2 Kings 13:17
2 Kings 13:17
"Open the east window," he said, and he opened it. "Shoot!" Elisha said, and he shot. "The LORD's arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Aram!" Elisha declared. "You will completely destroy the Arameans at Aphek."

Then he commanded, "Open that eastern window," and he opened it. Then he said, "Shoot!" So he shot an arrow. Elisha proclaimed, "This is the LORD's arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram, for you will completely conquer the Arameans at Aphek."

And he said, “Open the window eastward,” and he opened it. Then Elisha said, “Shoot,” and he shot. And he said, “The LORD’s arrow of victory, the arrow of victory over Syria! For you shall fight the Syrians in Aphek until you have made an end of them.”

He said, "Open the window toward the east," and he opened it. Then Elisha said, "Shoot!" And he shot. And he said, "The LORD'S arrow of victory, even the arrow of victory over Aram; for you will defeat the Arameans at Aphek until you have destroyed them."

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them.

Elisha said, "Open the east window." So he opened it. Elisha said, "Shoot!" So he shot. Then Elisha said, "The LORD's arrow of victory, yes, the arrow of victory over Aram. You are to strike down the Arameans in Aphek until you have put an end to them."

and ordered him, "Open a window that faces east." So he did so. Elisha ordered him, "Shoot!" So he shot. Then Elisha said, "This is the LORD's arrow of victory—the victory arrow against Aram, because you will defeat the Arameans at Aphek until you will have utterly finished them off."

Elisha said, "Open the east window," and he did so. Elisha said, "Shoot!" and he did so. Elisha said, "This arrow symbolizes the victory the LORD will give you over Syria. You will annihilate Syria in Aphek!"

Elisha said, "Open the window that faces east." So the king opened it. "Shoot," Elisha said, and the king shot. Then Elisha said, "That is the arrow of the LORD's victory, the arrow of victory against Aram. You will completely defeat the Arameans at Aphek."

And he said, Open the window towards the east. And when he opened it Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD's salvation, and the arrow of salvation from Syria; for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, until thou have consumed them.

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for you shall smite the Syrians in Aphek, till you have consumed them.

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD's deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for you shall smite the Syrians in Aphek, till you have consumed them.

And he said, Open the window eastward; and he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot; and he shot. And he said, Jehovah's arrow of victory, even the arrow of victory over Syria; for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them.

And said: Open the window to the east. And when he had opened it, Eliseus said: Shoot an arrow. And he shot. And Eliseus said: The arrow of the Lord's deliverance, and the arrow of the deliverance from Syria: and thou shalt strike the Syrians in Aphec, till thou consume them.

and said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. And Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, An arrow of Jehovah's deliverance, even an arrow of deliverance from the Syrians; and thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou hast consumed them.

And he said, Open the window eastward: and he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot: and he shot. And he said, The LORD'S arrow of victory, even the arrow of victory over Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou have consumed them.

And he said, Open the window eastward. And he opened it. Then Elisha said, Shoot. And he shot. And he said, The arrow of the LORD'S deliverance, and the arrow of deliverance from Syria: for thou shalt smite the Syrians in Aphek, till thou hast consumed them.

He said, "Open the window eastward;" and he opened it. Then Elisha said, "Shoot!" and he shot. He said, "Yahweh's arrow of victory, even the arrow of victory over Syria; for you shall strike the Syrians in Aphek, until you have consumed them."

and saith, 'Open the window eastward;' and he openeth, and Elisha saith, 'Shoot,' and he shooteth; and he saith, 'An arrow of salvation to Jehovah, and an arrow of salvation against Aram, and thou hast smitten Aram, in Aphek, till consuming.'

2 i Mbretërve 13:17
Pastaj tha: "Hape dritaren nga lindja!". Ai e hapi. Atëherë Eliseu tha: "Gjuaj!". Ai gjuajti. Pas kësaj Eliseu i tha: "Shigjeta e fitores së Zotit dhe shigjeta e fitores kundër Sirëve, sepse ti do t'i mundësh Sirët në Afek deri sa t'i shfarosësh".

