Daniel 3:4
Daniel 3:4
Then the herald loudly proclaimed, "Nations and peoples of every language, this is what you are commanded to do:

Then a herald shouted out, "People of all races and nations and languages, listen to the king's command!

And the herald proclaimed aloud, “You are commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages,

Then the herald loudly proclaimed: "To you the command is given, O peoples, nations and men of every language,

Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

A herald loudly proclaimed, "People of every nation and language, you are commanded:

Then a herald proclaimed aloud: "People of all nations, and languages are commanded:

Then the herald made a loud proclamation: "To you, O peoples, nations, and language groups, the following command is given:

The herald called out loudly, "People of every province, nation, and language!

Then a herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

Then a herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

Then the herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages,

Then a herald cried with a strong voice: To you it is commanded, O nations, tribes, and languages:

And the herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages,

Then the herald cried aloud, to you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, and languages,

Then a herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages,

Then the herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, peoples, nations, and languages,

And a crier is calling mightily: 'To you they are saying: O peoples, nations, and languages!

Danieli 3:4
Pastaj kasneci thirri me zë të lartë: "Juve, popuj, kombe dhe gjuhë, ju jepet urdhër që,

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 3:4
ونادى مناد بشدة قد أمرتم ايها الشعوب والامم والألسنة

Dyr Däniheel 3:4
Daa gverkünddt dyr Waibl so laut, däß s alle ghoernd: Ös Mänder aus alle Völker, Dietn und Gezünger, lostß auf dönn Befelh:

Данаил 3:4
Тогава глашатай викаше със силен глас: Вам се заповядва, племена, народи и езици,

但 以 理 書 3:4
那 時 傳 令 的 大 聲 呼 叫 說 : 各 方 、 各 國 、 各 族 ( 原 文 是 舌 : 下 同 ) 的 人 哪 , 有 令 傳 與 你 們 :

那 时 传 令 的 大 声 呼 叫 说 : 各 方 、 各 国 、 各 族 ( 原 文 是 舌 : 下 同 ) 的 人 哪 , 有 令 传 与 你 们 :



Daniel 3:4
Glasnik proglasi: O narodi, plemena i jezici, evo što vam se naređuje:

Daniele 3:4
Biřic pak volal ze vší síly: Vám se to praví lidem, národům a jazykům,

Daniel 3:4
Saa raabte en Herold med høj Røst: »Det tilkendegives eder, I Folk, Stammer og Tungemaal:

Daniël 3:4
En een heraut riep met kracht: Men zegt u aan, gij volken, gij natien, en tongen!

דניאל 3:4
וְכָרֹוזָ֖א קָרֵ֣א בְחָ֑יִל לְכֹ֤ון אָֽמְרִין֙ עַֽמְמַיָּ֔א אֻמַּיָּ֖א וְלִשָּׁנַיָּֽא׃

ד וכרוזא קרא בחיל  לכון אמרין עממיא אמיא ולשניא

וכרוזא קרא בחיל לכון אמרין עממיא אמיא ולשניא׃

Dániel 3:4
És a hírnök hangosan kiálta: Meghagyatik néktek, oh népek, nemzetek és nyelvek!

Daniel 3:4
Kaj heroldo lauxte proklamis:Estas sciigate al vi, ho popoloj, gentoj, kaj lingvoj:

Ja kuuluttaja huusi väkevästi: se olkoon teille sanottu, te kansat, sukukunnat ja kielet:

Daniel 3:4
Et un héraut cria avec force: Il vous est ordonné, peuples, peuplades, et langues:

Un héraut cria à haute voix: Voici ce qu'on vous ordonne, peuples, nations, hommes de toutes langues!

Alors un héraut cria à haute voix, [en disant]: On vous fait savoir, ô peuples, nations, et Langues!

Daniel 3:4
Und der Ehrenhold rief überlaut: Das laßt euch gesagt sein, ihr Völker, Leute und Zungen:

Und der Herold rief überlaut: Das laßt euch gesagt sein, ihr Völker, Leute und Zungen!

Sodann rief der Herold laut aus: Es wird euch befohlen, ihr Völker, Nationen und Zungen:

Daniele 3:4
E l’araldo gridò forte: "A voi, popoli, nazioni e lingue è imposto che,

E un banditore gridò di forza, dicendo: O popoli, nazioni, e lingue, a voi si dice,

Maka berserulah seorang bentara dengan kuat: Hai kamu segala bangsa dan kaum dan orang yang berbagai-bagai bahasa, ketahuilah olehmu:

다니엘 3:4
반포하는 자가 크게 외쳐 가로되 백성들과 나라들과 각 방언하는 자들아 왕이 너희 무리에게 명하시나니

Daniel 3:4
et praeco clamabat valenter vobis dicitur populis tribubus et linguis

Danieliaus knyga 3:4
ir šauklys garsiai skelbė: “Jums, visų kalbų tautoms ir giminėms, įsakoma:

Daniel 3:4
Katahi ka nui atu te karanga a te kaikaranga, He whakahau tenei ki a koutou, e nga tangata, e nga iwi, e nga reo:

Daniel 3:4
Og herolden ropte med høi røst: Det være eder sagt, I folk, ætter og tungemål:

Daniel 3:4
Y el heraldo proclamó con fuerza: Se os ordena a vosotros, pueblos, naciones y lenguas,

Entonces el heraldo proclamó con fuerza: "Se les ordena a ustedes, pueblos, naciones y lenguas,

Y el pregonero anunciaba en alta voz: Se ordena a vosotros, oh pueblos, naciones, y lenguas,

Y el pregonero pregonaba en alta voz: Mándase á vosotros, oh pueblos, naciones, y lenguas,

Y el pregonero pregonaba en alta voz: Mándase a vosotros, oh pueblos, naciones, y lenguas,

Daniel 3:4
Em seguida, o arauto do rei proclamou em alta voz: “Ordena-se, pois, a todos vós, ó povos, nações e gentes de todas as línguas:

E o pregoeiro clamou em alta voz: Ordena-se a vós, ó povos, nações e gentes de todas as línguas:   

Daniel 3:4
Iar un crainic a strigat cu glas tare: ,,Iată ce vi se porunceşte, popoare, neamuri, oameni de toate limbile!

Даниил 3:4
Тогда глашатай громко воскликнул: объявляется вам, народы, племенаи языки:

Тогда глашатай громко воскликнул: объявляется вам, народы, племена и языки:[]

Daniel 3:4
utropade en härold med hög röst: »Detta vare eder befallt, I folk och stammar och tungomål:

Daniel 3:4
Nang magkagayo'y ang tagapagtanyag ay sumigaw ng malakas, Sa inyo'y iniuutos, Oh mga bayan, mga bansa, at mga wika,

ดาเนียล 3:4
และโฆษกก็ประกาศเสียงดังว่า "ดูก่อน บรรดาชนชาติ ประชาชาติทั้งปวงและภาษาทั้งหลาย มีพระบัญชาแก่ท่านทั้งหลายว่า

Daniel 3:4
Sonra haberci yüksek sesle bağırdı: ‹‹Ey halklar, uluslar, her dilden insanlar, size şöyle yapmanız buyruluyor:[]

Ña-ni-eân 3:4
Bấy giờ sứ giả rao lớn tiếng lên rằng: Các dân, các nước, các thứ tiếng, đây nầy, lịnh truyền cho các ngươi.

Daniel 3:3
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