Daniel 4:8
Daniel 4:8
Finally, Daniel came into my presence and I told him the dream. (He is called Belteshazzar, after the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.)

At last Daniel came in before me, and I told him the dream. (He was named Belteshazzar after my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is in him.)

At last Daniel came in before me—he who was named Belteshazzar after the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods—and I told him the dream, saying,

"But finally Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god, and in whom is a spirit of the holy gods; and I related the dream to him, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,

Finally Daniel, named Belteshazzar after the name of my god--and the spirit of the holy gods is in him--came before me. I told him the dream: "

Eventually, Daniel appeared before me. (He is called Belteshazzar, in accordance with the name of my god, and the spirit of the holy gods is within him.) I told him my dream:

Later Daniel entered (whose name is Belteshazzar after the name of my god, and in whom there is a spirit of the holy gods). I recounted the dream for him as well,

Finally, Daniel came to me. (He had been renamed Belteshazzar after my god [Bel].) The spirit of the holy gods is in him. I told him the dream:

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, who when I name him it seems to me that I name my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy God; and before him I told the dream, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my God, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and I told the dream before him,'saying ,

Till their colleague Daniel came in before me, whose name is Baltassar, according to the name of my god, who hath in him the spirit of the holy gods: and I told the dream before him.

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I told the dream:

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and I told the dream before him, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, according to the name of my God, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and before him I told the dream, saying,

But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name was Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods: and I told the dream before him, [saying],

And at last come up before me hath Daniel, whose name is Belteshazzar -- according to the name of my god -- and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods, and the dream before him I have told:

Danieli 4:8
Më në fund erdhi para meje Danieli, i quajtur Beltshatsar nga emri i perëndisë tim dhe tek i cili është fryma e perëndive të shenjta, dhe unë ia tregova ëndrrën:

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 4:8
اخيرا دخل قدامي دانيال الذي اسمه بلطشاصر كاسم الهي والذي فيه روح الآلهة القدوسين فقصصت الحلم قدامه

Dyr Däniheel 4:8
Auf d Lösst kaam aft dyr Däniheel, der was naach n Nam von meinn Got aau Waldhauser gnennt werd und önn Geist von de heilignen Götter haat. Iem gverzöl i önn Traaum und gsag iem:

Данаил 4:8
А най-после дойде пред мене Даниил, чието име бе Валтасасар, по името на моя Бог, и в когото е духът на светите богове; и аз разказах съня пред него, като рекох:

但 以 理 書 4:8
末 後 那 照 我 神 的 名 , 稱 為 伯 提 沙 撒 的 但 以 理 來 到 我 面 前 , 他 裡 頭 有 聖 神 的 靈 , 我 將 夢 告 訴 他 說 :

末 後 那 照 我 神 的 名 , 称 为 伯 提 沙 撒 的 但 以 理 来 到 我 面 前 , 他 里 头 有 圣 神 的 灵 , 我 将 梦 告 诉 他 说 :



Daniel 4:8
Tada dođe preda me Daniel, koji je nazvan Baltazar prema imenu moga boga, i u komu prebiva duh Boga Svetoga. Ja mu pripovjedih svoju sanju:

Daniele 4:8
Až naposledy předstoupil přede mne Daniel, jehož jméno Baltazar, podlé jména boha mého, a v němž jest duch bohů svatých. Jemuž jsem oznámil sen:

Daniel 4:8
Men til sidst traadte Daniel, som har faaet Navnet Beltsazzar efter min Guds Navn, og i hvem hellige Guders Aand er, frem for mig, og jeg sagde ham Drømmen:

Daniël 4:8
Totdat ten laatste Daniel voor mij inkwam, wiens naam Beltsazar is, naar den naam mijns gods, in wien ook de geest der heilige goden is; en ik vertelde den droom voor hem, zeggende:

