2 Kings 21:12
2 Kings 21:12
Therefore this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I am going to bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle.

So this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: I will bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of those who hear about it will tingle with horror.

therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel: Behold, I am bringing upon Jerusalem and Judah such disaster that the ears of everyone who hears of it will tingle.

therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I am bringing such calamity on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears will tingle.

Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

this is what the LORD God of Israel says: 'I am about to bring such disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that everyone who hears about it will shudder.

therefore this is what the LORD God of Israel says: 'Look! I'm going to bring such a disaster to Jerusalem and Judah that both ears of those who hear about it will ring.

So this is what the LORD God of Israel says, 'I am about to bring disaster on Jerusalem and Judah. The news will reverberate in the ears of those who hear about it.

So this is what I, the LORD God of Israel, said: I'm going to bring such a disaster on Jerusalem and Judah that the ears of everyone who hears about it will ring.

therefore, thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears shall tingle.

Therefore thus says the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever hears of it, both his ears shall tingle.

Therefore thus said the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears shall tingle.

therefore thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel, Behold, I bring such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

Therefore thus saith the Lord the God of Israel: Behold I will bring on evils upon Jerusalem and Juda: that whosoever shall hear of them, both his ears shall tingle.

therefore thus saith Jehovah the God of Israel: Behold, I will bring evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

therefore thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel, Behold, I bring such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle.

therefore thus says Yahweh, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I bring such evil on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears shall tingle.

therefore thus said Jehovah, God of Israel, Lo, I am bringing in evil on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever heareth of it, tingle do his two ears.

2 i Mbretërve 21:12
kështu thotë Zoti, Perëndia i Izraelit: "Ja, unë do të sjell mbi Jeruzalemin dhe mbi Judën një fatkeqësi të tillë, sa që kushdo që ta dëgjojë do t'i tronditen veshët.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 21:12
لذلك هكذا قال الرب اله اسرائيل. هانذا جالب شرا على اورشليم ويهوذا حتى ان كل من يسمع به تطن اذناه.

De Künig B 21:12
drum - sait dyr Herr, dyr Got von Isryheel - bring i Unglück über Ruslham und Judau, und zwaar yso, däß yn aynn Iedn s Hoern und Seghn vergeet.

4 Царе 21:12
затова, така казва Господ Израилевият Бог: Ето Аз нанасям такова зло на Ерусалим и на Юда, щото на всеки, който чуе за него, ще му писнат и двете уши.

列 王 紀 下 21:12
所 以 耶 和 華 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 說 : 我 必 降 禍 與 耶 路 撒 冷 和 猶 大 , 叫 一 切 聽 見 的 人 無 不 耳 鳴 。

所 以 耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 说 : 我 必 降 祸 与 耶 路 撒 冷 和 犹 大 , 叫 一 切 听 见 的 人 无 不 耳 鸣 。



2 Kings 21:12
ovako veli Jahve, Bog Izraelov: 'Evo, učinit ću da dođe nevolja na Jeruzalem i Judeju, takva da će zazujati oba uha onima koji o njoj čuju.

Druhá Královská 21:12
Protož řekl Hospodin Bůh Izraelský: Aj, já uvedu zlé věci na Jeruzalém a na Judu, aby každému slyšícímu o tom znělo v obou uších jeho.

Anden Kongebog 21:12
derfor, saa siger HERREN, Israels Gud: Se, jeg bringer Ulykke over Jerusalem og Juda, saa det skal ringe for Ørene paa enhver, der hører derom!

2 Koningen 21:12
Daarom, alzo zegt de HEERE, de God Israels: Ziet, Ik zal een kwaad over Jeruzalem en Juda brengen, dat een ieder, die het hoort, beide zijn oren klinken zullen.

