2 Samuel 24:4
2 Samuel 24:4
The king's word, however, overruled Joab and the army commanders; so they left the presence of the king to enroll the fighting men of Israel.

But the king insisted that they take the census, so Joab and the commanders of the army went out to count the people of Israel.

But the king’s word prevailed against Joab and the commanders of the army. So Joab and the commanders of the army went out from the presence of the king to number the people of Israel.

Nevertheless, the king's word prevailed against Joab and against the commanders of the army. So Joab and the commanders of the army went out from the presence of the king to register the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Yet the king's order prevailed over Joab and the commanders of the army. So Joab and the commanders of the army left the king's presence to register the troops of Israel.

But the king's order overruled Joab and the commanders of the special forces, so Joab and the commanders of the special forces left David's presence to take a census of the people of Israel.

But the king's edict stood, despite the objections of Joab and the leaders of the army. So Joab and the leaders of the army left the king's presence in order to muster the Israelite army.

However, the king overruled Joab and the commanders of the army. So they left the king [in order] to count the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding, the king's word prevailed against Joab and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Nevertheless the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the army. And Joab and the captains of the army went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding, the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

But the king's words prevailed over the words of Joab, and of the captains of the army: and Joab, and the captains of the soldiers went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

But the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the army. And Joab and the captains of the army went out from the presence of the king to count the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the host. And Joab and the captains of the host went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

Notwithstanding, the king's word prevailed against Joab, and against the captains of the army. Joab and the captains of the army went out from the presence of the king, to number the people of Israel.

And the word of the king is severe towards Joab, and against the heads of the force, and Joab goeth out, and the heads of the force, from before the king to inspect the people, even Israel;

2 i Samuelit 24:4
Megjithatë urdhëri i mbretit iu imponua Joabit dhe krerëve të ushtrisë. Kështu Joabi dhe krerët e ushtrisë u larguan nga mbreti dhe shkuan të bëjnë regjistrimin e popullsisë së Izraelit.

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 24:4
فاشتدّ كلام الملك على يوآب وعلى رؤساء الجيش فخرج يوآب ورؤساء الجيش من عند الملك ليعدّوا الشعب اي اسرائيل.

Dyr Sämyheel B 24:4
Aber dyr Künig ließ si nit dyrvon abbringen und blib bei seinn Befelh an n Job und d Rittner. Drum verliessnd s önn Künig und zognd zo dyr Zölung von n Volk Isryheel aus.

2 Царе 24:4
Обаче царската дума надделя над Иоава и над началниците на войската. И така Иоав и началниците на войската излязоха от царя за да преброят Израилевите люде.

撒 母 耳 記 下 24:4
但 王 的 命 令 勝 過 約 押 和 眾 軍 長 。 約 押 和 眾 軍 長 就 從 王 面 前 出 去 , 數 點 以 色 列 的 百 姓 。

但 王 的 命 令 胜 过 约 押 和 众 军 长 。 约 押 和 众 军 长 就 从 王 面 前 出 去 , 数 点 以 色 列 的 百 姓 。



2 Samuel 24:4
Ali kraljeva riječ bijaše jača od Joabove i od riječi vojvoda njegove vojske. Tako Joab i vojvode odoše ispred kralja da popišu izraelski narod.

Druhá Samuelova 24:4
A však přemohla řeč králova Joába i knížata vojska. Protož vyšel Joáb a knížata vojska od tváři královy, aby sečtli lid Izraelský.

2 Samuel 24:4
Men Joab og Hærførerne maatte bøje sig for Kongens Ord. Joab og Hærførerne forlod derfor Kongen for at holde Mønstring over Israels Folk.

2 Samuël 24:4
Doch des konings woord nam de overhand tegen Joab, en tegen de oversten des heirs. Alzo toog Joab uit, met de oversten des heirs, van des konings aangezicht, om het volk Israel te tellen.