ﺍﻟﻤﻠﻮﻙ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ 13:17
وقال افتح الكوّة لجهة الشرق. ففتحها فقال اليشع ارم. فرمى فقال سهم خلاص للرب وسهم خلاص من ارام فانك تضرب ارام في افيق الى الفناء.

De Künig B 13:17
Dann gsait yr: "Ietz machst dös Fenster auf dyr Oosterseitt auf!" Dyr Künig gmacht s auf, und dyr Elysäus gsacht n aushinschiessn. Wie yr abschoß, rief dyr Elysäus aus: "Ayn Sigspfeil von n Herrn, ayn Sigspfeil gögn Ärmau! Du gaast Ärmau bei Äfeck aufreibn."

4 Царе 13:17
Отвори източния прозорец. И той го отвори. И рече Елисей: Стреляй. И той устрели. И рече: Стрелата на Господното спасение! да! стрелата на избавлението от сирийците! защото ще поразиш сирийците в Афек докле ги довършиш.

列 王 紀 下 13:17
說 : 你 開 朝 東 的 窗 戶 。 他 就 開 了 。 以 利 沙 說 : 射 箭 罷 ! 他 就 射 箭 。 以 利 沙 說 : 這 是 耶 和 華 的 得 勝 箭 , 就 是 戰 勝 亞 蘭 人 的 箭 ; 因 為 你 必 在 亞 弗 攻 打 亞 蘭 人 , 直 到 滅 盡 他 們 。

说 : 你 开 朝 东 的 窗 户 。 他 就 开 了 。 以 利 沙 说 : 射 箭 罢 ! 他 就 射 箭 。 以 利 沙 说 : 这 是 耶 和 华 的 得 胜 箭 , 就 是 战 胜 亚 兰 人 的 箭 ; 因 为 你 必 在 亚 弗 攻 打 亚 兰 人 , 直 到 灭 尽 他 们 。



2 Kings 13:17
zatim reče: "Otvori prozor prema istoku." I on ga otvori, a nato će Elizej: "Odapni!" I on odape, a Elizej reče: "Pobjedonosna strijela Jahvina! Pobjednička strijela nad Aramejcima! Do nogu ćeš potući Aramejce kod Afeka."

Druhá Královská 13:17
A řekl: Otevři to okno k východu. A když otevřel, řekl Elizeus: Střeliž. I střelil. Tedy řekl: Střela spasení Hospodinova a střela vysvobození proti Syrským; nebo porazíš Syrské v Afeku, až i do konce vyhladíš je.

Anden Kongebog 13:17
og sagde: »Luk Vinduet op mod Øst!« Og da han havde gjort det, sagde Elisa: »Skyd!« Og han skød. Da sagde Elisa: »En Sejrspil fra HERREN, en Sejrspil mod Aram! Du skal tilføje Aram et afgørende Nederlag ved Afek!«

2 Koningen 13:17
En hij zeide: Doe het venster open tegen het oosten. En hij deed het open. Toen zeide Elisa: Schiet. En hij schoot. En hij zeide: Het is een pijl der verlossing des HEEREN, en een pijl der verlossing tegen de Syriers; want gij zult de Syriers slaan in Afek, tot verdoens toe.

