Daniel 2:5
Daniel 2:5
The king replied to the astrologers, "This is what I have firmly decided: If you do not tell me what my dream was and interpret it, I will have you cut into pieces and your houses turned into piles of rubble.

But the king said to the astrologers, "I am serious about this. If you don't tell me what my dream was and what it means, you will be torn limb from limb, and your houses will be turned into heaps of rubble!

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, “The word from me is firm: if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you shall be torn limb from limb, and your houses shall be laid in ruins.

The king replied to the Chaldeans, "The command from me is firm: if you do not make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you will be torn limb from limb and your houses will be made a rubbish heap.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye will not make known unto me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king replied to the Chaldeans, "My word is final: If you don't tell me the dream and its interpretation, you will be torn limb from limb, and your houses will be made a garbage dump.

In reply the king told the Chaldeans, "Here is what I have commanded: If you don't tell me both the dream and its meaning, you'll be destroyed and your houses will be reduced to rubble.

The king replied to the wise men, "My decision is firm. If you do not inform me of both the dream and its interpretation, you will be dismembered and your homes reduced to rubble!

The king answered the astrologers, "I meant what I said! If you don't tell me the dream and its meaning, you will be torn limb from limb, and your houses will be turned into piles of rubble.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from my memory; if ye will not make known unto me the dream with its interpretation, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if you will not make known unto me the dream, with its interpretation, you shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made an ash heap.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if you will not make known to me the dream, with the interpretation thereof, you shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye make not known unto me the dream and the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

And the king answering said to the Chaldeans: The thing is gone out of my mind: unless you tell me the dream, and the meaning thereof, you shall be put to death, and your houses shall be confiscated.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The command is gone forth from me: If ye do not make known unto me the dream, and its interpretation, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye make not known unto me the dream and the interpretation thereof, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king answered and said to the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if ye will not make known to me the dream, with the interpretation of it, ye shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king answered the Chaldeans, The thing is gone from me: if you don't make known to me the dream and its interpretation, you shall be cut in pieces, and your houses shall be made a dunghill.

The king hath answered and said to the Chaldeans, 'The thing from me is gone; if ye do not cause me to know the dream and its interpretation, pieces ye are made, and your houses are made dunghills;

Danieli 2:5
Mbreti u përgjigj dhe u tha Kaldeasve: "Vendimin tim e kam marrë: po të mos ma bëni të njohur përmbajtjen e ëndrrës sime dhe interpretimin e saj, do të priteni copa-copa dhe shtëpitë tuaja do të katandisen në plehërishte.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 2:5
فاجاب الملك وقال للكلدانيين قد خرج مني القول ان لم تنبئوني بالحلم وبتعبيره تصيرون إربا إربا وتجعل بيوتكم مزبلة.

Dyr Däniheel 2:5
Dyr Künig gantwortt yn de Sterngutzer: "Nän, Bürschleynn, yso habn myr +nit gwött! Wenntß ös nit aynmaal dönn Traaum wisstß und mir dönn nit bschainen künntß, naacherd laaß i enk zo Hackfleish haun und enkerne Häuser in Trümmer lögn.

Данаил 2:5
В отговор царят рече на халдейците: Указът излезе от мене; ако не ми явите съня и значението му, ще бъдете разсечени, и къщите ви ще се обърнат на бунища;

但 以 理 書 2:5
王 回 答 迦 勒 底 人 說 : 夢 我 已 經 忘 了 ( 或 譯 : 我 已 定 命 ; 八 節 同 ) , 你 們 若 不 將 夢 和 夢 的 講 解 告 訴 我 , 就 必 被 凌 遲 , 你 們 的 房 屋 必 成 為 糞 堆 ;

王 回 答 迦 勒 底 人 说 : 梦 我 已 经 忘 了 ( 或 译 : 我 已 定 命 ; 八 节 同 ) , 你 们 若 不 将 梦 和 梦 的 讲 解 告 诉 我 , 就 必 被 凌 迟 , 你 们 的 房 屋 必 成 为 粪 堆 ;



Daniel 2:5
Kralj odgovori i reče zvjezdarima: Moja je odluka neopoziva: ako mi ne kažete što sam snio i što san znači, bit ćete rastrgani u komade, a vaše će kuće postati smetišta.

Daniele 2:5
Odpověděl král a řekl Kaldejským: Ten sen mi již z paměti vyšel. Neoznámíte-li mi snu i výkladu jeho, na kusy rozsekáni budete, a domové vaši v záchody obráceni budou.

