2 Chronicles 6:29
2 Chronicles 6:29
and when a prayer or plea is made by anyone among your people Israel--being aware of their afflictions and pains, and spreading out their hands toward this temple--

and if your people Israel pray about their troubles or sorrow, raising their hands toward this Temple,

whatever prayer, whatever plea is made by any man or by all your people Israel, each knowing his own affliction and his own sorrow and stretching out his hands toward this house,

whatever prayer or supplication is made by any man or by all Your people Israel, each knowing his own affliction and his own pain, and spreading his hands toward this house,

Then what prayer or what supplication soever shall be made of any man, or of all thy people Israel, when every one shall know his own sore and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house:

whatever prayer or petition anyone from your people Israel might have-- each man knowing his own affliction and suffering, and spreading out his hands toward this temple--

whatever prayer or request is made, no matter whether it's made by a single man or by all of your people Israel, each praying out of his own illness and anguish and stretching out their hands toward this Temple,

When all your people Israel pray and ask for help, as they acknowledge their intense pain and spread out their hands toward this temple,

[hear] every prayer for mercy made by one person or by all the people in Israel, all who know suffering or pain, who stretch out their hands toward this temple.

every prayer and every supplication made of any man, or of all thy people Israel or of anyone who knows his affliction and his grief in his heart, if they shall extend their hands towards this house,

Then whatsoever prayer or whatsoever supplication shall be made by any man, or by all your people Israel, when each one shall know his own affliction and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house:

Then what prayer or what supplication soever shall be made of any man, or of all your people Israel, when every one shall know his own sore and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house:

what prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, or by all thy people Israel, who shall know every man his own plague and his own sorrow, and shall spread forth his hands toward this house:

Then if any of thy people Israel, knowing his own scourge and infirmity shall pray, and shall spread forth his hands in this house,

what prayer, what supplication soever be made by any man, or by all thy people Israel, when they shall know every man his own plague, and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands toward this house;

what prayer and supplication soever be made by any man or by all thy people Israel, which shall know every man his own plague and his own sorrow, and shall spread forth his hands toward this house:

Then whatever prayer, or whatever supplication shall be made by any man, or by all the people of Israel, when every one shall know his own calamity, and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house:

whatever prayer and supplication be made by any man, or by all your people Israel, who shall know every man his own plague and his own sorrow, and shall spread forth his hands toward this house:

any prayer, any supplication that is for any man, and for all Thy people Israel, when they know each his own plague, and his own pain, and he hath spread out his hands towards this house:

2 i Kronikave 6:29
çdo lutje, çdo kërkesë për falje që do të të drejtohet nga çfarëdo individ apo nga tërë populli yt i Izraelit, kur secili ka pranuar plagën e tij dhe dhimbjen e tij dhe ka zgjatur duart e tij ndaj këtij tempulli,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 6:29
فكل صلاة وكل تضرع تكون من اي انسان كان او من كل شعبك اسرائيل الذين يعرفون كل واحد ضربته ووجعه فيبسط يديه نحو هذا البيت

Dyr Lauft B 6:29
aft hoer du ayn ieds Gebet, ayn iede Fleeh von aynn iedn Ainzlnen und deinn gantzn Volk Isryheel, allweil wenn öbber sein Noot und Laid verspürt und zo dönn Haus daa d Höndd erhöbt!

2 Летописи 6:29
тогава всяка молитва, всяко моление, което би се принесло от кой да бил човек или от всичките Ти люде Израиля, когато всеки познае раната си и болката си и простре ръцете си към Твоя дом,

歷 代 志 下 6:29
你 的 民 以 色 列 , 或 是 眾 人 , 或 是 一 人 , 自 覺 災 禍 甚 苦 , 向 這 殿 舉 手 , 無 論 祈 求 甚 麼 , 禱 告 甚 麼 ,

你 的 民 以 色 列 , 或 是 众 人 , 或 是 一 人 , 自 觉 灾 祸 甚 苦 , 向 这 殿 举 手 , 无 论 祈 求 甚 麽 , 祷 告 甚 麽 ,



2 Chronicles 6:29
počuj svaku molitvu, svaki vapaj od kojega god čovjeka ili od cijeloga tvoga naroda izraelskog; ako svaki osjeti bol u srcu i raširi ruke k ovom Domu,

Druhá Paralipomenon 6:29
Všelikou modlitbu a každé úpění, kteréž by pocházelo od kteréhokoli člověka, aneb ode všeho lidu tvého Izraelského, když by jen poznajíce jeden každý ránu svou a bolest svou, pozdvihl by rukou svých v domě tomto,

