Daniel 2:39
Daniel 2:39
"After you, another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth.

"But after your kingdom comes to an end, another kingdom, inferior to yours, will rise to take your place. After that kingdom has fallen, yet a third kingdom, represented by bronze, will rise to rule the world.

Another kingdom inferior to you shall arise after you, and yet a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth.

"After you there will arise another kingdom inferior to you, then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over all the earth.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

After you, there will arise another kingdom, inferior to yours, and then another, a third kingdom, of bronze, which will rule the whole earth.

"After you, another kingdom will arise that is inferior to yours, and then a third kingdom of bronze will arise to rule all the earth.

Now after you another kingdom will arise, one inferior to yours. Then a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule in all the earth.

Another kingdom, inferior to yours, will rise to power after you. Then there will be a third kingdom, a kingdom of bronze, that will rule the whole world.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the land.

And after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you, and another third kingdom of bronze, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee; and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after thee shall rise up another kingdom, inferior to thee, of silver: and another third kingdom of brass, which shall rule over all the world.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee; then another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee; and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after thee shall arise another kingdom inferior to thee, and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

After you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you; and another third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth.

And after thee doth rise up another kingdom lower than those, and another third kingdom of brass, that doth rule overall the earth.

Danieli 2:39
Mbas teje do të dalë një mbretëri tjetër, më e vogël, më e ulët nga jotja; pastaj një mbretëri tjetër prej bronzi, që do të sundojë mbi gjithë dheun.

ﺩﺍﻧﻴﺎﻝ 2:39
وبعدك تقوم مملكة اخرى اصغر منك ومملكة ثالثة اخرى من نحاس فتتسلط على كل الارض.

Dyr Däniheel 2:39
Naach dir folgt ayn anders Reich, was yn dönn deinn nit hinkimmt, und dann widerum ains aus Brontz, dös was de gantze Erdn beherrschn gaat.

Данаил 2:39
И подир тебе ще се издигне друго царство по-долно от твоето, и друго трето царство от мед, което ще обладае целия свят.

但 以 理 書 2:39
在 你 以 後 必 另 興 一 國 , 不 及 於 你 ; 又 有 第 三 國 , 就 是 銅 的 , 必 掌 管 天 下 。

在 你 以 後 必 另 兴 一 国 , 不 及 於 你 ; 又 有 第 三 国 , 就 是 铜 的 , 必 掌 管 天 下 。



Daniel 2:39
Poslije tebe ustat će drugo kraljevstvo, slabije od tvoga, pa treće, od mjedi, koje će gospodariti svom zemljom.

Daniele 2:39
Ale po tobě povstane království jiné, nižší než tvé, a jiné království třetí měděné, kteréž panovati bude po vší zemi.

Daniel 2:39
Men efter dig skal der komme et andet Rige, ringere end dit, og derpaa atter et tredje Rige, som er af Kobber, og hvis Herredømme skal strække sig over hele Jorden.

Daniël 2:39
En na u zal een ander koninkrijk opstaan, lager dan het uwe; daarna een ander, het derde koninkrijk van koper, hetwelk heersen zal over de gehele aarde.

דניאל 2:39
וּבָתְרָ֗ךְ תְּק֛וּם מַלְכ֥וּ אָחֳרִ֖י אֲרַ֣עא מִנָּ֑ךְ וּמַלְכ֨וּ [תְלִיתָיָא כ] (תְלִיתָאָ֤ה ק) אָחֳרִי֙ דִּ֣י נְחָשָׁ֔א דִּ֥י תִשְׁלַ֖ט בְּכָל־אַרְעָֽא׃

לט ובתרך תקום מלכו אחרי--ארעא (ארע) מנך ומלכו תליתיא (תליתאה) אחרי די נחשא די תשלט בכל ארעא

ובתרך תקום מלכו אחרי ארעא מנך ומלכו [תליתיא כ] (תליתאה ק) אחרי די נחשא די תשלט בכל־ארעא׃

Dániel 2:39
És utánad más birodalom támad, alábbvaló mint te; és egy másik, egy harmadik birodalom, rézbõl való, a mely az egész földön uralkodik.

Daniel 2:39
Post vi aperos nova regno, malpli alta ol via, kaj ankoraux tria regno, kupra, kiu regos super la tuta tero.

Sinun jälkees pitää toisen valtakunnan tuleman, halvemman kuin sinä; sitte se kolmas valtakunta, joka vaskinen on, jonka pitää kaikki maakunnat hallitseman.

Daniel 2:39
Et après toi s'élèvera un autre royaume, inférieur à toi; puis un troisième et autre royaume, d'airain, qui dominera sur toute la terre.

Après toi, il s'élèvera un autre royaume, moindre que le tien; puis un troisième royaume, qui sera d'airain, et qui dominera sur toute la terre.