מלכים ב 13:17
וַיֹּ֗אמֶר פְּתַ֧ח הַחַלֹּ֛ון קֵ֖דְמָה וַיִּפְתָּ֑ח וַיֹּ֤אמֶר אֱלִישָׁ֤ע יְרֵה֙ וַיֹּ֔ור וַיֹּ֗אמֶר חֵץ־תְּשׁוּעָ֤ה לַֽיהוָה֙ וְחֵ֣ץ תְּשׁוּעָ֣ה בַֽאֲרָ֔ם וְהִכִּיתָ֧ אֶת־אֲרָ֛ם בַּאֲפֵ֖ק עַד־כַּלֵּֽה׃

יז ויאמר פתח החלון קדמה--ויפתח ויאמר אלישע ירה ויור ויאמר חץ תשועה ליהוה וחץ תשועה בארם והכית את ארם באפק עד כלה

ויאמר פתח החלון קדמה ויפתח ויאמר אלישע ירה ויור ויאמר חץ־תשועה ליהוה וחץ תשועה בארם והכית את־ארם באפק עד־כלה׃

2 Királyok 13:17
És monda: Nyisd ki az ablakot napkelet felõl. És mikor kinyitotta, monda Elizeus: Lõjj! És lõtt. Akkor monda: Az Úrnak gyõzedelmes nyíla ez, gyõzedelmes nyíl a Siriabeliek ellen; mert megvered a Siriabelieket Afekben a megsemmisülésig.

Reĝoj 2 13:17
kaj diris:Malfermu la fenestron orienten. Li malfermis. Kaj Elisxa diris:Pafu. Li pafis. Kaj li diris:Sago de savo de la Eternulo kaj sago de savo kontraux Sirio, kaj vi venkobatos la Sirianojn en Afek, gxis vi ilin tute pereigos.

Ja sanoi: avaa akkuna, joka on itään päin; ja hän avasi sen. Ja Elisa sanoi: ammu; ja hän ampui. Hän sanoi: pelastuksen nuoli Herralta, pelastuksen nuoli Syrialaisia vastaan: ja sinun pitää lyömän Syrialaiset Aphekissa, siihenasti että he lopetetut ovat.

2 Rois 13:17
Ouvre la fenêtre vers l'orient. Et il l'ouvrit. Et Élisée dit: Tire! Et il tira. Et il dit: Une flèche de salut de par l'Éternel, une flèche de salut contre les Syriens; et tu battras les Syriens à Aphek, jusqu'à les détruire.

et il dit: Ouvre la fenêtre à l'orient. Et il l'ouvrit. Elisée dit: Tire. Et il tira. Elisée dit: C'est une flèche de délivrance de la part de l'Eternel, une flèche de délivrance contre les Syriens; tu battras les Syriens à Aphek jusqu'à leur extermination.

Et lui dit : Ouvre la fenêtre qui regarde vers l'Orient; et quand il l'eut ouverte, Elisée lui dit : Tire. Après qu'il eut tiré, il lui dit : C'est la flèche de la délivrance de par l'Eternel, la flèche, dis-je, de la délivrance contre les Syriens; tu frapperas donc les Syriens en Aphek, jusqu'à les consumer.

2 Koenige 13:17
und sprach: Tue das Fenster auf gegen Morgen! Und er tat es auf. Und Elisa sprach: Schieße! Und er schoß. Er aber sprach: Ein Pfeil des Heils vom HERRN, ein Pfeil des Heils wider die Syrer; und du wirst die Syrer schlagen zu Aphek, bis sie aufgerieben sind.

und sprach: Tu das Fenster auf gegen Morgen! Und er tat's auf. Und Elisa sprach: Schieß! Und er schoß. Er aber sprach: Ein Pfeil des Heils vom HERRN, ein Pfeil des Heils wider die Syrer; und du wirst die Syrer schlagen zu Aphek, bis sie aufgerieben sind.

Dann sprach er: Öffne das Fenster nach Osten zu! Als er es geöffnet hatte, gebot Elisa: Schieße! Da schoß er. Er aber sprach: Ein Pfeil des Sieges vor Jahwe! Ja, ein Pfeil des Sieges über Aram! Sollst du doch zu Aphek die Aramäer schlagen, bis sie vernichtet sind.

