2 Samuel 7:11
2 Samuel 7:11
and have done ever since the time I appointed leaders over my people Israel. I will also give you rest from all your enemies. "'The LORD declares to you that the LORD himself will establish a house for you:

starting from the time I appointed judges to rule my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. "'Furthermore, the LORD declares that he will make a house for you--a dynasty of kings!

from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel. And I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover, the LORD declares to you that the LORD will make you a house.

even from the day that I commanded judges to be over My people Israel; and I will give you rest from all your enemies. The LORD also declares to you that the LORD will make a house for you.

And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused thee to rest from all thine enemies. Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee an house.

ever since the day I ordered judges to be over My people Israel. I will give you rest from all your enemies." The LORD declares to you: The LORD Himself will make a house for you.

when I had commanded judges to administer my people Israel. I'll also grant you relief from all your enemies."' "'The LORD also announces to you: "The LORD will himself build a house for you.

and during the time when I appointed judges to lead my people Israel. Instead, I will give you relief from all your enemies. The LORD declares to you that he himself will build a dynastic house for you.

ever since I appointed judges to rule my people Israel. So I will give you peace with all your enemies. I, the LORD, tell you that I will make a house for you.

since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. And I will cause thee to rest from all thy enemies. Likewise, the LORD makes thee to know that he will make thee a house.

Since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused you to rest from all your enemies. Also the LORD tells you that he will make you a house.

And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused you to rest from all your enemies. Also the LORD tells you that he will make you an house.

and as from the day that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel; and I will cause thee to rest from all thine enemies. Moreover Jehovah telleth thee that Jehovah will make thee a house.

From the day that I appointed judges over my people Israel: and I will give thee rest from all thy enemies. And the Lord foretelleth to thee, that the Lord will make thee a house.

and since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. And I have given thee rest from all thine enemies; and Jehovah telleth thee that Jehovah will make thee a house.

and as from the day that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel; and I will cause thee to rest from all thine enemies. Moreover the LORD telleth thee that the LORD will make thee an house.

And as since the time that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel, and have caused thee to rest from all thy enemies. Also the LORD telleth thee that he will make thee a house.

and as from the day that I commanded judges to be over my people Israel. I will cause you to rest from all your enemies. Moreover Yahweh tells you that Yahweh will make you a house.

even from the day that I appointed judges over My people Israel; and I have given rest to thee from all thine enemies, and Jehovah hath declared to thee that Jehovah doth make for thee a house.

2 i Samuelit 7:11
nga dita që kam vendosur gjyqtarë mbi popullin tim të Izraelit. Do të të siguroj paqe nga tërë armiqtë e tu. Përveç kësaj Zoti të shpall se ka për të të ndërtuar një shtëpi.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 7:11
ومنذ يوم اقمت فيه قضاة على شعبي اسرائيل. وقد ارحتك من جميع اعدائك. والرب يخبرك ان الرب يصنع لك بيتا.

Dyr Sämyheel B 7:11
und aau daa non, wo i Richter über mein Volk Isryheel eingsötz. I verschaf dyr ayn Rue vor all deine Feindd. I laaß dyr wissn, däß i dyr ayn bständigs Künigshaus errichtn gaa.

2 Царе 7:11
и както от деня, когато поставих съдии над людете Си Израиля; и ще те успокоя от всичките ти неприятели. При това, Господ ти явява, че Господ ще ти съгради дом.

撒 母 耳 記 下 7:11
並 不 像 我 命 士 師 治 理 我 民 以 色 列 的 時 候 一 樣 。 我 必 使 你 安 靖 , 不 被 一 切 仇 敵 擾 亂 , 並 且 我 ─ 耶 和 華 應 許 你 , 必 為 你 建 立 家 室 。

并 不 像 我 命 士 师 治 理 我 民 以 色 列 的 时 候 一 样 。 我 必 使 你 安 靖 , 不 被 一 切 仇 敌 扰 乱 , 并 且 我 ─ 耶 和 华 应 许 你 , 必 为 你 建 立 家 室 。



2 Samuel 7:11
onda kad sam odredio suce nad svojim izraelskim narodom. Ja ću mu pribaviti mir od svih njegovih neprijatelja. Jahve će te učiniti velikim. Jahve će ti podići dom.

Druhá Samuelova 7:11
Hned od toho dne, jakž jsem ustanovil soudce nad lidem svým Izraelským, až jsem teď dal odpočinutí tobě přede všemi nepřátely tvými. Přesto oznamujeť Hospodin, že on sám tobě dům vzdělá.

