2 Chronicles 32:13
2 Chronicles 32:13
"Do you not know what I and my predecessors have done to all the peoples of the other lands? Were the gods of those nations ever able to deliver their land from my hand?

"Surely you must realize what I and the other kings of Assyria before me have done to all the people of the earth! Were any of the gods of those nations able to rescue their people from my power?

Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of other lands? Were the gods of the nations of those lands at all able to deliver their lands out of my hand?

'Do you not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands able at all to deliver their land from my hand?

Know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of other lands? were the gods of the nations of those lands any ways able to deliver their lands out of mine hand?

" 'Don't you know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Have any of the national gods of the lands been able to deliver their land from my power?

Don't you know what my predecessors have done to all the other people in other lands? Were the gods of the people who lived in those lands able to deliver their countries out of my control?

Are you not aware of what I and my predecessors have done to all the nations of the surrounding lands? Have the gods of the surrounding lands actually been able to rescue their lands from my power?

Don't you know what I and my predecessors have done to the people of all other countries? Were any of the gods of these other nations ever able to rescue their countries from me?

Have ye not known what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of other lands? Could peradventure the gods of the Gentiles of those lands deliver their lands out of my hand?

Know you not what I and my fathers have done unto all the people of other lands? were the gods of the nations of those lands in any way able to deliver their lands out of my hand?

Know you not what I and my fathers have done to all the people of other lands? were the gods of the nations of those lands any ways able to deliver their lands out of my hand?

Know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands in any wise able to deliver their land out of my hand?

Know you not what I and my fathers have done to all the people of the lands? have the gods of any nations and lands been able to deliver their country out of my hand?

Do ye not know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the countries? Were the gods of the nations of the countries in any wise able to deliver their country out of my hand?

Know ye not what I and my fathers have done unto all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands any ways able to deliver their land out of mine hand?

Know ye not what I and my fathers have done to all the people of other lands? were the gods of the nations of those lands any ways able to deliver their lands out of my hand?

Don't you know what I and my fathers have done to all the peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands in any way able to deliver their land out of my hand?

'Do ye not know what I have done -- I and my fathers -- to all peoples of the lands? Were the gods of the nations of the lands at all able to deliver their land out of my hand?

2 i Kronikave 32:13
A nuk e dini ju çfarë u kemi bërë unë dhe etërit e mi gjithë popujve të vendeve të tjera? A kanë qenë të aftë perënditë e kombeve të këtyre vendeve të çlirojnë në një farë mënyre vendet e tyre nga duart e mia?

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻥ 32:13
أما تعلمون ما فعلته انا وآبائي بجميع شعوب الاراضي. فهل قدرت آلهة امم الاراضي ان تنقذ ارضها من يدي.

Dyr Lauft B 32:13
Wisstß n ös nit, was i und meine Vätter mit allsand andern Dietn überall umaynand gmacht habnd? Habnd n öbbenn de Götter von dene Völker ienerne

2 Летописи 32:13
Не знаете ли що сторих аз и бащите ми на всичките племена на земите? Можаха ли боговете на народите на тия земи да избавят някак земята си от ръката ми?

歷 代 志 下 32:13
我 與 我 列 祖 向 列 邦 所 行 的 , 你 們 豈 不 知 道 麼 ? 列 邦 的   神 何 嘗 能 救 自 己 的 國 脫 離 我 手 呢 ?

我 与 我 列 祖 向 列 邦 所 行 的 , 你 们 岂 不 知 道 麽 ? 列 邦 的   神 何 尝 能 救 自 己 的 国 脱 离 我 手 呢 ?



2 Chronicles 32:13
Zar ne znate što sam učinio ja i moji preci od svih zemaljskih naroda? Zar su bogovi zemaljskih naroda mogli izbaviti svoje zemlje iz moje ruke?

Druhá Paralipomenon 32:13
Nevíte-liž, co jsem učinil já i otcové moji všechněm národům zemí? Zdaliž jak mohli bohové národů a zemí vytrhnouti země své z ruky mé?

Anden Krønikebog 32:13
Ved I ikke, hvad jeg og mine Fædre har gjort ved alle Landenes Folkeslag? Mon Landenes Folks Guder kunde frelse deres Land af min Haand?

