2 Chronicles 6:20
2 Chronicles 6:20
May your eyes be open toward this temple day and night, this place of which you said you would put your Name there. May you hear the prayer your servant prays toward this place.

May you watch over this Temple day and night, this place where you have said you would put your name. May you always hear the prayers I make toward this place.

that your eyes may be open day and night toward this house, the place where you have promised to set your name, that you may listen to the prayer that your servant offers toward this place.

that Your eye may be open toward this house day and night, toward the place of which You have said that You would put Your name there, to listen to the prayer which Your servant shall pray toward this place.

That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place.

so that Your eyes watch over this temple day and night, toward the place where You said You would put Your name; and so that You may hear the prayer Your servant prays toward this place.

Let your eyes always look toward this Temple day and night, toward the location where you have said you would place your name. Listen to the prayer that your servant prays in this direction.

Night and day may you watch over this temple, the place where you promised you would live. May you answer your servant's prayer for this place.

Day and night may your eyes be on this temple, the place about which you said your name will be there. Listen to me as I pray toward this place.

that thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place of which thou hast said, My name shall be there, to hearken unto the prayer which thy slave prays in this place.

That your eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place of which you have said that you would put your name there; to hearken unto the prayer which your servant prays toward this place.

That your eyes may be open on this house day and night, on the place whereof you have said that you would put your name there; to listen to the prayer which your servant prays toward this place.

that thine eyes may be open toward this house day and night, even toward the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall pray toward this place.

That thou mayest open thy eyes upon this house day and night, upon the place wherein thou hast promised that thy name should be called upon,

that thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place in which thou hast said thou wouldest put thy name: to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place.

that thine eyes may be open toward this house day and night, even toward the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall pray toward this place.

That thy eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place of which thou hast said, that thou wouldst put thy name there; to hearken to the prayer which thy servant prayeth towards this place.

that your eyes may be open toward this house day and night, even toward the place where you have said that you would put your name; to listen to the prayer which your servant shall pray toward this place.

for Thine eyes being open towards this house by day and by night, towards the place that Thou hast said to put Thy name there, to hearken unto the prayer that Thy servant prayeth towards this place.

2 i Kronikave 6:20
Sytë e tu janë drejtuar ditë e natë ndaj këtij tempulli, në drejtim të vendit që ke thënë: "Atje do të jetë emri im", për të dëgjuar lutjet që shërbëtori yt do të bëjë duke u kthyer në drejtim të këtij vendi.

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 6:20
لتكون عيناك مفتوحتين على هذا البيت نهارا وليلا على الموضع الذي قلت انك تضع اسمك فيه لتسمع الصلاة التي يصلّيها عبدك في هذا الموضع

Dyr Lauft B 6:20
Laaß dönn Templ daader nie aus de Augn, dös Ort, von dönn wost gsait haast, däßst daa deinn Namen wonen laasst. Los auf dös Gebet, wös wo dein Knecht von daa aus an di richtt!

2 Летописи 6:20
за да бъдат очите Ти денем и нощем отворени към тоя дом, към мястото, за което Ти си казал, че ще настаниш името Си там, за да слушаш молитвата, с която слугата Ти ще се моли на това място.

歷 代 志 下 6:20
願 你 晝 夜 看 顧 這 殿 , 就 是 你 應 許 立 為 你 名 的 居 所 ; 求 你 垂 聽 僕 人 向 此 處 禱 告 的 話 。

愿 你 昼 夜 看 顾 这 殿 , 就 是 你 应 许 立 为 你 名 的 居 所 ; 求 你 垂 听 仆 人 向 此 处 祷 告 的 话 。



2 Chronicles 6:20
Neka tvoje oči obdan i obnoć budu otvorene nad ovim Domom, nad ovim mjestom za koje reče da ćeš u nj smjestiti svoje Ime. Usliši molitvu koju će sluga tvoj izmoliti na ovome mjestu.

Druhá Paralipomenon 6:20
Aby oči tvé byly otevřené na dům tento dnem i nocí, na místo toto, o němž jsi mluvil, že tu přebývati bude jméno tvé, abys vyslýchal modlitbu, kterouž se modlívati bude služebník tvůj na místě tomto.

Anden Krønikebog 6:20
lad dine Øjne være aabne over dette Hus baade Dag og Nat, over det Sted, hvor du har sagt, du vilde stedfæste dit Navn, saa du hører den Bøn, din Tjener opsender, vendt mod dette Sted!

2 Kronieken 6:20
Dat Uw ogen open zijn, dag en nacht, over dit huis, over de plaats, van dewelke Gij gezegd hebt, Uw Naam daar te zullen zetten; om te horen naar het gebed, hetwelk Uw knecht bidden zal in deze plaats.

