusation contre Daniel; et ils ne pouvaient trouver aucun sujet d'accusation ni aucune faute, parce qu'il était fidèle; et aucun manquement ni aucune faute ne se trouva en lui.

Alors les chefs et les satrapes cherchèrent une occasion d'accuser Daniel en ce qui concernait les affaires du royaume. Mais ils ne purent trouver aucune occasion, ni aucune chose à reprendre, parce qu'il était fidèle, et qu'on n'apercevait chez lui ni faute, ni rien de mauvais.

Alors les Gouverneurs et les Satrapes cherchaient à trouver quelque occasion d'accuser Daniel touchant les affaires du Royaume; mais ils ne pouvaient trouver en lui aucune occasion ni aucun vice, parce qu'il était fidèle, et qu'il ne se trouvait en lui ni faute, ni vice.

Daniel 6:4
Derhalben trachteten die Fürsten und Landvögte danach, wie sie eine Sache zu Daniel fänden, die wider das Königreich wäre; aber sie konnten keine Sache noch Übeltat finden, denn er war treu, daß man keine Schuld noch Übeltat an ihm finden mochte.

Derhalben trachteten die Fürsten und Landvögte darnach, wie sie eine Sache an Daniel fänden, die wider das Königreich wäre. Aber sie konnten keine Sache noch Übeltat finden; denn er war treu, daß man ihm keine Schuld noch Übeltat an ihm finden mochte.

Da bemühten sich die Oberbeamten und Satrapen, irgend einen Vorwand gegen Daniel von seiten der Regierungsgeschäfte ausfindig zu machen. Aber sie vermochten keinerlei Vorwand, noch irgend etwas Schlimmes zu entdecken, weil er eben treu war, und keinerlei Nachlässigkeit noch irgend etwas Schlimmes an ihm zu entdecken war.

Daniele 6:4
Allora i capi e i satrapi cercarono di trovare un’occasione d’accusar Daniele circa l’amministrazione del regno; ma non potevano trovare alcuna occasione, né alcun motivo di riprensione, perch’egli era fedele, e non c’era da trovare il lui alcunché di male o da riprendere.

Perciò, i presidenti, e i satrapi, cercavano il modo di trovar qualche cagione contro a Daniele, intorno agli affari del regno; ma non potevano trovare alcuna cagione, nè misfatto; perciocchè egli era fedele, e non si trovava in lui alcun fallo, nè misfatto.

Maka sebab itu dicahari-cahari segala menteri dan perdana menteri akan sebab, hendak menuduh Daniel dari hal kerajaan itu, tetapi tiada didapatinya akan barang sesuatu sebab atau salah, karena setiawanlah adanya dan barang sesuatu salah atau jahatpun tiada terdapat dalamnya.

다니엘 6:4
이에 총리들과 방백들이 국사에 대하여 다니엘을 고소할 틈을 얻고자 하였으나 능히 아무 틈, 아무 허물을 얻지 못하였으니 이는 그가 충성되어 아무 그릇함도 없고 아무 허물도 없음이었더라

Daniel 6:4
porro rex cogitabat constituere eum super omne regnum unde principes et satrapae quaerebant occasionem ut invenirent Daniheli ex latere regni nullamque causam et suspicionem repperire potuerunt eo quod fidelis esset et omnis culpa et suspicio non inveniretur in eo

Danieliaus knyga 6:4
Valdovai ir vietininkai ieškojo priežasties Danielių apkaltinti karalystės reikaluose, bet jie nerado jokios priežasties nė kaltės, nes jis buvo ištikimas. Jokio apsileidimo nė kaltės nebuvo surasta jame.

Daniel 6:4
Katahi nga rangatira nunui ratou ko nga ariki ka rapu take mo Raniera i roto i nga mea o te kingitanga; heoi kihai i kitea tetahi take, tetahi he; he mahi pono hoki tana, kahore ona kino, ona he.

Daniel 6:4
Da søkte riksrådene og satrapene å finne skyld hos Daniel vedkommende rikets styrelse, men de kunde ikke finne nogen skyld eller nogen urett, eftersom han var tro, og det ikke fantes nogen forseelse eller nogen urett hos ham.

