2 Samuel 10:5
2 Samuel 10:5
When David was told about this, he sent messengers to meet the men, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, "Stay at Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back."

When David heard what had happened, he sent messengers to tell the men, "Stay at Jericho until your beards grow out, and then come back." For they felt deep shame because of their appearance.

When it was told David, he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, “Remain at Jericho until your beards have grown and then return.”

When they told it to David, he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly humiliated. And the king said, "Stay at Jericho until your beards grow, and then return."

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

When this was reported to David, he sent someone to meet them, since they were deeply humiliated. The king said, "Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back; then return."

When David had been informed about the incident, he sent word to them, since the men had been deeply humiliated. The king told them, "Stay at Jericho until your beards have grown back, and then return."

Messengers told David what had happened, so he summoned them, for the men were thoroughly humiliated. The king said, "Stay in Jericho until your beards have grown again; then you may come back."

After David was told [what had happened], he sent [someone] to meet them because they were deeply humiliated. The king said to them, "Stay in Jericho until your beards have grown back, and then return [to Jerusalem]."

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them because the men were greatly ashamed, and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards are grown and then return.

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards are grown, and then return.

When they told it to David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed: and the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them; for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

When this was told David, he sent to meet them: for the men were sadly put to confusion, and David commanded them, saying: Stay at Jericho, till your beards be grown, and then return.

And they told it to David; and he sent to meet them, for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Abide at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

When they told it unto David, he sent to meet them; for the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards be grown, and then return.

When they told it to David, he sent to meet them, because the men were greatly ashamed. And the king said, Tarry at Jericho until your beards are grown, and then return.

When they told it to David, he sent to meet them; for the men were greatly ashamed. The king said, "Wait at Jericho until your beards have grown, and then return."

and they declare it to David, and he sendeth to meet them, for the men have been greatly ashamed, and the king saith, 'Abide in Jericho till your beard doth spring up -- then ye have returned.'

2 i Samuelit 10:5
I informuar për këtë ngjarje, Davidi dërgoi disa persona për t'i takuar, sepse këta njerëz e ndjenin veten shumë të turpëruar. Mbreti dërgoi t'u thonë: "Rrini në Jeriko sa t'ju rritet mjekra, pastaj do të ktheheni".

ﺻﻤﻮﺋﻴﻞ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 10:5
ولما اخبروا داود ارسل للقائهم لان الرجال كانوا خجلين جدا. وقال الملك اقيموا في اريحا حتى تنبت لحاكم ثم ارجعوا

Dyr Sämyheel B 10:5
Wie myn dös yn n Dafetn gmeldt, gschickt yr ien öbbern zgögn und ließ ien sagn, weil sö si nindert meer blicken laassn kunntnd: "Ietz bleibtß dyrweil z Iereich und keertß eerst zrugg, wenn enk dyr Bart naachgwaxn ist."

2 Царе 10:5
А когато известиха това на Давида, той изпрати [човеци] да ги посрещнат, (понеже мъжете се крайно срамуваха), и да [им] рекат от царя: Седете в Ерихон догде порастат брадите ви, и тогава се върнете.

撒 母 耳 記 下 10:5
有 人 告 訴 大 衛 , 他 就 差 人 去 迎 接 他 們 , ( 因 為 他 們 甚 覺 羞 恥 ) , 告 訴 他 們 說 : 可 以 住 在 耶 利 哥 , 等 到 鬍 鬚 長 起 再 回 來 。

有 人 告 诉 大 卫 , 他 就 差 人 去 迎 接 他 们 , ( 因 为 他 们 甚 觉 羞 耻 ) , 告 诉 他 们 说 : 可 以 住 在 耶 利 哥 , 等 到 胡 须 长 起 再 回 来 。



2 Samuel 10:5
Kad su to javili Davidu, posla on čovjeka pred njih, jer su ti ljudi bili teško osramoćeni, i poruči im: "Ostanite u Jerihonu dok vam ne naraste brada, pa se onda vratite!"

Druhá Samuelova 10:5
To když oznámili Davidovi, poslal proti nim, (nebo muži ti zohaveni byli velice), a řekl jim král: Pobuďte v Jerichu, dokudž neobrostou brady vaše, potom se navrátíte.

2 Samuel 10:5
Da David fik Efterretning herom, sendte han dem et Bud i Møde, thi Mændene var blevet grovelig forhaanet; og Kongen lod sige: »Bliv i Jeriko, til eders Skæg er vokset ud!«

2 Samuël 10:5
Als zij dit David lieten weten, zo zond hij hun tegemoet; want deze mannen waren zeer beschaamd. En de koning zeide: Blijft te Jericho, totdat uw baard weder gewassen zal zijn, komt dan weder.