Anden Krønikebog 6:29
enhver Bøn, enhver Begæring, hvem den end kommer fra i hele dit Folk Israel, naar de føler deres Plage og Smerte og udbreder Hænderne mod dette Hus,

2 Kronieken 6:29
Alle gebed, alle smeking, die van enig mens, of van al Uw volk Israel geschieden zal, als zij erkennen, een ieder zijn plage en zijn smarte, en een ieder zijn handen in dit huis uitbreiden zal;

דברי הימים ב 6:29
כָּל־תְּפִלָּ֣ה כָל־תְּחִנָּ֗ה אֲשֶׁ֤ר יִהְיֶה֙ לְכָל־הָ֣אָדָ֔ם וּלְכֹ֖ל עַמְּךָ֣ יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל אֲשֶׁ֣ר יֵדְע֗וּ אִ֤ישׁ נִגְעֹו֙ וּמַכְאֹבֹ֔ו וּפָרַ֥שׂ כַּפָּ֖יו אֶל־הַבַּ֥יִת הַזֶּֽה׃

כט כל תפלה כל תחנה אשר יהיה לכל האדם ולכל עמך ישראל--אשר ידעו איש נגעו ומכאבו ופרש כפיו אל הבית הזה

כל־תפלה כל־תחנה אשר יהיה לכל־האדם ולכל עמך ישראל אשר ידעו איש נגעו ומכאבו ופרש כפיו אל־הבית הזה׃

2 Krónika 6:29
A ki akkor könyörög és imádkozik, legyen az bárki; vagy a te néped, az Izráel, ha elismeri kiki az õ csapását és fájdalmát, és kezeit e házban kiterjeszténdi:

Kroniko 2 6:29
cxe cxiu pregxo, cxe cxiu petego, kiun faros iu homo aux Via tuta popolo Izrael, kiam cxiu el ili sentos sian malfelicxon kaj sian doloron kaj etendos siajn manojn al cxi tiu domo:

Kaikki rukoukset, kaikki anomiset, jotka kaikki ihmiset, kaikki sinun kansas Israel, pitävät, koska kukin rangaistuksensa ja murheensa tuntee ja ojentaa kätensä tämän huoneen puoleen;

2 Chroniques 6:29
quelle que soit la supplication que fera un homme quelconque, ou tout ton peuple Israël, quand ils reconnaîtront chacun sa plaie et sa souffrance et qu'ils étendront leurs mains vers cette maison:

si un homme, si tout ton peuple d'Israël fait entendre des prières et des supplications, et que chacun reconnaisse sa plaie et sa douleur et étende les mains vers cette maison,

Quiconque de tout ton peuple d'Israël te fera des prières et des supplications, selon qu'ils auront reconnu chacun sa plaie et sa douleur, et que chacun aura étendu ses mains vers cette maison;

2 Chronik 6:29
wer dann bittet oder flehet unter allerlei Menschen und unter all deinem Volk Israel, so jemand seine Plage und Schmerzen fühlet und seine Hände ausbreitet zu diesem Hause,

wer dann bittet oder fleht, es seien allerlei Menschen oder dein ganzes Volk Israel, so jemand ein Plage und Schmerzen fühlt und seine Hände ausbreitet zu diesem Hause: {~}

geschieht dann irgendein Gebet oder Flehen von irgendeinem Menschen und von deinem ganzen Volke Israel, wenn ein jeglicher den Schlag und den Schmerz, der ihn betroffen, spürt und seine Hände nach diesem Hause ausbreitet:

2 Cronache 6:29
ogni supplicazione che ti sarà rivolta da un individuo o dall’intero tuo popolo d’Israele, allorché ciascuno avrà riconosciuta la sua piaga e il suo dolore e stenderà le sue mani verso questa casa,

ascolta ogni orazione, ed ogni supplicazione di qualunque uomo, ovvero di tutto il tuo popolo Israele, quando ciascuno avrà conosciuta la sua piaga, e la sua doglia, ed avrà spiegate le palme delle sue mani verso questa Casa,

akan segala permintaan doa dan sembah yang datang dari pada seorang-orang atau dari pada segenap umat-Mu Israel, apabila masing-masing mengaku salah hatinya dengan kedukaannya sambil ditadahkannya tangannya di dalam rumah ini,

역대하 6:29
한 사람이나 혹 주의 온 백성 이스라엘이 다 각각 자기의 마음에 재앙과 고통을 깨닫고 이 전을 향하여 손을 펴고 무슨 기도나 무슨 간구를 하거든