Daniel 6:4
Entonces los funcionarios y sátrapas buscaron un motivo para acusar a Daniel con respecto a los asuntos del reino; pero no pudieron encontrar ningún motivo de acusación ni evidencia alguna de corrupción, por cuanto él era fiel, y ninguna negligencia ni corrupción podía hallarse en él.

Entonces los funcionarios y sátrapas buscaron un motivo para acusar a Daniel con respecto a los asuntos del reino. Pero no pudieron encontrar ningún motivo de acusación ni evidencia alguna de corrupción, por cuanto él era fiel, y ninguna negligencia ni corrupción podía hallarse en él.

Entonces los presidentes y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino; mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión o falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fue hallado en él.

Entonces los presidentes y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino; mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión ó falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fué en él hallado.

Entonces los presidentes y gobernadores buscaban ocasiones contra Daniel por parte del reino; mas no podían hallar alguna ocasión o falta, porque él era fiel, y ningún vicio ni falta fue en él hallado.

Daniel 6:4
Mas, assim que os seus colegas de liderança e todos os sátrapas tomaram conhecimento dessas intenções do rei, muitos passaram a procurar motivos para acusar Daniel em sua administração e governo, mas nada de mal conseguiam encontrar. Não puderam achar falta alguma em Daniel e em seu proceder, porquanto ele era leal; nele não havia qualquer desonestidade, desleixo ou erro algum.

Nisso os presidentes e os sátrapas procuravam achar ocasião contra Daniel a respeito do reino mas não podiam achar ocasião ou falta alguma; porque ele era fiel, e não se achava nele nenhum erro nem falta.   

Daniel 6:4
Atunci căpeteniile şi dregătorii au căutat să afle ceva asupra lui Daniel, ca să -l pîrască în ce privea treburile împărăţiei. Dar n'au putut să găsească nimic, niciun lucru vrednic de mustrare, pentrucă el era credincios, şi nu se găsea nici o greşală la el şi niciun lucru rău.

Даниил 6:4
Тогда князья и сатрапы начали искать предлога к обвинению Даниила по управлению царством; но никакого предлога и погрешностей не могли найти, потому что он был верен, и никакой погрешности или вины не оказывалось в нем.

Тогда князья и сатрапы начали искать предлога к обвинению Даниила по управлению царством; но никакого предлога и погрешностей не могли найти, потому что он был верен, и никакой погрешности или вины не оказывалось в нем.[]

Daniel 6:4
Då sökte de andra furstarna och satraperna att finna någon sak mot Daniel i det som angick riket. Men de kunde icke finna någon sådan sak eller något som var orätt, eftersom han var trogen i sin tjänst; ingen försummelse och intet orätt var att finna hos honom.

Daniel 6:4
Nang magkagayo'y ang mga pangulo at ang mga satrapa ay nagsihanap ng maisusumbong laban kay Daniel, tungkol sa kaharian; nguni't hindi sila nangakasumpong ng anomang kadahilanan, ni kakulangan man, palibhasa'y tapat siya, walang anomang kamalian ni kakulangan nasumpungan sa kaniya.

ดาเนียล 6:4
อภิรัฐมนตรีและอุปราชทั้งหลายจึงหามูลเหตุฟ้องดาเนียลในเรื่องเกี่ยวกับราชอาณาจักร แต่ก็หามูลเหตุหรือความผิดไม่ได้ เพราะท่านเป็นคนสัตย์ซื่อ จะหาความพลั้งพลาดหรือความผิดในท่านมิได้เลย

Daniel 6:4
Bunun üzerine öbür bakanlarla satraplar Danieli ülke yönetimi konusunda suçlamak için fırsat kollamaya başladılar. Ancak ne suçlanacak bir yanını, ne de bir yanlışını buldular. Çünkü Daniel güvenilir biriydi. Kendisinde hiçbir eksiklik ya da yanlışlık bulamadılar.[]

Ña-ni-eân 6:4
Các quan thượng thơ và trấn thủ bèn tìm cớ kiện Ða-ni-ên về việc nước; nhưng họ không thể tìm được một cớ nào, hay một sự xấu nào của người, bởi người là trung thành, trong người chẳng có điều lỗi và cũng chẳng có sự xấu.

Daniel 6:3
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