2 Samuel 4:7
2 Samuel 4:7
They had gone into the house while he was lying on the bed in his bedroom. After they stabbed and killed him, they cut off his head. Taking it with them, they traveled all night by way of the Arabah.

They went into the house and found Ishbosheth sleeping on his bed. They struck and killed him and cut off his head. Then, taking his head with them, they fled across the Jordan Valley through the night.

When they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, they struck him and put him to death and beheaded him. They took his head and went by the way of the Arabah all night,

Now when they came into the house, as he was lying on his bed in his bedroom, they struck him and killed him and beheaded him. And they took his head and traveled by way of the Arabah all night.

For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and gat them away through the plain all night.

They had entered the house while Ish-bosheth was lying on his bed in his bedroom and stabbed and killed him. Then they beheaded him, took his head, and traveled by way of the Arabah all night.

While they were in the house, they struck him, killed him, and cut off his head while he was lying on his bed in his bedroom. They took his head, and traveled all night along the Arabah road.

They had entered the house while Ish-bosheth was resting on his bed in his bedroom. They mortally wounded him and then cut off his head. Taking his head, they traveled on the way of the Arabah all that night.

(They had come into the house while Ishbosheth was sleeping on his bed in his bedroom. They stabbed him, killed him, and cut off his head.) They took his head and traveled all night along the road to the plains.

For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him and beheaded him and took his head and walked all night through the plain.

For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they struck him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and got themselves away through the plain all night.

For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and got them away through the plain all night.

Now when they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and went by the way of the Arabah all night.

For when they came into the house, be was sleeping upon his bed in a parlour, and they struck him and killed him: and taking away his head they went off by the way of the wilderness, walking all night.

They came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him; and they took his head, and went by the way of the plain all night.

Now when they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedchamber, they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and went by the way of the Arabah all night.

For when they came into the house, he lay on his bed in his bed-chamber, and they smote him, and slew him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and went away through the plain all night.

Now when they came into the house, as he lay on his bed in his bedroom, they struck him, and killed him, and beheaded him, and took his head, and went by the way of the Arabah all night.

yea, they come in to the house, and he is lying on his bed, in the inner part of his bed-chamber, and they smite him, and put him to death, and turn aside his head, and they take his head, and go the way of the plain all the night,

2 i Samuelit 4:7
Kur hynë në shtëpi, Ish-Boshethi rrinte shtrirë në shtrat në dhomën e tij; e goditën, e vranë dhe i prenë kokën; pastaj pasi e morën kokën, ecën tërë natën duke ndjekur rrugën në drejtim të Arabahut.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 4:7
فعند دخولهما البيت كان هو مضطجعا على سريره في مخدع نومه فضرباه وقتلاه وقطعا راسه واخذا راسه وسارا في طريق العربة الليل كله.

Dyr Sämyheel B 4:7
und drum kunntnd dyr Rechäb und Bänen eyn s Haus einhin, aane däß s öbber gspannt haet. Dyr Ischbägl laag in dyr Kammer auf n Bött. Sö schluegnd n toot und ghaund iem önn Kopf ab, dönn was s mitnaamend. De gantze Nacht warnd s durch n Blachfeld unterwögs

2 Царе 4:7
Защото, когато влязоха в къщата, и той лежеше на легло в спалнята си, удариха го, убиха го и му отсякоха главата. И като взеха главата му, вървяха през полето цялата нощ,

撒 母 耳 記 下 4:7
他 們 進 房 子 的 時 候 , 伊 施 波 設 正 在 臥 房 裡 躺 在 床 上 , 他 們 將 他 殺 死 , 割 了 他 的 首 級 , 拿 著 首 級 在 亞 拉 巴 走 了 一 夜 ,

他 们 进 房 子 的 时 候 , 伊 施 波 设 正 在 卧 房 里 躺 在 床 上 , 他 们 将 他 杀 死 , 割 了 他 的 首 级 , 拿 着 首 级 在 亚 拉 巴 走 了 一 夜 ,



2 Samuel 4:7
Kad su ušli u kuću, on je ležao na postelji u svojoj spavaonici. Oni ga ubiše, odsjekoše mu glavu i uzeše je i cijelu su onu noć išli putem kroz Arabu.

Druhá Samuelova 4:7
Nebo když byli vešli do domu, a on spal na lůžku svém v pokojíku svém, kdež léhal, probodli jej a zabili, a sťavše hlavu jeho, vzali ji, a šli cestou po pustinách celou tu noc.

2 Samuel 4:7
og trængte ind i Huset, hvor Isjbosjet laa paa sit Leje i Soveværelset; og de slog ham ihjel og huggede Hovedet af ham; derpaa tog de Hovedet og vandrede i Løbet at Natten gennem Arabalavningen

2 Samuël 4:7
Want zij kwamen in huis, als hij op zijn bed lag, in zijn slaapkamer, en sloegen hem, en doodden hem, en hieuwen zijn hoofd af; en zij namen zijn hoofd, en gingen henen, den weg op het vlakke veld, den gansen nacht.

