Daniel 6:16
Daniel 6:16
So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!"

So at last the king gave orders for Daniel to be arrested and thrown into the den of lions. The king said to him, "May your God, whom you serve so faithfully, rescue you."

Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!”

Then the king gave orders, and Daniel was brought in and cast into the lions' den. The king spoke and said to Daniel, "Your God whom you constantly serve will Himself deliver you."

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

So the king gave the order, and they brought Daniel and threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, "May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you!"

At this point, the king ordered Daniel brought in and thrown into the lions' pit. The king spoke to Daniel, "Your God, whom you serve constantly, will deliver you himself."

So the king gave the order, and Daniel was brought and thrown into a den of lions. The king consoled Daniel by saying, "Your God whom you continually serve will rescue you!"

So the king gave the order, and Daniel was brought to him and thrown into the lions' den. The king told Daniel, "May your God, whom you always worship, save you!"

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king, speaking unto Daniel, said, Thy God whom thou servest continually, may he deliver thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spoke and said unto Daniel, Your God whom you serve continually, he will deliver you.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spoke and said to Daniel, Your God whom you serve continually, he will deliver you.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of the lions. And the king said to Daniel: Thy God, whom thou always servest, he will deliver thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. The king spoke and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will save thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spake and said unto Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. Now the king spoke and said to Daniel, Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee.

Then the king commanded, and they brought Daniel, and cast him into the den of lions. [Now] the king spoke and said to Daniel, Your God whom you serve continually, he will deliver you.

Then the king hath said, and they have brought Daniel, and have cast him into a den of lions. The king hath answered and said to Daniel, 'Thy God, whom thou art serving continually, Himself doth deliver thee.'

Danieli 6:16
Atëherë mbreti dha urdhër dhe Danieli u çua tutje dhe u hodh në gropën e luanëve. Por mbreti i foli Danielit dhe i tha: "Perëndia jote, së cilës ti i shërben vazhdimisht, do të vijë vetë të të shpëtojë".

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 6:16
حينئذ امر الملك فاحضروا دانيال وطرحوه في جب الأسود. اجاب الملك وقال لدانيال ان الهك الذي تعبده دائما هو ينجيك.

Dyr Däniheel 6:16
Draufhin befalh dyr Künig halt doch, önn Däniheel z holn; und mir schmiß n gan de Leebn eyn de Gruebn einhin. Dyr Künig gwispert yn n Däniheel non zue: "I hoff fein schoon, däß di dein Got, yn dönn wasst ee yso dienst, aau ausherholt!"

Данаил 6:16
Тогава царят заповяда, та докараха Даниила и го хвърлиха в рова на лъвовете. А царят проговаряйки рече на Даниила: Твоят Бог, Комуто ти служиш непрестанно, Той ще те отърве.

但 以 理 書 6:16
王 下 令 , 人 就 把 但 以 理 帶 來 , 扔 在 獅 子 坑 中 。 王 對 但 以 理 說 : 你 所 常 事 奉 的 神 , 他 必 救 你 。

王 下 令 , 人 就 把 但 以 理 带 来 , 扔 在 狮 子 坑 中 。 王 对 但 以 理 说 : 你 所 常 事 奉 的 神 , 他 必 救 你 。



Daniel 6:16
Tada kralj naredi da dovedu Daniela i da ga bace u lavsku jamu. Kralj reče Danielu: Bog tvoj, kome tako postojano služiš, neka te izbavi.

Daniele 6:16
I řekl král, aby přivedli Daniele, a uvrhli jej do jámy lvové. Mluvil pak král a řekl Danielovi: Bůh tvůj, kterémuž sloužíš ustavičně, on vysvobodí tebe.

Daniel 6:16
Da blev Daniel paa Kongens Bud hentet og kastet i Løvekulen; men Kongen sagde til Daniel: »Din Gud, som du vedblivende dyrker, redde dig!«

Daniël 6:16
Toen kwamen die mannen met hopen tot den koning, en zij zeiden tot den koning: Weet, o koning! dat der Meden en der Perzen wet is, dat geen gebod noch ordonnantie, die de koning verordend heeft, mag veranderd worden.

