2 Chronicles 9:14
2 Chronicles 9:14
not including the revenues brought in by merchants and traders. Also all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the territories brought gold and silver to Solomon.

This did not include the additional revenue he received from merchants and traders. All the kings of Arabia and the governors of the provinces also brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides that which the explorers and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the land brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides that which the traders and merchants brought; and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides what was brought by the merchants and traders. All the Arabian kings and governors of the land also brought gold and silver to Solomon.

not including revenue from traders and merchants. In addition, all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the nation brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides what he collected from the merchants and traders. All the Arabian kings and the governors of the land also brought gold and silver to Solomon.

not counting [the gold] which the merchants and traders brought. All the Arab kings and governors of the land also brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides that which the traders and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the land brought gold and silver to Solomon.

Besides that which traders and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides that which the traders and merchants brought: and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

Beside the sum which the deputies of divers nations, and the merchants were accustomed to bring, and all the kings of Arabia, and the lords of the lands, who I brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides what dealers and merchants brought, and what all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought of gold and silver to Solomon.

beside that which the chapmen and merchants brought: and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

Besides that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

besides that which the traders and merchants brought: and all the kings of Arabia and the governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.

apart from what the tourists, and the merchants, are bringing in; and all the kings of Arabia, and the governors of the land, are bringing in gold and silver to Solomon.

2 i Kronikave 9:14
përveç atij që merrte nga tregtarët; edhe tërë mbretërit e Arabisë dhe qeveritarët e vendit i sillnin Salomonit ar dhe argjend.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 9:14
فضلا عن الذي جاء به التجار والمستبضعون. وكل ملوك العرب وولاة الارض كانوا يأتون بذهب وفضة الى سليمان.

Dyr Lauft B 9:14
Daa seind de Zöll von de Kaeuffln und Handler non gar nit aynmaal mitgrechnet. Aau allsand arbischn Künig und d Vögt von n Land selbn glifernd yn n Salman ayn Gold und Silber ab.

2 Летописи 9:14
освен онова, което се внасяше от купувачите, от търговците, от всичките арабски царе, и от управителите на страната, които донасяха на Соломона злато и сребро.

歷 代 志 下 9:14
另 外 還 有 商 人 所 進 的 金 子 , 並 且 亞 拉 伯 諸 王 與 屬 國 的 省 長 都 帶 金 銀 給 所 羅 門 。

另 外 还 有 商 人 所 进 的 金 子 , 并 且 亚 拉 伯 诸 王 与 属 国 的 省 长 都 带 金 银 给 所 罗 门 。



2 Chronicles 9:14
osim onoga što je dolazilo od trgovaca i putujućih prodavača. I svi su arapski kraljevi i zemaljski upravitelji Salomonu donosili zlato i srebro.

Druhá Paralipomenon 9:14
Kromě toho, což kupci a prodavači přinášeli, a všickni králové Arabští. A vývodové té země přiváželi zlato a stříbro Šalomounovi.

Anden Krønikebog 9:14
deri ikke medregnet hvad der indkom i Afgift fra de undertvungne Folk og ved Købmændenes Handel og fra alle Arabiens Konger og Landets Statholdere, som bragte Salomo Guld og Sølv.

2 Kronieken 9:14
Behalve dat zij van de kramers en de kooplieden inbrachten; ook brachten alle koningen van Arabie, en de vorsten deszelven lands, goud en zilver aan Salomo.

דברי הימים ב 9:14
לְבַ֞ד מֵאַנְשֵׁ֧י הַתָּרִ֛ים וְהַסֹּחֲרִ֖ים מְבִיאִ֑ים וְכָל־מַלְכֵ֤י עֲרַב֙ וּפַחֹ֣ות הָאָ֔רֶץ מְבִיאִ֛ים זָהָ֥ב וָכֶ֖סֶף לִשְׁלֹמֹֽה׃

יד לבד מאנשי התרים והסחרים מביאים וכל מלכי ערב ופחות הארץ מביאים זהב וכסף לשלמה

לבד מאנשי התרים והסחרים מביאים וכל־מלכי ערב ופחות הארץ מביאים זהב וכסף לשלמה׃

2 Krónika 9:14
Azonkivül, [a mit] hoznak vala a kalmárok és kereskedõk; de még Arábia minden királyai és annak a földnek fejedelmei és hoznak vala aranyat és ezüstöt Salamonnak.

Kroniko 2 9:14
krom tio la disportistoj kaj komercistoj alportadis, kaj ankaux cxiuj regxoj de Arabujo kaj la regionestroj alportadis al Salomono oron kaj argxenton.

Paitsi mitä kauppamiehet ja yrttein myyjät toivat. Ja kaikki Arabian kuninkaat ja maan herrat veivät kultaa ja hopiaa Salomolle.

2 Chroniques 9:14
outre ce qu'apportaient les commerçants ambulants et les trafiquants, et ce qu'apportaient à Salomon tous les rois de l'Arabie, et les gouverneurs du pays, en fait d'or et d'argent.

outre ce qu'il retirait des négociants et des marchands qui en apportaient, de tous les rois d'Arabie et des gouverneurs du pays, qui apportaient de l'or et de l'argent à Salomon.