דניאל 4:8
וְעַ֣ד אָחֳרֵ֡ין עַל֩ קָֽדָמַ֨י דָּנִיֵּ֜אל דִּֽי־שְׁמֵ֤הּ בֵּלְטְשַׁאצַּר֙ כְּשֻׁ֣ם אֱלָהִ֔י וְדִ֛י רֽוּחַ־אֱלָהִ֥ין קַדִּישִׁ֖ין בֵּ֑הּ וְחֶלְמָ֖א קָֽדָמֹ֥והִי אַמְרֵֽת׃

ה ועד אחרין על קדמי דניאל די שמה בלטשאצר כשם אלהי ודי רוח אלהין קדישין בה וחלמא קדמוהי אמרת

ועד אחרין על קדמי דניאל די־שמה בלטשאצר כשם אלהי ודי רוח־אלהין קדישין בה וחלמא קדמוהי אמרת׃

Dániel 4:8
Nagy volt a fa és erõs, és magassága az égig ért, és az egész föld széléig volt látható.

Daniel 4:8
Fine venis al mi Daniel, al kiu estis donita la nomo Beltsxacar, laux la nomo de mia dio, kaj kiu havas en si la spiriton de la sanktaj dioj; mi rakontis al li la songxon:

(H4:5) Siihenasti että viimein Daniel tuli minun eteeni, joka minun Jumalani nimen jälkeen Belsatsariksi kutsutaan, jolla on pyhäin jumalain henki; ja minä juttelin hänelle unen.

Daniel 4:8
mais, à la fin, entra devant moi Daniel, dont le nom est Belteshatsar, selon le nom de mon dieu, et en qui est l'esprit des dieux saints; et je dis le songe devant lui.

En dernier lieu, se présenta devant moi Daniel, nommé Beltschatsar d'après le nom de mon dieu, et qui a en lui l'esprit des dieux saints. Je lui dis le songe:

Mais à la fin Daniel, qui a nom Beltesatsar, selon le nom de mon Dieu, et auquel est l'Esprit des dieux saints, entra devant moi, et je récitai le songe devant lui, en [disant] :

Daniel 4:8
bis zuletzt Daniel vor mich kam, welcher Beltsazar heißt, nach dem Namen meines Gottes, der den Geist der heiligen Götter hat. Und ich erzählte vor ihm den Traum:

bis zuletzt Daniel vor mich kam, welcher Beltsazar heißt nach dem Namen meines Gottes, der den Geist der heiligen Götter hat. Und ich erzählte vor ihm meinen Traum:

Zuletzt aber erschien vor mir Daniel, der nach dem Namen meines Gottes den Namen Beltsazar trägt und von heiligem göttlichem Geist erfüllt ist, und ich trug ihm den Traum vor:

Daniele 4:8
Alla fine si presentò davanti a me Daniele, che si chiama Beltsatsar, dal nome del mio dio, e nel quale è lo spirito degli dèi santi; e io gli raccontai il sogno:

Ma all’ultimo venne in mia presenza Daniele, il cui nome è Beltsasar, secondo il nome del mio dio, e in cui è lo spirito degl’iddii santi; ed io raccontai il sogno davanti a lui, dicendo:

Maka kemudian datanglah Daniel menghadap aku; adapun namanya Beltsazar turut nama dewaku, dan dalamnya adalah roh dewata mulia raya, maka kuceriterakanlah mimpiku kepadanya.

다니엘 4:8
그 후에 다니엘이 내 앞에 들어왔으니 그는 내 신의 이름을 좇아 벨드사살이라 이름한 자요 그의 안에는 거룩한 신들의 영이 있는자라 내가 그에게 꿈을 고하여 가로되

Daniel 4:8
(4-5) donec collega ingressus est in conspectu meo Danihel cuius nomen Balthasar secundum nomen dei mei qui habet spiritum deorum sanctorum in semet ipso et somnium coram eo locutus sum

Danieliaus knyga 4:8
Pagaliau atėjo Danielius, kuris pagal mano dievo vardą vadinamas Beltšacaru, turįs šventųjų dievų dvasią. Aš pasakiau jam sapną:

Daniel 4:8
Nawai a kua tae mai ki toku aroaro a Raniera, ko tona ingoa nei ko Peretehatara, ko te ingoa o toku atua, he tangata kei a ia nei te wairua o nga atua tapu; a korerotia ana e ahau te moe ki tona aroaro; i mea ahau,

Daniel 4:8
Til sist kom også Daniel inn for mig, han som hadde fått navnet Beltsasar efter navnet på min gud, og i hvem de hellige guders ånd er, og jeg fortalte ham drømmen:

Daniel 4:8
Pero al fin vino ante mí Daniel, cuyo nombre es Beltsasar, como el nombre de mi dios, en quien está el espíritu de los dioses santos, y yo le conté el sueño, diciendo:

"Pero al fin vino ante mí Daniel, cuyo nombre es Beltsasar, como el nombre de mi dios, en quien está el espíritu de los dioses santos, y yo le conté mi sueño:

Hasta que entró delante de mí Daniel, cuyo nombre es Beltsasar, como el nombre de mi dios, y en el cual hay espíritu de los dioses santos, y dije el sueño delante de él, diciendo:

Hasta tanto que entró delante de mí Daniel, cuyo nombre es Beltsasar, como el nombre de mi dios, y en el cual hay espíritu de los dioses santos, y dije el sueño delante de él, diciendo:

hasta tanto que entró delante de mí Daniel, cuyo nombre es Beltasar, que cuando lo nombro me parece que nombro a mi dios, y en el cual hay espíritu de los ángeles santos de Dios , y dije el sueño delante de él, diciendo:

Daniel 4:8
Por fim veio Daniel à minha presença e eu narrei a ele o que havia visto. Ele é chamado Beltessazar, em homenagem ao nome do meu deus, Bel; e creio que o espírito dos santos deuses está nele.

Por fim entrou na minha presença Daniel, cujo nome é Beltessazar, segundo o nome do meu deus, e no qual há o espírito dos deuses santos; e eu lhe contei o sonho, dizendo:   

Daniel 4:8
La urmă de tot, s'a înfăţişat înaintea mea Daniel, numit Beltşaţar, după numele dumnezeului meu, şi care are în el duhul dumnezeilor celor sfinţi. I-am spus visul, şi am zis:

Даниил 4:8
(4:5) Наконец вошел ко мне Даниил, которому имя было Валтасар, по имени бога моего, и в котором дух святаго Бога; ему рассказал я сон.

(4-5) Наконец вошел ко мне Даниил, которому имя было Валтасар, по имени бога моего, и в котором дух святаго Бога; ему рассказал я сон.[]

Daniel 4:8
Slutligen kom ock Daniel inför mig, han som hade fått namnet Beltesassar efter min guds namn, och i vilken heliga gudars ande är; och jag förtäljde drömmen för honom sålunda:

Daniel 4:8
Nguni't sa kahulihuliha'y dumating sa harap ko si Daniel, na ang pangala'y Beltsasar, ayon sa pangalan ng aking dios, at siyang kinaroroonan ng espiritu ng mga banal na dios: at aking isinaysay ang panaginip sa harap niya, na aking sinasabi,

ดาเนียล 4:8
ในที่สุดดาเนียลก็เข้ามาเฝ้าเรา เขามีชื่อว่าเบลเทชัสซาร์ ตามนามพระของเรา เขามีวิญญาณของพระเจ้าผู้บริสุทธิ์ เราก็เล่าความฝันให้เขาฟังว่า

Daniel 4:8
Sonunda ilahımın adından gelen Belteşassar adıyla çağrılan ve kendisinde kutsal ilahların ruhu bulunan Daniel yanıma geldi. Gördüğüm düşü ona anlattım.[]

Ña-ni-eân 4:8
Sau hết, có Ða-ni-ên, gọi là Bên-tơ-xát-sa theo tên thần của ta, người được linh của các thần thánh cảm động, thì đến ra mắt ta. Ta kể chiêm bao ta cho người mà rằng:

Daniel 4:7
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