דניאל 6:16
בֵּאדַ֜יִן מַלְכָּ֣א אֲמַ֗ר וְהַיְתִיו֙ לְדָ֣נִיֵּ֔אל וּרְמֹ֕ו לְגֻבָּ֖א דִּ֣י אַרְיָוָתָ֑א עָנֵ֤ה מַלְכָּא֙ וְאָמַ֣ר לְדָנִיֵּ֔אל אֱלָהָ֗ךְ דִּ֣י [אַנְתָּה כ] (אַ֤נְתְּ ק) פָּֽלַֽח־לֵהּ֙ בִּתְדִירָ֔א ה֖וּא יְשֵׁיזְבִנָּֽךְ׃

יז באדין מלכא אמר והיתיו לדניאל ורמו לגבא די אריותא ענה מלכא ואמר לדניאל אלהך די אנתה (אנת) פלח לה בתדירא הוא ישיזבנך

באדין מלכא אמר והיתיו לדניאל ורמו לגבא די אריותא ענה מלכא ואמר לדניאל אלהך די [אנתה כ] (אנת ק) פלח־לה בתדירא הוא ישיזבנך׃

Dániel 6:16
Erre szóla a király, és elõhozák Dánielt, és veték az oroszlánok vermébe. Szóla a király, és mondá Dánielnek: A te Istened, a kinek te szüntelen szolgálsz, õ szabadítson meg téged!

Daniel 6:16
Tiam la regxo ordonis, kaj oni alkondukis Danielon, kaj jxetis lin en kavon de leonoj. Sed la regxo diris al Daniel:Via Dio, al kiu vi sencxese servas, savu vin!

Silloin kuningas käski, ja he toivat Danielin edes ja heittivät hänet jalopeurain luolaan. Mutta kuningas puhui ja sanoi Danielille: Sinun Jumalas, jotas lakkaamata palvelet, auttakoon Sinua!

Daniel 6:16
Alors le roi donna des ordres, et on amena Daniel, et on le jeta dans la fosse aux lions. Le roi prit la parole et dit à Daniel: Ton Dieu que tu sers continuellement, lui, te sauvera.

Alors le roi donna l'ordre qu'on amenât Daniel, et qu'on le jetât dans la fosse aux lions. Le roi prit la parole et dit à Daniel: Puisse ton Dieu, que tu sers avec persévérance, te délivrer!

Alors le Roi commanda qu'on amenât Daniel, et qu'on le jetât dans la fosse des lions. Et le Roi prenant la parole dit à Daniel : Ton Dieu, lequel tu sers incessamment, sera celui qui te délivrera.

Daniel 6:16
Da befahl der König, daß man Daniel herbrächte; und warfen ihn zu den Löwen in den Graben. Der König aber sprach zu Daniel: Dein Gott, dem du ohne Unterlaß dienest, der helfe dir!

Da befahl der König, daß man Daniel herbrächte; und sie warfen ihn zu den Löwen in den Graben. Der König aber sprach zu Daniel: Dein Gott, dem du ohne Unterlaß dienst, der helfe dir!

Da gab der König Befehl, Daniel herbeizuholen und ihn in die Löwengrube zu werfen. Der König hob an, und sprach zu Daniel: Dein Gott, den du unablässig verehrst, der möge dich erretten!

Daniele 6:16
Allora il re diede l’ordine, e Daniele fu menato e gettato nella fossa de’ leoni. E il re parlò a Daniele, e gli disse: "L’Iddio tuo, che tu servi del continuo, sarà quegli che ti libererà".

Allora il re comandò che si menasse Daniele, e che si gettasse nella fossa de’ leoni. E il re fece motto a Daniele, e gli disse: L’Iddio tuo, al qual tu servi con perseveranza, sarà quello che ti libererà.

Maka bertitah baginda, lalu dibawa oranglah akan Daniel, dicampakkannya ke dalam keleburan singa sementera baginda bertitah kepada Daniel demikian: Bahwa Allahmu, yang engkau berbuat bakti kepadanya dengan segala tulus hatimu, Ia juga hendaklah kiranya meluputkan dikau!

다니엘 6:16
이에 왕이 명하매 다니엘을 끌어다가 사자굴에 던져 넣는지라 왕이 다니엘에게 일러 가로되 너의 항상 섬기는 네 하나님이 너를 구원하시리라 하니라

Daniel 6:16
tunc rex praecepit et adduxerunt Danihelem et miserunt eum in lacum leonum dixitque rex Daniheli Deus tuus quem colis semper ipse liberabit te

Danieliaus knyga 6:16
Tada karalius įsakė atvesti Danielių ir įmesti jį į liūtų duobę. Ir karalius tarė Danieliui: “Tavo Dievas, kuriam nepaliaudamas tarnauji, išgelbės tave!”