2 Samuel 7:11
dengang jeg satte Dommere over mit Folk Israel; og jeg vil give det Ro for alle dets Fjender. Saa kundgør HERREN dig nu: Et Hus vil HERREN bygge dig!

2 Samuël 7:11
En van dien dag af, dat Ik geboden heb richters te wezen over Mijn volk Israel. Doch u heb Ik rust gegeven van al uw vijanden. Ook geeft u de HEERE te kennen, dat de HEERE u een huis maken zal.

שמואל ב 7:11
וּלְמִן־הַיֹּ֗ום אֲשֶׁ֨ר צִוִּ֤יתִי שֹֽׁפְטִים֙ עַל־עַמִּ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל וַהֲנִיחֹ֥תִי לְךָ֖ מִכָּל־אֹיְבֶ֑יךָ וְהִגִּ֤יד לְךָ֙ יְהוָ֔ה כִּי־בַ֖יִת יַעֲשֶׂה־לְּךָ֥ יְהוָֽה׃

יא ולמן היום אשר צויתי שפטים על עמי ישראל והניחתי לך מכל איביך והגיד לך יהוה כי בית יעשה לך יהוה

ולמן־היום אשר צויתי שפטים על־עמי ישראל והניחתי לך מכל־איביך והגיד לך יהוה כי־בית יעשה־לך יהוה׃

2 Sámuel 7:11
Attól a naptól fogva, hogy bírákat rendeltem az én népem az Izráel felett. Békességet szereztem tehát néked minden ellenségeidtõl. És megmondotta néked az Úr, hogy házat csinál néked az Úr.

Samuel 2 7:11
kaj de post tiu tempo, kiam Mi starigis jugxistojn super Mia popolo Izrael kaj donis al vi trankvilecon rilate cxiujn viajn malamikojn, la Eternulo sciigis al vi, ke domon konstruos al vi la Eternulo.

Ja siitä päivästä, jona minä asetin tuomarit Israelille minun kansalleni, annoin minä sinulle levon kaikilta vihamiehiltäs; ja Herra ilmoittaa sinulle, että Herra sinulle huoneen tehdä tahtoo.

2 Samuel 7:11
et depuis le jour où j'ai établi des juges sur mon peuple Israël. Et je t'ai donné du repos de tous tes ennemis; et l'Éternel t'annonce que l'Éternel te fera une maison.

et comme à l'époque où j'avais établi des juges sur mon peuple d'Israël. Je t'ai accordé du repos en te délivrant de tous tes ennemis. Et l'Eternel t'annonce qu'il te créera une maison.

Savoir, depuis le jour que j'ai ordonné des juges sur mon peuple d'Israël, et que je t'ai donné du repos de tous tes ennemis, et que l'Eternel t'a fait entendre qu'il te bâtirait une maison.

2 Samuel 7:11
und seit der Zeit ich Richter über mein Volk Israel verordnet habe; und will dir Ruhe geben von allen deinen Feinden. Und der HERR verkündiget dir, daß der HERR dir ein Haus machen will.

und will Ruhe geben von allen deinen Feinden. Und der HERR verkündigt dir, daß der HERR dir ein Haus machen will.

seit der Zeit, da ich Richter über mein Volk Israel bestellte, und will ihm Ruhe verschaffen vor allen seinen Feinden: so kündigt dir denn Jahwe an, daß Jahwe dir ein Haus bauen wird.

2 Samuele 7:11
e fin dal tempo in cui avevo stabilito dei giudici sul mio popolo d’Israele; e t’ho dato riposo liberandoti da tutti i tuoi nemici. Di più, l’Eterno t’annunzia che ti fonderà una casa.

eziandio dal dì che io ordinai de’ Giudici sopra il mio popolo Israele; ed io ti darò riposo da tutti i tuoi nemici. Il Signore ti dichiara ancora ch’egli ti farà una casa.

2 SAMUEL 7:11
dan lagi dari pada hari Aku menyuruh hakim-hakim memerintahkan umat-Ku Israel, melainkan akan dikau juga Aku memberi kesenangan dari pada segala musuhmu. Dan lagi Tuhanpun memberitahu akan dikau, bahwa Tuhan juga akan mengekalkan rumahmu kelak.