מלכים ב 21:12
לָכֵ֗ן כֹּֽה־אָמַ֤ר יְהוָה֙ אֱלֹהֵ֣י יִשְׂרָאֵ֔ל הִנְנִי֙ מֵבִ֣יא רָעָ֔ה עַל־יְרוּשָׁלִַ֖ם וִֽיהוּדָ֑ה אֲשֶׁר֙ כָּל־ [שֹׁמְעָיו כ] (שֹׁ֣מְעָ֔הּ ק) תִּצַּ֖לְנָה שְׁתֵּ֥י אָזְנָֽיו׃

יב לכן כה אמר יהוה אלהי ישראל הנני מביא רעה על ירושלם ויהודה  אשר כל שמעיו (שמעה)--תצלנה שתי אזניו

לכן כה־אמר יהוה אלהי ישראל הנני מביא רעה על־ירושלם ויהודה אשר כל־ [שמעיו כ] (שמעה ק) תצלנה שתי אזניו׃

2 Királyok 21:12
Azért ezt mondja az Úr, Izráel Istene: Íme, én oly veszedelmet hozok Jeruzsálemre és Júdára, hogy mindenkinek, a ki azt hallja, megcsendül bele mind a két füle.

Reĝoj 2 21:12
tiele diras la Eternulo, Dio de Izrael:Jen Mi venigos sur Jerusalemon kaj Judujon tian malbonon, ke cxe cxiu, kiu tion auxdos, ektintos en ambaux liaj oreloj.

Sentähden sanoo Herra Israelin Jumala näin: katso, minä saatan vahingon Juudan ja Jerusalemin päälle, että kuka ikänä sen kuulee, pitää hänen molemmat korvansa soiman.

2 Rois 21:12
à cause de cela, ainsi dit l'Éternel, le Dieu d'Israël: Voici, je fais venir sur Jérusalem et sur Juda un mal tel, que quiconque l'entendra, les deux oreilles lui tinteront;

voici ce que dit l'Eternel, le Dieu d'Israël: Je vais faire venir sur Jérusalem et sur Juda des malheurs qui étourdiront les oreilles de quiconque en entendra parler.

A cause de cela l'Eternel le Dieu d'Israël, dit ainsi : Voici, je m'en vais faire venir un mal sur Jérusalem et sur Juda, tel que quiconque en entendra parler, les deux oreilles lui en corneront.

2 Koenige 21:12
darum spricht der HERR, der Gott Israels, also: Siehe, ich will Unglück über Jerusalem und Juda bringen, daß, wer es hören wird, dem sollen seine beiden Ohren gellen.

darum spricht der HERR, der Gott Israels, also: Siehe, ich will Unglück über Jerusalem und Juda bringen, daß, wer es hören wird, dem sollen seine beide Ohren gellen;

darum spricht Jahwe, der Gott Israels, also: Ich will Unglück über Jerusalem und Juda bringen, daß allen, die davon hören werden, beide Ohren gellen sollen.

2 Re 21:12
così dice l’Eterno, l’Iddio d’Israele: Ecco, io faccio venire su Gerusalemme e su Giuda tali sciagure, che chiunque ne udrà parlare n’avrà intronate le orecchie.

perciò così ha detto il Signore Iddio d’Israele: Ecco, io fo venire un male sopra Gerusalemme, e sopra Giuda, tale che chiunque l’udirà avrà amendue le orecchie intronate.

2 RAJA-RAJA 21:12
maka sebab itu firman Tuhan, Allah orang Israel, demikian: Bahwasanya Aku akan mendatangkan jahat kelak atas Yeruzalem dan atas segala orang Yehuda, sehingga menderinglah kedua belah telinga tiap-tiap orang yang mendengarnya.

열왕기하 21:12
그러므로 이스라엘 하나님 여호와가 말하노니 내가 이제 예루살렘과 유다에 재앙을 내리리니 듣는 자마다 두 귀가 울리리라

II Regum 21:12
propterea haec dicit Dominus Deus Israhel ecce ego inducam mala super Hierusalem et Iudam ut quicumque audierit tinniant ambae aures eius

Antroji Karaliø knyga 21:12
todėl taip sako Viešpats, Izraelio Dievas: ‘Štai Aš užvesiu Jeruzalei ir Judui tokias nelaimes, kad suspengs ausyse, išgirdus apie tai.