דברי הימים ב 6:20
לִהְיֹות֩ עֵינֶ֨יךָ פְתֻחֹ֜ות אֶל־הַבַּ֤יִת הַזֶּה֙ יֹומָ֣ם וָלַ֔יְלָה אֶל־הַ֨מָּקֹ֔ום אֲשֶׁ֣ר אָמַ֔רְתָּ לָשׂ֥וּם שִׁמְךָ֖ שָׁ֑ם לִשְׁמֹ֙ועַ֙ אֶל־הַתְּפִלָּ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר יִתְפַּלֵּ֣ל עַבְדְּךָ֔ אֶל־הַמָּקֹ֖ום הַזֶּֽה׃

כ להיות עיניך פתחות אל הבית הזה יומם ולילה--אל המקום אשר אמרת לשום שמך שם  לשמוע אל התפלה אשר יתפלל עבדך אל המקום הזה

להיות עיניך פתחות אל־הבית הזה יומם ולילה אל־המקום אשר אמרת לשום שמך שם לשמוע אל־התפלה אשר יתפלל עבדך אל־המקום הזה׃

2 Krónika 6:20
Hogy a te szemeid éjjel és nappal figyelmezzenek e házra, e helyre, a melyrõl azt mondottad, hogy nevedet abba helyezénded, meghallgatván könyörgését a te szolgádnak, a mikor e helyen könyörögne.

Kroniko 2 6:20
por ke Viaj okuloj estu nefermitaj super cxi tiu domo tage kaj nokte, super la loko, pri kiu Vi promesis, ke Vi estigos tie Vian nomon; por auxskulti la pregxon, kiun Via servanto faros sur cxi tiu loko.

Ja että sinun silmäs olisivat avoinna tämän huoneen puoleen yötä ja päivää, sitä paikkaa päin, jostas sanonut olet, tahtovas asettaa sinun nimes sinne ja kuulevas sen rukouksen, jonka sinun palvelias siinä paikassa rukoileva on.

2 Chroniques 6:20
que tes yeux soient ouverts jour et nuit sur cette maison, sur le lieu où tu as dit que tu mettrais ton nom, pour écouter la prière que ton serviteur t'adressera en se tournant vers ce lieu-ci.

Que tes yeux soient jour et nuit ouverts sur cette maison, sur le lieu dont tu as dit que là serait ton nom! Ecoute la prière que ton serviteur fait en ce lieu.

C'est que tes yeux soient ouverts jour et nuit sur cette maison, qui est le lieu dans lequel tu as promis de mettre ton Nom, en exauçant la prière que ton serviteur te fait en ce lieu-ci.

2 Chronik 6:20
daß deine Augen offen seien über dies Haus Tag und Nacht, über die Stätte, dahin du deinen Namen zu stellen geredet hast, daß du hörest das Gebet, das dein Knecht an dieser Stätte tun wird.

daß deine Augen offen seien über dies Haus Tag und Nacht, über die Stätte, dahin du deinen Namen zu stellen verheißen hast; daß du hörest das Gebet, das dein Knecht an dieser Stelle tun wird.

daß deine Augen Tag und Nacht offen stehen über diesen Tempel, über die Stätte, von der du verheißen hast, daß du deinen Namen daselbst wohnen lassen willst; daß du hörest auf das Gebet, daß dein Knecht an dieser Stätte beten wird.

2 Cronache 6:20
Siano gli occhi tuoi giorno e notte aperti su questa casa, sul luogo nel quale dicesti di voler mettere il tuo nome! Ascolta la preghiera che il tuo servo farà, rivolto a questo luogo!

acciocchè gli occhi tuoi sieno aperti giorno e notte verso questa Casa; verso il luogo nel quale tu hai detto di mettere il tuo Nome; per esaudir l’orazione che il tuo servitore farà, volgendosi verso questo luogo.

Biarlah mata-Mu menilik akan rumah ini siang dan malam, yaitu akan tempat yang telah Engkau berfirman akan halnya, bahwa Engkau akan menaruh nama-Mu di sana, dan hendaklah Engkau mendengar akan doa yang dipersembahkan hamba-Mu kelak pada tempat ini.

역대하 6:20
주께서 전에 말씀하시기를 내 이름을 거기 두리라 하신 곳 이 전을 향하여 주의 눈이 주야로 보옵시며 종이 이 곳을 향하여 비는 기도를 들으시옵소서

II Paralipomenon 6:20
ut aperias oculos tuos super domum istam diebus et noctibus super locum in quo pollicitus es ut invocaretur nomen tuum

Antroji Kronikø knyga 6:20
Dieną ir naktį tebūna atviros Tavo akys tiems namams ir tai vietai, apie kurią sakei, kad joje bus Tavo vardas. Išklausyk savo tarno maldą, kai jis melsis šioje vietoje.