2 Re 13:17
poi gli disse: "Apri la finestra a levante!" E Joas l’aprì. Allora Eliseo disse: "Tira!" E quegli tirò. Ed Eliseo disse: "Questa è una freccia di vittoria da parte dell’Eterno: la freccia della vittoria contro la Siria. Tu sconfiggerai i Siri in Afek fino a sterminarli".

Apri la finestra verso Oriente. E quando egli l’ebbe aperta, Eliseo gli disse: Tira. Ed egli tirò. Ed Eliseo disse: Questa è la saetta della vittoria del Signore; la saetta della vittoria contro a’ Siri; e tu percoterai i Siri in Afec, fino ad una intiera sconfitta.

2 RAJA-RAJA 13:17
sambil katanya: Bukakanlah tingkap yang arah ke timur. Maka dibukakannyalah. Lalu kata Elisa: Panahkanlah. Maka dipanahkannyalah. Maka kata Elisa: Ia itulah anak panah pertolongan Tuhan, dan anak panah kelepasan dari pada orang Syam, karena orang Syam itu akan kaualahkan kelak di Afek, sehingga binasalah mereka itu.

열왕기하 13:17
가로되 `동편 창을 여소서' 곧 열매 엘리사가 가로되 `쏘소서' 곧 쏘매 엘리사가 가로되 이는 여호와의 구원의 살 곧 아람에 대한 구원의 살이니 왕이 아람 사람을 진멸하도록 아벡에서 치리이다

II Regum 13:17
et ait aperi fenestram orientalem cumque aperuisset dixit Heliseus iace sagittam et iecit et ait Heliseus sagitta salutis Domini et sagitta salutis contra Syriam percutiesque Syriam in Afec donec consumas eam

Antroji Karaliø knyga 13:17
ir tarė: “Atidaryk langą į rytus ir šauk”. Jis atidarė ir šovė. Eliziejus sakė: “Tai Viešpaties išlaisvinimo strėlė, išlaisvinimo iš Sirijos strėlė. Tu nugalėsi sirus Afeke ir juos pribaigsi”.

2 Kings 13:17
Na ka ki tera, Uakina te matapihi whaka te rawhiti: na uakina ana e ia. Katahi a Eriha ka mea, Koperea: na koperea ana e ia. A ka mea tera, Ko te pere o ta Ihowa whakaoranga, ko te pere e ora ai i a Hiria: ka patua hoki e koe nga Hiriani ki Apek e, a poto noa.

2 Kongebok 13:17
Så sa han: Lukk op vinduet mot øst! Og han lukket det op. Da sa Elisa: Skyt! Så skjøt han. Da sa han: En frelsens pil fra Herren, en frelsens pil mot syrerne! Du skal slå syrerne i Afek og gjøre ende på dem.

2 Reyes 13:17
Y dijo: Abre la ventana hacia el oriente, y él la abrió. Entonces Eliseo dijo: Tira. Y él tiró. Y Eliseo dijo: Flecha de victoria del SEÑOR, y flecha de victoria sobre Aram, porque derrotarás a los arameos en Afec hasta exterminar los.

Y dijo: "Abre la ventana hacia el oriente, y él la abrió." Entonces Eliseo dijo: "Tira." Y él tiró. Y Eliseo dijo: "Flecha de victoria del SEÑOR, y flecha de victoria sobre Aram, porque derrotarás a los Arameos en Afec hasta exterminarlos."

y dijo: Abre la ventana de hacia el oriente. Y como él la abrió dijo Eliseo: Tira. Y tirando él, dijo Eliseo: Saeta de salvación de Jehová, saeta de salvación contra Siria; porque herirás a los sirios en Afec, hasta consumirlos.

Y dijo: Abre la ventana de hacia el oriente. Y como él la abrió dijo Eliseo: Tira. Y tirando él, dijo Eliseo: Saeta de salud de Jehová, y saeta de salud contra Siria: porque herirás á los Siros en Aphec, hasta consumirlos.

y dijo: Abre la ventana de hacia el oriente. Y cuando él la abrió dijo Eliseo: Tira. Y tirando él, dijo Eliseo : Saeta de salud del SEÑOR, y saeta de salud contra Siria; porque herirás a los siros en Afec, hasta consumirlos.