Daniel 2:5
Men Kongen svarede Kaldæerne: »Mit Ord staar fast! Hvis I ikke baade kundgør mig Drømmen og tyder den, skal I hugges sønder og sammen og eders Huse gøres til Skarndynger;

Daniël 2:5
De koning antwoordde en zeide tot de Chaldeen: De zaak is mij ontgaan; indien gij mij den droom en zijn uitlegging niet bekend maakt, gij zult in stukken gehouwen worden, en uw huizen zullen tot een drekhoop gemaakt worden.

דניאל 2:5
עָנֵ֤ה מַלְכָּא֙ וְאָמַ֣ר [לְכַשְׂדָּיֵא כ] (לְכַשְׂדָּאֵ֔י ק) מִלְּתָ֖א מִנִּ֣י אַזְדָּ֑א הֵ֣ן לָ֤א תְהֹֽודְעוּנַּ֙נִי֙ חֶלְמָ֣א וּפִשְׁרֵ֔הּ הַדָּמִין֙ תִּתְעַבְד֔וּן וּבָתֵּיכֹ֖ון נְוָלִ֥י יִתְּשָׂמֽוּן׃

ה ענה מלכא ואמר לכשדיא (לכשדאי) מלתה מני אזדא  הן לא תהודעונני חלמא ופשרה הדמין תתעבדון ובתיכון נולי יתשמון

ענה מלכא ואמר [לכשדיא כ] (לכשדאי ק) מלתא מני אזדא הן לא תהודעונני חלמא ופשרה הדמין תתעבדון ובתיכון נולי יתשמון׃

Dániel 2:5
Felele a király, és monda a Káldeusoknak: Az én szavam áll! Ha tehát meg nem mondjátok nékem az álmot és annak értelmét, darabokra tépettek, és a ti házaitok szemétdombokká tétetnek.

Daniel 2:5
Sed la regxo respondis kaj diris al la HXaldeoj:La enhavon mi forgesis. Tamen, se vi ne diros al mi la songxon kaj gxian signifon, vi estos dishakitaj en pecojn kaj viaj domoj estos ruinigitaj.

Kuningas vastasi ja sanoi Kaldealaisille: minä olen unhottanut; jollette minulle ilmoita unta ja selitä sitä, niin te pitää kappaleiksi hakattaman, ja teidän huoneenne lokaläjäksi kukistettaman.

Daniel 2:5
Le roi répondit et dit aux Chaldéens: La chose est par moi prononcée: si vous ne me faites pas connaître le songe et son interprétation, vous serez mis en pièces, et vos maisons seront réduites en tas d'immondices;

Le roi reprit la parole et dit aux Chaldéens: La chose m'a échappé; si vous ne me faites connaître le songe et son explication, vous serez mis en pièces, et vos maisons seront réduites en un tas d'immondices.

[Mais] le Roi répondit, et dit aux Caldéens : La chose m'est échappée; si vous ne me faites connaître le songe et son interprétation, vous serez mis en pièces, et vos maisons seront réduites en voirie.

Daniel 2:5
Der König antwortete und sprach zu den Chaldäern: Es ist mir entfallen. Werdet ihr mir den Traum nicht anzeigen und ihn deuten, so werdet ihr gar umkommen und eure Häuser schändlich verstöret werden.

Der König antwortete und sprach zu den Chaldäern: Es ist mir entfallen. Werdet ihr mir den Traum nicht anzeigen und ihn deuten, so sollt ihr in Stücke zerhauen und eure Häuser schändlich zerstört werden.

Der König antwortete und sprach zu den Chaldäern: Mein Entschluß sei euch hiermit kund: Wenn ihr mir nicht den Traum und seine Deutung zu sagen wißt, werdet ihr in Stücke zerhauen, und werden eure Häuser in Misthaufen verwandelt.

Daniele 2:5
Il re replicò, e disse ai Caldei: "La mia decisione è presa: se voi non mi fate conoscere il sogno e la sua interpretazione, sarete fatti a pezzi; e le vostre case saran ridotte in tanti immondezzai;

Il re rispose, e disse a’ Caldei: La cosa mi è fuggita di mente; se voi non mi fate assapere il sogno, e la sua interpretazione, sarete squartati, e le vostre case saranno ridotte in latrine.

Maka sahut baginda, titahnya kepada orang Kasdim itu: Kisahnya sudah lesap dari padaku; jikalau kamu tiada dapat memberitahu aku mimpi itu serta dengan tabirnya sekali, niscaya kamu akan ditetak berpenggal-penggal dan rumah-rumahmupun akan dijadikan suatu kerobohan batu!