2 Kronieken 32:13
Weet gij niet, wat ik gedaan heb, en mijn vaderen aan alle volken der landen? Hebben de goden van de natien dier landen hun land enigszins kunnen redden uit mijn hand?

דברי הימים ב 32:13
הֲלֹ֣א תֵדְע֗וּ מֶ֤ה עָשִׂ֙יתִי֙ אֲנִ֣י וַאֲבֹותַ֔י לְכֹ֖ל עַמֵּ֣י הָאֲרָצֹ֑ות הֲיָכֹ֣ול יָֽכְל֗וּ אֱלֹהֵי֙ גֹּויֵ֣ הָאֲרָצֹ֔ות לְהַצִּ֥יל אֶת־אַרְצָ֖ם מִיָּדִֽי׃

יג הלא תדעו מה עשיתי אני ואבותי לכל עמי הארצות  היכול יכלו אלהי גוי הארצות להציל את ארצם מידי

הלא תדעו מה עשיתי אני ואבותי לכל עמי הארצות היכול יכלו אלהי גוי הארצות להציל את־ארצם מידי׃

2 Krónika 32:13
Avagy nem tudjátok-é, mit mûveltem én és az én atyáim e föld minden népeivel? Vajjon e föld nemzetségeinek istenei megszabadíthatták-é az én kezembõl az õ földöket?

Kroniko 2 32:13
CXu vi ne scias, kion mi kaj miaj patroj faris al cxiuj popoloj de la landoj? CXu la dioj de la nacioj de la landoj povis savi ilian landon el mia mano?

Ettekö te tiedä, mitä minä ja isäni tehneet olemme kaikille kansoille maakunnissa? ovatko pakanain jumalat maakunnissa joskus voineet pelastaa maansa minun kädestäni?

2 Chroniques 32:13
Ne savez-vous pas ce que j'ai fait, moi, et aussi mes pères, à tous les peuples des pays? Les dieux des nations des pays ont-ils bien pu délivrer leur pays de ma main?

Ne savez-vous pas ce que nous avons fait, moi et mes pères, à tous les peuples des autres pays? Les dieux des nations de ces pays ont-ils pu délivrer leurs pays de ma main?

Ne savez-vous pas ce que nous avons fait moi et mes ancêtres à tous les peuples de divers pays? Les dieux des nations de [divers] pays ont-ils pu en aucune manière délivrer leur pays de ma main?

2 Chronik 32:13
Wisset ihr nicht, was ich und meine Väter getan haben allen Völkern in Ländern? Haben auch die Götter der Heiden in Ländern mögen ihre Länder erretten von meiner Hand?

Wißt ihr nicht, was ich und meine Väter getan haben allen Völkern in den Ländern? Haben auch die Götter der Heiden in den Ländern können ihre Länder erretten von meiner Hand?

Wißt ihr nicht, was ich und meine Väter allen Völkern der verschiedenen Länder angethan haben? Haben etwa die Götter der Völker in den verschiedenen Ländern ihr Land aus meiner Gewalt zu erretten vermocht?

2 Cronache 32:13
Non sapete voi quello che io e i miei padri abbiam fatto a tutti i popoli degli altri paesi? Gli dèi delle nazioni di que’ paesi hanno essi potuto liberare i loro paesi dalla mia mano?

Non sapete voi quello che io ed i miei padri abbiam fatto a tutti i popoli de’ paesi? gl’iddii delle genti dei paesi hanno eglino giammai potuto salvare il lor paese dalla mia mano?

2 TAWARIKH 32:13
Tiadakah kamu ketahui akan barang yang telah kuperbuat dan yang diperbuat oleh nenek moyangku akan bangsa-bangsa segala negeri itu? Adakah dalam sedikit jua dewata bangsa-bangsa segala negeri itu sudah dapat melepaskan negeri mereka itu dari pada tanganku?

역대하 32:13
마레사 사람 도다와후의 아들 엘리에셀이 여호사밧을 향하여 예언하여 가로되 '왕이 아하시야와 교제하는고로 여호와께서 왕의 지은 것을 파하시리라' 하더니 이에 그 배가 파상하여 다시스로 가지 못하였더라

II Paralipomenon 32:13
an ignoratis quae ego fecerim et patres mei cunctis terrarum populis numquid praevaluerunt dii gentium omniumque terrarum liberare regionem suam de manu mea

Antroji Kronikø knyga 32:13
Argi nežinote, ką aš ir mano tėvai padarėme visoms kitų kraštų tautoms? Ar tų tautų dievai išgelbėjo savo kraštus iš mano rankos?