שמואל ב 24:4
וַיֶּחֱזַ֤ק דְּבַר־הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ אֶל־יֹואָ֔ב וְעַ֖ל שָׂרֵ֣י הֶחָ֑יִל וַיֵּצֵ֨א יֹואָ֜ב וְשָׂרֵ֤י הַחַ֙יִל֙ לִפְנֵ֣י הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ לִפְקֹ֥ד אֶת־הָעָ֖ם אֶת־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

ד ויחזק דבר המלך אל יואב ועל שרי החיל ויצא יואב ושרי החיל לפני המלך לפקד את העם את ישראל

ויחזק דבר־המלך אל־יואב ועל שרי החיל ויצא יואב ושרי החיל לפני המלך לפקד את־העם את־ישראל׃

2 Sámuel 24:4
Azonban hatalmasabb volt a királynak szava a Joábénál és a többi fõemberekénél. Kiméne azért Joáb és a többi vezérek a király elõl, hogy megszámlálják a népet, az Izráelt.

Samuel 2 24:4
Sed la vorto de la regxo superfortis Joabon kaj la militestrojn; tial Joab kaj la militestroj foriris de la regxo, por kalkuli la popolon Izraelan.

Mutta kuninkaan sana vahvistui Joabia ja sodanpäämiehiä vastaan. Niin Joab ja sotajoukon päämiehet menivät kuninkaan tyköä lukemaan Israelin kansaa.

2 Samuel 24:4
Mais la parole du roi prévalut sur Joab, et sur les chefs de l'armée; et Joab et les chefs de l'armée sortirent de devant le roi pour dénombrer le peuple, Israël.

Le roi persista dans l'ordre qu'il donnait à Joab et aux chefs de l'armée; et Joab et les chefs de l'armée quittèrent le roi pour faire le dénombrement du peuple d'Israël.

Néanmoins la parole du Roi l'emporta sur Joab, et sur les Chefs de l'armée; et Joab et les chefs de l'armée sortirent de la présence du Roi pour dénombrer le peuple, [savoir] Israël.

2 Samuel 24:4
Aber des Königs Wort ging vor wider Joab und die Hauptleute des Heers. Also zog Joab aus und die Hauptleute des Heers von dem Könige, daß sie das Volk Israel zähleten.

Aber des Königs Wort stand fest wider Joab und die Hauptleute des Heeres. Also zog Joab aus und die Hauptleute des Heeres von dem König, daß sie das Volk Israel zählten.

Aber des Königs Befehl bezwang Joab und die Truppenführer; so begab sich denn Joab mit den Truppenführern vom König hinweg, um die Volkszählung an Israel vorzunehmen.

2 Samuele 24:4
Ma l’ordine del re prevalse contro Joab e contro i capi dell’esercito, e Joab e i capi dell’esercito partirono dalla presenza del re per andare a fare il censimento del popolo d’Israele.

Ma la parola del re prevalse a Ioab, ed a’ capi dell’esercito. Laonde Ioab, ed i capi dell’esercito ch’erano davanti al re, si partirono per annoverare il popolo d’Israele.

2 SAMUEL 24:4
Tetapi menanglah titah baginda akan Yoab dan segala penghulu tentara itu, lalu keluarlah Yoab dan segala penghulu tentara itu dari hadapan baginda hendak membilang akan bangsa Israel.

사무엘하 24:4
왕의 명령이 요압과 군대 장관들을 재촉한지라 요압과 장관들이 이스라엘 인구를 조사하려고 왕의 앞에서 물러나서

II Samuelis 24:4
obtinuit autem sermo regis verba Ioab et principum exercitus egressusque est Ioab et principes militum a facie regis ut numerarent populum Israhel

Antroji Samuelio knyga 24:4
Tačiau Joabas ir kariuomenės vadai turėjo paklusti karaliaus žodžiams, ir Joabas su kariuomenės vadais išėjo skaičiuoti Izraelio žmonių.

