2 Samuel 20:1
2 Samuel 20:1
Now a troublemaker named Sheba son of Bikri, a Benjamite, happened to be there. He sounded the trumpet and shouted, "We have no share in David, no part in Jesse's son! Every man to his tent, Israel!"

There happened to be a troublemaker there named Sheba son of Bicri, a man from the tribe of Benjamin. Sheba blew a ram's horn and began to chant: "Down with the dynasty of David! We have no interest in the son of Jesse. Come on, you men of Israel, back to your homes!"

Now there happened to be there a worthless man, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjaminite. And he blew the trumpet and said, “We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; every man to his tents, O Israel!”

Now a worthless fellow happened to be there whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite; and he blew the trumpet and said, "We have no portion in David, Nor do we have inheritance in the son of Jesse; Every man to his tents, O Israel!"

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

Now a wicked man, a Benjaminite named Sheba son of Bichri, happened to be there. He blew the ram's horn and shouted: We have no portion in David, no inheritance in Jesse's son. Each man to his tent, Israel!

Right about then, Bichri's son Sheba, an ungodly man from the tribe of Benjamin, sounded a battle trumpet and announced: We've never been a part of David! We'll never gain anything from Jesse's son! It's every man to his tent, Israel!

Now a wicked man named Sheba son of Bicri, a Benjaminite, happened to be there. He blew the trumpet and said, "We have no share in David; we have no inheritance in this son of Jesse! Every man go home, O Israel!"

A good-for-nothing man by the name of Sheba, Bichri's son, from the tribe of Benjamin happened to be at Gilgal. He blew a ram's horn [to announce], "We have no share in David's kingdom. We won't receive an inheritance from Jesse's son. Everyone to his own tent, Israel!"

And a man of Belial happened to be there, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a man of Jemini, and he blew the shofar, saying, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a base fellow, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew the trumpet, and said, We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Seba, the son of Bochri, a man of Jemini: and he sounded the trumpet, and said: We have no part in David, nor inheritance in the son of Isai: return to thy dwellings, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjaminite; and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew the trumpet, and said, We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

And there happened to be there a man of Belial, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjaminite: and he blew a trumpet, and said, We have no part in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to his tents, O Israel.

There happened to be there a base fellow, whose name was Sheba, the son of Bichri, a Benjamite: and he blew the trumpet, and said, "We have no portion in David, neither have we inheritance in the son of Jesse. Every man to his tents, Israel!"

And there hath been called there a man of worthlessness, and his name is Sheba, son of Bichri, a Benjamite, and he bloweth with a trumpet, and saith, 'We have no portion in David, and we have no inheritance in the son of Jesse; each to his tents, O Israel.'

2 i Samuelit 20:1
Ndodhej aty një keqbërës i quajtur Sheba, bir i Bikrit, një Beniaminit, i cili i ra borisë dhe tha: "Nuk kemi asnjë pjesë me Davidin dhe asnjë trashëgimi me birin e Isait! O Izraelitë, secili të shkojë në çadrën e vet".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 20:1
واتفق هناك رجل لئيم اسمه شبع بن بكري رجل بنياميني فضرب بالبوق وقال ليس لنا قسم في داود ولا لنا نصيب في ابن يسّى. كل رجل الى خيمته يا اسرائيل.

Dyr Sämyheel B 20:1
Daamaals war eyn Ort ayn richtiger Speibteufl, wo Scheben Bichrisun hieß, ayn Bengymeiner. Er ließ s Widerhorn blaasn und rief: "Mit n Dafetn habnd mir nix zo n Tuenn; dyr Jessennsun bedeutt üns gar nix. Laasstß n yllain und geetß haim!"

2 Царе 20:1
А случи се да има там един лош човек на име Севей, Вихриевия син, вениаминец; и той засвири с тръбата и рече: Ние нямаме дял в Давида, нито имаме наследство в Иесеевия син! в шатрите си, Израилю, всеки човек!

撒 母 耳 記 下 20:1
在 那 裡 恰 巧 有 一 個 匪 徒 , 名 叫 示 巴 , 是 便 雅 憫 人 比 基 利 的 兒 子 。 他 吹 角 , 說 : 我 們 與 大 衛 無 分 , 與 耶 西 的 兒 子 無 涉 。 以 色 列 人 哪 , 你 們 各 回 各 家 去 罷 !