II Paralipomenon 6:29
si quis de populo tuo Israhel fuerit deprecatus cognoscens plagam et infirmitatem suam et expanderit manus suas in domo hac

Antroji Kronikø knyga 6:29
ir jei atskiras žmogus ar visa tauta, pajutę vargą, melsis ištiesę rankas šitų namų link,

2 Chronicles 6:29
Ki te mea he inoi, he karanga ranei na tetahi tangata, na tau iwi katoa ranei, na Iharaira, ina mohio tenei, tenei, ki tona pouri, ki tona whiu, a ka wherahia ona ringa ki te ritenga mai o tenei whare:

2 Krønikebok 6:29
hver gang da noget menneske eller hele ditt folk Israel bærer frem nogen bønn eller ydmyk begjæring, fordi de hver for sig kjenner sitt hjertes plage og lidelse som har rammet dem, og de så breder ut sine hender mot dette hus,

2 Crónicas 6:29
toda oración o toda súplica que sea hecha por cualquier hombre o por todo tu pueblo Israel, conociendo cada cual su aflicción y su dolor, y extendiendo sus manos hacia esta casa,

toda oración o toda súplica que sea hecha por cualquier hombre o por todo Tu pueblo Israel, conociendo cada cual su aflicción y su dolor, y extendiendo sus manos hacia esta casa,

toda oración y todo ruego que hiciere cualquier hombre, o todo tu pueblo Israel, cualquiera que conociere su llaga y su dolor en su corazón, si extendiere sus manos hacia esta casa,

Toda oración y todo ruego que hiciere cualquier hombre, ó todo tu pueblo Israel, cualquiera que conociere su llaga y su dolor en su corazón, si extendiere sus manos á esta casa,

toda oración y todo ruego que hiciere cualquier hombre, o todo tu pueblo Israel, o cualquiera que conociere su aflicción y su dolor en su corazón, si extendiere sus manos a esta Casa,

2 Crônicas 6:29
uma oração ou apelo por misericórdia for elevado a ti por um israelita ou por todo o ajuntamento de Israel, teu povo, cada um refletindo e sentindo as suas próprias aflições e responsabilidades, estendendo as mãos na direção desta tua Casa,

toda oração e toda súplica que qualquer homem ou todo o teu povo Israel fizer, conhecendo cada um a sua praga e a sua dor, e estendendo as suas mãos para esta casa,   

2 Cronici 6:29
dacă un om, dacă tot poporul Tău Israel va face rugăciuni şi cereri, şi fiecare îşi va cunoaşte rana şi durerea şi va întinde mînile spre casa aceasta, -

2-я Паралипоменон 6:29
всякую молитву, всякое прошение, какое будет от какого-либо человека или от всего народа Твоего Израиля, когда они почувствуют каждый бедствие свое и горе свое и прострут руки свои к храмусему,

всякую молитву, всякое прошение, какое будет от какого-- либо человека или от всего народа Твоего Израиля, когда они почувствуют каждый бедствие свое и горе свое и прострут руки свои к храму сему,[]

Krönikeboken 6:29
och om då någon bön och åkallan höjes från någon människa, vilken det vara må, eller ock från hela ditt folk Israel, när de var för sig känna den plåga och smärta som har drabbat dem, och de så uträcka sina händer mot detta hus,

2 Chronicles 6:29
Anomang dalangin at samo na gawin ng sinomang tao, o ng iyong buong bayang Israel, pagka makikilala ng bawa't isa ang kaniyang sariling salot at ang kaniyang sariling sakit, at igagawad ang kaniyang mga kamay sa dako ng bahay na ito:

2 พงศาวดาร 6:29
ไม่ว่าคำอธิษฐานอย่างใด หรือคำวิงวอนประการใด ซึ่งประชาชนคนใด หรืออิสราเอลประชาชนของพระองค์ทั้งสิ้นทูล ต่างก็ประจักษ์ในภัยพิบัติและความทุกข์ใจของเขา และได้กางมือของเขาสู่พระนิเวศนี้

2 Tarihler 6:29
halkından bir kişi ya da bütün halkın İsrail başına gelen felaketi, acıyı kavrar, dua edip yakararak ellerini bu tapınağa doğru açarsa,[]

2 Söû-kyù 6:29
ví bằng có một người, hoặc cả dân Y-sơ-ra-ên của Chúa đã nhận biết tai vạ và sự đau đớn của mình, mà giơ tay ra hướng về nhà này, cầu nguyện và khẩn xin vô luận điều gì,

2 Chronicles 6:28
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