2 Kings 17:33
2 Kings 17:33
They worshiped the LORD, but they also served their own gods in accordance with the customs of the nations from which they had been brought.

And though they worshiped the LORD, they continued to follow their own gods according to the religious customs of the nations from which they came.

So they feared the LORD but also served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away.

They feared the LORD and served their own gods according to the custom of the nations from among whom they had been carried away into exile.

They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.

They feared the LORD, but they also worshiped their own gods according to the custom of the nations where they had been deported from.

While they continued to fear the LORD, they served their own gods, following the custom of the nations whom they had carried away from there.

They were worshiping the LORD and at the same time serving their own gods in accordance with the practices of the nations from which they had been deported.

They worshiped the LORD but also served their own gods according to the customs of the nations from which they had come.

They feared the LORD and served their own gods after the manner of the gentiles whom they carried away from there.

They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from there.

They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from there.

They feared Jehovah, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away.

And when they worshipped the Lord, they served also their own gods according to the custom of the nations out of which they were brought to Samaria:

They feared Jehovah, and served their own gods after the manner of the nations, whence they had been carried away.

They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations from among whom they had been carried away.

They feared the LORD, and served their own gods, after the manner of the nations whom they carried away from thence.

They feared Yahweh, and served their own gods, after the ways of the nations from among whom they had been carried away.

Jehovah they are fearing, and their gods they are serving, according to the custom of the nations whence they removed them.

2 i Mbretërve 17:33
Kështu ata kishin frikë nga Zoti dhe u shërbenin perëndive të tyre, sipas zakoneve të kombeve nga të cilat qenë shpërngulur.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 17:33
كانوا يتقون الرب ويعبدون آلهتهم كعادة الامم الذين سبوهم من بينهم.

De Künig B 17:33
Yso gvereernd s önn Trechtein und blibnd dyrbei aau bei ienerne Götter, wie s is von dyrhaim her gwönt warnd, daa wo myn s hergholt hiet.

4 Царе 17:33
Бояха се от Господа, и на своите си богове служеха според обичая на народите, измежду които бяха преселени.

列 王 紀 下 17:33
他 們 又 懼 怕 耶 和 華 , 又 事 奉 自 己 的   神 , 從 何 邦 遷 移 , 就 隨 何 邦 的 風 俗 。

他 们 又 惧 怕 耶 和 华 , 又 事 奉 自 己 的   神 , 从 何 邦 迁 移 , 就 随 何 邦 的 风 俗 。



2 Kings 17:33
Štovali su Jahvu i služili su svojim bogovima po običaju onih naroda između kojih su ih preselili.

Druhá Královská 17:33
Hospodina ctili, však předce bohům svým sloužili vedlé obyčeje těch národů, odkudž převedeni byli.

Anden Kongebog 17:33
De frygte de HERREN, men dyrkede ogsaa deres egne Guder paa de Folkeslags Vis, de var ført bort fra.

2 Koningen 17:33
Zij vreesden den HEERE, en dienden ook hun goden, naar de wijze der volken, van dewelke zij die weggevoerd hadden.

מלכים ב 17:33
אֶת־יְהוָ֖ה הָי֣וּ יְרֵאִ֑ים וְאֶת־אֱלֹֽהֵיהֶם֙ הָי֣וּ עֹֽבְדִ֔ים כְּמִשְׁפַּט֙ הַגֹּויִ֔ם אֲשֶׁר־הִגְל֥וּ אֹתָ֖ם מִשָּֽׁם׃

לג את יהוה היו יראים ואת אלהיהם היו עבדים כמשפט הגוים אשר הגלו אתם משם

את־יהוה היו יראים ואת־אלהיהם היו עבדים כמשפט הגוים אשר־הגלו אתם משם׃

2 Királyok 17:33
Így tisztelték az Urat és szolgálták az õ isteneiket is, ama népek szokása szerint, a kik közül elhozták volt õket.

Reĝoj 2 17:33
La Eternulon ili timis, kaj al siaj dioj ili servis, laux la moro de tiuj popoloj, el kiuj oni transkondukis ilin.

He pelkäsivät Herraa ja palvelivat myös epäjumaliansa pakanain tavan jälkeen, kusta he tulleet olivat.

2 Rois 17:33
ils craignaient l'Éternel, et ils servaient leurs dieux selon la coutume des nations d'où ils avaient été transportés.

Ainsi ils craignaient l'Eternel, et ils servaient en même temps leurs dieux d'après la coutume des nations d'où on les avait transportés.