在 那 里 恰 巧 有 一 个 匪 徒 , 名 叫 示 巴 , 是 便 雅 悯 人 比 基 利 的 儿 子 。 他 吹 角 , 说 : 我 们 与 大 卫 无 分 , 与 耶 西 的 儿 子 无 涉 。 以 色 列 人 哪 , 你 们 各 回 各 家 去 罢 !



2 Samuel 20:1
Ondje se slučajno našao opak čovjek po imenu Šeba, Bikrijev sin, Benjaminovac. On zatrubi u rog i viknu: "Mi nemamo udjela na Davidu ni baštine na Jišajevu sinu! Svaki svome šatoru, Izraele!"

Druhá Samuelova 20:1
Přišel pak tu náhodou člověk nešlechetný, jehož jméno bylo Seba, syn Bichri, muž Jemini. Ten zatroubil v troubu a řekl: Nemámeť my dílu v Davidovi, ani dědictví v synu Izai;obrať se jeden každý k stanům svým, ó Izraeli.

2 Samuel 20:1
Nu var der tilfældigvis en slet Person ved Navn Sjeba, Bikris Søn, en Benjaminit. Han stødte i Hornet og sagde: »Vi har ingen Del i David, ingen Lod i Isajs Søn! Hver Mand til sine Telte, Israel!«

2 Samuël 20:1
Toen was daar bij geval een Belials man, wiens naam was Seba, een zoon van Bichri, een man van Jemini; die blies met de bazuin, en zeide: Wij hebben geen deel aan David, en wij hebben geen erfenis aan den zoon van Isai, een iegelijk naar zijn tenten, o Israel!

שמואל ב 20:1
וְשָׁ֨ם נִקְרָ֜א אִ֣ישׁ בְּלִיַּ֗עַל וּשְׁמֹ֛ו שֶׁ֥בַע בֶּן־בִּכְרִ֖י אִ֣ישׁ יְמִינִ֑י וַיִּתְקַ֣ע בַּשֹּׁפָ֗ר וַ֠יֹּאמֶר אֵֽין־לָ֨נוּ חֵ֜לֶק בְּדָוִ֗ד וְלֹ֤א נַֽחֲלָה־לָ֙נוּ֙ בְּבֶן־יִשַׁ֔י אִ֥ישׁ לְאֹהָלָ֖יו יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃

א ושם נקרא איש בליעל ושמו שבע בן בכרי--איש ימיני ויתקע בשפר ויאמר אין לנו חלק בדוד ולא נחלה לנו בבן ישי--איש לאהליו ישראל

ושם נקרא איש בליעל ושמו שבע בן־בכרי איש ימיני ויתקע בשפר ויאמר אין־לנו חלק בדוד ולא נחלה־לנו בבן־ישי איש לאהליו ישראל׃

2 Sámuel 20:1
Vala pedig ott történetesen egy istentelen ember, kinek neve Séba vala, Bikrinek fia, Benjámin [nemzetségébõl] való férfiú. Ez trombitát fuvata, és monda: Nincsen nékünk semmi közünk Dávidhoz, és semmi örökségünk nincsen az Isai fiában. [Azért] oh Izráel, [oszoljatok el,] kiki az õ sátorába.

Samuel 2 20:1
Trovigxis tie viro malbonaga, kies nomo estis SXeba, filo de Bihxri, Benjamenido; li ekblovis per trumpeto, kaj diris:Ni ne havas parton en David, ni ne havas heredajxon en la filo de Jisxaj:iru, Izraelidoj, cxiu en sian tendon.

Mutta siihen tuli yksi kuuluisa Belialin mies, jonka nimi oli Seba Bikrin poika Jeministä; se soitti basunalla ja sanoi: ei meillä ole yhtäkään osaa Davidissa eikä yhtäkään perimistä Isain pojassa, itsekukin palatkaan majaansa, o Israel!

2 Samuel 20:1
Et il se rencontra là un homme de Bélial, son nom était Shéba, fils de Bicri, Benjaminite; et il sonna de la trompette, et dit: Nous n'avons point part en David, ni d'héritage dans le fils d'Isaï.

Il se trouvait là un méchant homme, nommé Schéba, fils de Bicri, Benjamite. Il sonna de la trompette, et dit: Point de part pour nous avec David, point d'héritage pour nous avec le fils d'Isaï! Chacun à sa tente, Israël!

