2 Samuel 19:42
2 Samuel 19:42
All the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, "We did this because the king is closely related to us. Why are you angry about it? Have we eaten any of the king's provisions? Have we taken anything for ourselves?"

The men of Judah replied, "The king is one of our own kinsmen. Why should this make you angry? We haven't eaten any of the king's food or received any special favors!"

All the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, “Because the king is our close relative. Why then are you angry over this matter? Have we eaten at all at the king’s expense? Or has he given us any gift?”

Then all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, "Because the king is a close relative to us. Why then are you angry about this matter? Have we eaten at all at the king's expense, or has anything been taken for us?"

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: wherefore then be ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king's cost? or hath he given us any gift?

All the men of Judah responded to the men of Israel, "Because the king is our relative. Why does this make you angry? Have we ever eaten anything of the king's or been honored at all?"

Everybody from Judah shouted to the men from Israel, "We did this because the king is closely related to us. So why are you angry about this? Have we lived off the king's expense? Have we appropriated anything for ourselves?"

All the men of Judah replied to the men of Israel, "Because the king is our close relative! Why are you so upset about this? Have we eaten at the king's expense? Or have we misappropriated anything for our own use?"

All the people of Judah answered the people of Israel, "Because the king is our relative. Why are you angry about this? Did we eat the king's food, or did he give us any gifts?"

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us. Why then are ye angry for this matter? Have we eaten anything at the king's cost? Or has he given us any gift?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: why then are you angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king's cost? or has he given us any gift?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: why then be you angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king's cost? or has he given us any gift?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: wherefore then are ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all at the king's cost? or hath he given us any gift?

And all the men of Juda answered the men of Israel: Because the king is nearer to me: why art thou angry for this matter? have we eaten any thing of the king's, or have any gifts been given us?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to me; and why then are ye angry for this matter? have we eaten anything which came from the king, or has he given us any present?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: wherefore then be ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all of the king's cost? or hath he given us any gift?

And all the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, Because the king is near of kin to us: why then are ye angry for this matter? have we eaten at all at the king's cost? or hath he given us any gift?

All the men of Judah answered the men of Israel, "Because the king is a close relative to us. Why then are you angry about this matter? Have we eaten at all at the king's cost? Or has he given us any gift?"

And all the men of Judah answer against the men of Israel, 'Because the king is near unto us, and why is this -- ye are displeased about this matter? have we at all eaten of the king's substance? a gift hath he lifted up to us?'

2 i Samuelit 19:42
Tërë njerëzit e Judës iu përgjigjën njerëzve të Izraelit: "Sepse mbreti është fisi ynë i afërt. Pse zemëroheni për këtë? Mos kemi ngrënë, vallë me shpenzimet e mbretit, ose na ka dhënë ndonjëherë dhurata?".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 19:42
فاجاب كل رجال يهوذا رجال اسرائيل لان الملك قريب اليّ ولماذا تغتاظ من هذا الأمر. هل اكلنا شيئا من الملك او وهبنا هبة.

Dyr Sämyheel B 19:42
D Judauer allsand gantwortnd yn de Isryheeler: "Ja mein, üns +steet dyr Künig halt aynmaal naeher. Zwö regtß enk denn daa auf? Habn myr öbbenn von n Künig ayn Trumm abherbissn; older was haetn myr +sünst für aynn Vortl dyrvon?"

2 Царе 19:42
А всичките Юдови мъже отговориха на Израилевите мъже: Защото царят е наш сродник; и защо се сърдите за това нещо? дали изядохме нещо от царя? или даде ли ни той някакъв дар?

撒 母 耳 記 下 19:42
猶 大 眾 人 回 答 以 色 列 人 說 : 因 為 王 與 我 們 是 親 屬 , 你 們 為 何 因 這 事 發 怒 呢 ? 我 們 吃 了 王 的 甚 麼 呢 ? 王 賞 賜 了 我 們 甚 麼 呢 ?

犹 大 众 人 回 答 以 色 列 人 说 : 因 为 王 与 我 们 是 亲 属 , 你 们 为 何 因 这 事 发 怒 呢 ? 我 们 吃 了 王 的 甚 麽 呢 ? 王 赏 赐 了 我 们 甚 麽 呢 ?



2 Samuel 19:42
A Juda odgovori Izraelu: "Kralj je meni rod. Zašto si se ražestio zbog toga? Jesam li jeo na kraljev račun? Ili sam si što prigrabio?"

Druhá Samuelova 19:42
I odpověděli všickni muži Judští mužům Izraelským: Proto že král jest příbuzný náš. A proč se hněváte o to? Zdaliž nás za to král pokrmy opatroval? Zdaliž nám jaké dary dal?

2 Samuel 19:42
Da svarede alle Judas Mænd Israels Mænd: »Kongen staar jo os nærmest; hvorfor er I vrede over det? Har vi levet af Kongen eller taget noget fra ham?«

2 Samuël 19:42
Toen antwoordden alle mannen van Juda tegen de mannen van Israel: Omdat de koning ons na verwant is; en waarom zijt gij nu toornig over deze zaak? Hebben wij dan enigszins gegeten van des konings kost, of heeft hij ons een geschenk geschonken?

