2 Kings 16:6
2 Kings 16:6
At that time, Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram by driving out the people of Judah. Edomites then moved into Elath and have lived there to this day.

At that time the king of Edom recovered the town of Elath for Edom. He drove out the people of Judah and sent Edomites to live there, as they do to this day.

At that time Rezin the king of Syria recovered Elath for Syria and drove the men of Judah from Elath, and the Edomites came to Elath, where they dwell to this day.

At that time Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram, and cleared the Judeans out of Elath entirely; and the Arameans came to Elath and have lived there to this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

At that time Rezin king of Aram recovered Elath for Aram and expelled the Judahites from Elath. Then the Arameans came to Elath, and they live there until today.

But at that time, King Rezin of Aram recovered Elath for Aram, completely removing the Judeans from Elath. Then the Arameans returned to Elath and have remained there to this day.

(At that time King Rezin of Syria recovered Elat for Syria; he drove the Judahites from there. Syrians arrived in Elat and live there to this very day.)

At that time King Rezin of Aram drove the Judeans out of Elath and gave it back to Edom. The Edomites came to Elath and still live there today.

At that time Rezin, king of Syria, recovered Elath to Syria and drove the Jews from Elath; and the Syrians came to Elath and dwelt there unto this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria captured Elath for Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelled there to this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath; and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there, unto this day.

At that time Rasin king of Syria restored Aila to Syria, and drove the men of Juda out of Aila: and the Edomites came into Aila, and dwelt there unto this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath; and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there to this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there, unto this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and have dwelt there to this day.

At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drove the Jews from Elath; and the Syrians came to Elath, and lived there, to this day.

At that time hath Rezin king of Aram brought back Elath to Aram, and casteth out the Jews from Elath, and the Aramaeans have come in to Elath, and dwell there unto this day.

2 i Mbretërve 16:6
Në atë kohë Retsini, mbret i Sirisë, ripushtoi Elathin dhe përzuri Judenjtë nga Elathi; kështu Sirët hynë në Elath dhe kanë mbetur atje deri ditën e sotme.

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 16:6
في ذلك الوقت ارجع رصين ملك ارام ايلة للاراميين وطرد اليهود من ايلة وجاء الاراميون الى ايلة واقاموا هناك الى هذا اليوم.

De Künig B 16:6
Dyrselbn gwann dyr Ärmauer Künig Rezein aau Elet für d Roetem zrugg. Er vertrib de dortignen Judauer, und dyrfür kaamend Roetemer und seind dort hinst heut ansaessig blibn.

4 Царе 16:6
В онова време сирийският цар Расин възвърна Елат под Сирия, и изпъди юдеите из Елат; а сирийците дойдоха в Елат та живееха там, [гдето са] и до днес.

列 王 紀 下 16:6
當 時 亞 蘭 王 利 汛 收 回 以 拉 他 歸 與 亞 蘭 , 將 猶 大 人 從 以 拉 他 趕 出 去 。 亞 蘭 人 ( 有 作 以 東 人 的 ) 就 來 到 以 拉 他 , 住 在 那 裡 , 直 到 今 日 。

当 时 亚 兰 王 利 汛 收 回 以 拉 他 归 与 亚 兰 , 将 犹 大 人 从 以 拉 他 赶 出 去 。 亚 兰 人 ( 有 作 以 东 人 的 ) 就 来 到 以 拉 他 , 住 在 那 里 , 直 到 今 日 。



2 Kings 16:6
U to vrijeme aramejski kralj Resin vrati Elat Edomcima; protjerao je Judejce iz Elata; ušli su Edomci u njega i ondje su ostali do danas. -

Druhá Královská 16:6
(Toho času Rezin král Syrský odtrhl zase město Elat k Syrii, a vyplénil Židy z Elot; Syrští pak přišedše do Elat, bydlili tam až do dnešního dne.)

Anden Kongebog 16:6
Ved den Lejlighed tog Edoms Konge; Elat tilbage til Edom; og efter at han havde jaget Judæerne ud af Elat, kom Edomiterne og bosatte sig der, og de bor der den Dag i Dag.

2 Koningen 16:6
Te dierzelfder tijd bracht Rezin, de koning van Syrie, Elath weder aan Syrie, en wierp de Joden uit Elath; en de Syriers kwamen te Elath, en hebben daar gewoond tot op dezen dag.