2 Reis 13:17
E ordenou-lhe: “Abre a janela que dá para o Oriente, em direção ao leste, e atire!”

e disse: Abre a janela para o oriente. E ele a abriu. Então disse Eliseu: Atira. E ele atirou. Prosseguiu Eliseu: A flecha do livramento do Senhor é a flecha do livramento contra os sírios; porque ferirás os sírios em Afeque até os consumir.   

2 Imparati 13:17
şi a zis: ,,Deschide fereastra din spre răsărit.`` Şi a deschis -o. Elisei a zis: ,,Trage.`` Şi a tras. Elisei a zis: ,,Aceasta este o săgeată de izbăvire din partea Domnului, o săgeată de izbăvire împotriva Sirienilor: vei bate pe Sirieni la Afec pînă îi vei nimici.``

4-я Царств 13:17
и сказал: отвори окно на восток. И он отворил. И сказал Елисей: выстрели. И он выстрелил. И сказал: эта стрелаизбавления от Господа и стрела избавления против Сирии, и ты поразишь Сириян в Афеке вконец.

и сказал: отвори окно на восток. И он отворил. И сказал Елисей: выстрели. И он выстрелил. И сказал: эта стрела избавления от Господа и стрела избавления против Сирии, и ты поразишь Сириян в Афеке вконец.[]

2 Kungaboken 13:17
Därefter sade han: »Öppna fönstret mot öster.» Och när han hade öppnat det, sade Elisa: »Skjut.» Och han sköt. Då sade han: »En HERRENS segerpil, en segerpil mot Aram! Du skall slå araméerna vid Afek, så att de förgöras.»

2 Kings 13:17
At kaniyang sinabi, Buksan mo ang dungawan sa dakong silanganan: at binuksan niya. Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ni Eliseo, Magpahilagpos ka: at siya'y nagpahilagpos. At kaniyang sinabi, Ang pana nga ng pagtatagumpay ng Panginoon, sa makatuwid baga'y ang pana ng pagtatagumpay sa Siria: sapagka't iyong sasaktan ang mga taga Siria sa Aphec, hanggang sa iyong mangalipol.

2 พงศ์กษัตริย์ 13:17
และท่านทูลว่า "ขอทรงเปิดหน้าต่างด้านตะวันออก" และพระองค์ทรงเปิด แล้วเอลีชาทูลว่า "ขอทรงยิง" และพระองค์ก็ทรงยิง และท่านทูลว่า "ลูกธนูแห่งการช่วยให้รอดพ้นของพระเยโฮวาห์ ลูกธนูแห่งการช่วยให้รอดพ้นจากซีเรีย เพราะพระองค์จะทรงต่อสู้กับคนซีเรียที่อาเฟก จนกว่าพระองค์จะทรงกระทำให้เขาสิ้นไป"

2 Krallar 13:17
‹‹Doğuya bakan pencereyi aç›› dedi. Kral pencereyi açtı. Elişa, ‹‹Oku at!›› dedi. Kral oku atınca, Elişa, ‹‹Bu ok Aramlılara karşı sizi zafere ulaştıracak RABbin kurtarış okudur›› dedi, ‹‹Afekte onları kesin bozguna uğratacaksınız.››[]

2 Caùc Vua 13:17
mà nói rằng: Hãy mở cửa sổ ra. Ê-li-sê lại nói: Hãy bắn. Người bèn bắn. Bấy giờ Ê-li-sê tiếp rằng: Ấy là cây tên thắng hơn của Ðức Giê-hô-va, tức là cây tên thắng hơn dân Sy-ri vì ngươi sẽ hãm đánh dân Sy-ri tại A-phéc, đến đỗi tuyệt diệt chúng nó.

2 Kings 13:16
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