Daniel 3:21
Daniel 3:21
So these men, wearing their robes, trousers, turbans and other clothes, were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace.

So they tied them up and threw them into the furnace, fully dressed in their pants, turbans, robes, and other garments.

Then these men were bound in their cloaks, their tunics, their hats, and their other garments, and they were thrown into the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were tied up in their trousers, their coats, their caps and their other clothes, and were cast into the midst of the furnace of blazing fire.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

So these men, in their trousers, robes, head coverings, and other clothes, were tied up and thrown into the furnace of blazing fire.

So the elite guard tied them up fully clothed, still wearing their robes, tunics, and turbans, and threw them into the blazing fire furnace,

So those men were tied up while still wearing their cloaks, trousers, turbans, and other clothes, and were thrown into the furnace of blazing fire.

Then the three men were thrown into the blazing furnace. They were wearing their clothes, hats, and other clothing.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their undergarments, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers, and their turbans, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their hosen, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the middle of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their hosen, their tunics, and their mantles, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

And immediately these men were bound and were cast into the furnace of burning fire, with their coats, and their caps, and their shoes, and their garments.

Then these men were bound in their hosen, their tunics, and their cloaks, and their garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their hosen, their tunics, and their mantles, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their coats, their hose, and their hats, and their other garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men were bound in their pants, their tunics, and their mantles, and their [other] garments, and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Then these men have been bound in their coats, their tunics, and their turbans, and their clothing, and have been cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.

Danieli 3:21
Atëherë këta tre burra i lidhën dhe, me pantallonat e tyre, me tunikën e tyre dhe me gjitha mbulesën e tyre të kokës dhe i hodhën në mes të furrës me zjarr përvëlues.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 3:21
ثم أوثق هؤلاء الرجال في سراويلهم واقمصتهم وارديتهم ولباسهم وألقوا في وسط أتون النار المتقدة.

Dyr Däniheel 3:21
Daa wurdnd die Mannen zamt n Gwand, mit de Mäntl, Kuttnen und Tüecher, gfösslt und eyn n glüehetn Ofen einhingschmissn.

Данаил 3:21
Тогава тия мъже бидоха вързани с шалварите си, хитоните си, мантиите и [другите] си дрехи, и бяха хвърлени всред пламенната огнена пещ.

但 以 理 書 3:21
這 三 人 穿 著 褲 子 、 內 袍 、 外 衣 , 和 別 的 衣 服 , 被 捆 起 來 扔 在 烈 火 的 窯 中 。

这 三 人 穿 着 裤 子 、 内 袍 、 外 衣 , 和 别 的 衣 服 , 被 捆 起 来 扔 在 烈 火 的 窑 中 。



Daniel 3:21
Svezaše ih, dakle, i u plaštevima, obući i kapama baciše u zažarenu peć.

Daniele 3:21
Tedy svázali muže ty v pláštích jejich, v košilkách jejich, i v kloboucích jejich a v oděvu jejich, a uvrhli je do prostřed peci ohnivé rozpálené.

Daniel 3:21
Saa blev Mændene bundet i deres Kapper, Underklæder, Huer og andre Klædningsstykker og kastet i den gloende Ovn.

Daniël 3:21
Toen werden die mannen gebonden in hun mantels, hun broeken, en hun hoeden, en hun andere klederen, en zij wierpen hen in het midden van den oven des brandenden vuurs.

דניאל 3:21
בֵּאדַ֜יִן גֻּבְרַיָּ֣א אִלֵּ֗ךְ כְּפִ֙תוּ֙ בְּסַרְבָּלֵיהֹון֙ [פַּטִּישֵׁיהֹון כ] (פַּטְּשֵׁיהֹ֔ון ק) וְכַרְבְּלָתְהֹ֖ון וּלְבֻשֵׁיהֹ֑ון וּרְמִ֕יו לְגֹֽוא־אַתּ֥וּן נוּרָ֖א יָקִֽדְתָּֽא׃

כא באדין גבריא אלך כפתו בסרבליהון פטישיהון (פטשיהון) וכרבלתהון ולבשיהון ורמיו לגוא אתון נורא יקדתא

באדין גבריא אלך כפתו בסרבליהון [פטישיהון כ] (פטשיהון ק) וכרבלתהון ולבשיהון ורמיו לגוא־אתון נורא יקדתא׃

Dániel 3:21
Erre ezek a férfiak alsó ruhástul, köntösöstül, palástostul és [egyéb] öltönyöstül megkötöztettek, és az égõ, tüzes kemenczébe vettettek.

Daniel 3:21
Tiam oni ligis tiujn virojn en ilia suba kaj supra vesto, en iliaj kapkovroj kaj aliaj vestoj, kaj oni jxetis ilin en la ardantan fornon.

Niin sidottiin nämät miehet hameinensa, lakkinensa, kenkinensä ja muine vaatteinensa, ja heitettiin keskelle tulista pätsiä.

Daniel 3:21
Alors ces hommes furent liés dans leurs caleçons, leurs tuniques, et leurs manteaux et leurs vêtements, et jetés au milieu de la fournaise de feu ardent.