מלכים ב 16:6
בָּעֵ֣ת הַהִ֗יא הֵ֠שִׁיב רְצִ֨ין מֶֽלֶךְ־אֲרָ֤ם אֶת־אֵילַת֙ לַֽאֲרָ֔ם וַיְנַשֵּׁ֥ל אֶת־הַיְהוּדִ֖ים מֵֽאֵילֹ֑ות [וַאֲרַמִּים כ] (וַֽאֲדֹומִים֙ ק) בָּ֣אוּ אֵילַ֔ת וַיֵּ֣שְׁבוּ שָׁ֔ם עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃ פ

ו בעת ההיא השיב רצין מלך ארם את אילת לארם וינשל את היהודים מאילות וארמים (ואדמים) באו אילת וישבו שם עד היום הזה  {פ}

בעת ההיא השיב רצין מלך־ארם את־אילת לארם וינשל את־היהודים מאילות [וארמים כ] (ואדומים ק) באו אילת וישבו שם עד היום הזה׃ פ

2 Királyok 16:6
Akkor nyerte vissza Réczin, Siria királya Elátot a Siriabelieknek, és irtotta ki a zsidókat Elátból; és Siriabeliek jövének Elátba, és ott laknak mind e mai napig.

Reĝoj 2 16:6
En tiu tempo Recin, regxo de Sirio, revenigis Elaton al Sirio kaj elpelis la Judojn el Elat; la Sirianoj eniris Elaton kaj eklogxis tie gxis la nuna tago.

Silloin myös Retsin Syrian kuningas sai Syrialaisille Elatin jälleen ja ajoi Juudalaiset Elatista ulos; mutta Syrialaiset tulivat Elatiin ja asuivat siinä tähän päivään asti.

2 Rois 16:6
En ce temps-là, Retsin, roi de Syrie, recouvra Élath pour la Syrie; et il expulsa d'Élath les Juifs; et les Syriens entrèrent à Élath, et ils y ont habité jusqu'à ce jour.

Dans ce même temps, Retsin, roi de Syrie, fit rentrer Elath au pouvoir des Syriens; il expulsa d'Elath les Juifs, et les Syriens vinrent à Elath, où ils ont habité jusqu'à ce jour.

En ce temps-là Retsin Roi de Syrie, remit Elath en la puissance des Syriens, car il déposséda les Juifs d'Elath, et les Syriens entrèrent à Elath, et ils y ont demeuré jusqu'à ce jour.

2 Koenige 16:6
Zur selbigen Zeit brachte Rezin, König in Syrien, Elath wieder an Syrien und stieß die Juden aus Elath; aber die Syrer kamen und wohneten drinnen bis auf diesen Tag.

Zu derselben Zeit brachte Rezin, König von Syrien, Elath wieder an Syrien und stieß die Juden aus Elath; aber die Syrer kamen und wohnten darin bis auf diesen Tag. {~}

Zu jener Zeit brachte Rezin, der König von Aram, Elath an Edom zurück und warf die Judäer aus Elath hinaus. Da kamen Edomiter nach Elath und ließen sich dort nieder, bis auf den heutigen Tag.

2 Re 16:6
In quel tempo, Retsin, re di Siria, riconquistò Elath alla Siria, e cacciò i Giudei da Elath, e i Siri entrarono in Elath, dove sono rimasti fino al dì d’oggi.

In quel tempo, Resin, re di Siria, racquistò Elat a’ Siri, e cacciò i Giudei fuor di Elat; così gli Idumei rientrarono in Elat, e vi sono abitati infino ad oggi.

2 RAJA-RAJA 16:6
Maka pada masa itu juga dikembalikan Rezin, raja Syam, akan Elat kepada benua Syam dan dihalaukannya orang Yehuda itu dari Elat, maka datanglah orang Syam ke Elat, lalu duduklah di sana sampai kepada hari ini.