Daniel 6:16
Katahi te kingi ka whakahau, a kawea ana mai a Raniera, maka ana ki te ana raiona. I korero ano te kingi, i mea ki a Raniera, Ko tou Atua e mahi tonu na koe ki a ia, mana koe e whakaora.

Daniel 6:16
Så bød kongen at Daniel skulde hentes og kastes i løvehulen. Og kongen tok til orde og sa til Daniel: Din Gud, som du stadig dyrker, han frelse dig!

Daniel 6:16
El rey entonces dio órdenes que trajeran a Daniel y lo echaran en el foso de los leones. El rey habló a Daniel y le dijo: Tu Dios, a quien sirves con perseverancia, El te librará.

El rey entonces dio órdenes que trajeran a Daniel y lo echaran en el foso de los leones. El rey habló a Daniel y le dijo: "Tu Dios, a quien sirves con perseverancia, El te librará."

Entonces el rey mandó, y trajeron a Daniel, y le echaron en el foso de los leones. Y hablando el rey dijo a Daniel: El Dios tuyo, a quien tú continuamente sirves, Él te librará.

Entonces el rey mandó, y trajeron á Daniel, y echáronle en el foso de los leones. Y hablando el rey dijo á Daniel: El Dios tuyo, á quien tú continuamente sirves, él te libre.

Entonces el rey mandó, y trajeron a Daniel, y le echaron en el foso de los leones. Y hablando el rey dijo a Daniel: El Dios tuyo, a quien tú continuamente sirves, él te libre.

Daniel 6:16
Então o rei deu ordens, e eles prenderam Daniel e o jogaram na cova dos leões. O rei, contudo, encorajou a Daniel, dizendo: “Que Elah, o teu Deus, a quem serves todos os dias, haverá de te livrar!”

Então o rei deu ordem, e trouxeram Daniel, e o lançaram na cova dos leões. Ora, disse o rei a Daniel: O teu Deus, a quem tu continuamente serves, ele te livrará.   

Daniel 6:16
Atunci împăratul a poruncit să aducă pe Daniel, şi să -l arunce în groapa cu lei. Împăratul a luat cuvîntul şi a zis lui Daniel: ,,Dumnezeul tău, căruia necurmat Îi slujeşti, să te scape!``

Даниил 6:16
Тогда царь повелел, и привели Даниила, и бросилив ров львиный; при этом царь сказал Даниилу: Бог твой, Которому ты неизменно служишь, Он спасет тебя!

Тогда царь повелел, и привели Даниила, и бросили в ров львиный; при этом царь сказал Даниилу: Бог твой, Которому ты неизменно служишь, Он спасет тебя![]

Daniel 6:16
Då lät konungen hämta Daniel och kasta honom i lejongropen och konungen talade till Daniel och sade: »Din Gud, den som du så oavlåtligen dyrkar, han må rädda dig.»

Daniel 6:16
Nang magkagayo'y nagutos ang hari, at kanilang dinala si Daniel, at inihagis siya sa yungib ng mga leon. Ang hari nga ay nagsalita, at nagsabi kay Daniel, Ang iyong Dios na pinaglilingkuran mong palagi, ay siyang magliligtas sa iyo.

ดาเนียล 6:16
แล้วกษัตริย์จึงทรงบัญชา เขาก็นำดาเนียลมาทิ้งในถ้ำสิงโต กษัตริย์ตรัสแก่ดาเนียลว่า "พระเจ้าของท่าน ผู้ซึ่งท่านปรนนิบัติอยู่เนืองนิตย์นั้น พระองค์จะทรงช่วยท่านให้รอดพ้น"

Daniel 6:16
Bunun üzerine kral Danieli getirip aslan çukuruna atmalarını buyurdu. Daniele de, ‹‹Kendisine sürekli kulluk ettiğin Tanrın seni kurtarsın!›› dedi.[]

Ña-ni-eân 6:16
Bấy giờ vua truyền điệu Ða-ni-ên đến, và phải ném người vào hang sư tử. Vua cất tiếng nói cùng Ða-ni-ên rằng: Ðức Chúa Trời ngươi là Ðấng ngươi hằng hầu việc, sẽ giải cứu ngươi.

Daniel 6:15
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