שמואל ב 10:5
וַיַּגִּ֤דוּ לְדָוִד֙ וַיִּשְׁלַ֣ח לִקְרָאתָ֔ם כִּֽי־הָי֥וּ הָאֲנָשִׁ֖ים נִכְלָמִ֣ים מְאֹ֑ד וַיֹּ֤אמֶר הַמֶּ֙לֶךְ֙ שְׁב֣וּ בִֽירֵחֹ֔ו עַד־יְצַמַּ֥ח זְקַנְכֶ֖ם וְשַׁבְתֶּֽם׃

ה ויגדו לדוד וישלח לקראתם כי היו האנשים נכלמים מאד ויאמר המלך שבו בירחו עד יצמח זקנכם ושבתם

ויגדו לדוד וישלח לקראתם כי־היו האנשים נכלמים מאד ויאמר המלך שבו בירחו עד־יצמח זקנכם ושבתם׃

2 Sámuel 10:5
A mint ezt Dávidnak hírül hozták, eleikbe külde, (mert ezek az emberek igen meggyaláztattak) és ezt izené a király: Maradjatok Jerikhóban mindaddig, míg megnevekedik szakálotok; és [úgy] jõjjetek haza.

Samuel 2 10:5
Kiam oni tion raportis al David, li sendis al ili renkonte, cxar tiuj homoj tre hontis. Kaj la regxo diris:Restu en Jerihxo, gxis rekreskos viaj barboj, kaj tiam revenu.

Kuin se Davidille ilmoitettiin, lähetti hän heitä vastaan, sillä miehet olivat suuresti pilkatut; ja kuningas antoi heille sanottaa: olkaat Jerihossa siihen asti, kuin teidän partanne kasvaa, ja sitte tulkaat jälleen.

2 Samuel 10:5
Et on le rapporta à David; et il envoya à leur rencontre, car les hommes était très-confus. Et le roi dit: Habitez à Jéricho jusqu'à ce que votre barbe ait poussé, alors vous reviendrez.

David, qui fut informé, envoya des gens à leur rencontre, car ces hommes étaient dans une grande confusion; et le roi leur fit dire: Restez à Jéricho jusqu'à ce que votre barbe ait repoussé, et revenez ensuite.

Et ils le firent savoir à David, lequel envoya au devant d'eux; car ces hommes étaient fort confus : et le Roi leur fit dire : Tenez-vous à Jéricho jusqu'à ce que votre barbe soit revenue, [et] alors vous retournerez.

2 Samuel 10:5
Da das David ward angesagt, sandte er ihnen entgegen; denn die Männer waren sehr geschändet. Und der König ließ ihnen sagen: Bleibet zu Jericho, bis euer Bart gewachsen, so kommt dann wieder.

Da das David ward angesagt, sandte er ihnen entgegen; denn die Männer waren sehr geschändet. Und der König ließ ihnen sagen: Bleibt zu Jericho, bis euer Bart gewachsen; so kommt dann wieder.

Als man dies David meldete, sandte er ihnen entgegen - denn die Männer waren schwer beschimpft -, und der König ließ ihnen sagen: Bleibt in Jericho; erst wenn euch der Bart wieder gewachsen ist, kommt zurück!

2 Samuele 10:5
Quando fu informato della cosa, Davide mandò gente ad incontrarli, perché quegli uomini erano oltremodo confusi. E il re fece dir loro: "Restate a Gerico finché vi sia ricresciuta la barba, poi tornerete".

Ed essi fecero assaper la cosa al re Davide; ed egli mandò loro incontro; perciocchè quegli uomini erano grandemente confusi. E il re fece lor dire: Dimorate in Gerico, finchè la barba vi sia ricresciuta; poi ve ne ritornerete.

2 SAMUEL 10:5
Setelah sudah hal itu dimaklumkan kepada Daud, disuruhkannya beberapa orang pergi mendapatkan mereka itu, karena sangat kemalu-maluanlah segala orang itu. Maka titah baginda: Baiklah kamu tinggal juga di Yerikho sampai janggutmu sudah tumbuh pula, kemudian hendaklah kamu pulang.

사무엘하 10:5
혹이 이 일을 다윗에게 고하니라 그 사람들이 크게 부끄러워하므로 왕이 저희를 맞으러 보내어 이르기를 `너희는 수염이 자라기까지 여리고에서 머물다가 돌아오라' 하니라

II Samuelis 10:5
quod cum nuntiatum esset David misit in occursum eorum erant enim viri confusi turpiter valde et mandavit eis David manete Hiericho donec crescat barba vestra et tunc revertimini

Antroji Samuelio knyga 10:5
Kai apie tai buvo pranešta Dovydui, jis pasiuntė jų pasitikti, nes jie buvo labai sugėdinti, ir sakė jiems: “Pasilikite Jeriche, kol ataugs jūsų barzdos, o tada grįžkite”.