열왕기하 16:6
당시에 아람 왕 르신이 엘랏을 회복하여 아람에 돌리고 유다 사람을 엘랏에서 쫓아내었고 아람 사람이 엘랏에 이르러 거하여 오늘날까지 이르렀더라

II Regum 16:6
in tempore illo restituit Rasin rex Syriae Ahilam Syriae et eiecit Iudaeos de Ahilam et Idumei venerunt in Ahilam et habitaverunt ibi usque in diem hanc

Antroji Karaliø knyga 16:6
Sirijos karalius Recinas sugrąžino Elatą Sirijai ir, išvaręs žydus iš Elato, jį apgyvendino edomitais, kurie ten tebegyvena iki šios dienos.

2 Kings 16:6
I taua wa ka whakahokia e Retini kingi o Hiria a Erata ki Hiria, a peia ana nga Hurai i Erata: na haere mai ana nga Hiriani ki Erata, a nohoia ana a reira a taea noatia tenei ra.

2 Kongebok 16:6
På den tid la kongen i Syria Resin Elat til Syria; han drev jødene bort fra Elat, og syrerne kom til Elat og bosatte sig der og bor der den dag idag.

2 Reyes 16:6
En aquel tiempo Rezín, rey de Aram, recuperó a Elat para Aram, y echó a los judíos de Elat completamente; y los arameos vinieron a Elat y allí han morado hasta hoy.

En aquel tiempo Rezín, rey de Aram, recuperó a Elat para Aram, y echó a los Judíos de Elat completamente; y los Arameos vinieron a Elat y allí han morado hasta hoy.

En aquel tiempo Rezín rey de Siria restituyó Elat a Siria, y echó a los judíos de Elat; y los sirios vinieron a Elat, y habitaron allí hasta hoy.

En aquel tiempo Resín rey de Siria restituyó Elath á Siria, y echó á los Judíos de Elath; y los Siros vinieron á Elath, y habitaron allí hasta hoy.

En aquel tiempo Rezín rey de Siria restituyó Elat a Siria, y echó a los Judíos de Elat; y los Siros vinieron a Elat, y habitaron allí hasta hoy.

2 Reis 16:6
Na mesma época, Rezim, rei da Síria, restituiu Elate à Síria e lançou fora dela os judeus; os edomitas mudaram-se para Elate, onde habitam até os nossos dias.

Nesse mesmo tempo Rezim, rei da Síria, restituiu Elate a Síria, lançando fora dela os judeus; e os sírios vieram a Elate, e ficaram habitando ali até o dia de hoje.   

2 Imparati 16:6
În acelaş timp, Reţin, împăratul Siriei, a adus iarăş Elatul subt stăpînirea Sirienilor; a izgonit pe Evrei din Elat, şi Sirienii au venit la Elat, unde au locuit pînă în ziua de azi.

4-я Царств 16:6
В то время Рецин, царь Сирийский, возвратил Сирии Елаф и изгнал Иудеев из Елафа; и Идумеяне вступили в Елаф, и живут там досего дня.

В то время Рецин, царь Сирийский, возвратил Сирии Елаф и изгнал Иудеев из Елафа; и Идумеяне вступили в Елаф, и живут там до сего дня.[]

2 Kungaboken 16:6
Vid samma tid återvann Resin, konungen i Aram, Elat åt Aram och jagade Juda män bort ifrån Elot. Därefter kommo araméerna till Elat och bosatte sig där, och där bo de ännu i dag.

2 Kings 16:6
Nang panahong yaon ay binawi ni Resin na hari sa Siria ang Elath sa Siria at pinalayas ang mga Judio sa Elath: at ang mga taga Siria ay nagsiparoon sa Elath, at tumanan doon, hanggang sa araw na ito.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 16:6
คราวนั้นเรซีนกษัตริย์แห่งซีเรียได้เข้ายึดเมืองเอลัทคืนให้ซีเรีย และทรงขับไล่พวกยิวเสียจากเอลัท และคนซีเรียมาที่เอลัท และอยู่ที่นั่นจนทุกวันนี้

2 Krallar 16:6
O sırada Aram Kralı Resin Eylatı geri alıp Yahudalıları oradan sürdü. Edomlular Eylata yerleşti. Bugün de orada yaşıyorlar.[]

2 Caùc Vua 16:6
Ấy nhằm lúc đó Rê-xin, vua Sy-ri; người đuổi dân Giu-đa khỏi Ê-lát, và dân Sy-ri bèn đến Ê-lát, ở đó cho đến ngày nay.

2 Kings 16:5
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