다니엘 2:5
왕이 갈대아 술사에게 대답하여 가로되 내가 명령을 내렸나니 너희가 만일 꿈과 그 해석을 나로 알게 하지 아니하면 너희 몸을 쪼갤 것이며 너희 집으로 거름터를 삼을 것이요

Daniel 2:5
et respondens rex ait Chaldeis sermo recessit a me nisi indicaveritis mihi somnium et coniecturam eius peribitis vos et domus vestrae publicabuntur

Danieliaus knyga 2:5
Karalius kalbėjo chaldėjams: “Aš jau nusprendžiau: jei nepasakysite mano sapno ir jo neišaiškinsite, liepsiu sukapoti jus į gabalus ir paversti griuvėsiais jūsų namus.

Daniel 2:5
Ka whakahoki te kingi, ka mea ki nga Karari, Kua ngaro taua mea i ahau: ki te kore e whakakitea mai e koutou ki ahau te moe me tona tikanga hoki, ka haehaea koutou, a ka meinga o koutou whare hei puranga paru.

Daniel 2:5
Kongen svarte kaldeerne: Dette mitt ord står fast: Hvis I ikke kunngjør mig drømmen og dens uttydning, så skal I bli hugget i stykker, og eders huser gjort til en møkkdynge.

Daniel 2:5
El rey respondió y dijo a los caldeos: Mis órdenes son firmes: si no me dais a conocer el sueño y su interpretación, seréis descuartizados y vuestras casas serán reducidas a escombros.

El rey respondió a los Caldeos: "Mis órdenes son firmes: si no me dan a conocer el sueño y su interpretación, serán descuartizados y sus casas serán reducidas a escombros.

Respondió el rey y dijo a los caldeos: El asunto se me fue; si no me mostráis el sueño y su interpretación, seréis descuartizados, y vuestras casas serán puestas por muladares.

Respondió el rey y dijo á los Caldeos: El negocio se me fué: si no me mostráis el sueño y su declaración, seréis hechos cuartos, y vuestras casas serán puestas por muladares.

El rey respondió y dijo a los caldeos: El negocio se me fue de la memoria ; si no me mostráis el sueño y su declaración, seréis hechos pedazos, y vuestras casas serán puestas por muladares.

Daniel 2:5
Então o rei afirmou aos seus conselheiros e astrólogos: “Esta é minha decisão: se não me contardes o sonho que tive e sua correta interpretação, mandarei que sejais partidos em pedaços, e as vossas casas se tornarão um monte de entulho queimado!

Respondeu o rei, e disse aos caldeus: Esta minha palavra é irrevogável se não me fizerdes saber o sonho e a sua interpretação, sereis despedaçados, e as vossas casas serão feitas um monturo;   

Daniel 2:5
Împăratul a luat iarăş cuvîntul şi a zis Haldeilor: ,,Mi -a scăpat din minte lucrul acela: dacă nu-mi veţi veţi face cunoscut visul şi tîlcuirea lui, veţi fi făcuţi bucăţi, şi casele voastre vor fi prefăcute într'un morman de murdării.

Даниил 2:5
Отвечал царь и сказал Халдеям: слово отступило от меня; если вы не скажете мне сновидения и значения его, то в куски будете изрублены, и домы ваши обратятся в развалины.

Отвечал царь и сказал Халдеям: слово отступило от меня; если вы не скажете мне сновидения и значения его, то в куски будете изрублены, и домы ваши обратятся в развалины.[]

Daniel 2:5
Konungen svarade och sade till kaldéerna: »Nej, mitt oryggliga beslut är, att om I icke sägen mig drömmen och dess uttydning, skolen I huggas i stycken, och edra hus skola göras till platser för orenlighet.

Daniel 2:5
Ang hari ay sumagot, at nagsabi sa mga Caldeo, Ang bagay ay nawala sa akin: kung di ninyo ipaliliwanag sa akin ang panaginip at ang kahulugan niyaon, kayo'y pagpuputolputulin, at ang inyong mga bahay ay gagawing dumihan.

ดาเนียล 2:5
กษัตริย์ทรงตอบคนเคลเดียว่า "เราจำความฝันนั้นไม่ได้แล้ว ถ้าเจ้าไม่ให้เรารู้ความฝันพร้อมทั้งคำแก้ฝัน เจ้าจะถูกหั่นเป็นชิ้นๆ และบ้านเรือนของเจ้าจะต้องเป็นกองขยะ

Daniel 2:5
Kral, ‹‹Gördüğüm düşü ve ne anlama geldiğini bana açıklamazsanız, kararım kesin, paramparça edileceksiniz›› diye karşılık verdi, ‹‹Evleriniz de çöplüğe çevrilecek.[]

Ña-ni-eân 2:5
Vua trả lời cho những người Canh-đê rằng: Sự ấy đã ra khỏi ta. Nếu các ngươi không nói cho ta biết chiêm bao đó thể nào và lời giải nó làm sao, thì các ngươi sẽ bị phân thây, nhà các ngươi sẽ trở nên đống phân.

Daniel 2:4
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