שמואל ב 19:42
וַיַּעַן֩ כָּל־אִ֨ישׁ יְהוּדָ֜ה עַל־אִ֣ישׁ יִשְׂרָאֵ֗ל כִּֽי־קָרֹ֤וב הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ אֵלַ֔י וְלָ֤מָּה זֶּה֙ חָרָ֣ה לְךָ֔ עַל־הַדָּבָ֖ר הַזֶּ֑ה הֶאָכֹ֤ול אָכַ֙לְנוּ֙ מִן־הַמֶּ֔לֶךְ אִם־נִשֵּׂ֥את נִשָּׂ֖א לָֽנוּ׃ ס

מג ויען כל איש יהודה על איש ישראל כי קרוב המלך אלי ולמה זה חרה לך על הדבר הזה  האכול אכלנו מן המלך אם נשאת נשא לנו  {ס}

ויען כל־איש יהודה על־איש ישראל כי־קרוב המלך אלי ולמה זה חרה לך על־הדבר הזה האכול אכלנו מן־המלך אם־נשאת נשא לנו׃ ס

2 Sámuel 19:42
Felelének pedig mindnyájan a Júda férfiai az Izráel férfiainak: [Azért,] mert a király közelebb áll hozzám; és miért neheztelsz ezért a dologért? Avagy megvendégelt-é azért a király? Avagy megajándékozott-é valami ajándékkal?

Samuel 2 19:42
Tiam cxiuj Judoj respondis al la Izraelidoj:CXar la regxo estas nia parenco; kaj kial tio cxagrenas vin? cxu ni ion mangxis de la regxo, aux cxu li donis al ni donacojn?

Niin vastasivat kaikki Juudan miehet Israelin miehille: sillä kuningas on meitä läheisempi, miksi te sentähden niin närkästytte? Vai luuletteko te, että me jollakulla olemme kuninkaalta ravitut, taikka joitakin lahjoja saaneet?

2 Samuel 19:42
Et tous les hommes de Juda répondirent aux hommes d'Israël: Parce que le roi m'est proche; et pourquoi y a-t-il chez toi cette colère à cause de cela? Avons-nous mangé quelque chose qui vînt du roi, ou nous a-t-il fait des présents?

Tous les hommes de Juda répondirent aux hommes d'Israël: C'est que le roi nous tient de plus près; et qu'y a-t-il là pour vous irriter? Avons-nous vécu aux dépens du roi? Nous a-t-il fait des présents?

Et tous les hommes de Juda répondirent aux hommes d'Israël : Parce que le Roi nous est plus proche; et pourquoi vous fâchez-vous de cela? Avons-nous rien mangé de ce qui est au Roi; ou en recevrions-nous quelques présents?

2 Samuel 19:42
Da antworteten die von Juda denen von Israel: Der König gehöret uns nahe zu; was zürnet ihr darum? Meinet ihr, daß wir von dem Könige Nahrung oder Geschenke empfangen haben?

(-) Da antworteten die von Juda denen von Israel: Der König gehört uns nahe zu; was zürnt ihr darum? Meint ihr, daß wir von dem König Nahrung und Geschenke empfangen haben?

Die Judäer insgesamt erwiderten den Israeliten: Der König ist uns doch verwandt! Warum bist du denn da wegen dieser Angelegenheit in Zorn geraten? Haben wir etwa ein Stück vom Könige gegessen, oder ist er etwa von uns weggeschleppt worden?

2 Samuele 19:42
E tutti gli uomini di Giuda risposero agli uomini d’Israele: "Perché il re appartiene a noi più dappresso; e perché vi adirate voi per questo? Abbiam noi mangiato a spese del re? O abbiam noi ricevuto qualche regalo?"

E tutti gli uomini di Giuda risposero agli uomini d’Israele: Perciocchè il re è nostro prossimo; e perchè vi adirate voi per questo? abbiamo noi mangiato cosa alcuna del re? ovvero, ci ha egli fatto alcun dono?

2 SAMUEL 19:42
Maka sahut orang Yehuda akan orang Israel: Ia itu sebab baginda juga dari pada kaum keluarga kami; mengapa gerangan kamu gusar akan kami? Adakah baginda memberi ayapan akan kami atau diangkatnya akan kami terlebih dari pada akan kamu?

사무엘하 19:42
유다 모든 사람이 이스라엘 사람에게 대답하되 `왕은 우리의 지친인 까닭이라 너희가 어찌 이일에 대하여 분내느냐 우리가 왕의 물건을 조금이라도 먹었느냐 왕께서 우리에게 선물 주신 것이 있느냐'

II Samuelis 19:42
et respondit omnis vir Iuda ad viros Israhel quia propior mihi est rex cur irasceris super hac re numquid comedimus aliquid ex rege aut munera nobis data sunt

Antroji Samuelio knyga 19:42
Judo vyrai atsakė izraelitams: “Todėl, kad karalius yra mums artimesnis. Kodėl pykstate? Ar karalius mus maitino? Ar jis davė mums dovanų?”