Et il se trouva là un méchant homme qui avait nom Sébah, fils de Bicri, homme de Jémini, qui sonna de la trompette, et qui dit : Nous n'avons point de part avec David, ni d'héritage [à attendre du] fils d'Isaï. Ô Israël! que chacun [se retire] en ses tentes.

2 Samuel 20:1
Und es war daselbst ein berühmter heilloser Mann, der hieß Seba, ein Sohn Bichris, eines Mannes von Jemini; der blies die Posaune und sprach: Wir haben kein Teil an David noch Erbe am Sohne Isais. Ein jeglicher hebe sich zu seiner Hütte, o Israel!

Es traf sich aber, daß daselbst ein heilloser Mann war, der hieß Seba, ein Sohn Bichris, ein Benjaminiter; der blies die Posaune und sprach: Wir haben keinen Teil an David noch Erbe am Sohn Isais. Ein jeglicher hebe sich zu seiner Hütte, o Israel!

Nun war dort von ungefähr ein nichtswürdiger Mensch, ein Benjaminit, Namens Seba, Sohn Bichris, mit anwesend; der stieß in die Posaune und rief: Wir haben keinen Teil an David und kein Erbe am Sohn Isais - ein jeder in seine Heimat, Israel!

2 Samuele 20:1
Or quivi si trovava un uomo scellerato per nome Sheba, figliuolo di Bicri, un Beniaminita, il quale sonò la tromba, e disse: "Noi non abbiamo nulla da spartire con Davide, non abbiamo nulla in comune col figliuolo d’Isai! O Israele, ciascuno alla sua tenda!"

Or quivi si trovò a caso un uomo scellerato, il cui nome era Seba, figliuolo di Bicri, Beniaminita, il qual sonò con la tromba, e disse: Noi non abbiamo parte alcuna in Davide, nè ragione d’eredità nel figliuolo d’Isai. O Israele, vadasene ciascuno alle sue stanze.

2 SAMUEL 20:1
Maka tiba-tiba adalah di sana seorang jahat, bernama Seba bin Bikhri, seorang orang Benyamin, ia itu meniup nafiri serta katanya: Tiada pada kita barang bahagian akan Daud; tiada pada kita barang pusaka akan bin Isai itu! Marilah, hai orang Israel, masing-masing pulanglah ke kemahnya.

사무엘하 20:1
마침 거기 난류 하나가 있으니 베냐민 사람 비그리의 아들 세바라 하는 자라 저가 나팔을 불며 가로되 `우리는 다윗과 함께할 분의가 없으며 이새의 아들과 함께 할 업이 없도다 이스라엘아 각각 장막으로 돌아가라' 하매

II Samuelis 20:1
accidit quoque ut ibi esset vir Belial nomine Seba filius Bochri vir iemineus et cecinit bucina et ait non est nobis pars in David neque hereditas in filio Isai vir in tabernacula tua Israhel

Antroji Samuelio knyga 20:1
Tuo laiku ten buvo Belialo žmogus, vardu Šeba, Bichrio sūnus, benjaminas. Sutrimitavęs jis šaukė: “Mes neturime dalies Dovyde nė Jesės sūnaus paveldėjime. Izraelitai, kiekvienas į savo palapines!”

2 Samuel 20:1
Na i tupono ki reira tetahi tangata o Periara, ko tona ingoa ko Hepa, he tama na Pikiri, no Pineamine: na whakatangihia ana e ia te tetere, a ka mea, Kahore o tatou wahi i a Rawiri, kahore he wahi tuturu mo tatou i te tama a Hehe: ki o koutou ten eti, e tera, e tera o Iharaira!

2 Samuel 20:1
Nu traff det sig så at det på det sted var en illesinnet mann som hette Seba, sønn av Bikri, en benjaminitt. Han støtte i basunen og sa: Vi har ingen del i David og ingen lodd i Isais sønn; hver mann til sine telt, Israel!

2 Samuel 20:1
Y se encontraba allí un hombre indigno que se llamaba Seba, hijo de Bicri, benjamita; y éste tocó la trompeta y dijo: No tenemos parte en David, ni tenemos heredad en el hijo de Isaí; ¡Israel, cada uno a sus tiendas!