2 Samuel 10:5
A, no te korerotanga o taua mea ki a Rawiri, ka tono tangata ia ki te whakatau i a ratou; he nui hoki te whakama o aua tangata; i mea ano te kingi, Hei Heriko noho ai, kia tupu ra ano o koutou pahau, ka hoki mai ai.

2 Samuel 10:5
Da dette blev meldt David, sendte han folk som skulde møte mennene, for de var grovelig vanæret; og kongen lot si: Bli i Jeriko til eders skjegg er vokset ut igjen, og kom så tilbake!

2 Samuel 10:5
Cuando le avisaron a David, envió a encontrarlos, porque los hombres estaban sumamente avergonzados. Y el rey les dijo: Quedaos en Jericó hasta que os crezca la barba, y después volved.

Cuando le avisaron a David, envió mensajeros a encontrarse con ellos, porque los hombres estaban sumamente avergonzados. Y el rey les dijo: "Quédense en Jericó hasta que les crezca la barba, y después vuelvan."

Lo cual cuando fue hecho saber a David, envió a encontrarles, porque ellos estaban en extremo avergonzados; y el rey mandó a decirles: Quedaos en Jericó hasta que os vuelva a crecer la barba, y entonces regresad.

Lo cual como fué hecho saber á David, envió á encontrarles, porque ellos estaban en extremo avergonzados; y el rey hizo decir les: Estaos en Jericó hasta que os vuelva á nacer la barba, y entonces regresaréis.

Lo cual cuando fue hecho saber a David, envió a encontrarles, porque ellos estaban en extremo avergonzados; y el rey mandó decirles: Estaos en Jericó hasta que os vuelva a nacer la barba, y entonces regresaréis.

2 Samuel 10:5
Ora, assim que o rei Davi tomou conhecimento do que havia ocorrido, mandou mensageiros ao encontro deles, pois haviam sido profundamente humilhados e lhes mandou comunicar: “Ficai, pois, em Jericó, até que vossa barba volte a crescer, e então retornai!”

Quando isso foi dito a Davi, enviou ele mensageiros a encontrá-los, porque aqueles homens estavam sobremaneira envergonhados; e mandou dizer-lhes: Deixai-vos estar em Jericó, até que vos torne a crescer a barba, e então voltai.   

2 Samuel 10:5
David, înştiinţat de lucrul acesta, a trimes nişte oameni înaintea lor, căci oamenii aceia erau foarte batjocoriţi; şi împăratul a spus să le spună: ,,Rămîneţi la Ierihon pînă vă va creşte barba, şi pe urmă să vă întoarceţi.``

2-я Царств 10:5
Когда донесли об этом Давиду, то он послал к ним навстречу, так как они были очень обесчещены. И велел царь сказать им: оставайтесь в Иерихоне, пока отрастут бороды ваши, и тогда возвратитесь.

Когда донесли об этом Давиду, то он послал к ним навстречу, так как они были очень обесчещены. И велел царь сказать им: оставайтесь в Иерихоне, пока отрастут бороды ваши, и [тогда] возвратитесь.[]

2 Samuelsbokem 10:5
När man berättade detta för David, sände han bud emot dem; ty männen voro ju mycket vanärade. Och konungen lät säga: »Stannen i Jeriko, till dess edert skägg hinner växa ut, och kommen så tillbaka.»

2 Samuel 10:5
Nang kanilang saysayin kay David, siya'y nagsugo upang salubungin sila; sapagka't ang mga lalake ay totoong nangapahiya. At sinabi ng hari, Mangaghintay kayo sa Jerico hanggang sa tumubo ang inyong balbas, at kung magkagayo'y mangagbalik kayo.

2 ซามูเอล 10:5
เมื่อมีคนไปกราบทูลดาวิดให้ทรงทราบ พระองค์ก็รับสั่งให้คนไปรับข้าราชการเหล่านั้น เพราะว่าเขาทั้งหลายได้รับความอับอายมาก และกษัตริย์ตรัสว่า "จงพักอยู่ที่เมืองเยรีโคจนกว่าเคราของท่านทั้งหลายจะขึ้นแล้วจึงค่อยกลับมา"

2 Samuel 10:5
Davut bunu duyunca, onları karşılamak üzere adamlar gönderdi. Çünkü görevliler çok utanıyorlardı. Kral, ‹‹Sakalınız uzayıncaya dek Erihada kalın, sonra dönün›› diye buyruk verdi.[]

2 Sa-mu-eân 10:5
Có người thuật lại việc ấy cùng Ða-vít; người bèn sai kẻ đi đón mấy người ấy, vì họ lấy làm hổ thẹn lắm. Vua sai bảo rằng: Hãy ở tại Giê-ri-cô cho đến chừng râu của các ngươi đã mọc lại; đoạn các ngươi sẽ trở về.

2 Samuel 10:4
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