2 Chronicles 32:13
Kahore ranei koutou e mohio ki nga mea i mea ai ahau me oku matua ki nga iwi katoa o nga whenua nei? i taea ranei e nga atua o nga iwi o aua whenua te whakaora to ratou whenua i toku ringa?

2 Krønikebok 32:13
Vet I ikke hvad jeg har gjort, jeg og mine fedre, med alle folkene rundt om i landene? Har vel de guder som dyrkes av folkene rundt om i landene, maktet å redde sine land av min hånd?

2 Crónicas 32:13
``¿No sabéis lo que yo y mis padres hemos hecho a todos los pueblos de estas tierras? ¿Pudieron los dioses de las naciones de las tierras librar su tierra de mi mano?

'¿No saben lo que yo y mis padres hemos hecho a todos los pueblos de estas tierras? ¿Pudieron los dioses de las naciones de las tierras librar su tierra de mi mano?

¿No sabéis lo que yo y mis padres hemos hecho a todos los pueblos de la tierra? ¿Pudieron los dioses de las naciones de aquellas tierras librar su tierra de mi mano?

¿No habéis sabido lo que yo y mis padres hemos hecho á todos los pueblos de la tierra? ¿Pudieron los dioses de las gentes de las tierras librar su tierra de mi mano?

¿No habéis sabido lo que yo y mis padres hemos hecho a todos los pueblos de la tierras? ¿Pudieron por ventura los dioses de los gentiles de las tierras librar su tierra de mi mano?

2 Crônicas 32:13
Não sabeis vós o que eu e meus antepassados fizemos a todos os povos das terras? Porventura, alguma vez os deuses daquelas nações tiveram forças para livrar a sua gente das minhas mãos?

Não sabeis vós o que eu e meus pais temos feito a todos os povos de outras terras? Puderam de qualquer maneira os deuses das nações daquelas terras livrar a sua terra da minha mão?   

2 Cronici 32:13
Nu ştiţi ce am făcut noi, eu şi părinţii mei, tuturor popoarelor celorlalte ţări? Dumnezeii neamurilor acestor ţări au putut ei să le izbăvească ţările din mîna mea?

2-я Паралипоменон 32:13
Разве вы не знаете, что сделал я и отцы мои со всеми народами земель? Могли ли боги народов земных спасти землю свою от руки моей?

Разве вы не знаете, что сделал я и отцы мои со всеми народами земель? Могли ли боги народов земных спасти землю свою от руки моей?[]

Krönikeboken 32:13
Veten I icke vad jag och mina fäder hava gjort med andra länders alla folk? Hava väl de gudar som dyrkas av folken i dessa andra länder någonsin förmått rädda sina länder ur min hand?

2 Chronicles 32:13
Hindi ba ninyo nalalaman, kung ano ang ginawa ko at ng aking mga magulang sa lahat ng bayan ng mga lupain? Ang mga dios ba ng mga bansa ng mga lupain ay nakapagligtas sa anomang paraan ng kanilang lupain sa aking kamay?

2 พงศาวดาร 32:13
เจ้าไม่รู้หรือว่าเราและบรรพบุรุษของเราได้กระทำอะไรแก่ชนชาติทั้งหลายแห่งประเทศต่างๆ พระของบรรดาประชาชาติแห่งประเทศเหล่านั้นสามารถที่จะช่วยประเทศของเขาให้พ้นจากมือของเราหรือ

2 Tarihler 32:13
Benim ve atalarımın öbür ülkelerin halklarına neler yaptığımızı bilmiyor musunuz? Ulusların ilahlarından hangisi ülkesini benim elimden kurtarabildi?[]

2 Söû-kyù 32:13
Các ngươi há chẳng biết điều ta và tổ phụ ta đã làm cho các dân thiên hạ sao? Các thần của những dân tộc thiên hạ, há giải cứu xứ chúng nó được khỏi tay ta ư?

2 Chronicles 32:12
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