Y se encontraba allí un hombre indigno que se llamaba Seba, hijo de Bicri, el Benjamita; y éste tocó la trompeta y dijo: "No tenemos parte con David, Ni tenemos heredad con el hijo de Isaí; ¡Israel, cada uno a sus tiendas!"

Y aconteció que se hallaba allí un hombre de Belial que se llamaba Seba, hijo de Bicri, hombre de Benjamín, el cual tocó la trompeta, y dijo: No tenemos nosotros parte en David, ni heredad en el hijo de Isaí: ¡Cada uno a su tienda, oh Israel!

Y ACAECIO estar allí un hombre perverso que se llamaba Seba, hijo de Bichri, hombre de Benjamín, el cual tocó la corneta, y dijo: No tenemos nosotros parte en David, ni heredad en el hijo de Isaí: Israel, ¡cada uno á sus estancias!

Y acaeció estar allí un varón de Belial que se llamaba Seba, hijo de Bicri, varón de Jemini, el cual tocó la trompeta diciendo: No tenemos nosotros parte en David, ni heredad en el hijo de Isaí. Israel, ¡cada uno a sus estancias!

2 Samuel 20:1
Aconteceu também que estava ali um desordeiro chamado Shéva ben Bihri, Seba filho de Bicri, um benjamita. Ele fez soar o Shofar, a trombeta, e bradou: “Não temos parte alguma com Davi, nenhuma herança com o filho de Jessé! Retorne, pois, cada um para sua tenda, ó filhos de Israel!

Ora, sucedeu achar-se ali um homem de Belial, cujo nome era Sebá, filho de Bicri, homem de Benjamim, o qual tocou a buzina, e disse: Não temos parte em Davi, nem herança no filho de Jessé; cada um à sua tenda, ó Israel!   

2 Samuel 20:1
Acolo era un om de nimic, numit Şeba, fiul lui Bicri, Beniamitul. El a sunat din trîmbiţă, şi a zis: ,,Noi n'avem nicio parte cu David, nicio moştenire cu fiul lui Isai! Fiecare la cortul său, Israele!``

2-я Царств 20:1
Там случайно находился один негодный человек, по имени Савей, сын Бихри, Вениамитянин; он затрубил трубою и сказал: нет намчасти в Давиде, и нет нам доли в сыне Иессеевом; все по шатрам своим, Израильтяне!

Там случайно находился один негодный человек, по имени Савей, сын Бихри, Вениамитянин; он затрубил трубою и сказал: нет нам части в Давиде, и нет нам доли в сыне Иессеевом; все по шатрам своим, Израильтяне![]

2 Samuelsbokem 20:1
Nu hände sig att där fanns en illasinnad man vid namn Seba, Bikris son, en benjaminit. Denne stötte i basun och sade: »Vi hava ingen del i David och ingen arvslott i Isais son. Israel drage hem, var och en till sin hydda.»

2 Samuel 20:1
At nagkataon, na may isang lalake, na ang pangala'y Seba, na anak ni Bichri, na Benjamita: at kaniyang hinipan ang pakakak, at nagsabi, Kami ay walang bahagi kay David, o anomang mana sa anak ni Isai: bawa't tao ay sa kaniyang mga tolda, Oh Israel.

2 ซามูเอล 20:1
เผอิญที่นั่นมีคนอันธพาลอยู่คนหนึ่งชื่อเชบาบุตรชายบิครี คนเบนยามิน เขาได้เป่าแตรขึ้นกล่าวว่า "เราไม่มีส่วนในดาวิด เราไม่มีมรดกในบุตรของเจสซี โอ อิสราเอลเอ๋ย ให้ต่างคนต่างกลับไปเต็นท์ของตนเถิด"

2 Samuel 20:1
O sırada Benyamin oymağından Bikri oğlu Şeva adında kötü bir adam bir rastlantı sonucu Gilgaldaydı. Şeva boru çalıp, ‹‹İşay oğlu Davutla ne ilgimiz
Ne de payımız var›› dedi,
‹‹Ey İsrailliler, herkes kendi evine dönsün!››[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 20:1
Tại đó có một người gian tà tên là Sê-ba, con trai của Biếc-ri, người Bên-gia-min; người thổi kèn lên và nói rằng: Chúng ta chẳng có phần nào cùng Ða-vít, cũng chẳng can thiệp gì nơi con trai Y-sai. Hỡi Y-sơ-ra-ên, mỗi người hãy trở về trại mình!

2 Samuel 19:43
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