2 Kings 21:12
Mo reira ko te kupu tenei a Ihowa, a te Atua o Iharaira, Tenei ahau te kawe nei i te kino ki Hiruharama raua ko Hura, e paorooro ai nga taringa e rua o nga tangata e rangona ai.

2 Kongebok 21:12
derfor sier Herren, Israels Gud, så: Se, jeg fører ulykke over Jerusalem og Juda, så det skal ringe for begge ørene på hver den som hører om det.

2 Reyes 21:12
por tanto, así dice el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel: ``He aquí, voy a traer tal calamidad sobre Jerusalén y Judá, que a todo el que oiga de ello le retiñirán ambos oídos.

por tanto, así dice el SEÑOR, Dios de Israel: 'Voy a traer tal calamidad sobre Jerusalén y Judá, que a todo el que oiga de ello le retumbarán ambos oídos.

Por tanto, así dice Jehová el Dios de Israel: He aquí yo traigo tal mal sobre Jerusalén y sobre Judá, que el que lo oyere, le retiñirán ambos oídos.

Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová el Dios de Israel: He aquí yo traigo tal mal sobre Jerusalem y sobre Judá, que el que lo oyere, le retiñirán ambos oídos.

Por tanto, así dice el SEÑOR Dios de Israel: He aquí yo traigo tal mal sobre Jerusalén y sobre Judá, que el que lo oyere, le retiñirán ambos oídos.

2 Reis 21:12
por esse motivo assim declara Yahweh, o SENHOR, Deus de Israel: “Eis que enviarei um castigo tão severo sobre Jerusalém e Judá, que ambos os ouvidos de todos que escutarem retinirão!

por isso assim diz o Senhor Deus de Israel: Eis que trago tais males sobre Jerusalém e Judá, que a qualquer que deles ouvir lhe ficarão retinindo ambos os ouvidos.   

2 Imparati 21:12
iată ce zice Domnul, Dumnezeul lui Israel: ,Voi aduce peste Ierusalim şi peste Iuda nenorociri cari vor asurzi urechile oricui va auzi vorbindu-se de ele

4-я Царств 21:12
за то, так говорит Господь, Бог Израилев, вот, Я наведу такое зло наИерусалим и на Иуду, о котором кто услышит, зазвенит в обоих ушах у того;

за то, так говорит Господь, Бог Израилев, вот, Я наведу такое зло на Иерусалим и на Иуду, о котором кто услышит, зазвенит в обоих ушах у того;[]

2 Kungaboken 21:12
därför säger HERREN, Israels Gud, så: 'Se, jag skall låta en sådan olycka komma över Jerusalem och Juda, att det skall genljuda i båda öronen på var och en som får höra det.

2 Kings 21:12
Kaya't ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon, ng Dios ng Israel, Narito, aking dadalhin ang ganiyang kasamaan sa Jerusalem at sa Juda, na sinomang makabalita ay magpapanting ang dalawang tainga.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 21:12
เพราะฉะนั้นพระเยโฮวาห์พระเจ้าแห่งอิสราเอลตรัสดังนี้ว่า `ดูเถิด เรากำลังนำเหตุร้ายมาถึงเยรูซาเล็มและยูดาห์ อย่างที่ทุกคนซึ่งได้ยินแล้วหูทั้งสองของเขาจะซ่าไป

2 Krallar 21:12

2 Caùc Vua 21:12
vì cớ đó, Giê-hô-va Ðức Chúa Trời của Y-sơ-ra-ên phán như vầy: Kìa, ta sẽ giáng trên Giê-ru-sa-lem và trên Giu-đa những tai họa cả thể, đến đỗi phàm ai nghe nói đến phải lùng bùng lỗ tai.

2 Kings 21:11
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