[Ainsi] ils révéraient l'Eternel, et en même temps ils servaient leurs dieux à la manière des nations qu'on avait transportées hors de là.

2 Koenige 17:33
Also fürchteten sie den HERRN und dieneten auch den Göttern nach eines jeglichen Volks Weise, von dannen sie hergebracht waren.

Also fürchteten sie den HERRN und dienten auch den Göttern nach eines jeglichen Volkes Weise, von wo sie hergebracht waren.

Jahwe verehrten sie, dienten aber gleichzeitig auch ihren Göttern, nach der Weise der Völker, aus deren Bereiche man sie weggeführt hatte.

2 Re 17:33
Così temevano l’Eterno, e servivano al tempo stesso i loro dèi, secondo il costume delle genti di fra le quali erano stati trasportati in Samaria.

Essi riverivano il Signore, e insieme servivano a’ lor dii, secondo la maniera delle genti, d’infra le quali erano stati trasportati là.

2 RAJA-RAJA 17:33
Kepada Tuhanpun mereka itu berbuat bakti dan kepada berhalanyapun mereka itu berbuat bakti atas peri segala bangsa, dari antaranya juga mereka itu sudah dipindahkan.

열왕기하 17:33
이와 같이 저희가 여호와도 경외하고 또한 어디서부터 옮겨왔든지 그 민족의 풍속대로 자기의 신들도 섬겼더라

II Regum 17:33
et cum Dominum colerent diis quoque suis serviebant iuxta consuetudinem gentium de quibus translati fuerant Samariam

Antroji Karaliø knyga 17:33
Jie bijojo Viešpaties ir tarnavo savo dievams, kaip buvo pratę savame krašte.

2 Kings 17:33
I wehi ratou i a Ihowa, me te mahi ano ki o ratou atua: pera ana i nga iwi i whakahekea atu nei ratou i reira.

2 Kongebok 17:33
De fryktet Herren, men dyrket også sine egne guder på samme vis som de hedningefolk de var bortført fra.

2 Reyes 17:33
Temían al SEÑOR y servían a sus dioses conforme a la costumbre de las naciones de donde habían sido llevados al destierro.

Temían al SEÑOR pero servían a sus dioses conforme a la costumbre de las naciones de donde habían sido llevados al destierro.

Temían a Jehová, y honraban a sus dioses, según la costumbre de las gentes de donde habían sido trasladados.

Temían á Jehová, y honraban á sus dioses, según la costumbre de las gentes de donde habían sido trasladados.

Temían al SEÑOR, y honraban también a sus dioses, según la costumbre de los gentiles que habían hecho traspasar de allí.

2 Reis 17:33
Dessa forma, temiam o SENHOR mas também cultuavam seus próprios deuses, conforme o costume e as tradições pagãs das nações dentre as quais haviam sido levados cativos.

Assim temiam ao Senhor, mas também serviam a seus próprios deuses, segundo o costume das nações do meio das quais tinham sido transportados.   

2 Imparati 17:33
Astfel se închinau Domnului, dar slujeau în acelaş timp şi dumnezeilor lor, după obiceiul neamurilor de unde fuseseră mutaţi.

4-я Царств 17:33
Господа они чтили, и богам своим они служили по обычаю народов, из которых выселили их.

Господа они чтили, и богам своим они служили по обычаю народов, из которых выселили их.[]

2 Kungaboken 17:33
Så fruktade de visserligen HERREN, men de tjänade därjämte sina egna gudar, på samma sätt som de folk ifrån vilka man hade fört bort dem.

2 Kings 17:33
Sila'y nangatakot sa Panginoon, at nagsipaglingkod sa kanilang sariling mga dios, ayon sa paraan ng mga bansa na kinadalhang bihag nila.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 17:33
เขาจึงเกรงกลัวพระเยโฮวาห์ แต่ปรนนิบัติพระของเขาเองด้วย ตามอย่างประชาชาติซึ่งเขาได้ถูกนำให้จากออกมาเสียนั้น

2 Krallar 17:33
Böylece hem RABbe tapınıyorlar, hem de aralarından geldikleri ulusların törelerine göre kendi ilahlarına kulluk ediyorlardı.[]

2 Caùc Vua 17:33
Các dân tộc ấy kính sợ Ðức Giê-hô-va, song cũng hầu việc các thần mình, theo thói tục của những dân tộc mà họ bị dời ra khỏi đó.

2 Kings 17:32
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