Mais après toi il s'élèvera un autre Royaume, moindre que le tien, et ensuite un autre troisième Royaume qui sera d'airain, lequel dominera sur toute la terre.

Daniel 2:39
Nach dir wird ein ander Königreich aufkommen, geringer denn deines. Danach das dritte Königreich, das ehern ist, welches wird über alle Lande herrschen.

Nach dir wird ein anderes Königreich aufkommen, geringer denn deins. Darnach das dritte Königreich, das ehern ist, welches wird über alle Lande herrschen.

Nach dir aber wird ein anderes Reich, das geringer ist als das deinige, entstehen, und nach ihm ein anderes drittes Reich, das ehern ist und dessen Herrschaft sich über die ganze Erde erstrecken wird.

Daniele 2:39
e dopo di te sorgerà un altro regno, inferiore al tuo; poi un terzo regno, di rame, che dominerà sulla terra;

E dopo te sorgerà un altro regno, più basso del tuo; e poi anche un terzo regno, ch’è quel del rame, il quale signoreggerà sopra tutta la terra.

Maka kemudian dari pada tuanku akan terbit sebuah kerajaan yang lain, yang kurang mulia dari pada kerajaan tuanku, lalu sebuah kerajaan pula, yaitu yang ketiga, yang dari pada tembaga, dan yang akan memerintahkan seluruh bumi.

다니엘 2:39
왕의 후에 왕만 못한 다른 나라가 일어날 것이요 세째로 또 놋 같은 나라가 일어나서 온 세계를 다스릴 것이며

Daniel 2:39
et post te consurget regnum aliud minus te et regnum tertium aliud aereum quod imperabit universae terrae

Danieliaus knyga 2:39
Po tavęs iškils kita karalystė, silpnesnė už tavo; trečioji karalystė, varinė, viešpataus visai žemei.

Daniel 2:39
Na ka puta ake tetahi atu kingitanga i muri i a koe; iti iho i a koe, me tetahi atu, ara te tuatoru o nga kingitanga, he parahi, a ka kawana tera i te whenua katoa.

Daniel 2:39
Men efter dig skal det opkomme et annet rike, ringere enn ditt, og så ennu et tredje rike, som er av kobber, og som skal herske over all jorden,

Daniel 2:39
Después de ti se levantará otro reino, inferior a ti, y luego un tercer reino, de bronce, que gobernará sobre toda la tierra.

"Después de usted se levantará otro reino, inferior a usted, y luego un tercer reino, de bronce, que gobernará sobre toda la tierra.

Y después de ti se levantará otro reino menor que tú; y otro tercer reino de bronce, el cual dominará sobre toda la tierra.

Y después de ti se levantará otro reino menor que tú; y otro tercer reino de metal, el cual se enseñoreará de toda la tierra.

Y después de ti se levantará otro reino menor que tú; y otro tercer reino de bronce, el cual se enseñoreará de toda la tierra.

Daniel 2:39
Mas, depois de ti, se levantará outro reino, inferior ao teu; e um terceiro reino, feito de bronze, o qual terá domínio sobre toda a terra.

Depois de ti se levantará outro reino, inferior ao teu; e um terceiro reino, de bronze, o qual terá domínio sobre toda a terra.   

Daniel 2:39
După tine, se va ridica o altă împărăţie, mai neînsemnată decît a ta; apoi o a treia împărăţie, care va fi de aramă, şi care va stăpîni peste tot pămîntul.

Даниил 2:39
После тебя восстанет другое царство, ниже твоего, и еще третье царство, медное, которое будет владычествовать над всею землею.

После тебя восстанет другое царство, ниже твоего, и еще третье царство, медное, которое будет владычествовать над всею землею.[]

Daniel 2:39
Men efter dig skall uppstå ett annat rike, ringare än ditt, och därefter ännu ett tredje rike, ett som är av koppar, och det skall råda över hela jorden.

Daniel 2:39
At pagkatapos mo ay babangon ang ibang kaharian na mababa sa iyo; at ang ibang ikatlong kaharian na tanso na magpupuno sa buong lupa.

ดาเนียล 2:39
ต่อจากพระองค์ไปจะมีราชอาณาจัดรด้อยกว่าพระองค์ และยังมีราชอาณาจักรที่สาม เป็นทองสัมฤทธิ์ ซึ่งจะปกครองอยู่ทั่วพิภพ

Daniel 2:39
Senden sonra senden daha aşağı durumda başka bir krallık çıkacak. Sonra bütün dünyada egemenlik sürecek tunçtan üçüncü bir krallık çıkacak.[]

Ña-ni-eân 2:39
Nhưng sau vua, sẽ dấy lên một nước khác, kém nước của vua; rồi một nước thứ ba, tức là đồng, sẽ cai quản khắp đất.

Daniel 2:38
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