Sans [ce qui lui revenait] des facteurs des marchands en gros, et [sans ce que lui] apportaient les marchands qui vendaient en détail, et tous les Rois d'Arabie, et les Gouverneurs de ces pays-là, qui apportaient de l'or et de l'argent à Salomon.

2 Chronik 9:14
ohne was die Krämer und Kaufleute brachten. Und alle Könige der Araber und die HERREN in Landen brachten Gold und Silber zu Salomo.

außer was die Krämer und Kaufleute brachten. Und alle Könige der Araber und die Landpfleger brachten Gold und Silber zu Salomo. {~}

abgesehen von dem, was einkam von den Karawanen und dem, was die Händler brachten; dazu brachten auch alle Könige Arabiens und die Statthalter des Landes Salomo Gold und Silber.

2 Cronache 9:14
oltre quello che percepiva dai trafficanti e dai negozianti che gliene portavano, da tutti i re d’Arabia e dai governatori del paese che recavano a Salomone dell’oro e dell’argento.

oltre a quello che traeva da’ gabellieri, e ciò che gli portavano i mercatanti. Tutti i re dell’Arabia, ed i signori del paese, portavano anch’essi oro ed argento a Salomone.

Kecuali segala emas yang dibawa masuk oleh segala saudagar dan orang berniaga; demikianpun segala raja Arab dan penghulu negeri-negeri itu membayar upeti emas dan perak kepada Sulaiman.

역대하 9:14
그외에 또 상고와 객상들의 가져온 것이 있고 아라비아 왕들과 그 나라 방백들도 금과 은을 솔로몬에게 가져온지라

II Paralipomenon 9:14
excepta ea summa quam legati diversarum gentium et negotiatores adferre consueverant omnesque reges Arabiae et satrapae terrarum qui conportabant aurum et argentum Salomoni

Antroji Kronikø knyga 9:14
neskaičiuojant to, ką atgabendavo karaliui Saliamonui prekybininkai ir keliaujantieji pirkliai, Arabijos karaliai ir krašto valdytojai.

2 Chronicles 9:14
Haunga nga mea i mauria mai e nga kairapu taonga, e nga kaihokohoko. I kawea mai ano he koura, he hiriwa, e nga kingi katoa o Arapia, e nga kawana o te whenua, ki a Horomona.

2 Krønikebok 9:14
foruten det som kom inn fra kjøbmennene og kremmerne; også alle kongene i Arabia og stattholderne i landet avgav gull og sølv til Salomo.

2 Crónicas 9:14
sin contar lo que los mercaderes y los comerciantes traían. Todos los reyes de Arabia y los gobernadores de la tierra traían oro y plata a Salomón.

sin contar lo que los mercaderes y los comerciantes traían. Todos los reyes de Arabia y los gobernadores de la tierra traían oro y plata a Salomón.

sin contar el que traían los mercaderes y negociantes. También todos los reyes de Arabia y los príncipes de la tierra traían oro y plata a Salomón.

Sin lo que traían los mercaderes y negociantes; y también todos los reyes de Arabia y los príncipes de la tierra traían oro y plata á Salomón.

sin lo que traían los mercaderes y negociantes; y también todos los reyes de Arabia y los príncipes de la tierra traían oro y plata a Salomón.

2 Crônicas 9:14
sem contar os impostos pagos pelos mercadores e os comerciantes. De igual forma, os reis árabes e os governadores dos vários distritos do país traziam seus tributos em ouro e prata a Salomão.

afora o que os mercadores e negociantes traziam; também todos os reis da Arábia, e os governadores do país traziam a Salomão ouro e prata.   

2 Cronici 9:14
afară de ce lua dela negustorii cei mari şi dela cei mici, dela toţi împăraţii Arabiei şi dela dregătorii ţării, cari aduceau aur şi argint lui Solomon.

2-я Паралипоменон 9:14
Сверх того, послы и купцы приносили, и все цари Аравийские и начальники областные приносили золото и серебро Соломону.

Сверх того, послы и купцы приносили, и все цари Аравийские и начальники областные приносили золото и серебро Соломону.[]

Krönikeboken 9:14
förutom det som infördes genom kringresande handelsmän och andra köpmän; också Arabiens alla konungar och ståthållarna i landet förde guld och silver till Salomo.

2 Chronicles 9:14
Bukod doon sa dinala ng mga manglalako at mga mangangalakal; at ang lahat na hari sa Arabia at ang mga tagapamahala sa lupain ay nagsipagdala ng ginto at pilak kay Salomon.

2 พงศาวดาร 9:14
นอกเหนือจากทองคำซึ่งนักการค้าและพ่อค้าได้นำมา และกษัตริย์ทั้งปวงของประเทศอาระเบีย และบรรดาเจ้าเมืองแห่งแผ่นดินได้นำทองคำและเงินมายังซาโลมอน

2 Tarihler 9:14
Tüccarların ve alım satımla uğraşanların getirdiği altın bunun dışındaydı. Arabistanın bütün krallarıyla İsrail valileri de Süleymana altın, gümüş getiriyorlardı.[]

2 Söû-kyù 9:14
không kể vàng mà các nhà buôn bán, kẻ buôn bán dong đem vào, cùng vàng và bạc mà các vua A-ra-bi và quan tổng trấn của xứ đem nộp cho Sa-lô-môn.

2 Chronicles 9:13
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