שמואל ב 4:7
וַיָּבֹ֣אוּ הַבַּ֗יִת וְהֽוּא־שֹׁכֵ֤ב עַל־מִטָּתֹו֙ בַּחֲדַ֣ר מִשְׁכָּבֹ֔ו וַיַּכֻּ֙הוּ֙ וַיְמִתֻ֔הוּ וַיָּסִ֖ירוּ אֶת־רֹאשֹׁ֑ו וַיִּקְחוּ֙ אֶת־רֹאשֹׁ֔ו וַיֵּֽלְכ֛וּ דֶּ֥רֶךְ הָעֲרָבָ֖ה כָּל־הַלָּֽיְלָה׃

ז ויבאו הבית והוא שכב על מטתו בחדר משכבו ויכהו וימתהו ויסירו את ראשו ויקחו את ראשו וילכו דרך הערבה כל הלילה

ויבאו הבית והוא־שכב על־מטתו בחדר משכבו ויכהו וימתהו ויסירו את־ראשו ויקחו את־ראשו וילכו דרך הערבה כל־הלילה׃

2 Sámuel 4:7
Mikor azért ezek a házba bementek, és õ hálószobájában az ágyán feküvék, megsebesítvén megölték õt, s fejét levágva, felvették az õ fejét, és egész éjjel mennek vala a sík mezõn.

Samuel 2 4:7
Kiam ili eniris en la domon, li kusxis sur sia lito en sia dormocxambro; tial ili frapis lin kaj mortigis lin, kaj dehakis lian kapon, kaj prenis lian kapon, kaj iris laux la vojo al la ebenajxo dum la tuta nokto.

Sillä koska he huoneesen tulivat, lepäsi hän vuoteessansa, makaushuoneessansa. Ja he pistivät hänen kuoliaaksi, ja hakkasivat hänen päänsä pois, ja ottivat hänen päänsä ja menivät pois lakian kedon tien kautta koko sen yön,

2 Samuel 4:7
Ils entrèrent dans la maison pendant qu'il était couché sur son lit dans sa chambre à coucher, et ils le frappèrent et le tuèrent; et ils lui ôtèrent la tête; et ils prirent sa tête, et s'en allèrent toute la nuit par le chemin de la plaine.

Ils entrèrent donc dans la maison pendant qu'il reposait sur son lit dans sa chambre à coucher, ils le frappèrent et le firent mourir, et ils lui coupèrent la tête. Ils prirent sa tête, et ils marchèrent toute la nuit au travers de la plaine.

Ils entrèrent donc dans la maison, lorsque Is-boseth était couché sur son lit, dans la chambre où il dormait, et ils le frappèrent, et le tuèrent ; puis ils lui ôtèrent la tête, et la prirent, et ils marchèrent par le chemin de la campagne toute cette nuit-là.

2 Samuel 4:7
Denn da sie ins Haus kamen, lag er auf seinem Bette in seiner Schlafkammer; und stachen ihn tot und hieben ihm den Kopf ab; und nahmen seinen Kopf und gingen hin des Weges auf dem Blachfelde die ganze Nacht.

Denn da sie ins Haus kamen, lag er auf seinem Bette in seiner Schlafkammer; und sie stachen ihn tot und hieben ihm den Kopf ab und nahmen seinen Kopf und gingen hin des Weges auf dem Blachfelde die ganze Nacht

und drangen in das Haus ein, und während jener in seinem Schlafzimmer auf dem Bette schlief, ermordeten sie ihn und hieben ihm den Kopf ab. Dann nahmen sie seinen Kopf und gingen die ganze Nacht hindurch die Araba entlang

2 Samuele 4:7
Entrarono, dico, in casa, mentre Jsh-Bosheth giaceva sul letto nella sua camera, lo colpirono, l’uccisero, lo decapitarono; e, presane la testa, camminarono tutta la notte attraverso la pianura.

Essendo adunque entrati in casa d’Isboset, mentre egli giaceva in sul suo letto, nella camera dove egli soleva giacere, lo percossero, e l’uccisero, e gli spiccarono la testa; e la presero, e camminarono per la via della campagna tutta quella notte.

2 SAMUEL 4:7
Adapun keduanya masuk ke dalam istana itu, yaitu langsung ke tempat baginda berbaring di atas peraduannya, ke dalam bilik peraduannya, ditikamnya baginda, dibunuhnya akan dia dan dikeratnya akan kepalanya, lalu berjalan menurut jalan ke padang semalam-malaman itu.