2 Chronicles 6:20
Kia titiro mai ou kanohi ki tenei whare i te po, i te ao, ki te wahi i ki ai koe, ko reira hei waihotanga iho mo tou ingoa; whakarongo hoki ki te inoi e inoi ai tau pononga ki te ritenga mai o tenei wahi.

2 Krønikebok 6:20
så dine øine må være oplatt mot dette hus dag og natt - det sted hvorom du har sagt at du vil la ditt navn bo der - så du hører på den bønn som din tjener beder, vendt mot dette sted.

2 Crónicas 6:20
Que tus ojos estén abiertos día y noche sobre esta casa, sobre el lugar del cual has dicho que pondrías allí tu nombre, para que oigas la oración que tu siervo hará sobre este lugar.

"Que Tus ojos estén abiertos día y noche sobre esta casa, sobre el lugar del cual has dicho que allí pondrías Tu nombre, para que oigas la oración que Tu siervo hará hacia este lugar.

Que tus ojos estén abiertos sobre esta casa de día y de noche, sobre el lugar del cual dijiste: Mi nombre estará allí; que oigas la oración con que tu siervo ora en este lugar.

Que tus ojos estén abiertos sobre esta casa de día y de noche, sobre el lugar del cual dijiste, Mi nombre estará allí; que oigas la oración con que tu siervo ora en este lugar.

que tus ojos estén abiertos sobre esta Casa de día y de noche, sobre el lugar del cual dijiste, Mi Nombre estará allí; que oigas la oración con que tu siervo ora en este lugar.

2 Crônicas 6:20
Que os teus olhos estejam voltados dia e noite para esta Casa, templo sobre o qual afirmaste que colocarias o teu Nome, a fim de que ouças a oração que o teu servo fizer voltado para este lugar.

que dia e noite estejam os teus olhos abertos para esta casa, sim, para o lugar de que disseste que ali porias o teu nome; para ouvires a oração que o teu servo fizer neste lugar.   

2 Cronici 6:20
Ochii Tăi să fie zi şi noapte deschişi peste casa aceasta, peste locul despre care ai zis că acolo va fi Numele Tău! Ascultă rugăciunea pe care o face robul Tău în locul acesta!

2-я Паралипоменон 6:20
Да будут очи Твои отверсты на храм сей днем и ночью, на место, где Ты обещал положить имя Твое, чтобы слышать молитву, которою раб Твой будет молиться на месте сем.

Да будут очи Твои отверсты на храм сей днем и ночью, на место, где Ты обещал положить имя Твое, чтобы слышать молитву, которою раб Твой будет молиться на месте сем.[]

Krönikeboken 6:20
och låter dina ögon dag och natt vara öppna och vända mot detta hus -- den plats varom du har sagt att du där vill fästa ditt namn -- så att du ock hör den bön som din tjänare beder, vänd mot denna plats.

2 Chronicles 6:20
Na anopa't ang iyong mga mata ay idilat sa dako ng bahay na ito araw at gabi, sa makatuwid baga'y sa gawi ng dakong iyong pinagsabihan na iyong ilalagay ang iyong pangalan doon: upang dinggin ang dalangin na idadalangin ng iyong lingkod sa dakong ito.

2 พงศาวดาร 6:20
เพื่อว่าพระเนตรของพระองค์จะทรงลืมอยู่เหนือพระนิเวศนี้ทั้งกลางวันและกลางคืน คือสถานที่ซึ่งพระองค์ได้ตรัสว่า จะตั้งพระนามของพระองค์ไว้ที่นั่น เพื่อว่าพระองค์จะทรงสดับคำอธิษฐานซึ่งผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์จะได้อธิษฐานตรงต่อสถานที่นี้

2 Tarihler 6:20
Gözlerin gece gündüz, ‹Adımı oraya yerleştireceğim!› dediğin bu tapınağın üzerinde olsun. Kulunun buraya yönelerek ettiği duayı işit.[]

2 Söû-kyù 6:20
Nguyện mắt Chúa ngày và đêm đoái xem nhà này, vì về nhà này Chúa đã phán rằng: sẽ đặt danh Chúa tại đó. Khi tôi tớ Chúa hướng nơi này mà cầu nguyện, xin Chúa dủ nghe.

2 Chronicles 6:19
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