2 Samuel 19:42
Na ka whakahokia e nga tangata katoa o Hura ki nga tangata o Iharaira, No te mea he whanaunga tata te kingi ki a matou: he aha ra koutou i riri ai mo tenei mea. I kai ranei matou i tetahi mea a te kingi? i homai ranei e ia tetahi mea ki a matou?

2 Samuel 19:42
Da tok alle Judas menn til orde og sa til Israels menn: Fordi kongen er oss nærmest. Og hvorfor er I harme for dette? Har vi vel tæret på kongens gods, eller har vi hatt nogen vinning av ham?

2 Samuel 19:42
Entonces todos los hombres de Judá respondieron a los hombres de Israel: Porque el rey es pariente cercano nuestro. ¿Por qué, pues, estáis enojados por esto? ¿Acaso hemos comido algo a costa del rey, o se nos ha dado algo?

Entonces todos los hombres de Judá respondieron a los hombres de Israel: "Porque el rey es pariente cercano nuestro. ¿Por qué, pues, están enojados por esto? ¿Acaso hemos comido algo a costa del rey, o se nos ha dado algo?"

Y todos los varones de Judá respondieron a todos los de Israel: Porque el rey es nuestro pariente. Mas ¿por qué os enojáis vosotros de eso? ¿Acaso hemos comido algo a costa del rey? ¿Hemos recibido de él algún don?

Y todos los varones de Judá respondieron á todos los de Israel: Porque el rey es nuestro pariente. Mas ¿por qué os enojáis vosotros de eso? ¿hemos nosotros comido algo del rey? ¿hemos recibido de él algún don?

Y todos los varones de Judá respondieron a todos los varones de Israel: Porque el rey es nuestro pariente. Mas ¿por qué os enojáis vosotros de eso? ¿Hemos nosotros comido algo del rey? ¿Hemos recibido de él algún don?

2 Samuel 19:42
Então todos os homens de Judá responderam aos homens de Israel: “Porque o rei é nosso parente mais chegado! Por que estais irritados com isso? Porventura temos comido à custa das provisões do rei, ou ele nos deu algum presente especial?

Responderam todos os homens de Judá aos homens de Israel: Porquanto o rei é nosso parente: Por que vos irais por isso. Acaso temos comido à custa do rei, ou nos deu ele algum presente?   

2 Samuel 19:42
Toţi bărbaţii lui Iuda au răspuns bărbaţilor lui Israel: ,,Fiindcă împăratul ne este rudă; şi ce aţi găsit aici, ca să vă mîniaţi? Am trăit noi pe cheltuiala împăratului? Ne -a făcut el daruri?``

2-я Царств 19:42
И отвечали все мужи Иудины Израильтянам: затем, что царь ближнийнам; и из-за чего сердиться вам на это? Разве мы что-нибудь съели у царя, или получили от него подарки?

И отвечали все мужи Иудины Израильтянам: затем, что царь ближний нам; и из-за чего сердиться вам на это? Разве мы что-- нибудь съели у царя, или получили от него подарки?[]

2 Samuelsbokem 19:42
Alla Juda män svarade Israels män: »Konungen står ju oss närmast; varför vredgens I då häröver? Hava vi levat på konungen eller skaffat oss någon vinning genom honom?»

2 Samuel 19:42
At ang lahat na lalake ng Juda ay nagsisagot sa mga lalake ng Israel, Sapagka't ang hari ay kamaganak na malapit namin: bakit nga kayo mangagagalit dahil sa bagay na ito? nagsikain ba kami ng anoman sa gugol ng hari? o binigyan ba niya kami ng anomang kaloob?

2 ซามูเอล 19:42
ประชาชนยูดาห์ทั้งสิ้นจึงตอบประชาชนอิสราเอลว่า "เพราะกษัตริย์เป็นญาติสนิทกับเราท่านทั้งหลาย จะโกรธด้วยเรื่องนี้ทำไมเล่า เราได้อยู่กินสิ้นเปลืองพระราชทรัพย์ของกษัตริย์หรือ พระองค์ได้ให้รางวัลอะไรแก่เราหรือ"

2 Samuel 19:42
Bunun üzerine Yahudalılar İsraillilere, ‹‹Çünkü kral bizden biri!›› dediler, ‹‹Buna neden kızdınız? Kralın yiyeceklerinden bir şey yedik mi? Kendimize bir şey aldık mı?››[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 19:42
Người Giu-đa đáp lại cùng người Y-sơ-ra-ên rằng: Ấy vì vua là đồng tộc cùng chúng ta. Vả lại, cớ sao anh em giận? Chúng ta có ăn nhờ gì của vua chăng? Chúng ta há có lãnh một của gì nơi vua sao?

2 Samuel 19:41
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