Ces hommes furent liés avec leurs caleçons, leurs tuniques, leurs manteaux et leurs autres vêtements, et jetés au milieu de la fournaise ardente.

Et en même temps ces personnages-là furent liés avec leurs caleçons, leurs chaussures, leurs tiares, et leurs vêtements, et furent jetés au milieu de la fournaise de feu ardent.

Daniel 3:21
Also wurden diese Männer in ihren Mänteln, Schuhen, Hüten und andern Kleidern gebunden und in den glühenden Ofen geworfen.

Also wurden diese Männer in ihren Mänteln, Schuhen, Hüten und andern Kleidern gebunden und in den glühenden Ofen geworfen;

Da wurden diese Männer in ihren Untergewändern, Röcken, Mänteln und sonstigen Kleidern gefesselt und in den glühenden Feuerofen geworfen.

Daniele 3:21
Allora questi tre uomini furono legati con le loro tuniche, le loro sopravvesti, i loro mantelli e tutti i loro vestiti, e furon gettati in mezzo alla fornace del fuoco ardente.

Allora furono legati quegli uomini, con le lor giubbe, le lor calze, le lor tiare, e tutti i lor vestimenti, e furono gettati nel mezzo della fornace del fuoco ardente.

Lalu ketiga orang itu diikat serta dengan jubahnya dan seluarnya dan destarnya dan segala pakainnya yang lain dan dicampak ke dalam dapur api yang bernyala-nyala.

다니엘 3:21
이 사람들을 고의와 속옷과 겉옷과 별다른 옷을 입은 채 결박하여 극렬히 타는 풀무 가운데 던질 때에

Daniel 3:21
et confestim viri illi vincti cum bracis suis et tiaris et calciamentis et vestibus missi sunt in medium fornacis ignis ardentis

Danieliaus knyga 3:21
Tuojau tie vyrai su visa apranga: su apsiaustais, kelnėmis, kepurėmis bei kitais drabužiais buvo surišti ir įmesti į liepsnojančią krosnį.

Daniel 3:21
Katahi ka herea nga tangata nei i roto tonu i o ratou tarau, i o ratou koti, i o ratou koroka me era atu o o ratou kakahu, a ka maka ki roto ki te oumu he mura rawa nei tona ngiha.

Daniel 3:21
Da blev disse menn med sine skjorter, kjortler og kapper og sine andre klær bundet og kastet i den brennende ildovn.

Daniel 3:21
Entonces estos hombres fueron atados y arrojados con sus mantos, sus túnicas, sus gorros y sus otras ropas en el horno de fuego ardiente.

Entonces estos hombres fueron atados y arrojados con sus mantos, sus túnicas, sus gorros y sus otras ropas en el horno de fuego ardiente.

Entonces estos varones fueron atados con sus mantos, y sus calzas, y sus mitras, y sus demás vestiduras, y fueron echados dentro del horno de fuego ardiendo.

Entonces estos varones fueron atados con sus mantos, y sus calzas, y sus turbantes, y sus vestidos, y fueron echados dentro del horno de fuego ardiendo.

Entonces estos varones fueron atados con sus mantos, y sus calzas, y sus turbantes, y sus vestidos, y fueron echados dentro del horno de fuego ardiendo.

Daniel 3:21
Em seguida os três homens, trajando seus mantos, calções, turbantes e outras roupas, foram amarrados e atirados na fornalha, agora, ainda mais ardente.

Então estes homens foram atados, vestidos de seus mantos, suas túnicas, seus turbantes e demais roupas, e foram lançados na fornalha de fogo ardente.   

Daniel 3:21
Oamenii aceştia au fost legaţi cu ismenele, cămăşile, mantalele şi celelalte haine ale lor, şi aruncaţi în mijlocul cuptorului aprins.

Даниил 3:21
Тогда мужи сии связаны были в исподнем и верхнем платье своем, в головных повязках и в прочих одеждах своих, и брошены в печь, раскаленную огнем.

Тогда мужи сии связаны были в исподнем и верхнем платье своем, в головных повязках и в прочих одеждах своих, и брошены в печь, раскаленную огнем.[]

Daniel 3:21
Så blevo dessa med sina underkläder, livrockar, mössor och andra kläder bundna och kastade i den brinnande ugnen.

Daniel 3:21
Nang magkagayo'y ang mga lalaking ito'y tinalian na may mga suot, may tunika, at may balabal, at may kanilang ibang mga kasuutan, at sila'y inihagis sa gitna ng mabangis na hurnong nagniningas.

ดาเนียล 3:21
แล้วคนเหล่านี้ก็ถูกมัดไว้ทั้งเสื้อ กางเกง หมวก และเครื่องแต่งกายอื่นๆ และเขาก็ถูกโยนเข้าไปในเตาที่ไฟลุกอยู่

Daniel 3:21
Böylece bu kişiler, şalvarları, kaftanları, sarıkları ve öbür giysileriyle birlikte bağlanıp kızgın fırına atıldılar.[]

Ña-ni-eân 3:21
Tức thì các người ấy bị trói luôn với quần trong, áo dài, áo ngắn và các áo xống khác, rồi người ta quăng họ vào giữa lò lửa hực.

Daniel 3:20
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