사무엘하 7:11
전에 내가 사사를 명하여 내 백성 이스라엘을 다스리던 때와 같지 않게 하고 너를 모든 대적에게서 벗어나 평안케 하리라 여호와가 또 네게 이르노니 여호와가 너를 위하여 집을 이루고

II Samuelis 7:11
ex die qua constitui iudices super populum meum Israhel et requiem dabo tibi ab omnibus inimicis tuis praedicitque tibi Dominus quod domum faciat tibi Dominus

Antroji Samuelio knyga 7:11
nuo to laiko, kai įsakiau teisėjams valdyti mano tautą Izraelį; Aš suteiksiu tau ramybę nuo visų tavo priešų. Be to, Viešpats sako tau, kad Jis įkurs tau namus.

2 Samuel 7:11
Me to te wa i whakaritea ai e ahau he kaiwhakarite mo taku iwi, mo Iharaira, i meinga ai hoki koe kia okioki i ou hoariri katoa. Na ko ta Ihowa kupu tenei ki a koe, Ma Ihowa e hanga he whare mou.

2 Samuel 7:11
like fra den dag jeg satte dommere over mitt folk Israel, og jeg har latt dig få ro for alle dine fiender. Og nu forkynner Herren dig at Herren vil bygge dig et hus.

2 Samuel 7:11
y como desde el día en que ordené que hubiera jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel; te daré reposo de todos tus enemigos, y el SEÑOR también te hace saber que el SEÑOR te edificará una casa.

desde el día en que ordené que hubiera jueces sobre Mi pueblo Israel. A ti te daré reposo de todos tus enemigos. El SEÑOR también te hace saber que el SEÑOR te edificará una casa.

desde el día en que puse jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel. Y a ti te he dado descanso de todos tus enemigos. Asimismo Jehová te hace saber, que Él te hará casa.

Desde el día que puse jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel; y yo te daré descanso de todos tus enemigos. Asimimso Jehová te hace saber, que él te quiere hacer casa.

desde el día que puse jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel. Y yo te daré descanso de todos tus enemigos. Asimismo el SEÑOR te hace saber, que él te quiere hacer casa a ti.

2 Samuel 7:11
vem ocorrendo desde o tempo em que instituí juízes sobre o meu povo Israel. Também subjugarei todos seus adversários. Saiba, pois, também que Eu, Yahweh, lhe estabelecerei uma dinastia.

e como desde o dia em que ordenei que houvesse juízes sobre o meu povo Israel. A ti, porém, darei descanso de todos os teus inimigos. Também o Senhor te declara que ele te fará casa.   

2 Samuel 7:11
şi ca pe vremea cînd pusesem judecători peste poporul Meu Israel. Ţi-am dat odihnă izbăvindu-te de toţi vrăjmaşii tăi. Şi Domnul îţi vesteşte că-ţi... va zidi o casă.

2-я Царств 7:11
с того времени, как Я поставил судей над народом Моим, Израилем; и Я успокою тебя от всех врагов твоих. И Господь возвещает тебе, что Он устроит тебе дом.

с того времени, как Я поставил судей над народом Моим, Израилем; и Я успокою тебя от всех врагов твоих. И Господь возвещает тебе, что Он устроит тебе дом.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 7:11
och såsom det har varit allt ifrån den tid då jag förordnade domare över mitt folk Israel; och jag skall låta dig få ro för alla dina fiender. Så förkunnar nu HERREN för dig att HERREN skall uppbygga ett hus åt dig.

2 Samuel 7:11
At gaya mula sa araw na aking halalan ng mga hukom ang aking bayang Israel; at aking papagpapahingahin ka sa lahat ng iyong mga kaaway. Bukod sa rito ay isinaysay ng Panginoon na igagawa ka ng Panginoon ng isang bahay.

2 ซามูเอล 7:11
ตั้งแต่สมัยเมื่อเราตั้งผู้วินิจฉัยเหนืออิสราเอลประชาชนของเรา และเราให้เจ้าพ้นจากการรบศึกรอบด้าน ยิ่งกว่านั้นอีกพระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสแก่เจ้าว่าพระเยโฮวาห์จะทรงให้เจ้ามีราชวงศ์

2 Samuel 7:11

2 Sa-mu-eân 7:11
tức là như lúc lúc ta lập quan xét trị dân Y-sơ-ra-ên ta. Ta đã giải cứu ngươi khỏi các thù nghịch ngươi mà ban bình an cho ngươi. Rốt lại, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán hứa rằng Ngài sẽ dựng cho ngươi một cái nhà.

2 Samuel 7:10
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