사무엘하 4:7
저희가 집에 들어가니 이스보셋이 침실에서 상 위에 누웠는지라 저를 쳐 죽이고 목을 베어 그 머리를 가지고 밤새도록 아라바 길로 행하여

II Samuelis 4:7
cum autem ingressi fuissent domum ille dormiebat super lectulum suum in conclavi et percutientes interfecerunt eum sublatoque capite eius abierunt per viam deserti tota nocte

Antroji Samuelio knyga 4:7
Kai jie įėjo į namus, Išbošetas miegojo ant lovos savo miegamajame. Jie užmušė jį, nukirto galvą ir, ja nešini, ėjo visą naktį per dykumą.

2 Samuel 4:7
I to raua haerenga hoki ki te whare, i te takoto tera i tona whare moenga; na patua ana ia e raua, whakamatea iho, na tangohia ana tona upoko, a mauria ana tona upoko. Na pau katoa taua po i a raua e haere ana na te ara o te mania.

2 Samuel 4:7
De kom inn i huset mens han lå på sin seng i sitt sovekammer, og stakk ham ihjel og hugg hodet av ham; så tok de hans hode og gikk hele natten gjennem ødemarken.

2 Samuel 4:7
Habían entrado en la casa mientras Is-boset estaba acostado en su lecho, en su alcoba; lo hirieron y lo mataron, y le cortaron la cabeza. Y tomando su cabeza, anduvieron toda la noche camino del Arabá.

Habían entrado en la casa mientras Isboset estaba acostado en su lecho, en su alcoba; lo hirieron y lo mataron, y le cortaron la cabeza. Y tomando su cabeza, anduvieron toda la noche camino del Arabá,

Porque cuando entraron en la casa, él estaba en su cama en su cámara de dormir, y lo hirieron y mataron, y le cortaron la cabeza, y habiéndola tomado, caminaron toda la noche por el camino del Arabá.

Pues como entraron en la casa, estando él en su cama en su cámara de dormir, lo hirieron y mataron, y cortáronle la cabeza, y habiéndola tomado, caminaron toda la noche por el camino de la campiña.

Los cuales como entraron en la casa, estando él en su cama en su cámara de dormir, lo hirieron y mataron, y le cortaron la cabeza. Y tomando la cabeza caminaron toda la noche por el camino de la campiña.

2 Samuel 4:7
Eles haviam entrado na casa quando Is-Bosete estava deitado na cama, no seu quarto de dormir. Depois de o transpassarem e o matarem, deceparam-lhe a cabeça. E, levando-a, viajaram durante toda a noite pelo vale do rio Jordão, a rota de Arabá.

Porque entraram na sua casa, estando ele deitado na cama, no seu quarto de dormir, e o feriram e mataram, e cortando-lhe a cabeça, tomaram-na e andaram a noite toda pelo caminho da Arabá.   

2 Samuel 4:7
Au intrat în casă, pe cînd el era culcat pe pat în odaia lui de dormit, l-au lovit, l-au omorît, şi i-au tăiat capul. I-au luat capul, şi au mers toată noaptea prin cîmpie.

2-я Царств 4:7
Когда они вошли в дом, Иевосфей лежал на постели своей, в спальной комнате своей; и они поразили его, и умертвили его, и отрубили голову его, и взялиголову его с собою, и шли пустынною дорогою всю ночь;

Когда они вошли в дом, [Иевосфей] лежал на постели своей, в спальной комнате своей; и они поразили его, и умертвили его, и отрубили голову его, и взяли голову его с собою, и шли пустынною дорогою всю ночь;[]

2 Samuelsbokem 4:7
De kommo alltså in i huset, när han låg på sin vilobädd i sovkammaren, och sårade honom till döds och höggo huvudet av honom; därpå togo de hans huvud och färdades genom Hedmarken hela natten.

2 Samuel 4:7
Sapagka't nang sila nga'y magsipasok sa bahay habang siya'y nahihiga sa kaniyang higaan sa kaniyang silid, kanilang sinaktan siya, at pinatay siya, at pinugutan siya ng ulo, at dinala ang kaniyang ulo at nagpatuloy ng lakad sa Araba buong gabi.

2 ซามูเอล 4:7
และเมื่อเขาทั้งสองเข้าไปในตำหนักนั้น พระองค์บรรทมหลับอยู่บนพระที่บรรทมในห้องบรรทม เขาก็ทุบตีพระองค์และประหารพระองค์ และตัดพระเศียรของพระองค์เสีย นำพระเศียรนั้นเดินทางไปทางที่ราบทั้งกลางคืน

2 Samuel 4:7

2 Sa-mu-eân 4:7
Vậy, hai người đi vào nhà Ích-bô-sết, trong khi người nằm nghỉ trên giường tại phòng ngủ, đánh giết người; đoạn cắt lấy đầu người, rồi bắt đường đồng bằng mà đi trọn đêm.

2 Samuel 4:6
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