2 Samuel 24:4
He ahakoa ra, u tonu te kupu a te kingi ki a Ioapa ratou ko nga rangatira ope. Na haere atu ana a Ioapa ratou ko nga rangatira ope i te aroaro o te kingi ki te tatau i te iwi, i a Iharaira.

2 Samuel 24:4
Men kongen holdt fast ved sin befaling og gav ikke efter for Joab og hærførerne. Så drog da Joab og hærførerne ut i kongens tjeneste for å mønstre Israels folk.

2 Samuel 24:4
Sin embargo, la palabra del rey prevaleció contra Joab y contra los comandantes del ejército. Salieron, pues, Joab y los comandantes del ejército de la presencia del rey para hacer el censo del pueblo de Israel.

Sin embargo, la palabra del rey prevaleció contra Joab y contra los jefes del ejército. Salieron, pues, Joab y los jefes del ejército de la presencia del rey para hacer el censo del pueblo de Israel.

Pero la palabra del rey pudo más que Joab, y que los capitanes del ejército. Salió, pues, Joab, con los capitanes del ejército, de delante del rey, para contar el pueblo de Israel.

Empero la palabra del rey pudo más que Joab, y que los capitanes del ejército. Salió pues Joab, con los capitanes del ejército, de delante del rey, para contar el pueblo de Israel.

Pero la palabra del rey pudo más que Joab, y que los capitanes del ejército. Salió, pues , Joab, con los capitanes del ejército, de delante del rey, para ir a contar el pueblo de Israel.

2 Samuel 24:4
Entretanto, a palavra do rei prevaleceu sobre o questionamento de Joabe e sobre a ponderação dos comandantes do exército. Então Joabe e os comandantes do exército saíram da presença do rei com o objetivo de realizar a contagem de todo o povo de Israel.

Todavia a palavra do rei prevaleceu contra Joabe, e contra os chefes do exército; Joabe, pois, saiu com os chefes do exército da presença do rei para numerar o povo de Israel.   

2 Samuel 24:4
Împăratul a stăruit în porunca pe care o dădea lui Ioab şi căpeteniilor oştirii; şi Ioab şi căpeteniile oştirii au plecat dela împărat, ca să facă numărătoarea poporului Israel.

2-я Царств 24:4
Но слово царя Иоаву и военачальникам превозмогло; и пошел Иоав с военачальниками от царя считать народ Израильский.

Но слово царя Иоаву и военачальникам превозмогло; и пошел Иоав с военачальниками от царя считать народ Израильский.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 24:4
Likväl blev konungens befallning gällande, trots Joab och härens andra hövitsmän; alltså drog Joab jämte härens andra hövitsmän ut i konungens tjänst för att anställa folkräkning i Israel.

2 Samuel 24:4
Gayon ma'y ang salita ng hari ay nanaig laban kay Joab, at laban sa mga puno ng hukbo. At si Joab at ang mga puno ng hukbo ay nagsilabas mula sa harapan ng hari upang bilangin ang bayan ng Israel.

2 ซามูเอล 24:4
แต่โยอาบและผู้บังคับบัญชากองทัพก็ต้องยอมจำนนต่อพระดำรัสของกษัตริย์ โยอาบกับบรรดาผู้บังคับบัญชาของกองทัพจึงออกไปจากพระพักตร์กษัตริย์ เพื่อจะนับประชาชนอิสราเอล

2 Samuel 24:4
Gelgelelim kralın sözü Yoavla birlik komutanlarının sözünden baskın çıktı. Böylece kralın yanından ayrılıp İsrailde sayım yapmaya gittiler.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 24:4
Dầu vậy mặc lòng, lời của vua mạnh hơn sự chống trả của Giô-áp và các quan tướng. Vậy, Giô-áp và các quan tướng ở trước mặt vua, đều đi ra đặng tu bộ dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

2 Samuel 24:3
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